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Is Griffon mount going to kill gliding

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It won't kill gliding.


First, you can't use the Griffon in combat. Tactical retreats off cliffs are only a thing with actual gliding.

Second, regular Gliding is a bit more precise. Especially for dropping down using the glider on/off method.

Third, for those who only have access to PoF and not HoT, this is the only type of gliding they get.

Finally, it's just another form of gliding that isn't a 1:1 comparison of gliding itself. None of your gliding masteries work while on a Griffon, can't stealth evade, etc.

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How will it kill gliding? Glide if you want to glide, mount up if you want to griffon glide, how does your glider skin collection effect whether or not you glide?


If other people use the mount and you use the glider why does it matter? If anything surely that makes your glider more "prestigious"..

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U can use gliding in combat and you can updraft with it + ley-line gliding, while u can't do these with the griffon.


But the griffon is a nice addition as it can be mounted in mid-air and cover a longer distance.


So gliding and griffon can actually work together very nicely.

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> @etsubmariner.4690 said:

> I can't imagine how a 250 gold item could kill gliding for 95% of the players who won't commit that sort of ludicrous money grab. And make no mistake, 250 gold is all about the gem store to gold program.


If you plan to play this game for the long haul (next 4 months anyway). Do the daily every day. Takes 10-15min, nets you 2g automatically. In 125 days, doing nothing but the daily, you will have your 250g. Now, any additional money you make on top of that will get you the money faster.


In GW2 you literally have to do NOTHING to not make any money.


Heck, even just log in every day and collect the reward. End of each month pick the laurels. Use laurels to turn into T6 mats, sell the mats.


Open up bank, go to collection tab, sell all of your mats. Bam, big money injection.


There are a lot of LOW EFFORT ways to make money in this game. Especially for a goal as low as 250g (which is NOT a lot of money when you actually put effort into making it--despite what you think)


The problem is that people want the money now and with no effort and then complain when they don't have any money, despite people telling them how to do it. It all ends up with them saying "but I don't WANT to do that, or I don't LIKE doing that". It's no different than real life. If you don't like the multiple, and I mean MULTIPLE, ways to make money in this game, then you don't get money. Simple as that.





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I know it's possible to mount the griffon in mid-air but is it also possible to _dismount_ in mid-air?


If so I can see a lot of opportunities to combine both - get on the griffon, flap up and as far as you can, and then switch to gliding to go further. Or the other way around - glide along, switch to griffon, fly upwards.

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> @bOTEB.1573 said:

> U can use gliding in combat and you can updraft with it + ley-line gliding, while u can't do these with the griffon.


> But the griffon is a nice addition as it can be mounted in mid-air and cover a longer distance.


> So gliding and griffon can actually work together very nicely.


Good points to be sure. However keep in mind that PoF is a stand-alone expansion, new maps going forward will in all likelihood not feature any of the HoT gliding mechanics.

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The griffon can neither use updrafts nor ley-lines and it also doesn't need to, because it can fly upwards on its own and can boost to such insane speeds you'll never see with gliding mastery:


This mount not only makes gliding pointless, it also makes all other mounts pointless.

Why take a raptor to jump over a cliff or a manta to glide over a see, when you can simply fly over it with your griffon?


Someone at Anet deserves the "Head->Desk"-Award.

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> @etsubmariner.4690 said:

> I can't imagine how a 250 gold item could kill gliding for 95% of the players who won't commit that sort of ludicrous money grab. And make no mistake, 250 gold is all about the gem store to gold program.


I'm in no way going to say that 250g isn't a hefty bit of change. If you're new to the game, mostly play solo (and don't do any of the gambling or mat farming), or haven't discovered any nifty ways to make gold than 250g is going to take you a long while to get (especially when there may be many, many, many other things that you may want to get first - such as ascended gear (without having the ability to get them any other way than crafting), new armor/runes/sigils for your new specialization, etc.). However, for those of us who have been playing for years (five years for me) than 250g seems pretty fair and attainable.


As someone mentioned, you can do the daily every day for an easy 2g. You can save your laurels (a total of 55 per month) and buy T6 mats to sell. You can do dungeons. (Yes - dungeons still make bank in a reasonable amount of time when ran with a decent group who knows what they're doing. Don't know what you're doing? Get some friends and learn - I promise that it's fairly easy and there are many guides to help you.) You can do the daily Fractals, or farm Fractal 40 if you are able. You can do HoT meta events and sell your Amalgamated Gem Stones (1.5-2g). If you like to gamble, you can make or buy rare weapons and toss them in the forge (a guild mate of mine literally did this in a "casual" manner and received 3 pres in one day (and a very sad pre that was worth 28g the next - I say it serves him right for having so much luck ;D).


I would like to point out that when I say *gamble* I surely mean *gamble*. There is plenty potential to lose.


Anyways. If you are wanting to get Griffon, then I believe you can get it with just enough effort. There are ways, and you are never alone in this game. ♥

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> @LucianDK.8615 said:

> Anet intentionally disabled midair dismounting. Though while you cannot mount the gryphon while in combat, you can jump out of a cliff and glider, then you can trigger the gryphon once you are clear of combat.


This was one of my favorite things about griffon. You can get on pad and enable gliding then switch to mount midair. Enabling you to get to places you couldn't before. that doesn't have updrafts. Because as soon as you switch you get the ability to go up a bit more. I think it will replace gliding for the most part. For me it's much easier to control once you get all masteries done on it. Pinpoint landing is easier for me. But it wont completely replace it. Both will have their advantages depending on the area.


At this point. It is my favorite thing in PoF.


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It won't. The glider does a much better job at what it is designed for when compared to the griffon. The glider is also infinitely more precise, and is available in Jumping puzzles where mounts are not. The main thing a griffon has over the glider is the ability to climb without the requirement of a gust of wind, and the ability to move really fast at the price of altitude.

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Not sure about gliding, but one downside I have discovered with the griffon is that if a comm has it and is leading zerg it's a nightmare to follow it. Just joined a bounty hunting squad, from the ground the comm on the griffon launched so high in the air none of us on the ground could see it, we had to follow just by the mini-map icon, with no visual sight of the actual comm. It also made it difficult for the rest of use to keep up as we had to get over/around terrain (worse if you get caught in combat and can't switch mounts till you're out of it). Even at bits from the top of a cliff there was no way we were keeping up with it using a glider and lean techniques.


On this case the bounty had enough health that everyone in the squad managed to get in on the action, but on other maps for other events / champ trains I can imagine zergs getting split up a lot more and lots of people probably missing out and not getting a hit in because even with other mounts they won't keep up (feel sorry for those who will have to keep up without mounts!).



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> @killermanjaro.5670 said:

> Not sure about gliding, but one downside I have discovered with the griffon is that if a comm has it and is leading zerg it's a nightmare to follow it. Just joined a bounty hunting squad, from the ground the comm on the griffon launched so high in the air none of us on the ground could see it, we had to follow just by the mini-map icon, with no visual sight of the actual comm. It also made it difficult for the rest of use to keep up as we had to get over/around terrain (worse if you get caught in combat and can't switch mounts till you're out of it). Even at bits from the top of a cliff there was no way we were keeping up with it using a glider and lean techniques.


> On this case the bounty had enough health that everyone in the squad managed to get in on the action, but on other maps for other events / champ trains I can imagine zergs getting split up a lot more and lots of people probably missing out and not getting a hit in because even with other mounts they won't keep up (feel sorry for those who will have to keep up without mounts!).




That's commander's fault...there are good commanders and bad ones...

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Although I'd like to be able to dismount the griffon while flying, I can see that it's probably a better decision not to enable it. It's one of the things that keeps travel-by-griffon and travel-by-glider distinct. I think that single aspect of griffon behavior will keep gliding from becoming obsolete. The other thing distinguishing the two (as someone has already pointed out) is that you have much more precise control over the glider, where the griffon is a bit more "sluggish" -- behaving just like the other mounts.

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