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What's happened to Maguuma?


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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > What business does a TC player have complaining about others using siege


> Probably about as much as an EU player defending an NA server.


Izzy was a Mag player, he knows what he's talking about. And he likes corgis. :smile:

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> @"Optimator.3589" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > > What business does a TC player have complaining about others using siege

> >

> > Probably about as much as an EU player defending an NA server.


> Izzy was a Mag player, he knows what he's talking about. And he likes corgis. :smile:


No worries. I guess it's just more fun over there instead of T4 NA.

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> @"Israel.7056" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > Only Mag would consider using 25 v 5 a "fight" :lol:


> If you honestly feel like you're that outnumbered in every single fight you're ever in then that's an issue with your server or your rotations not with your opponent.


> > But I could believe kill death ratio, I have lost count the amount of times I've killed myself trying to fight mag players right outside their gates while they have people on cannons or AC's.


> Yeah I'm sure all 16k kills were from singles running into cannons. More likely the TC carebear hordes getting farmed as usual.




I'm watching players from CD actively 1 v zerg mag all day and call it survival training then laugh as people take bets on who is going to last the longest, so no not just cannons, I just brought up cannons because this whole match up that is what mag has done for the most part, 5-6 players in a tower shooting siege at the 2 players trying to get a fight or cap a sentry. There's even games on how long you can stay under siege fire to bait a fight out... That's the desperation of fighting Mag, wont get that fight until it's 25v5 and to force that to happen you have to half commit to taking SM... You guys let 4 people take your whole borderlands then show up with 20+ to defend SM? ok.

I also had a lot of fun being spawn camped on your borderland by 10+ people while myself and a friend ran out repeatedly to our deaths trying to make our builds stronger too, I think we killed 4 people all up and got creamed about 30 times, but it was fun tweaking the builds and getting stronger from it.


You can brag about your kill death ratio as much as you want but everyone knows it's not because of skills, it's just pure numbers indifference, something that won't hold up after alliances so brag now while you can :heart:


I don't even know what server they are on, they are red to me but the only group with any skills in this match up is [QUAK]... The only players I've seen come out and fight regardless, and that bloody thief, he got skills.


(Australian hours perspective)

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> @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

> So basically mag has this discriminating generalizing culture of "if you don't play it my way then you are a low life".


> I don't think there is a point to argue, I mean argument only works with open minded people, right everyone?




There is not. Even if you somehow convinced me it would make zero difference. It's established server culture.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Optimator.3589" said:

> > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > > > What business does a TC player have complaining about others using siege

> > >

> > > Probably about as much as an EU player defending an NA server.

> >

> > Izzy was a Mag player, he knows what he's talking about. And he likes corgis. :smile:


> No worries. I guess it's just more fun over there instead of T4 NA.


Been trying to get back on mag since the server got unlinked but it's been full every time I've checked. Eu is fun but id still rather be on mag.

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> @"Ubi.4136" said:

> I will take back what I said earlier about 15 randoms throwing themselves at the same 10 man comp. That same comp is back , has been for an hour, with 15 this time, and they are no clip walking through walls, teleporting places where there is no valid path, fighting from inside walls, you name it. Several of them are plat rank, and it's gonna take me a long time to upload all this crap to submit.


I would very much like to see this footage as I was one of the players there. It's very difficult to spot people on your own server possibly hacking so it would be nice to see from the other perspective

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Seph, did you ever stop to consider that on the occasions where you do get zerged down that you might just be in the wrong place at the wrong time? Everybody gets 1vZerged on a routine basis if they wander to the wrong spot on the map. There is also the distinct possibility that the evil Mag players are just desperate for _something_ to fight, so your little group of roamers will have to do. Hell, when the other servers are hiding in T3 towers behind 3872 ACs (Looking at you TCiege) we just fight in /t.


Mag regularly goes into enemy territory after blobs larger than what it has on map, and quite frequently wins those fights. And like Bloodie said in an earlier post, all too often the enemy blobs disappear after 3 or so wipes, presumably to a k-trainable BL where they can blob people down.



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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > Only Mag would consider using 25 v 5 a "fight" :lol:

> >

> > If you honestly feel like you're that outnumbered in every single fight you're ever in then that's an issue with your server or your rotations not with your opponent.

> >

> > > But I could believe kill death ratio, I have lost count the amount of times I've killed myself trying to fight mag players right outside their gates while they have people on cannons or AC's.

> >

> > Yeah I'm sure all 16k kills were from singles running into cannons. More likely the TC carebear hordes getting farmed as usual.




> I'm watching players from CD actively 1 v zerg mag all day and call it survival training then laugh as people take bets on who is going to last the longest, so no not just cannons, I just brought up cannons because this whole match up that is what mag has done for the most part, 5-6 players in a tower shooting siege at the 2 players trying to get a fight or cap a sentry. There's even games on how long you can stay under siege fire to bait a fight out... That's the desperation of fighting Mag, wont get that fight until it's 25v5 and to force that to happen you have to half commit to taking SM... You guys let 4 people take your whole borderlands then show up with 20+ to defend SM? ok.

> I also had a lot of fun being spawn camped on your borderland by 10+ people while myself and a friend ran out repeatedly to our deaths trying to make our builds stronger too, I think we killed 4 people all up and got creamed about 30 times, but it was fun tweaking the builds and getting stronger from it.


> You can brag about your kill death ratio as much as you want but everyone knows it's not because of skills, it's just pure numbers indifference, something that won't hold up after alliances so brag now while you can :heart:


> I don't even know what server they are on, they are red to me but the only group with any skills in this match up is [QUAK]... The only players I've seen come out and fight regardless, and that bloody thief, he got skills.


> (Australian hours perspective)


If you're playing Aus hours Mag is almost completely dead outside of EB and one or two 5-10 man groups goofing around late night.

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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> Best conspiracy theories thread.


> Also hope tc is paying the thieves to keep the waypoints tapped, good job running around that circle for hours on end :smile:


I hope Mag is paying that "Sneaky....." (not putting fullname) person handsomely for pulling all tactics and then keeping Lang and Keep supply at zero for the whole NA period today.

What do you know, as soon as tactic and supply are gone.......Mag comes with golems.

But but.....they don't ppt, its just golems for defence while their players pvp.....lol.

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Dude, I don't run the maguuma secret federal service of information, I don't care for spying so please go ahead and report that tactic puller for botting or something, do you at least have a guild name for them? There's a couple players who love their golems and whether or not they coordinate spying I have no clue. Did we even attack Langor tonight? I only remember being around the front side of your territory camp to camp, then in cd side rest of the night. Btw nice job of sieging up Veloka lmao, was fun going between both sides, got vids of it all. Oops we definitely matchup thread territory now.


So let's see what we got here..

Mag only runs map queue blobs vs 5 people.

Mag overstacked themselves.

Mag t1 server because of their kdr.

Mag only got to t1 because of link.

Mag calls in 20 reinforcements every single fight.

Mag sieges like it's YB.

Mag lures and farms people with smc siege for high kdr.

Mag runs and hides in towers to preserve their kdr.

Mag hacks because they can't ppt their way out of a wet t4 paperbag.

Mag employs spies to help with ppt.

Mag was never a top server, never a champion, they are wannabehasbeensneverwas.

Lastly, as usual, Mag tanking.



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OP here: To settle all this PPK vs PPT discussion, Anet simply needs to provide rewards for winning.


For example (and this is just an example):

* Each player on the winning server gets double bonus WvW Skirmish Claim Tickets. So, if you reached the top Diamond Skirmish Reward track you would have received 365 tickets. Double that to 730.

* Each player on the second place server gets a 1.5 bonus - so 547 tickets.

* Players on the losing server get no bonus.


Gives something meaningful as a reward for winning.

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> @"Shining One.1635" said:

> There's one thing I will never understand about Maguuma: Why on earth would all of the open field fight players want to congregate on one server? It seems very counterproductive to getting what you want.


One word: culture. People like to play with other players who think and act like they do.


Mag attracts the type of players it attracts because it's the last place for fight oriented players to play where they won't be constantly asked to do things they have no interest in doing and/or surrounded by people who are more interested in the objectives than the fights themselves.


Also many fight oriented players/guilds have either left the game entirely or barely play anymore. Most of the people I started GW2 with quit to play Overwatch when it came out for example. I've also heard of many people leaving to play PUBG or Destiny 2 or Fortnite etc. I wouldn't be surprised if GW2 pretty much lost every fight oriented player left once CU comes out if it's not a complete disaster.

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> @"misterman.1530" said:

> Gives something meaningful as a reward for winning.


Make it more granular than that; give a better reward for taking structures that are upgraded. Like a bunch of extra tickets or mystic coins or something like that.


Give me some reason to spend hours trying to crack t3 keeps and I might consider trying to do it more often.



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> @"Shining One.1635" said:

> There's one thing I will never understand about Maguuma: Why on earth would all of the open field fight players want to congregate on one server? It seems very counterproductive to getting what you want.


EU here. It's not about stacking on one server. It's about having a few servers, preferably mostly empty ones, where you can play your style. Experienced players and guilds used to be more spread, but most of these vets have left the game for reasons. The players that replaced them aren't as interested in the servers / communities / coordination / ...


So guilds have to choose, either they only have guildraids and very bad pug experiences with predominantly players who refuse to organise or coordinate, literally making it impossible to play your style; or they have to merge to fight servers and fully ignore the brain-drained ppt servers. Most (fight) guilds that go on these PPT servers end up dying on EU out of sheer boreddom by its players.


You can't just go and "have fights" on any server. The majority of servers will literally grief you (unknowingly, maybe) to the point of ragequit. Most veterans will quit the game sooner than play on carebear servers carrying hordes of said carebears who are probably going to flame them for trying.

If you lose fights on servers like vabbi, you'll get players excited because there's something to do. If you lose fights on servers like piken, you get 30+ players going afk on map or literally starting to build preventive siege for when the enemies start hitting the gates. You cannot force fights, because after 1 or 2 fights the majority of your players will refuse to try and improve. They'll just wait on their acs.


With the decline of WvW, there are no "good" options for openfield fight players. There's only bad and worse.

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> @"Etheri.5406" said:

> > @"Shining One.1635" said:

> > There's one thing I will never understand about Maguuma: Why on earth would all of the open field fight players want to congregate on one server? It seems very counterproductive to getting what you want.


> EU here. It's not about stacking on one server. It's about having a few servers, preferably mostly empty ones, where you can play your style. Experienced players and guilds used to be more spread, but most of these vets have left the game for reasons. The players that replaced them aren't as interested in the servers / communities / coordination / ...


> So guilds have to choose, either they only have guildraids and very bad pug experiences with predominantly players who refuse to organise or coordinate, literally making it impossible to play your style; or they have to merge to fight servers and fully ignore the brain-drained ppt servers. Most (fight) guilds that go on these PPT servers end up dying on EU out of sheer boreddom by its players.


> You can't just go and "have fights" on any server. The majority of servers will literally grief you (unknowingly, maybe) to the point of ragequit. Most veterans will quit the game sooner than play on carebear servers carrying hordes of said carebears who are probably going to flame them for trying.

> If you lose fights on servers like vabbi, you'll get players excited because there's something to do. If you lose fights on servers like piken, you get 30+ players going afk on map or literally starting to build preventive siege for when the enemies start hitting the gates. You cannot force fights, because after 1 or 2 fights the majority of your players will refuse to try and improve. They'll just wait on their acs.


> With the decline of WvW, there are no "good" options for openfield fight players. There's only bad and worse.


I think that was his point. MAG has (by culture) created a Fights mentality. Which is great. However, by being focused on this so heavily, they seemingly have forgone any ability for coverage and PPT. This in turn creates an environment where when they are heavily 'staffed' (Ie NA time) they are facing servers without that NA presence. Or, the mentality of PPT, which places those other servers on other BLs instead of trying to break into a T3 SMC.


MAG has their culture which I can't fault them for. The problem is, on NA they are Mostly alone (server wise anyway) which creates a problem for them and others.


Spreading out has never been a strength of NA. (Which MAG did NOT create.)

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> @"misterman.1530" said:

> Not a matchup thread, just a simple question: what happened? Was there an exodus? People left the server?


They are not a blob anymore and have no skills as a server to win fights without a big group :3 (grabs popcorn for angry comments incoming)

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> @"Raven.1524" said:

> > @"misterman.1530" said:

> > Not a matchup thread, just a simple question: what happened? Was there an exodus? People left the server?


> They are not a blob anymore and have no skills as a server to win fights without a big group :3 (grabs popcorn for angry comments incoming)


lol and what amazingly skilled server do you come from?

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> I think that was his point. MAG has (by culture) created a Fights mentality. Which is great. However, by being focused on this so heavily, they seemingly have forgone any ability for coverage and PPT. This in turn creates an environment where when they are heavily 'staffed' (Ie NA time) they are facing servers without that NA presence. Or, the mentality of PPT, which places those other servers on other BLs instead of trying to break into a T3 SMC.


> MAG has their culture which I can't fault them for. The problem is, on NA they are Mostly alone (server wise anyway) which creates a problem for them and others.


> Spreading out has never been a strength of NA. (Which MAG did NOT create.)


All it takes is a link to put Mag right back in the t2 area if the server just gets some OCX/SEA transfers. Unfortunately SEA players tend to be very shall we say sensitive to insults so they're usually not very compatible with the culture on Mag.

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> @"Sleepwalker.1398" said:

> Most of these high tier servers are KDR conscious.

> They will not come to fight when opposition has a bigger number and wipes them a couple times.

> You will never see them run in a mini zerg of 20 or less unless then an organised guild.

> But when they 50 and you are 20, they will search you all over the map to kill you....hahhahaa.


You're describing Maguuma right now. Like to the T haha.

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