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Thank you, ArenaNet (HoT Spoilers)


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isnt it an achievment that u can feel this way about a character designed by arenanet? arent these Feelings of joy happiness despair and sorrow what makes this Fantasy world have some Impact on u? u seem to be intelligent enough too blame the persons behind the Scenes for ur lost and not the puppets they shoved up front.


and still do u really want a always happy Story where nothing is having an Impact on u and u dont feel a bond to ur surroundings or where u dont have to look at ur surroundings cuz u already know: it will all stay at it is.. maybe some characters more will Show up but there wont be dramatic changes.


me personally.. i HATE this. i HATE it if the authors are avoiding losses for the "good" guys i HATE it if there is nothing to fear. in an mmo u can be pretty sure that ur own character wont die but the persons around u are very often safe too.. i HATE that because it's those characters that u care for. im not saying that i want them all to die but i want to feel involved and i dont want to have this security that nothin will ever Change.


for example i watched a movie series once and in one of the later ones a side character fell from the sky and he survived pretty beaten and harmed but still alive. and i was like "wow, that was pretty high thats some awesome suit he wears, ok he is a cripple now but.. wow i dont really believe this, it does not feel right".. and then by Chance i watched an interview were one of the authors or the director or whoever said: "that guy was supposed to die there, but it felt so mean towards the main character who is his best friend since Long time, i just was not able to do that to him"..


and at that Moment i felt betrayed, i felt betrayed because they denied that Story the Impact this death could have had on the main characters. and i felt betrayed because their "solution" did not feel right and left me with some weird Feelings about it


i can accept the death of main characters in a Story Setting as Long as they fit in

i dont have to like those deaths but at least for me. better to experience them than to go without worry.

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Sounds like mission accomplished for Anet. Her death was meant to represent that in times of war and destruction even the popular or main supporting characters aren't safe. If a characters death sparks emotion, then writers have done their job. If everyone is glad of that characters death, then it would be pointless doing it.

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Yes a poor job can spark emotion, but only a way that is anti to the reason and emotion they were aiming for. That is not the case in this specific example - you reacted precisely how Anet wanted you to react for the reason they wanted. That for them is feedback to say they did their job perfectly.


I also in no way implied or pointed out you liked tragedy. That didn't appear in any part of my reply, I'm just explaining that what you are feeding back is actually what writers of tragedy often hope to get as an emotional response.




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I've read that thread before. None of it has any bearing on what I've said though. All I am saying is in your particular case, the writers have achieved their goal. For me, she was a bland, boring character outside of the book and her death has no value or reaction from me. But when setting out to write a death scene of a character who is popular to some (she's clearly a char you were attached to for eg), a writer is intending to invoke shocked and upsetting emotions in their sudden death. They don't always succeed...prob rarely in fact, but in the reaction you gave personally, they achieved their goal. All I am saying is in that in feeling upset over a char you were invested in, in order to show that war is brutal/unforgiving being killed off, it is mission accomplished.


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My opinion about this Special case seems to be a bit different because i think the Timing was pretty good. Ill try to explain my PoV:


First the pushup from Braham shortly befor HoT. Wich the OP dont know propably cuz it was during the LS wich he did not Play if i understood him correctly? /

Still the whole Setup was really predictable and not a surprising Twist. wich is the really sad Point here. A surprise was that braham turned into such a kitten kitten kitten .... or maybe not but .. the fck he is so annoying


next was that after we stormed into that super dangerous jungle (yes indeed just remember ur first time there) followed tracks and invaded that mordrem camp. Finally we are able to find one of our missing comrades wich was supposed to give us some Kind of relieve cuz we dragged that other norn around who just got to like his mother

but the jungle and espacially mordremoth is dangerous and even the best of our Friends can die without an epic super uber mega Boss fight but meaningless in a "side alley" while we are unable to help.


thats the big Point here. we are forced to watch her die without a super overrated Boss fight. and thats the way it should happen! did she deserve dieing in a legendary epic super duper fight? . sure as a Norn Warrior(not the class but the Lifestyle befor the complain start) she deserve that but it would take away this meaning.

in that jungle death is Close to us all and this Event made it clear to us all: ist not sure that all of the "Heros" (destinys edge and the Group following the PC) will come out of this alive. pact soldiers die.. yes it is anticipated it doesnt shock anyone if soldiers die somewhere .. it's their job


the "Heros" being in real danger? not the "supposed danger" that is witnessed often were they get hurt a bit turn around and make some killer move to end the evil but REAL danger that can get em killed. thats something thats rarely happen and ist too much of a safety pillow. so to Show how dangerous this surrounding is yes killing her at that time was a good Thing


rather this way than some wrong placed Boss fight just to justify the death of one of the main characters.

in my eyes it is exactly the lack of some epic fight thats giving eirs death meaning.


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[spoiler, talking about people dying (no names) in a game about a war against dragons]


So you you haven't read the books, right? Because if you had done so you would know that Eir is not the first important character to die. You haven't played LS1 and 2 and didn't see what was going on. Important people dying. And now you just jumped in the story of an add-on and an important character dies. Like others have said, the death was near perfect. It showed the absolut power of the dragon. You are attacking him in his domain. What are you expecting? All get out healthy and are happy after? It shows the reality and tragedy of an all-out-war. Also you haven't played the PS in full (surprise, people die) it seems... so you know like what... 25% of the story (not counting the novels, with them more like 10%) and so didn't see the obvious build up and now are mad because the story didn't go your way (like you said). If you can't stomach this death refund the add-on (a kitten move in my opinion as you got something for your money and now you take your money back), maybe leave the game/don't support it and that's it. Or play the whole story (what you can play of it as LS 1 is not playable anymore, but there are 2-3 hour videos that show all with gameplay footage etc) leading up to it and appreciate how the death was performed. But I warn you, Eir's death will not be the last shock moment in the story of this game. If you think the death of Eir was "the unthinkable"... well, the story got some nasty, I mean really nasty, surprises for you ahead. Right, people die. People way more important than Eir could ever be.


Before you think of me as a monster, I had moments like this too. But i appreciate them. Because they make some good memories. Memories of a game that got some emotions going in me. not many games nowadays can do this stuff. Think about this.

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I do agree that Eir's death was poorly done. It may have been justified and even the situation were it happened could have been the right one. But, sadly, the final execution of the scene was extremely poor, and robed it from the pathos it needed to work.

However, I don't think your feelings for a specific fictional character in a story should affect your life or your enjoyment of something, even if such something is connected to such character. GW2 is a great game, which you should be able to enjoy and get fun from. If you find yourself incapable of this, you should walk away and come back later, or never.

If this still keeps bothering you, you may need to get some professional help. This kind of little obsessions often are just symptoms of other emotional problems one can solve with a little help if you don't let them "grow into evil".


TLDR: Eir dying was a good idea, terribly executed. Try to get fun from the game anyway, or walk away if you can't. Seek help if this keeps feeling important too long.

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> @"Zeik.6019" said:

> > @"norbes.3620" said:

> > but the jungle and espacially mordremoth is dangerous and even the best of our Friends can die without an epic super uber mega Boss fight but meaningless in a "side alley" while we are unable to help.


> Alright, so you like it when main characters die randomly and meaninglessly. I don't. And in nearly all the famous examples like let's say Breaking Bad or Game of Thrones no one really dies meaninglessly either or just to show how dangerous a drug war or a war over a crown really is. There are works I've read or watched too where things seemingly happen without meaning, but they explore futility and similar notions in far greater detail, like let's say No Country For Old Men or Fargo (series). And I really love both, they are far better than the two popular examples I've mentioned. The point that it's incredibly hard to pull off and when it fails all that remains is the shock value.


> And no, SchnuSchnu, I don't expect happiness for everyone or that important characters won't die. But I do expect that they are handled with care. You know, like it already happened in the main story with your order mentor. (I hope you understand that I actually don't think that Anet are generally terrible writers).

> But Eir's death feels like someone called Anet out "Heyy you won't dare to just kill a beloved character unexpectedly!" and they went "Hah, wrong, there we can do that too, boom!". They look at a neat trick that these other authors have performed, because it's really popular. But they don't really understand the trick and just drop the good thing they had to the ground and it breaks.


> I still think that it was a terrible waste.

> But yes, I am thinking about what you've said, I've actually ordered Edge of Destiny and I am over the idea to just throw it all away and refund the expansions. And I don't really want that this topic escalates into mud-flinging, so yes, maybe you all are correct. Maybe it had such a great effect because the last time this happened to a character I really cared for was when I was 9 years old.


Just to make this clear. i only try to help u understand my Point of view so u may be able to have some variety in ur thoughts. im not "throwing mud" at u.


Also i was not very good in my choice of words:

Eirs death was not without meaning. but it was not in some hard final act or some epic fight.

She died unavoidable(cuz we were not able to reach her) wich shall throw our character off Balance. Still she is having some Impact on this world even after she died.

and like discribed earlier it was more like "Happening in a dark alley" of the Story and as a turning Point of events

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> @"Zeik.6019" said:

> > @"norbes.3620" said:

> Don't worry, it's cool.

> I think I understand your point of view, but the scene doesn't really feel like a turning point to me. Afterwards we directly go back to business as usual with Taimi being funny and the egg and stuff. It's a turning point for Braham, but I do have some problems with him. Of course I'm missing large chunks of the story, I'm trying to catch up with it, so maybe I'll agree with you in the end.



well braham got a lot Impact on me.. not a good one but ist big!

i agree that the rest is not really caring bout one Long time comrad to be executed and it bothers me too.

on the other Hand i dont like quite a bit how some characters or the PC interact with each other. especially if it's the PC ist concerning me cuz there is this small whisper in my head "hey whats this, my character does not see it this way" but thats something to bear with after all i dont have that much controle over the PC dialogues sadly


i can give u another more cold hearted reason why Eir met her end:


she was not needet anymore.

she was the Leader and tactitian of DE but this place is filled now with the PC himself so instead of her retirement or some twisted plot where the PC is showing her that her legend is over and she will only stay a Little footprint in history while she dont want to accept this try to run wild and Need to be stopped by the PC wich would be the deathstrike to her Pride it was already bugging her that no one wanna follow her anymore (maybe im overinterpreting in this one but the DE/ Dungeon stories got this Little touch)

it's much more mercy to let her die right bevor she would be saved than that


agreed thats just one or 2 possible ways but pretty devastating ones for a proud norn Warrior

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> I did not read everything, but it made me remember a post by anet in april chat. Perhaps it helps you understand Anets point of view.





However, yeah I got to admit I was upset and at first didn't understand why. Even though I now understand ANet's reasoning behind it and her death makes sense, that doesn't mean it was handled well in execution (lol pun intended.) I don't particularly like that the primary way her death was made to impact you after the fact was almost solely Braham's behavior (I can't actually recall if any other members of Destiny's Edge even mention her in a mournful way during HoT after that instance.) And if you haven't played LW3 episode 1 yet, you'll appreciate one of those instances very much for the way it helps us death with the loss of her character in a different way.

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IMO there is no gain in pursuing this kind of topic further. Anet storytelling will never be truly coherent and deep, simply because they don't use rock solid storylines to structure their storytelling. They don't have an "iron plot" approach, but a super flexible, iterative and convoluted one, which is much better to make reality fun crazy ideas than it is to make powerful emotional stories.


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