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Keybinding Dodge Roll?

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I have it set to one of the 2 side buttons on my mouse. It's my default 'panic' button - in GW2 and ESO it's dodge, in most other games it's pause, or whatever other function I might use when I'm going "Ahh! Kitten! No!"


Downside is if/when I get a new mouse I'm going to have to make sure it has a button in the same place or I will die a lot.

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> @StinVec.3621 said:

> Right CTRL as I use arrow keys for movement. Double-tap disabled also.


> (I never use WASD and refuse to play games that do not allow for movement keys rebinding, which many ridiculously still do)


I don't understand why any game wouldn't allow you to rebind keys. It annoys me too because I'm left-handed so I typically have my left hand on the mouse and right hand on the keyboard and so many times the default set-up is obviously intended to have your right hand on the keyboard. If anyone's wondering yes it makes a difference. Try putting your right hand on W,A,S,D and then reaching the space bar (which most games make use of). It's possible if you tuck your little finger in but not at all comfortable, especially not for extended periods of time.


(I also don't understand how right-handed people can use W,A,S,D and the number keys at the same time. Again it's possible to reach both but it involves some weird positions I can't imagine would be easy or comfortable.)


In GW2 I have all my skills on the number pad and use my thumb on the arrow keys to move in combat. (Out of combat I run by holding down both mouse buttons or auto-run + right-click/action camera.) But with 10 skills on the number pad, plus F1-4 along the top row, weapon swap, take target and next target (and F5 and special action on the page up and page down keys) I ran out of space for dodge. I could put it on the right ctrl button (which is currently jump) but that could totally confuse me since I use that as a jump key in a lot of games.

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i use E for dodging. Just to make it clear that i don't sacrifice some other important button; Q is my wep swap, ctrl mount, WASD movement, F interact, T special, f1=f1, Z-V F2-F5. 2 mouse side buttons for 1 and 8, 6 7 9 0 remain as they are. I dont know what i even use shift for, but middle mouse button seems horrible for dodging imo since most mouses need a considerably hard push to activate it compared to other buttons, and you need the dodge quickly.

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Double tap and V for dodge. A & D for strafe, Left-Shift for #6 skill (Heal), Q for #7, E for #8, C for #9, Elite and special action on extra buttons on the mouse. Those rebinds improved my gaming life sooo much! It is kind of obnoxious to pop my heal every time I shift-click some thing to put it in chat, but I'll happily live with that if it means I can continue to pop every skill and attack I have without shifting my hands or clicking on the tool bar. I would go so far as to say that I'm actually a better player now that I was before I remapped those keys.

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