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Need help finding an old WvW video please


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So the video is donkies old, I was pretty sure it was done by [RG] but it hasn't helped with my search.


The video I'm looking for is on a borderlands on the SW camp, there is about 20 or more kill shot warriors standing in a strait line and walking across the map like a British firing squad, slaughtering all who come close.


Does anyone remember this video and if so, can you please link it?



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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > Never seen it but somehow it seems to fail the sanity test. Wouldnt reflect sort of make short work of such a formation?


> This was from like 5 years ago before every class and it's mother had reflect...

In ye olde days guardian wall and glamour mesmer was meta for the reflects. Thats why melee trains was used, ranged was inneffective due to too much reflects.


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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> Would be pretty funny to see about a dozen players with the HMS Divinity, half on the little boat in SEC and the other half in various positions on the waters edge of the camp. Simulate a harbour attack/defense lol.


We've had a squad on the boat in the Bay moat with a treb. Was funny.



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