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New patch... PLEASE GOD


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So I really hope revenant has some good looking buffs coming our way if not I’m gonna be very upset and I believe, and I’m speaking for all the revenant mains out there, I believe we are all hanging by a thread with this class. Let me put it in the simplest form. Anet, we love revenant we love how it was designed we love how we can play gw1 characters it’s a very nostalgic character/profession and that’s what we love.. but YOU(anet) are destroying it by making senseless nerfs to the traits, energy, skills, and mechanics. Please all of us mains are begging for something good to happen next patch. I seriously believe this is the last straw for us all we are all tired of the “bs” if you will. Let’s make rev FUN again and most important VIABLE again!


I would like to add, my sincere apologies, this is NOT a question I must have miss clicked, SORRY!

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Issue with some revent mechanic is that gamemodes wont support it's own way to play or liek skills work.


Ventari for example, in a game where mobility and aoe+dps are king, it is more than obvious ventari wont work, the right way to design Ventari was similiar to what a Bonding monk casted and holded its bonds on allies.

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If anything, they should at least look at the rev elite spec weapons. Renegade Shortbow needs to not leave us defenseless verse other players, and Herald shield needs to be useful outside of one specific raid. I am hopeful though. Rev has been recieving micro buffs through out these patches. Slooowly but surely, we are becoming viable without the use of gimmicks :P

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> @"Draygorn.7012" said:

> If anything, they should at least look at the rev elite spec weapons. Renegade Shortbow needs to not leave us defenseless verse other players, and Herald shield needs to be useful outside of one specific raid. I am hopeful though. Rev has been recieving micro buffs through out these patches. Slooowly but surely, we are becoming viable without the use of gimmicks :P


Shield being truly useful (in PvE) outside of Healing Herald is probably too much to hope for honestly. Most defensive weapons in PvE just aren't good since they serve no real purpose outside of healing/tank builds since they hinder DPS builds overall.

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> @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

> > @"Draygorn.7012" said:

> > If anything, they should at least look at the rev elite spec weapons. Renegade Shortbow needs to not leave us defenseless verse other players, and Herald shield needs to be useful outside of one specific raid. I am hopeful though. Rev has been recieving micro buffs through out these patches. Slooowly but surely, we are becoming viable without the use of gimmicks :P


> Shield being truly useful (in PvE) outside of Healing Herald is probably too much to hope for honestly. Most defensive weapons in PvE just aren't good since they serve no real purpose outside of healing/tank builds since they hinder DPS builds overall.


I think people would settle for Shield at least being made useful in PvP again and/or WvW (where it has always been terrible). Just SOMETHING besides handkiting on Deimos.


As for PvE, a lot of classes' defensive weapons are at least USEFUL to varying degrees... Like Shield/Focus on Chrono. Or a War carrying cc for his lacking group by popping a shield. Even shield on Holo can help carry cc at a pretty minimal dps loss (if they were already playing sword variant). I'll give you guardian and ele here, but at least focus and shield for them are realistic choices in PvP/WvW, and not just a troll-faced deathtrap like Herald's shield is.

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> @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

> > @"Draygorn.7012" said:

> > If anything, they should at least look at the rev elite spec weapons. Renegade Shortbow needs to not leave us defenseless verse other players, and Herald shield needs to be useful outside of one specific raid. I am hopeful though. Rev has been recieving micro buffs through out these patches. Slooowly but surely, we are becoming viable without the use of gimmicks :P


> Shield being truly useful (in PvE) outside of Healing Herald is probably too much to hope for honestly. Most defensive weapons in PvE just aren't good since they serve no real purpose outside of healing/tank builds since they hinder DPS builds overall.


Add damage and CC (knock down or back)to Shield 4.

Shield 5 gets AoE support effect added to it to heal nearby allies or stun break nearby allies or something like that while reflecting ranged attacks. I could rock with that.

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It would be nice if they did a complete review of rev as they have done with hypnotist, although I see it difficult, the most important thing right now is to repair errors, they are many and we have been dealing with them for some time, reporting and commenting them without getting any answer (at least in the messages that I have read in the forum)

In my humble opinion, with that anet repair the errors in the next patch I will stay a little quieter :)

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> Eh, you don't speak for me. I'm quite enjoying rev the last few months.


Same...! Too many people want Revenant to be the same as warrior or guardian, when they could easily just go play those classes instead--it doesn't make sense to me. :sleepy:

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> @"narcx.3570" said:

> > @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

> > > @"Draygorn.7012" said:

> > > If anything, they should at least look at the rev elite spec weapons. Renegade Shortbow needs to not leave us defenseless verse other players, and Herald shield needs to be useful outside of one specific raid. I am hopeful though. Rev has been recieving micro buffs through out these patches. Slooowly but surely, we are becoming viable without the use of gimmicks :P

> >

> > Shield being truly useful (in PvE) outside of Healing Herald is probably too much to hope for honestly. Most defensive weapons in PvE just aren't good since they serve no real purpose outside of healing/tank builds since they hinder DPS builds overall.


> I think people would settle for Shield at least being made useful in PvP again and/or WvW (where it has always been terrible). Just SOMETHING besides handkiting on Deimos.


> As for PvE, a lot of classes' defensive weapons are at least USEFUL to varying degrees... Like Shield/Focus on Chrono. Or a War carrying cc for his lacking group by popping a shield. Even shield on Holo can help carry cc at a pretty minimal dps loss (if they were already playing sword variant). I'll give you guardian and ele here, but at least focus and shield for them are realistic choices in PvP/WvW, and not just a troll-faced deathtrap like Herald's shield is.


Focus on Chrono doesn't really count as a defensive weapon overall. Its more of a damage + utility weapon. Focus Warden Phantasm is strong enough that it's part of the 32k Chronomancer Power DPS rotation, for example. It just happens to be taken by support chronos since the utility is great. You're right about engi and war, they do have defensive weapon options that give them access to greater CC without completely neutering their DPS. And ofc shield Chrono will always be great. I'm glad you mentioned guardian and ele as well with focus and shield as they're definitely defensive oriented weapons that aren't generally particularly useful in PvE outside of a healing build or maybe some niche build. I'd also add Guardian's mace and staff to that list, Warrior's warhorn, Tempest's warhorn, Mesmer's staff (though it's a weird mix of utility and small damage) and I'd even add Druid's staff, too, since it's also not useful for PvE outside of its healing build. You're right though, that some of the above weapons are pretty useful in pvp, though my post was primarily geared towards PvE. it's also worth mentioning that shield was the go to Herald offhand for nearly 2 years in pvp, which I'll talk about in a bit.


I think it would be awesome if Shield gained additional uses for sure, but as mentioned through the above list, it's really a healing/tanking designed weapon and it doesn't fit on really any builds that aren't healing/tanking in pve (just like the above weapons). Even if it had 1 or 2 CCs, gave alacrity, or did something else, I don't think we'd ever see it as part of a Herald DPS rotation. Offhand Sword is too integral to getting higher DPS numbers now and Staff has that amazing 750 breakbar damage Surge of the Mists which means, even with the massive 10s DPS loss, it's probably always going to be better than shield for CC. I'm not trying to be a pessimist or anything, this is just the reality of most of the defensive weapons in the game for PvE. I would be incredibly shocked if it ever got a rework that made it a good viable choice on Power or Condi Herald (since it's already a go to pick for Healing Herald).


As for pvp, I think shield's lack of usage is partially due to solo/duo queue and also the rework of sword. While I think offhand axe has been a much better solo queue option than shield for a long time, organized groups were still using Power Herald with Shield all the way up until PoF launched. Offhand sword post rework I think edges both axe and shield out for solo queue, but shield might still be good for group play environments, which is why I think caution would be needed when buffing it so that OH Sword and Axe don't get completely edged out again like they were before. Overall, I wouldn't mind a buff on shield for pvp/wvw tho, and I think it definitely needs one if it wants to compete as a solid option against OH Sword.


> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> Add damage and CC (knock down or back) to Shield 4.

> Shield 5 gets AoE support effect added to it to heal nearby allies or stun break nearby allies or something like that while reflecting ranged attacks. I could rock with that.


The suggestions overall aren't bad and would definitely give shield more strength, however, as I mentioned above in my reply to Narcx, shield would still be only picked in PvE in Healing Herald builds since Shield competes with both offhand sword and staff and the latter does much better CC than presumably shield could. Also as mentioned this isn't a unique issue for Herald shield, but is an issue that nearly all defensive weapons in the game have to deal with (for PvE) _when they're not used in some sort of Healer/Tank role._


> @"Chungo.3169" said:

> It would be nice if they did a complete review of rev as they have done with hypnotist, although I see it difficult, the most important thing right now is to repair errors, they are many and we have been dealing with them for some time, reporting and commenting them without getting any answer (at least in the messages that I have read in the forum)

> In my humble opinion, with that anet repair the errors in the next patch I will stay a little quieter :)


I would be careful what you wish for with a complete review or rework of revenant. Mesmer turned out great simply because they took its class mechanic and made it completely broken OP during said rework. The Deadeye rework on the otherhand has been a mess, didn't really improve the class at all, and completely changed the gameplay in someways. Some people like the new Deadeye, but a lot of people hate it, and the rework didn't fix its main issues. A full revenant rework would not necessarily solve "rev's issues" and just run the risk of angering existing revenant players who have been playing it for the past 2.75 years. There are a lot of fixes they could do for Rev that wouldn't require them to rework the class and help the existing playstyles. Revenant's playstyle isn't for everyone; not everyone needs to love its mechanics, and that's okay.


You mention bugs, though, and that is definitely a huge problem. Revenant has at least 4 major bugs I can think of off the top of my head right now that absolutely need to get fixed, and that should be a priority for the balance team.

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> @"narcx.3570" said:

> > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > Eh, you don't speak for me. I'm quite enjoying rev the last few months.


> Same...! Too many people want Revenant to be the same as warrior or guardian, when they could easily just go play those classes instead--it doesn't make sense to me. :sleepy:


Absolutely agree with this sentiment

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> I rather take the revamp. I want the class revamped. It's so flawed in design that we never can get new unique mechanic with ES like other classes can.


What is "so flawed in design" about Rev? It's a great class to play. Sure it could use some adjustments, but a complete revamp? Not seeing it.

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Uh no it does not need a revamp, please stop with that. Complete waste of dev's time.

It only needs few numerical tweaks, power damage buffs for PvE (Mostly for Glint's legend maybe even staff) and more survivability against conditions on PvP (Like increasing Cleansing Channel from 1 to 2 conditions removed, Shield 5 removing 1 with each pulse, etc)


I agree on something though, it received too many nerfs from PvP (so nerfs for all gamemodes) before they started splitting skills.

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We could all easily play guardian and warrior but the thing if it is guardian and warrior do everything better that’s the problem rev is under power it’s not fair to be at the lower end of the stick and then not be able to compete in special events because my class because why not just take a Warrior or guardian

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> @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

> > @"narcx.3570" said:

> > > @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

> > > > @"Draygorn.7012" said:

> > > > If anything, they should at least look at the rev elite spec weapons. Renegade Shortbow needs to not leave us defenseless verse other players, and Herald shield needs to be useful outside of one specific raid. I am hopeful though. Rev has been recieving micro buffs through out these patches. Slooowly but surely, we are becoming viable without the use of gimmicks :P

> > >

> > > Shield being truly useful (in PvE) outside of Healing Herald is probably too much to hope for honestly. Most defensive weapons in PvE just aren't good since they serve no real purpose outside of healing/tank builds since they hinder DPS builds overall.

> >

> > I think people would settle for Shield at least being made useful in PvP again and/or WvW (where it has always been terrible). Just SOMETHING besides handkiting on Deimos.

> >

> > As for PvE, a lot of classes' defensive weapons are at least USEFUL to varying degrees... Like Shield/Focus on Chrono. Or a War carrying cc for his lacking group by popping a shield. Even shield on Holo can help carry cc at a pretty minimal dps loss (if they were already playing sword variant). I'll give you guardian and ele here, but at least focus and shield for them are realistic choices in PvP/WvW, and not just a troll-faced deathtrap like Herald's shield is.


> Focus on Chrono doesn't really count as a defensive weapon overall. Its more of a damage + utility weapon. Focus Warden Phantasm is strong enough that it's part of the 32k Chronomancer Power DPS rotation, for example. It just happens to be taken by support chronos since the utility is great. You're right about engi and war, they do have defensive weapon options that give them access to greater CC without completely neutering their DPS. And ofc shield Chrono will always be great. I'm glad you mentioned guardian and ele as well with focus and shield as they're definitely defensive oriented weapons that aren't generally particularly useful in PvE outside of a healing build or maybe some niche build. I'd also add Guardian's mace and staff to that list, Warrior's warhorn, Tempest's warhorn, Mesmer's staff (though it's a weird mix of utility and small damage) and I'd even add Druid's staff, too, since it's also not useful for PvE outside of its healing build. You're right though, that some of the above weapons are pretty useful in pvp, though my post was primarily geared towards PvE. it's also worth mentioning that shield was the go to Herald offhand for nearly 2 years in pvp, which I'll talk about in a bit.


> I think it would be awesome if Shield gained additional uses for sure, but as mentioned through the above list, it's really a healing/tanking designed weapon and it doesn't fit on really any builds that aren't healing/tanking in pve (just like the above weapons). Even if it had 1 or 2 CCs, gave alacrity, or did something else, I don't think we'd ever see it as part of a Herald DPS rotation. Offhand Sword is too integral to getting higher DPS numbers now and Staff has that amazing 750 breakbar damage Surge of the Mists which means, even with the massive 10s DPS loss, it's probably always going to be better than shield for CC. I'm not trying to be a pessimist or anything, this is just the reality of most of the defensive weapons in the game for PvE. I would be incredibly shocked if it ever got a rework that made it a good viable choice on Power or Condi Herald (since it's already a go to pick for Healing Herald).


> As for pvp, I think shield's lack of usage is partially due to solo/duo queue and also the rework of sword. While I think offhand axe has been a much better solo queue option than shield for a long time, organized groups were still using Power Herald with Shield all the way up until PoF launched. Offhand sword post rework I think edges both axe and shield out for solo queue, but shield might still be good for group play environments, which is why I think caution would be needed when buffing it so that OH Sword and Axe don't get completely edged out again like they were before. Overall, I wouldn't mind a buff on shield for pvp/wvw tho, and I think it definitely needs one if it wants to compete as a solid option against OH Sword.


> > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > Add damage and CC (knock down or back) to Shield 4.

> > Shield 5 gets AoE support effect added to it to heal nearby allies or stun break nearby allies or something like that while reflecting ranged attacks. I could rock with that.


> The suggestions overall aren't bad and would definitely give shield more strength, however, as I mentioned above in my reply to Narcx, shield would still be only picked in PvE in Healing Herald builds since Shield competes with both offhand sword and staff and the latter does much better CC than presumably shield could. Also as mentioned this isn't a unique issue for Herald shield, but is an issue that nearly all defensive weapons in the game have to deal with (for PvE) _when they're not used in some sort of Healer/Tank role._


> > @"Chungo.3169" said:

> > It would be nice if they did a complete review of rev as they have done with hypnotist, although I see it difficult, the most important thing right now is to repair errors, they are many and we have been dealing with them for some time, reporting and commenting them without getting any answer (at least in the messages that I have read in the forum)

> > In my humble opinion, with that anet repair the errors in the next patch I will stay a little quieter :)


> I would be careful what you wish for with a complete review or rework of revenant. Mesmer turned out great simply because they took its class mechanic and made it completely broken OP during said rework. The Deadeye rework on the otherhand has been a mess, didn't really improve the class at all, and completely changed the gameplay in someways. Some people like the new Deadeye, but a lot of people hate it, and the rework didn't fix its main issues. A full revenant rework would not necessarily solve "rev's issues" and just run the risk of angering existing revenant players who have been playing it for the past 2.75 years. There are a lot of fixes they could do for Rev that wouldn't require them to rework the class and help the existing playstyles. Revenant's playstyle isn't for everyone; not everyone needs to love its mechanics, and that's okay.


> You mention bugs, though, and that is definitely a huge problem. Revenant has at least 4 major bugs I can think of off the top of my head right now that absolutely need to get fixed, and that should be a priority for the balance team.


Although I agree that it does not need a complete revision (I only play rev for 3 years), it is true that with several things that changed in the nerfs change their style of play a bit, although with the same problem, and that is that they arise More errors in the class every few patches and it really is what bothers me the most. It is to ask them please devs for the love of God, to repair the mistakes that take months (some years) in the next update if it is not too much to ask.

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> @"aimz.6287" said:

> @"narcx.3570"

> We could all easily play guardian and warrior but the thing if it is guardian and warrior do everything better that’s the problem rev is under power it’s not fair to be at the lower end of the stick and then not be able to compete in special events because my class because why not just take a Warrior or guardian


Narcx isn’t saying that warrior or guardian is inherently better, but saying that if the revenant playstyle doesn’t suit a player that they should find a class that DOES suit them. I’ve seen so many suggestions that would effectively make revenant more like a guardian/warrior/elementalist (not in terms of viability, but in playstyle) that I honestly wonder why those players don’t just play those classes. I understand liking the theme of revenant and wanting to play it because of that, but it’s important for a player to both enjoy the theme of their chosen class and its playstyle. For example, I like the theme of Guardian, but I don’t like the playstyle, So therefore I don’t play guardian and I don’t go onto the guardian forums asking for guardian playstyle changes that would effectively make it more like revenant. I like the theme of revenant AND it’s playstyle, therefore it’s my main. If more players played the game this way instead of being dissatisfied with their class there would be a lot less complaining




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> @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

> > @"narcx.3570" said:

> > > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > Eh, you don't speak for me. I'm quite enjoying rev the last few months.

> >

> > Same...! Too many people want Revenant to be the same as warrior or guardian, when they could easily just go play those classes instead--it doesn't make sense to me. :sleepy:


> Absolutely agree with this sentiment


Some others (me) just almost stopped playing because I don't want to return to Guardian or Warrior but at the same time the current Rev is too different from the one at HoT release; like a more stiff, slower and channeled version of the old one.

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> @"Buran.3796" said:

> > @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

> > > @"narcx.3570" said:

> > > > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > > Eh, you don't speak for me. I'm quite enjoying rev the last few months.

> > >

> > > Same...! Too many people want Revenant to be the same as warrior or guardian, when they could easily just go play those classes instead--it doesn't make sense to me. :sleepy:

> >

> > Absolutely agree with this sentiment


> Some others (me) just almost stopped playing because I don't want to return to Guardian or Warrior but at the same time the current Rev is too different from the one at HoT release; like a more stiff, slower and channeled version of the old one.


This statement doesn't make sense to me really (that's not a bad thing though). Revenant has received a lot of nerfs and they're certainly not busted OP like they were for nearly 2 years, but Power Herald largely plays the same as it always has with the main differences being how much it can dodge, how much it can heal, and ofc the equilibrium and impossible odds changes. How in your opinion is the gameplay significantly different now? Is it just the damage/sustain output? How do you feel it could be changed without making it OP like it was for much of HoT?


I'm genuinely curious about the above questions btw. I know that there are definitely people in your camp where the current rev doesn't appeal to them, but used to, so I'm interested in that perspective. For me personally, I don't feel the gameplay is vastly different for Power, so its hard for me to intuitively understand your positions. Additionally, I think a lot of us, like the others quoted, have a genuine desire to preserve the current/past playstyles and don't want to add 4 attunements/energy gain/no weapon energy/etc. and so the guardian/warrior/elementalist comments are more geared towards people that want the class to be more like those classes and aren't aimed at people (like you) that love the original design and want that to be kept.

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> @"Buran.3796" said:

> > @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

> > > @"narcx.3570" said:

> > > > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > > Eh, you don't speak for me. I'm quite enjoying rev the last few months.

> > >

> > > Same...! Too many people want Revenant to be the same as warrior or guardian, when they could easily just go play those classes instead--it doesn't make sense to me. :sleepy:

> >

> > Absolutely agree with this sentiment


> Some others (me) just almost stopped playing because I don't want to return to Guardian or Warrior but at the same time the current Rev is too different from the one at HoT release; like a more stiff, slower and channeled version of the old one.


The thing is, that's so far from the truth...

The new max dps Revenant rotation in PvE doesn't even use channeled skills, lol... You just flip on EtD before legend swapping to proc Diabolic, and that's it... It also has VERY, VERY few aa's in the rotation--it's mostly all about active casts.


And in PvP/WvW, I gotta say that rev feels more fluid and mobile than it has in a really long time, probably since the year+ old nerf to Phase Traversal's energy cost. I know you never got into the whole OH Sword change thing, but if you did, it makes everything so much more flashy... It's like having a second, shorter ranged, but instacast and less energy consuming PT... And now with quickness on PT (or on weapon swap if traited), you don't have to waste energy flipping on IO to land key skills between interrupts.


I mean, it's certainly not as face roll as it was when it first came out... With being able to land 50k+dmg SotM's on fools in PvP and the like, but that was also super broken.

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