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I want DuoQ back


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I don't get the people that don't want Duo q back.


To want to ban Duo Q, I'm guessing people's motives are to try to make the higher divisions more "individual skill based" and "competitively fair". Because nothing is more skill based than popping into a team of 1 ele 2 thieves 1 mirage 1 scourge and no one is able to reroll.


PvP as an eEsport is dead, there is nothing competitive about it anymore and the leaderboard means nothing. At least let it be a little more casual friendly by letting everyone play with a friend. I only play placements at this point lol because I can't duo after that unless I lose on purpose. I play revenant so I'm pretty close to trying to lose on purpose anyway.

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> @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:

> PvP as an eEsport is dead, there is nothing competitive about it anymore and the leaderboard means nothing.

So you can just play unranked then.

> At least let it be a little more casual friendly by letting everyone play with a friend.

It won't be more casual friendly because of that, exactly the other way around. Pros farming casuals and solo players till they get bored and quit.


Btw there were several threads and votes about it with some really good discussions, so if you are unsure why people don't want it back, you can look them up

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> @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:

> > PvP as an eEsport is dead, there is nothing competitive about it anymore and the leaderboard means nothing.

> So you can just play unranked then.

> > At least let it be a little more casual friendly by letting everyone play with a friend.

> It won't be more casual friendly because of that, exactly the other way around. Pros farming casuals and solo players till they get bored and quit.


> Btw there were several threads and votes about it with some really good discussions, so if you are unsure why people don't want it back, you can look them up


I'm not going to turn this into another duo thread. However, last vote ended with ~40%+ in favor of duo. Ignoring almost half of your player base isn't a good thing. I'm also certain that at least half of the people voting on the poll wouldn't even be affected sure to bring below 1600.

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> @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> I'm not going to turn this into another duo thread. However, last vote ended with ~40%+ in favor of duo. Ignoring almost half of your player base isn't a good thing. I'm also certain that at least half of the people voting on the poll wouldn't even be affected sure to bring below 1600.

Which one? Because I've seen 3, none of which is in favor of duo.





(last one is misleading because removing duo altogether is basically the same as keeping the current system, so that adds up to 47%. first is also a bit tricky because of that)


Also, don't forget that people on the forums are basically here to complain and are unsatisfied, while those who are okay with the system are generally not even visiting the forums (hence the low vote count, around 100 people, while the pvp population is at least 1k+ in EU). Based on that, most likely a proper representative poll would swing a lot more in favor of soloq

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Look the issue with all that is that people who aren’t even concerned with the duoq above 1600 rating get to vote. Why does a player of silver division gets to vote for the fate of a player being platinum 2? I dont get how people who aren’t affected by something are allowed to vote? Him being silver (probably not good at pvp at all) has no knowledge or sense to know wether letting people high ranked duoqueing is good or not. It’s just pathetic that we are unable to duoq because the majority voted for no even though they wouldn’t have ever be affected by it. I get it if gold 3 players vote for it since the matchmaking is likely to put gold players sometimes in the game with platinums but I bet that’s the minority there who would still vote no… There has to be a way to only ask the people who are affected by it every other poll even the official one is worthless and doesn’t represent it well.

Ps: atleast lock the duoq for legends only at very very least plat 3…

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I know why people voted in the past to get rid off DuoQ and I understand it. Right now the players that used to play ranked pvp consistently in a higher Division are much faster jumping off the sinking Boat than they were before. There is no enjoyment playing SoloQ right now. People don't care about ranked PvP and that has 2 reasons in my eyes. 1: The missing diversity in the reward system that let players grinding and 2. The complete missing of quality games. Without being cocky, I face players every time I que for ranked that are not my skill level and there are a lot more players in the same situation as me. Sure you can say its the low population which definetly going to shrink even more, but SoloQ let even more good players consider to not play ranked pvp. People will come by with the same argument as always that DuoQ unbalances matches, but thats simply not true. Every PvP player can take a look in his match history and can tell himself that games right now are unbalanced anyways. Don't tell me you have tons of close games. I'm not saying that DuoQ is gonna prevent that, but the population of pvp is gonna sustain more and that's the goal I guess.

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This is the only game that i haven't really made new friends on cuz i can't team with people that i meet. Joined the scene semi recently with a RL friend and we've played competitive game modes for years together. Now that were both seesawing around 1600 rating we can't play together so hes basically quit and im playing less myself. I dont understand this solo mentality on an MMO and for people who say go play unranked my answer back is that its not competitive at all and only usefull for trying new builds.

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> @"Solidaris.5423" said:

> So.....why not play unranked if you wanna team up?


The problem with unranked is, that people que up with the intention having chill games and then don't tryhard. The Matchmaking in unranked is even more unbalanced there too.


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> @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > I'm not going to turn this into another duo thread. However, last vote ended with ~40%+ in favor of duo. Ignoring almost half of your player base isn't a good thing. I'm also certain that at least half of the people voting on the poll wouldn't even be affected sure to bring below 1600.

> Which one? Because I've seen 3, none of which is in favor of duo.


> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/28891/should-duoq-return-for-1600

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/32094/new-season-new-things

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/40409/lets-take-a-vote-on-what-we-want-to-see-for-next-season-for-rank-que/p1

> (last one is misleading because removing duo altogether is basically the same as keeping the current system, so that adds up to 47%. first is also a bit tricky because of that)


> Also, don't forget that people on the forums are basically here to complain and are unsatisfied, while those who are okay with the system are generally not even visiting the forums (hence the low vote count, around 100 people, while the pvp population is at least 1k+ in EU). Based on that, most likely a proper representative poll would swing a lot more in favor of soloq


Those polls were all fairly close. The first one for example is 48% for solo, 46% for duo. The difference here is 3 votes. Otherwise, the votes were essentially 50-50.


**Don't forget that those in favor of solo que were on the forums complaining about how team/duo que was unfair while those who were okay with the system weren't bothering to come here. Even then, a proper vote might still swing a lot more in favor of solo que because everyone who wanted duo ques quit the game by now.**


Why do you think you no longer see ANY pro players playing ranked? All of us know how terrible the current system is and most of the others don't care enough to post on the forums knowing that the only responses we get are from people who have a poor understanding of not only balance, but PvP as a whole. I no longer play the game but still check the forums from time to time to see if there's anything new but nothing ever changes.


PvP is dead because Anet listened to people who have no idea what they're talking about.

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> @"BadMed.3846" said:

> No duo queue! Play on a level playing field. Stop getting carried by mates.

How can anyone take the competitive ranked scene serious anymore. What would you get carried for? A title dozens of other people bought already. Players getting carried by mirage ending up high ranks. No one takes those titles serious anymore and the point is DuoQ will pull a lot of people back into ranked. I don't see the argument sir, sorry.

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they made meta gameplay cancerous, tilting and removed the entire fun. in addition to this they completely removed a possibility to play the game with friends by removing duoq. the last thing that made pvp enjoyable by playing together... How does it feel to kill the entire fun in your game? i don't understand the argument that you can just go unranked... if you play pvp you want to be rewarded, in that case the reward is ladder and pretty nice gold. i dont see the point of playing unrankeds at all, zero fun, 2+ mesmers every team, depressing and sad experience with completely zero rewards for it. furthermore in unrankeds you will not meet any player that can represent some sort of "skill" so why pvp players with 5k hours should JUST GO UNRANKED and slap newbies? like wtf?

How could even such a thought come to your minds, that forbidding people from playing together will make the game better lmao.

and yes this is a complete ban because i have no idea how is this possible to get lower rank than plat 2 after your placements if you are in possession of keyboard.

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> @"BadMed.3846" said:

> No duo queue! Play on a level playing field. Stop getting carried by mates.


People generally don't like soloq in any game, perhaps take a hint from the largest and most successful competitive game, League of Legends, where they tried having a team que and a soloq (removing duoq). What were the results? Ah, that's right, duoq remained a possibility in soloq because the amount of people who would que up for a soloq only setting was too low; and this is on a game with a large population, so it shouldn't come as a surprise why GW2's "ranked" pvp is completely lacking in competition and why the whole esports thing didn't even last a second.


Also, duoq isn't for being carried, because if you lose to a duo with one person being carried, then congrats, you admitted to losing a 4v5.

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> @"Tyga.7056" said:

> > @"BadMed.3846" said:

> > No duo queue! Play on a level playing field. Stop getting carried by mates.

> How can anyone take the competitive ranked scene serious anymore. What would you get carried for? A title dozens of other people bought already. Players getting carried by mirage ending up high ranks. No one takes those titles serious anymore and the point is DuoQ will pull a lot of people back into ranked. I don't see the argument sir, sorry.


I don't see any point in your response, other than the fact that you like duo queue. But this argument is not about you and your friend's convenience. All you're saying is that ranked is not serious anymore. Why do you insist on playing ranked then? Why not unranked or tournament? Oh... maybe it's just the reward farming for you.

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