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Joko and the Scarab Plague's Aftermath (Spoilers Ahead)


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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @"kasoki.5180" said:

> > Correct me if i'm wrong, but I don't remember anyone ever calling them "life-force of the world. That implies something completely different than them being a natural force that is in/perpetuates balance. I'm genuinely interested as I'm 90% per cent sure they weren't ever perceived as source of "all" on Tyria but rather its byproduct


> The words "life force of Tyria" is never said explicitly, but the idea is there. It's the entire reason we've turned from dragonslayer to dragon protector and stopped Balthazar from killing Primordus+Jormag and later Kralkatorrik.


> The whole "forces of nature thing" is _entirely different_ and is just the Tyrian's _incorrect view of the Elder Dragons_ being something incomprehensionable and unthinking waves of destruction like hurricanes. It's not referencing their ties to The All.


> And yes, "life force of Tyria" and "death of a dragon brings destruction to Tyria" is effectively the same thing. So long as the Elder Dragons remain tied to The All, they effectively function as the organs of the world that regulate the world's blood (magic) through its veins (ley lines).


> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > @"kasoki.5180" said:

> > > > @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

> > > > > @"yefluke.3168" said:

> > > > > I don't know why people were so confident in Joko of being main Villain of LW4. He is just another minor villain like Caudacus.... tbh

> > > > > Krak is main antagonist... We know we will end him in some way soon and move on to next expac.

> > > > Generally speaking, fans have a bad habit of trying to build up their favorite characters as something more then the games ever showed them as because their favorite character just HAS to be super important, and the longer they get to sit around thinking that, the more and more ways, and the more and more deeper, thier internal rambling about just how special they are grow, making them only more and more self-convinced that they are right.

> > > >

> > >

> > > His last monologue disapproves you. He is a **human** lich who survived at least one dragon cycle and calls dragons "life force of the world". These are some of the biggest lore bombs we have had in LW.

> > >

> > > I never perceived Joko as anything more but another side villain. But his last monologue fundamentally changes things

> >

> > Really? We fought against a freaking *god* to stop him from killing dragons. Not one, not two, three of them. Which happen to be the number of alive Elder Dragons he could reach. We returned from the dead to do this. I should think we fully well knew how important they were. I fail to see the bomb-dropping here. Joko merely reiterated on something we knew.


> It's more that Joko knew this fact that, by rights, **only Dragon's Watch and the Exalted should know at the moment**, and more importantly **spoke as if he knew more than this.**


Could he have picked up knowledge from his temporary alloance with Balthazar? I was under the impression the Six were also well aware of the Dragons’ ties to the World in this way. Or perhaps various dealings with Asura over the last century or so.


I mean, it is a long way from Joko’s Palace to where the Exalted city was. Plenty of time for a chat, maybe even a small picnic. Got to fill those long silences somehow!

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> @"Walhalla.5473" said:

> This focus on Cantha... not sure why everyone wants to go to one of the ugliest parts of GW and try to connect everything to Cantha.


> And with the plague, we still don't know much about it. Its only implied that the plague is spreading through food but with all the years and some experiments we can't be sure if something changed there.


People want ninja specialization on thief, that's why.


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> @"Feanor.2358" said:


> They don't have to be synonyms, they're still functionally the same. We knew they're essential for the balance of magic and upsetting that further would cause catastrophic disaster. We knew we must save them at all costs and literally died for that. Whether we call them "life force" or not is irrelevant. There's nothing more we could do for their preservation.


My entire post was how if two things are "functionally same", or to say, they force us to behave in the same manner of X, they are not necessarily the same thing. How we call them isn't relevant. What they are IS relevant. Again, absence of X being source of destruction IS NOT the same as X being life force of the world. Just because two different things force you to behave in the same manner doesn't suddenly make them a same thing. Again, to compare it with a car. If you lack wheels, you wont move. That doesn't mean that suddenly wheels have the same role as combustion engine. Removal of any subjects within the elaborate system can break the system - but that doesn't mean that all subjects within the system have the same role or purpose.


> @"Konig Des Todes.2086 " said:


>The words "life force of Tyria" is never said explicitly, but the idea is there. It's the entire reason we've turned from dragonslayer to dragon protector and stopped Balthazar from killing Primordus+Jormag and later Kralkatorrik.


If I remember correctly, we turned into dragon protector because we learned their death would lead to imbalance and cataclysmic destruction.

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> @"kasoki.5180" said:

> > @"Konig Des Todes.2086 " said:


> >The words "life force of Tyria" is never said explicitly, but the idea is there. It's the entire reason we've turned from dragonslayer to dragon protector and stopped Balthazar from killing Primordus+Jormag and later Kralkatorrik.


> If I remember correctly, we turned into dragon protector because we learned their death would lead to imbalance and cataclysmic destruction.

Which would happen because they are literally what's keeping Tyria alive. Thus they are the life force of Tyria.


Don't get so caught up on exact wording.

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