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Will we ever see a Guild Wars 3?

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With adequate updates in time (engine updates mostly), there is no reason for GW2 to not go on for a very long time. I don't see the need for a GW2 successor, it seems pointless when GW2 is doing so well. Also, the reason GW1 got a successor wasn't the need to bring out something new but the fact that the engine had too many limitations. I wouldn't have minded had they done an overhaul on GW1 instead of releasing GW2, but perhaps starting from scratch was easier than trying to build MMO content into an already existing, technically limited game.

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I think GW2 will stay for a very long time. Heart of Thorns and then Path of Fire both gave us new things and mechanics to play with, Arenanet can, and will, continue expanding this game. The only reason to release GW3 is if the current engine of GW2 doesn't support what they want to give us, same reason why they didn't update GW1 and instead made a new game.


Now some other things, all games lose players over time, that cannot be avoided. What I don't like, is the focus of Arenanet on old players, while there is very little done to bring in new players to the game. It's nothing new, lots of mmorpgs do this, you play the game at the beginning and have this "meh" experience, until you reach the most recent expansion content and play a vastly different and improved game. In Guild Wars 2 you get things like gliding, mounts and elite specs that change the experience, but only after you reach the appropriate expansions. Graphic-wise Path of Fire is ages better than the core game, with improved visuals and higher quality models and textures. Yet the core game remains as is with little to no change.


There is this perception of mine, I could be wrong of course, that they focus too much on the gem store, and have more gem store developers than actual programmers. This is to keep the current players paying, however, the alternative, bringing new players in, should be way more lucrative because for new players, everything on the gem store is "new". Arenanet's monetization scheme with the Living World doesn't help either, you buy an expansion and the story is a disjointed mess and newer players have no clue what is going on. And then they have to pay extra to unlock the in-between story.

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> @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > It's fair to say that if ANet wants to keep having a big studio, then _some day_ a sequel will be a better option than tinkering with GW2. But it's impossible to guess at when that "some day" might be, especially given all the other opportunities.


> It does not matter then when, all that matters is that we know it is a must be. The attrition of the games population as it ages makes it inevitable that they will need to move on to something else eventually..


> The only alternative to GW3 at this point, is if they do as @"Astralporing.1957" said, and move in a whole different direction.


I think that Illconceived Was Na's point is that it's not _"at this point"_ it's _"at some point in the future perhaps after another decade or more"_.

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> @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > It's fair to say that if ANet wants to keep having a big studio, then _some day_ a sequel will be a better option than tinkering with GW2. But it's impossible to guess at when that "some day" might be, especially given all the other opportunities.

> >

> > It does not matter then when, all that matters is that we know it is a must be. The attrition of the games population as it ages makes it inevitable that they will need to move on to something else eventually..

> >

> > The only alternative to GW3 at this point, is if they do as @"Astralporing.1957" said, and move in a whole different direction.


> I think that Illconceived Was Na's point is that it's not _"at this point"_ it's _"at some point in the future perhaps after another decade or more"_.


Even after a decade I highly doubt it.


Is there a UO2 16? years later? Nope. Is there a WoW2 14 years later? Nope.


Spinoff's like a moba like HOTS would be a great direction to go if any for Anet. Branch out from the same franchise and capitalise on that.

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I hope the devs would only consider GW3 is if they have a set of ideas that can only be incorporated effectively by a complete rewrite of the game rather than tweaking the current one. They might figure out a way to have the living world change, have content replayable and not have players who are at separate parts of their story still able to interact with each other in the open world in a non-jarring way. They might want to have a seamless open world. In short, they might think they have cracked the code for creating the game they wanted GW2 to be at launch, but rather than trying to negotiate close to a decade of spaghetti code it would be easier to start from scratch. Unless that is what they do, I hope they stick with GW2.

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> @"wrathmagik.3518" said:

> > @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > > It's fair to say that if ANet wants to keep having a big studio, then _some day_ a sequel will be a better option than tinkering with GW2. But it's impossible to guess at when that "some day" might be, especially given all the other opportunities.

> > >

> > > It does not matter then when, all that matters is that we know it is a must be. The attrition of the games population as it ages makes it inevitable that they will need to move on to something else eventually..

> > >

> > > The only alternative to GW3 at this point, is if they do as @"Astralporing.1957" said, and move in a whole different direction.

> >

> > I think that Illconceived Was Na's point is that it's not _"at this point"_ it's _"at some point in the future perhaps after another decade or more"_.


> Even after a decade I highly doubt it.


> Is there a UO2 16? years later? Nope. Is there a WoW2 14 years later? Nope.


> Spinoff's like a moba like HOTS would be a great direction to go if any for Anet. Branch out from the same franchise and capitalise on that.


Just a point.


Mythic closed down.. so.. lets all hope that Anet does not follow that Direction.


WoW, is still the biggest western MMO's out, so they have no need to make a WoW2.. yet

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> @"wrathmagik.3518" said:

> > @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

> > > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > > It's fair to say that if ANet wants to keep having a big studio, then _some day_ a sequel will be a better option than tinkering with GW2. But it's impossible to guess at when that "some day" might be, especially given all the other opportunities.

> > >

> > > It does not matter then when, all that matters is that we know it is a must be. The attrition of the games population as it ages makes it inevitable that they will need to move on to something else eventually..

> > >

> > > The only alternative to GW3 at this point, is if they do as @"Astralporing.1957" said, and move in a whole different direction.

> >

> > I think that Illconceived Was Na's point is that it's not _"at this point"_ it's _"at some point in the future perhaps after another decade or more"_.


> Even after a decade I highly doubt it.


> Is there a UO2 16? years later? Nope. Is there a WoW2 14 years later? Nope.


> Spinoff's like a moba like HOTS would be a great direction to go if any for Anet. Branch out from the same franchise and capitalise on that.


But theres a GW1 ;)


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> @"Mike JezZ.4261" said:

> But theres a GW1 ;)

GW1 isn't a Massively Multiplayer game. The massive capabilities are limited to towns. Maximum capacity for explorable zones is 8; maximum is 12 for less than a handful of instances.

And, let's not forget, GW1 is still live. It's not nearly as popular as it was in even 2011, but it's still popular enough for those who enjoy it.


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> @"Tolmos.8395" said:

> lol can you imagine all the people who spent over $10,000 in gems and whatnot suddenly being told a Guild Wars 3 was coming?


> Yea, that would be a sight to see.


That is literally no issue. People spend multiple cars worth of money on cheap asian pay to win MMOs that die after half a year lol

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Mike JezZ.4261" said:

> I know that the subject gets up sometimes during this forum, but it's still an important subject.


> I just started on Guild Wars 2 myself, and while I can see myself dip alot of hours into the game, since the state of the game is alot more fun compared to release, I still have the fear that we some day get Guild Wars 3 announced.


> Why? Well, for starter because the game is already named "2", and theres another game in the franchise. I know that the first game didnt do what the devs wanted, and thats why they made a new game, or at least thats what I've read, but I would just hate to dip lots of hours into the game, just to start from a fresh if they ever think of making a third game in the series.


> It could without a doubt help, if they made it possible to carry all gear looks, outfits, mounts and companions to the new game, but making a sequel to a MMORPG is never a good idea, since it will mean that all the years of player progression will be lost. World of Warcraft would for example never have been that popular if people should start from scratch in each expansion.


> What do you guys think? Will we ever see a GW2, or only expansions from now on?


GW1 had limitations. I think they wanted a more open/ public model, so that each time you left an outpost you weren't effectively leaving the public space/ multiplayer world. GW1 was very lonely...unless you were fortunate to always be in a party, which isn't a realistic expectation. So as soon as you left those gates you were either in solo, or co-op mode (if someone was partied with you). Also I think games like WoW are demonstrating that not moving to a sequel format eanrs you the benefit of maintaining your player base, as not everyone will all of a sudden migrate over. to a sequel. Mostly because MMO gamers tend to run the bare minimum hardware for their MMOs...that and, well, starting over sucks. WoW hasn't seen a sequel yet. Sure it receives major upgrades, but that's it. Crazy... to think, WoW is still the same base game that I had first read about in a PC gaming mag, over 15 years ago, as I was working my first real non-retail/ food service gig. Also the fact that none of our GW1 items/ progress carried over pissed people off...I don't think they are in a hurry to do that again.

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  • 1 month later...

> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > @"Tolmos.8395" said:

> > lol can you imagine all the people who spent over $10,000 in gems and whatnot suddenly being told a Guild Wars 3 was coming?

> >

> > Yea, that would be a sight to see.


> That is literally no issue. People spend multiple cars worth of money on cheap asian pay to win MMOs that die after half a year lol

Those are different people, though.


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I like the ideas of incremental updates to the engine. and adding breadth to skills and such. But I'm kind of stodgy in my gameplay selections. I still have Diablo 2 accounts, though I've had to recreate them a few times after extended time away from the Internet and PCs. But my favorite PC game of all time is the Sierra Front Page Sports Football series. I have a lot invested in regard to money, and more importantly, time, in GW2, so I'd rather have that not be erased by a move to a 3 as opposed to a continual upgrade of 2. But some upgrades can be as bad as a new version - Star Wars Galaxies and Marvel Heroes for example.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If they did move to GW3, I could only see it being justified by fundamentally changing the gameplay mechanics, probably toward a more action-oriented style of play. Even then, it would be nice if they directly continued the story and carried over characters, so we just played the same character after being put on a bus for a few years to rework the world.

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The jump from GW1 to GW2 was what 250 years? They made more alliances to help save Tyria, enemies became friends, advancement were made in weapons and even had vehicles. I just do not know if I can take a new game change. Started with Starcraft/Warcraft (WILL YOU STOP TOUCHING ME,,, BOOM) then Battlefield 1942 - BF4... played some CS. (never liked the cartooness of World of Warcraft) then found Guild Wars was the closest I could come to the fun of Battlefield, (played against bots) BF4 just became way to fast for me so i stuck with Guild Wars starting with Prophesies/Factions and on.

I hope they continue with this game. Nothing wrong with the game and an updated engine, graphics, and content, even new types of antagonist.

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  • 1 month later...

> @"Mike JezZ.4261" said:

> I know that the subject gets up sometimes during this forum, but it's still an important subject.


> I just started on Guild Wars 2 myself, and while I can see myself dip alot of hours into the game, since the state of the game is alot more fun compared to release, I still have the fear that we some day get Guild Wars 3 announced.


> Why? Well, for starter because the game is already named "2", and theres another game in the franchise. I know that the first game didnt do what the devs wanted, and thats why they made a new game, or at least thats what I've read, but I would just hate to dip lots of hours into the game, just to start from a fresh if they ever think of making a third game in the series.


> It could without a doubt help, if they made it possible to carry all gear looks, outfits, mounts and companions to the new game, but making a sequel to a MMORPG is never a good idea, since it will mean that all the years of player progression will be lost. World of Warcraft would for example never have been that popular if people should start from scratch in each expansion.


> What do you guys think? Will we ever see a GW2, or only expansions from now on?


The first Guild Wars did what the developers wanted, and the first game was most definitely an MMO. It was massive and it was most certainly multiplayer. CORPG could be considered a sub genre for it. The first game was aimed at a userbase that wanted an MMO that was better than WoW without a monthly cost, and Arena Net delivered. Once they figured everything out, including what and how to create a living story and add to pvp with World vs. World, they created GW2. As far as Guild Wars 3 I don’t see any reason for it if they can just continue updating 2. They weren’t able to add to Guid Wars in a legitimate way after a few years because technology was moving quickly. Guild Wars 2 offered them the opportunity to keep updating and adding things with a new engine. The graphics and gameplay still look amazing. We’ve seen technology level off in terms of low cost sytems now include high end graphics. Those systems are now able to run the game smoothly so we’ve never seen a massive decline in users.



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Another one of these...


Season 5 is confirmed. Expansion 3 is no doubt behind, and we'll likely see a Season 6 to wrap things up if Arenanet wanted to end things soon.


So at releases of 2 months (minimum) and seasons of 6 episodes (minimum so far), we're looking at 14 releases with Season 4 Episode 6. Or 28 months of wait before GW2 "ends". Minimum. More likely to have an average of 2.5 months per release, so we can really look forward to 35 months before "the end" of GW2, if Anet's looking to end things soon.


Even if Anet does another MMO, I don't want it to be a GW3 personally. I think they'd be better off making a new IP given the design divergence from GW1's time. And I think most Anet devs would agree - after all, if they kept wanting to work in GW's setting, they just carry on with GW2, even if it meant saying goodbye to most NPCs and places as we explore new lands untouched by the plot of the Elder Dragons.

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It's a deep subject, wow started like GW1 and built the sequel over, while Anet made a sequel.

This allows us to play an official version of GW1 while WoW community (re)build private servers to play with their favorite versions "those of us who enjoy modding love this too".

Though WoW charges a monthly subscription, they get paid either way, and Anet would've lost out on buyers of the game.

With the current expansions/gem store setup GW2 has it can now go in a similar direction WoW went.

Don't hold your hopes to high though if we get a GW3, the GW1

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