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So...Is Scourge Hated in PvP?


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Competitive people usually don't like to be behind other in stats. If you add this to the fact that other professions tend to perceive the scourge as a skill-less spec that used to overperform... Then yes you got some hatred and salt that will come to any player performing well with a scourge.

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Just don't listen to them. There are only a hand full of people that know how to fight against scourges and these people could easily kill scourges before the 1million nerfs.

So anyone that says scourge is brain-dead skillless never played scourge himself.


I do admit. Scourge can get very strong. But only with proper support and people dying.


But it's nowhere the other specs while being alone.

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MM always felt infinitley more annoying to fight than Scourge, for me. If I was to moan about a class always absolutely destroying me I'd say Ranger, but would always assume it's my own fault for not understanding how to face them.


To flame your own teammate for doing well in UNRANKED first thing in the morning is just unheard of, for me!

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I don't complain about necros, i complain about mesmers and guardians the most, as they are the ones i hate the most, and warriors.


Mesmers are so stupid being able to teleport around and having infinite invincibility and mirages and being able to blow you up from 100% -0%, its just dumb.


Guardians are ridiculous with the amount of boonspam, that its not even funny, and super annoying to deal with on rogue because of infinite boons.


Only time necros scare me, is when i'm trying to sneak up on a scourge and he does that fear thing and boon corrupt when a fb gives me boons or ele and i get tons of boons corrupted.


Also reaper necros when they do reaper shroud and run after you with dots its scary.


Warriors also have a annoying tendency to spam attack and go immune and do massive dmg, they are real annoying, but not as bad as mesmers on thief, oh god i hate fighting mesmers with a passion.

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Scourge is in an okayish spot right now. It does have its strengths and its weaknesses, it is not easymode anymore. Maybe a rework would be cool, to get rid of the condispam and make it a nice supporter... we'll see whether Anet wants to try that.


It used to be ridiculously op, however, some people just don't forget so quickly. Don't listen to those guys and keep playing what you like. :) Some people are just toxic, you can always ignore them if they go too far.

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