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More clarity !

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Let's be honest. Guild Wars 2 pvp is about as close to e-sport standards as North Pole is to Kongo. But that doesn't mean it can't take a page from games that succeeded and strive to improve. First thing would be **clarity**.


League of Legends has a concept that I can get behind when it comes to their champion skin design:

"No matter the skin, the mere outline of a champ should be immediately distinguishable and identify the champ".


Same should happen here in spvp. I get ppl wanna look cool playing their hero. Ok.

But in "normalized looks mode" how about you ditch the similar looking, **non-informative** models and introduce **sharply distinct** standarized models for each profession.


When a teamfight breaks out at mid, i **should not be wasting time identifying which guy is who**. That should be self apparent the moment i cast my gaze on the screen. In fast paced team combat every split second matters and it should be spent on "what do i do and on whom" and not "so...who is that guy over there?"


Seriously. Please. I beg you.


**Extremely distinct models for each profession in spvp in standarized enemy looks mode**.

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Nah. They need to shift gears and try to make GW2 PvP as fun as possible. Let people play with their friends again while still earning pips.


We need more game modes, weekly "brawls" with wonky rules like Blizzard does so well, to encourage build diversity, etc.


Anyone who thinks GW2 is a great test of your PvP/gaming skills is delusional. The powercreep and abilities in this game are so absurd... plus, it's a 5v5 solo-q ranking system based on W/L (lulz).


Stop trying to make it competitive. That ship has past. Let's make it fun!

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> @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> S T A N D A R D E N E M Y M O D E L S


Standard models don't do jack when the entire screen is blurred with particle effects and engagements happen instantaneously from 1200+ range due to teleports and no-projectile ranged attacks.

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