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Soulbeast should only have access to 1 pet


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It's more balanced that way. Everything on every class should be nerfed as well, but for soulbeast, this should be the main nerf. Being able to do huge damage and having such survivability is bad design. They should only be able to choose between 1. I'm a fan of the "nerf everything" concept to get us back to a less spammy game.



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I don't think I could really agree with this kind of change at this point in time. Normal ranger is already considered to be better then soulbeast to some people and I think a change like this would only cause many more people to agree with that narrative.


Though I guess if at some point in time the rest of the classes in the game are brought in line as well I could maybe get behind something like this.

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> @"Zefrost.3425" said:

> It's more balanced that way. Everything on every class should be nerfed as well, but for soulbeast, this should be the main nerf. Being able to do huge damage and having such survivability is bad design. They should only be able to choose between 1. I'm a fan of the "nerf everything" concept to get us back to a less spammy game.




Except you ask for everything else to be nerfed except for your engi.

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No definitely no, it will not fit mechanically and thematically if soulbeast can only merge with one pet. And playing soulbeast is far from spammy gameplay, you have merge cooldown and pet swap cooldown. A good soulbeast player know when to use the right pet at the right time,a bit micromanage imo. Maybe you should playing it first before saying it spammy..


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I only would see this change as welcome if soulbeast mode would replace petswap so all traits would trigger when entering/leaving .

But as others had mentioned Sbeast is not in need of nerf. Its balanced atm. All mesmer specs are broken atm and scourges and spellbreakers are competitive cancer. Firebrand is overtuned for zerk gameplay and weaver could need a tune down in dmg for PvE due to way to high numbers. Ranger is probably the most balanced profession atm, even if druid is still best heal pick it has supportive competition in alt comps and is not mandatory for success.

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> @"BadSanta.6527" said:

> I don’t know why you asking for nerf to class that not even consider as meta ......


It's not cause it's not META that there's no overpower things composing the class. And pets are the most (or at least one of) OP thing in the ranger set. So for other classes.


Example REVENANT : sword 4 + 5 is an insane burst combine with impossible odds but since the class is super weak ... ppl don't care . That still dont mean it's acceptable tho. (Revenant player main here)


You totally miss the point of the OP : getting less spammable skill and IA assistance => we could say less power creep too as far as I understand.



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> @"Nath Forge Tempete.1645" said:

> getting less spammable skill and AI assistance => we could say less power creep too as far as I understand.


Yeah just remove our *profession mechanic* it's no big deal, rangers dont need a *profession mechanic* haha it's not like anet has nerfed pets through the ground already because people keep betchen about it. I mean it's not like half the pets can't even land their auto attack on a player because their tracking is godawful... oh wait


Pets are not op by a long shot. They can barely track their target because their AI is daft and they're slow, they can be killed and rendered useless (aint no other profession with a punishable mechanic like this). You see these 'i got hit by 12k gazelle charge' or 'ranger random knockdowns' and you don't realize that gazelle charge can't normally even hit the target because pet pathing is a myth and there isn't such a thing as random knockdowns


Yes a pet can finish you off if you're at 5% hp. But a pet cannot get you from 100-0 by itself unless you're afk for 5min.

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> @"ChartFish.1308" said:

> > @"Nath Forge Tempete.1645" said:

> > getting less spammable skill and AI assistance => we could say less power creep too as far as I understand.


> Yeah just remove our *profession mechanic* it's no big deal, rangers dont need a *profession mechanic* haha it's not like anet has nerfed pets through the ground already because people keep betchen about it. I mean it's not like half the pets can't even land their auto attack on a player because their tracking is godawful... oh wait


Did I say something about that? I don't feel like it honeslty. Try not to extrapolate plz.


> Pets are not op by a long shot. They can barely track their target because their AI is daft and they're slow, they can be killed and rendered useless (aint no other profession with a punishable mechanic like this). You see these 'i got hit by 12k gazelle charge' or 'ranger random knockdowns' and you don't realize that gazelle charge can't normally even hit the target because pet pathing is a myth and there isn't such a thing as random knockdowns


The only "OP" pet right there is the Smokescale ... I personnaly have no issue from others. But what OP was saying is that Soulbeast kinda feel unfair whit 2 pet cause of the specialization mechanism (I think)


> Yes a pet can finish you off if you're at 5% hp. But a pet cannot get you from 100-0 by itself unless you're afk for 5min.


No sure. But a smokescale can land a randon KD with no animation and super large hitbox while you were on point to exit and just kills you indirectly

ANd you know that a Druid is most wanted in raid than a renegade heal for example just cause the pet deals more damage over time than a healing renegade as a second healer (druid still BiS as primal healer/buffer) ... Overall dmg buff for power build is bigger for renegade, more healing, might stacks, alacrity,... But still druids (then it might be other factors too such as habits and/or spirits)


Just a funny fact , not complaining


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> @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > Your posts never cease to amuse me. Please keep it up!


> They completely missed an opportunity though.


> Soulbeast should only have access to 1 pet, and that pet should be a Eagle, because they are natures most majestic beast, a fitting tool for the most majestic elite spec!


Let's go one step further: Griffon pet -> Griffon merge. You grow wings and you can _actually_ fly

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> @"Nath Forge Tempete.1645" said:

> > @"ChartFish.1308" said:

> > > @"Nath Forge Tempete.1645" said:

> > > getting less spammable skill and AI assistance => we could say less power creep too as far as I understand.

> >

> > Yeah just remove our *profession mechanic* it's no big deal, rangers dont need a *profession mechanic* haha it's not like anet has nerfed pets through the ground already because people keep betchen about it. I mean it's not like half the pets can't even land their auto attack on a player because their tracking is godawful... oh wait


> Did I say something about that? I don't feel like it honeslty. Try not to extrapolate plz.


> > Pets are not op by a long shot. They can barely track their target because their AI is daft and they're slow, they can be killed and rendered useless (aint no other profession with a punishable mechanic like this). You see these 'i got hit by 12k gazelle charge' or 'ranger random knockdowns' and you don't realize that gazelle charge can't normally even hit the target because pet pathing is a myth and there isn't such a thing as random knockdowns


> The only "OP" pet right there is the Smokescale ... I personnaly have no issue from others. But what OP was saying is that Soulbeast kinda feel unfair whit 2 pet cause of the specialization mechanism (I think)


> > Yes a pet can finish you off if you're at 5% hp. But a pet cannot get you from 100-0 by itself unless you're afk for 5min.


> No sure. But a smokescale can land a randon KD with no animation and super large hitbox while you were on point to exit and just kills you indirectly

> ANd you know that a Druid is most wanted in raid than a renegade heal for example just cause the pet deals more damage over time than a healing renegade as a second healer (druid still BiS as primal healer/buffer) ... Overall dmg buff for power build is bigger for renegade, more healing, might stacks, alacrity,... But still druids (then it might be other factors too such as habits and/or spirits)


> Just a funny fact , not complaining



1. Smokescale is far from OP, its probably the only pet useful in competitive modes but not OP just because its KD is barely telegraphed(which it isnt btw if you would play ranger with a Scale for some time)

2. There are currently 47 unique terrestrial pets (subtracted the hall of monument ones), so smokescale represents roughly 2% of all available terrestrial pets, and its in EVERY meta build because all other pets suck.

3. The smokefield and the KD is what makes this pet really useful and competitive, the dmg doesnt

4. Pet should be all about utility and the dmg should be the rangers part

5. Pets cannot hit moving targets, not even a slow as hell golem

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > Your posts never cease to amuse me. Please keep it up!

> >

> > They completely missed an opportunity though.

> >

> > Soulbeast should only have access to 1 pet, and that pet should be a Eagle, because they are natures most majestic beast, a fitting tool for the most majestic elite spec!


> Let's go one step further: Griffon pet -> Griffon merge. You grow wings and you can _actually_ fly


Please stop typing and take my money!!!!!!!!!


I still fail to understand why the OP thinks SB should only have 1 pet. It isn't as if a SB can swap pets while remaining in Beastmode, so swapping pets leaves a window where the ranger and pet are separate.

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I've though about this a bit more and I think I could see myself getting behind this is more of the older pets skill in and out of beastmode got updated to be useful to some degree so that the soulbeast in question could actually be a threat with said pets. Just like you want gryo's to be buffed so that they're more relevant in the current state of the game I'm sure there's quite a few people here that would share the same feelings towards a rangers pets.


So yeah, might be a good idea if at least some of the older pets get buffed or changed around. But until that happens I can't really see something like this being fair towards rangers.

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Not all of us are competitive players. I am a very casual oPvEer who mains a SB and I often select "underutilized" pets and swap them around while adventuring. Don't cut my profession's mechanic in half just because some SB ganked you. How is your proposal then fair for us other players?

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> @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> I only would see this change as welcome if soulbeast mode would replace petswap so all traits would trigger when entering/leaving .

> But as others had mentioned Sbeast is not in need of nerf. Its balanced atm. All mesmer specs are broken atm and scourges and spellbreakers are competitive cancer. Firebrand is overtuned for zerk gameplay and weaver could need a tune down in dmg for PvE due to way to high numbers. Ranger is probably the most balanced profession atm, even if druid is still best heal pick it has supportive competition in alt comps and is not mandatory for success.


This is what I always thought the design was going to be and should have been.


Still waiting on that Ranger "phantasm rework," it's long overdue in a game that has made such mechanical/infrastructure progress.

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Oh trust me, I fully agree that Soulbeast should only have one pet instead of two since the whole concept is you’re so close to your pet that you can literally fuse together.


However, if they did this they’d need to drastically buff, or maybe even rework, Soulbeast because it’s clearly not designed with using only one pet in mind.


But hey, I’m of the mindset that e specs should have some give or take to them so it’s obvious they’re not direct upgrades, but playstyle changes.

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> @"Durzlla.6295" said:

> Oh trust me, I fully agree that Soulbeast should only have one pet instead of two since the whole concept is you’re so close to your pet that you can literally fuse together.


> However, if they did this they’d need to drastically buff, or maybe even rework, Soulbeast because it’s clearly not designed with using only one pet in mind.


> But hey, I’m of the mindset that e specs should have some give or take to them so it’s obvious they’re not direct upgrades, but playstyle changes.



They need to buff and rework pretty much all pets otherwise it will be only one choice per gamemode reagrding pet choice.

Porcines still have an aweful F2 mechanic.

Moas dont have supportive archetype.

Many pets are not affected by quickness.

Precision calculations differ from family to family.

Targeting is wishful thinking.

Some beastmode skills are a joke.

You cannot mix and match archetype with the pet you like.

There is litterally no customization option for you available except the choice of what pet you play with.

If they do not address this then this proposal from OP is redundant.

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