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It's Come To This - I'm Looking For Experienced Dungeon Runners

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So I run dungeons still for the purpose of stock piling tokens so I can build legendaries and sell them each month. Problem is lately, you LFG in some of the dungeons, almost all of them anymore, and under-leveled dudes join that have absolutely no idea what is going on, resulting in the 1 veteran player pretty much solo'ing the dungeon. <- This is a REAL drain on completion times. Worse yet, it doesn't matter what you type into the LFG "Speed Run - Experienced Only", they join anyway probably because not many veteran players are running dungeons anymore. Not unless they need tokens for a legend or something. AC maintains fair traffic due to Monk Runes, as well as dungeons that provide Berserker stat exotics. Other than that, dungeon LFG is a dead zone of under-leveled Cleric Warriors who desperately want their Dungeon Master title.


If anyone else is interested in forming an experienced dungeon crew, please message me in-forum or in-game. Ideally I'd like to sign in around reset time and grind out several dungeon paths per day, oldschool speed run style. You don't need to be perfect and I am not necessarily looking for a raid meta subgroup "if it forms that's great", I just want players who actually have functional builds, that know the dungeons.


~ Please let me know.



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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> So I run dungeons still for the purpose of stock piling tokens so I can build legendaries and sell them each month. Problem is lately, you LFG in some of the dungeons, almost all of them anymore, and under-leveled dudes join that have absolutely no idea what is going on, resulting in the 1 veteran player pretty much solo'ing the dungeon. <- This is a REAL drain on completion times. Worse yet, it doesn't matter what you type into the LFG "Speed Run - Experienced Only", they join anyway probably because not many veteran players are running dungeons anymore.


This is so true lol. It saddens me that dungeons ain't what it used to be.. Not that I dislike the low leveled people, it's just that they're sometimes unresponsive to instructions so u just give up trying to help and leave or kick them...


I'd join u Trev, what time do u want to run the dungeons? I play chrono, druid and DH.

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@"Trevor Boyer.6524" Two hours before daily reset is when I aim to do my T4 fractals and 100CM with a few raid members and after that I'm probably too exhausted to do 5 dungeons which, if I remember correctly, takes quite a while to finish. Would it be possible to form a group and do it at around this hour or a bit later? (it's currently 1pm for me) :D

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I'd like to borrow you thread I'm actually looking for same thing but in EU. Unfortunate that I cannot help you, OP. I'm not like hardcore into it anymore as I used to be, but it would be nice to have a group to do it without hassles. My guild is just not interested in dungeons anymore at all.

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