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Add resistance to Foot in the Grave and hide it behind the stability


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> @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> If only there was a trait which removed conditions while entering shroud and continuously did so every few seconds while staying in shroud.


> Oh wait! There is!




Yay let's take complete useless death magic traitline

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Why not ask for a gain of all boons when entering shroud while we are at it?


The necromancer's defense thematic is designed around the idea of soaking damage with health point, it is not designed to nullify damage. That's why there is no block/invuln and low evade but a lot of health points. That's also why resistance which nullify condition effect is highly unlikely to appear on the necromancer. The only thing that one can expect for the necromancer is some %age damage mitigation like we already have unless there is a huge revamp of the necromancer as a whole.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> Why not ask for a gain of all boons when entering shroud while we are at it?


> The necromancer's defense thematic is designed around the idea of soaking damage with health point, it is not designed to nullify damage. That's why there is no block/invuln and low evade but a lot of health points.


That's what doesn't make sense at all. If you look at warrior: same hp, heavy armor, blocks and invulns



>That's also why resistance which nullify condition effect is highly unlikely to appear on the necromancer. The only thing that one can expect for the necromancer is some %age damage mitigation like we already have unless there is a huge revamp of the necromancer as a whole.



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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> That's what doesn't make sense at all. If you look at warrior: same hp, heavy armor, blocks and invulns



Nope, I say that the damage are soaked throught hp because shroud and barrier are just this: Health point. No warrior got these extra health point that barrier and shroud give to the necromancer. So yes, the necromancer got the same base HP but block and invuln are replaced by more hp in the form of shroud or barrier.


All in all, it's far from being perfect and is mainly a relic from the vanilla game, but that's how it's designed. The necromancer's defense is designed around the idea that he oppose health point to counter damage while the warrior's defense is designed to block and ignore damage.


How should I put it,

- the necromancer collect life energy from it's surrounding and then shield himself behind, but this is a finite ressource.

- the warrior use it's weapon to block and it's "willpower" to ignore incoming damage, these are infinte ressource gated behind skill cool down and duration.

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> @"DragonFury.6243" said:

> you almost removed any proper condi cleanse while in shroud because of scourge and power necro need that access to resistance and it a grand master trait that scourge wont use

> @ ANET just do it.


I personally dont like this idea to be honest.

Would rather have 5 seconds of stab on activation + 3 seconds of stab every 5 seconds or something like that while you remain ins shroud.

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > Why not ask for a gain of all boons when entering shroud while we are at it?

> >

> > The necromancer's defense thematic is designed around the idea of soaking damage with health point, it is not designed to nullify damage. That's why there is no block/invuln and low evade but a lot of health points.


> That's what doesn't make sense at all. If you look at warrior: same hp, heavy armor, blocks and invulns



> >That's also why resistance which nullify condition effect is highly unlikely to appear on the necromancer. The only thing that one can expect for the necromancer is some %age damage mitigation like we already have unless there is a huge revamp of the necromancer as a whole.




Don't forget they get Mobility and stackable HP Regen.


Total HP vs Effective HP is think is something overlooked.


Numbers-wise Necro might have 40k HP (Account for Shroud) but even a Weaver/Core ele has more effective HP due to Protection/Regen/Vigor boons coupled with Evades, Invulns, and instant cast teleports. While i dont believe Ele to be "op" its not hard by playing both classes to see which one actually can take more punishment as well as survive long enough to disengage. Not that necro could ever disengage to being with :'(


Dont get me started on SB/Core Warriors.

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Necro doesn't have many issues with conditions, really. It's probably the only class in the game that can get more than sufficient amount of cleanse/transfer without any trait investment and has easy time with them provided they tech against it. Cleanse potential will obviously vary from build to build, but it's never bad unless you make it to be.



Now as far as the topic of this post goes, I'd rather see it be good in one thing - providing Stability - rather than do many things, but on mediocre level.

That trait has been stuck in the past ever since the stability changes, ArenaNet basically didn't update it at all contrary to other stability sources. It's fair to ask them to finally update it.


I could see it either applying to nearby allies as well, staying at one stack (5s), or going up to 2 stacks for 5-6s and not being AoE.



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> @"Rym.1469" said:

> Necro doesn't have many issues with conditions, really. It's probably the only class in the game that can get more than sufficient amount of cleanse/transfer without any trait investment and has easy time with them provided they tech against it. Cleanse potential will obviously vary from build to build, but it's never bad unless you make it to be.


Error no?

Staff: 3condi transfer 20cd

Dagger oh: 3 consider transfer 18cd


Plague signet: 5 condis transfer 40cd

Consume conditions: all condis consumed 30cd


Aaand that's it.

Reaper gets suffer with one Condi transfer per enemy hit, so it's in worst case 1 and best case 5 with 20cd


Now we can use blood magic for unholy martyr

And deathmagic use shrouded removal.


But you will loose a ton of dmg for it.


And reaper is already pretty bad in 1v1 situations and it gets worse the more enemy players.

It needs soulreaping and spite to burst down certain enemies. Only in rlly rare cases you can switch out spite





> Now as far as the topic of this post goes, I'd rather see it be good in one thing - providing Stability - rather than do many things, but on mediocre level.

> That trait has been stuck in the past ever since the stability changes, ArenaNet basically didn't update it at all contrary to other stability sources. It's fair to ask them to finally update it.


> I could see it either applying to nearby allies as well, staying at one stack (5s), or going up to 2 stacks for 5-6s and not being AoE.




It would be awesome to get pulsing stab from rs3 back. I mean. Warrior has pulsing stab as well.


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> @"Wizardauz.3761" said:

> Numbers-wise Necro might have 40k HP (Account for Shroud) but even a Weaver/Core ele has more effective HP due to Protection/Regen/Vigor boons coupled with Evades, Invulns, and instant cast teleports. While i dont believe Ele to be "op" its not hard by playing both classes to see which one actually can take more punishment as well as survive long enough to disengage. Not that necro could ever disengage to being with :'(


> Dont get me started on SB/Core Warriors.

You can't compare the shroud mechanic to a simple health pool.


(+) Necro has 50% damage reduction in shroud.

(-) Shroud is degenerating.

(+) It can be filled up easiser than healing up.

(-) It is locked behind a 10s cooldown.


In smallscale it grants good sustain. In large scale it falls behind if looked at isolated and compared to a block. But it is even superior to a block, when the block is penetrated with an unblockable attack (which happens frequently in large scale).


It's just different.


Fighting a mender sword weaver on a berserk reaper is a pretty even matchup. I don't see a balancing issue here.


> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> It would be awesome to get pulsing stab from rs3 back. I mean. Warrior has pulsing stab as well.

No, I don't want to get chain feared from other reapers or applied multiple torments/cripples from scourges. Warrior is a different story. It has tons of cover boons and even resistance to negate the fear. But a warrior is also more vulnerable to scourges because of all the boons. A scourge can't deal as much damage to a power reaper as to other classes, because reaper is lacking boons to convert.


One big stack of stability is also better for the Blighter's Boon synergy as it grants an instant heal.


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> @"Rym.1469" said:

> Necro doesn't have many issues with conditions, really. It's probably the only class in the game that can get more than sufficient amount of cleanse/transfer without any trait investment and has easy time with them provided they tech against it. Cleanse potential will obviously vary from build to build, but it's never bad unless you make it to be.



> Now as far as the topic of this post goes, I'd rather see it be good in one thing - providing Stability - rather than do many things, but on mediocre level.

> That trait has been stuck in the past ever since the stability changes, ArenaNet basically didn't update it at all contrary to other stability sources. It's fair to ask them to finally update it.


> I could see it either applying to nearby allies as well, staying at one stack (5s), or going up to 2 stacks for 5-6s and not being AoE.




Being applied to near by allies most certainly should not be a thing as you would weaken the power of the trait to make it shared with allies. 3 seconds is far too short but i do agree it should be something upwards of 5 seconds this would at least allow safe stomps in a pinch.


I wish people would stop trying to throw support on every trait necro has and allow it to be selfish in traits that could use some QoL updating. Not every update idea needs to be "Shared with allies"


Any time you make something sharable on necro through its traits it becomes ok at best in a group but pretty crap when used for itself only. Scourge was suppose to be the support of all supports with necro. Instead of trying to put support by splashing idea that so many other things in other taitlines should be shared we should be asking for changes and reworks to this overloaded niche support e spec called scourge thats not really played as a support spec.

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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> Instead of trying to put support by splashing idea that so many other things in other taitlines should be shared we should be asking for changes and reworks to this overloaded niche support e spec called scourge thats not really played as a support spec.


I agree. Thought, the reason it's that way is because:

- Players didn't believe a support spec without substancial damage would do any good to the necromancer (And anet seemed to agree with this).

- Anet always make the same mistake over and over again by overloading necromancer's special mechanism, making it do everything at the same time.


Scourge might have been a good support spec if all shroud skills weren't overloaded with both physical and condition damage. The same way, DS and RS may be less awkward if they weren't trying to do both offense and defense at the same time. It always come to this arguable decision of anet's developpers to overload a single mechanism and then ended up being forced to make this mechanism below average for "balance" purpose.


Yes, scourge should be a support spec before anything else. However, the core necromancer don't have proper support mechanism to support such a thing. Anet twisted the "necromancer's support" in such a way that it's very unique and totally useless in a large part of the game while borderline op in the other part. Yet they chose to magnify this "support", leaving the necromancer still useless in the same lacking part of the game and breaking the other part of the game. The choices were badly made and I'm ready to bet that the futur won't prove that anet will aknowledge it.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > Instead of trying to put support by splashing idea that so many other things in other taitlines should be shared we should be asking for changes and reworks to this overloaded niche support e spec called scourge thats not really played as a support spec.


> I agree. Thought, the reason it's that way is because:

> - Players didn't believe a support spec without substancial damage would do any good to the necromancer (And anet seemed to agree with this).

> - Anet always make the same mistake over and over again by overloading necromancer's special mechanism, making it do everything at the same time.


> Scourge might have been a good support spec if all shroud skills weren't overloaded with both physical and condition damage. The same way, DS and RS may be less awkward if they weren't trying to do both offense and defense at the same time. It always come to this arguable decision of anet's developpers to overload a single mechanism and then ended up being forced to make this mechanism below average for "balance" purpose.


> Yes, scourge should be a support spec before anything else. However, the core necromancer don't have proper support mechanism to support such a thing. Anet twisted the "necromancer's support" in such a way that it's very unique and totally useless in a large part of the game while borderline op in the other part. Yet they chose to magnify this "support", leaving the necromancer still useless in the same lacking part of the game and breaking the other part of the game. The choices were badly made and I'm ready to bet that the futur won't prove that anet will aknowledge it.



Hey but there's hope. They shifted reaper to what it was supposed to be. A power spec. We'll they aren't all the way where it should be, and it still needs a lot of work (better to say: necro as a whole needs a rework)

But maybe scourge will be the supporter it was supposed to be, when next expansion comes out.


That's exactly how long it took for reaper -.-

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> Hey but there's hope. They shifted reaper to what it was supposed to be. A power spec. We'll they aren't all the way where it should be, and it still needs a lot of work (better to say: necro as a whole needs a rework)


I disagree on this point. But that's merely a case of different point of view on what reaper should have been. I think the changes on reaper were unwise and, coupled with the core changes to accomodate scourge, they crippled reaper from an all around good spec to a very niche spec. As it stand, "power" reaper is just "burst" reaper and while it didn't really need a babysitter before, now it does.


> But maybe scourge will be the supporter it was supposed to be, when next expansion comes out.



From anet's point of view, it's already the case. The point is that anet want necromancer's support to be "aggressive" and from other players point of view, that's just "dps". So the "supporter" will most likely be even more nerfed when the next expansion will come out, probably unable to shine at all.


> That's exactly how long it took for reaper -.-


Except, reaper is nothing close to what it should be, reaper wasn't supposed to be a power spec, it was supposed to be a master of chill, however, they nerfed necromancer's chill to oblivion. The original design was really really cool, the fact that they nerfed everything this design relied on killed the idea. Replacing this idea by the very simplistic "Power reaper concept" make the spec lose all appeal. Come on, who in it's right mind could enjoy this crap of necrocopter? This gravedigger crap should have long begone. The shroud might have been a good way to add some intelligent offense to the spec, but ultimately it's still overwhelmed by it's defensive aspect, forever unable to shine for "balance purpose". Anet tried to make the shroud a more offensive tool, buffing number and reducing it's ability to soak damage, yet they failed to understand that the reduction in ability to soak damage killed the buff in offense.


No! Reaper isn't what it should have been. It's not closer to what it should have been, it's just farther.

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Reaper was absolutely designed to be a power spec lol.


Everything in its kit but DC is and has been power and no conditions at all. Core necro's kit allowed it to be played condi, and DC was overpowered.


As for scourge, I don't understand why they didn't just make F1 equip a bundle to give barrier and small buffs at the cost of life force. Would keep the spec supportive with lots of debuff potential and open up shroudless builds a bit better. This could have also allowed for SoS to stay as it was without breaking scourge.



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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> Except, reaper is nothing close to what it should be, reaper wasn't supposed to be a power spec, it was supposed to be a master of chill, however, they nerfed necromancer's chill to oblivion. The original design was really really cool, the fact that they nerfed everything this design relied on killed the idea. Replacing this idea by the very simplistic "Power reaper concept" make the spec lose all appeal. Come on, who in it's right mind could enjoy this crap of necrocopter? This gravedigger crap should have long begone. The shroud might have been a good way to add some intelligent offense to the spec, but ultimately it's still overwhelmed by it's defensive aspect, forever unable to shine for "balance purpose". Anet tried to make the shroud a more offensive tool, buffing number and reducing it's ability to soak damage, yet they failed to understand that the reduction in ability to soak damage killed the buff in offense.


> No! Reaper isn't what it should have been. It's not closer to what it should have been, it's just farther.


^ This

I tired to give those offensive buffs a positive look when they first were implemented but over time they fell off and reaper started to feel worse than what it was before.


At this point reaper is pretty much a busier with lackluster sustain and fair damage thats hard to actually land. and not too hard to avoid.


Im just hoping the next e spec is 100% kill potential none of this big windup big reward slow attacks nonsense. Just give us something thats fast and deadly with a necormancer vibe to it. I dont care if its full glass at all. You die just as fast all the same no matter what e spec you use currently.



My prayers one day will hopefully be answered

- Give me something with more than just might fill some of those missing boons necro wishes to generate on its own

- Make it work with other core trailines rather than being its own heavily weighted line like scourge

- Give me mobility

- Give me active defensive utility via blocks or evades

- Give me gap closing skills

Just give me something for once thats raw power similar to what other professions have options for. Anet pls......


Dont give me something slow because theme has been followed sense the dawn of necro in gw2.

E- specs are always advertised as a new different way to play the profession you love so why we have do something actually different for necro thats not so slow and immobile for once.

Why dont we have a raw true power spec. Even reaper came with half its ket set on loading damging conditions and then for the long part of reapers history it was better used for just applying chill into bleed as a condi or hybrid condi spec.


The game only has 1 or 2 more especs to make my dream come true dont let me down D:


Ranting done D:


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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > Hey but there's hope. They shifted reaper to what it was supposed to be. A power spec. We'll they aren't all the way where it should be, and it still needs a lot of work (better to say: necro as a whole needs a rework)


> I disagree on this point. But that's merely a case of different point of view on what reaper should have been. I think the changes on reaper were unwise and, coupled with the core changes to accomodate scourge, they crippled reaper from an all around good spec to a very niche spec. As it stand, "power" reaper is just "burst" reaper and while it didn't really need a babysitter before, now it does.


> > But maybe scourge will be the supporter it was supposed to be, when next expansion comes out.

> >


> From anet's point of view, it's already the case. The point is that anet want necromancer's support to be "aggressive" and from other players point of view, that's just "dps". So the "supporter" will most likely be even more nerfed when the next expansion will come out, probably unable to shine at all.


> > That's exactly how long it took for reaper -.-


> Except, reaper is nothing close to what it should be, reaper wasn't supposed to be a power spec, it was supposed to be a master of chill, however, they nerfed necromancer's chill to oblivion. The original design was really really cool, the fact that they nerfed everything this design relied on killed the idea. Replacing this idea by the very simplistic "Power reaper concept" make the spec lose all appeal. Come on, who in it's right mind could enjoy this crap of necrocopter? This gravedigger crap should have long begone. The shroud might have been a good way to add some intelligent offense to the spec, but ultimately it's still overwhelmed by it's defensive aspect, forever unable to shine for "balance purpose". Anet tried to make the shroud a more offensive tool, buffing number and reducing it's ability to soak damage, yet they failed to understand that the reduction in ability to soak damage killed the buff in offense.


> No! Reaper isn't what it should have been. It's not closer to what it should have been, it's just farther.


Dmg wise it is. (Mostly pve point of view)

Yeah but i agree, for PvP it's nowhere where it should be

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Full knights power reaper with awaken the pain and might generation traits (= 3300 Power @ 25 might) does very well against other power builds and benefits a lot from Blighter's Boon as it is a bruiser setup.


It has problems against some condi builds. These are:


- Trailblazer/Dire Thief

- Trailblazer/Dire Mesmer

- Trailblazer/Dire Scourge


But that's more a balancing issue concerning these condi builds. They faceroll not only reaper but most other specs in a 1v1.


I would run full knights power reaper in WvW all day and do fine, if trailblazer/dire was not that common like it is. It can only be countered by full glass canon bursts (firebrand can outheal/cleanse it, but can't fight back).

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