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Replace deathly chill with a trait that causes you to take double damage and deal 40% more damage


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> @"Tobias.8632" said:

> I feel the point needs to be made that reaper's onslaught is not a _power_ trait, it is a _shroud_ trait. Evidently the people in charge of designing this class envisioned some kind of spite / soul reaping / reaper build where you would aim to spend as much time as possible in shroud, but they forgot to make it do more dps overall then just camping greatsword dropping wells and spamming 2 off cooldown. The fact remains that on a power build, even if the middle grandmaster was a blank trait, you would still take it over reaper's onslaught. As it is, deathly chill is nearly worthless to power builds, but you still take it over reaper's onslaught because deathly chill is actually a tiny bit of free damage whereas reaper's onslaught offers absolutely nothing.


I agree and think Reaper's Onslaught ought to have a shroud ICD reduction (20%) to make it competitive with the other Reaper GMs by reenabling shroud-flashing. Adding 5 sec fury would also help divorce it from other crit chance modifiers to open other build versions. The ferocity by itself is not enough, in practice, because of the shroud ICD and decay rate. A low-uptime/availability shroud holds this trait back.

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> @"Tobias.8632" said:

> I feel the point needs to be made that reaper's onslaught is not a _power_ trait, it is a _shroud_ trait. Evidently the people in charge of designing this class envisioned some kind of spite / soul reaping / reaper build where you would aim to spend as much time as possible in shroud, but they forgot to make it do more dps overall then just camping greatsword dropping wells and spamming 2 off cooldown. The fact remains that on a power build, even if the middle grandmaster was a blank trait, you would still take it over reaper's onslaught. As it is, deathly chill is nearly worthless to power builds, but you still take it over reaper's onslaught because deathly chill is actually a tiny bit of free damage whereas reaper's onslaught offers absolutely nothing.


While it's true Deathly Chill is nearly useless in purely power builds, it's not a given that you automatically take it over Reaper's Onslaught. The DPS is only (maybe? I will take your word for it) less once you hit the mob < 50% HP ... until then, you're best to get as much mileage out of Shroud as you can. There are hints of this too ... recent changes show Anet is pushing Reaper as (even if it's not) ... a burst of DPS. Deathly Chill doesn't give that, but Reaper's Onslaught with Death Perception does. I'm not sure what testing you have done, but it seems to me that if you are camping greatsword dropping wells and spamming 2 off cooldown, that's all well and good AFTER the first 50% of the mobs health .. until then, it's not entirely clear Deathly Chill is the better option than Reaper's Onslaught.


The culprit here is the (really dumb) design decision to make spamming a single attack THE most effective approach to playing Reaper ... CMON Anet, you can do MUCH better than that.


Edit: I had a bit more a think about this. In the scenario you are talking about (Spite, Soul, Reaper), neither Deathly Chill or Reaper Onslaught is beneficial while using wells and spamming GS2 ... Neither of those give you chill. The only advantage you could get from Deathly Chill while spamming GS2 is if you have Sigil of Ice, which I think very few people who care about performance is going to use to get Deathly Chill to proc on non-chill attacks. In this scenario, the most relevant scenario to see which of those traits are most advantageous is before a mob hits %50 HP.


Even if what you say is true and you believe what you are saying ... your suggestion is in fact, making the situation with the Reaper GM traits worse. If Deathly Chill is the no-question default trait to use now since it's good in all situations, changing it to what you have asked for is forcing people to take traits that are obviously deficient if they don't want to be glass. Not sure how that makes sense to you, but I doubt any players wants to be in that situation.

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> @"Anchoku.8142" said:

> > @"Tobias.8632" said:

> > I feel the point needs to be made that reaper's onslaught is not a _power_ trait, it is a _shroud_ trait. Evidently the people in charge of designing this class envisioned some kind of spite / soul reaping / reaper build where you would aim to spend as much time as possible in shroud, but they forgot to make it do more dps overall then just camping greatsword dropping wells and spamming 2 off cooldown. The fact remains that on a power build, even if the middle grandmaster was a blank trait, you would still take it over reaper's onslaught. As it is, deathly chill is nearly worthless to power builds, but you still take it over reaper's onslaught because deathly chill is actually a tiny bit of free damage whereas reaper's onslaught offers absolutely nothing.


> I agree and think Reaper's Onslaught ought to have a shroud ICD reduction (20%) to make it competitive with the other Reaper GMs by reenabling shroud-flashing. Adding 5 sec fury would also help divorce it from other crit chance modifiers to open other build versions. The ferocity by itself is not enough, in practice, because of the shroud ICD and decay rate. A low-uptime/availability shroud holds this trait back.


Maybe just make it, so it gives the ferocity bonus as a buff for 7 seconds. So it stays active with just shroud flashing?

We'll it would be a nerf to everyone who wants to stay in rs longer than 7 seconds, but for pve rotations, where you basically use 4 +6 to 9 autoattacks and then drop shroud it would actually be a buff.


Also as i mentioned somewhere. The attackspeed on rs-autos should stack with quickness. So you get quickness+ 15% attackspeed on autoattacks and not just loose the attackspeed because quickness is the higher number

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> @"Tobias.8632" said:

> I feel the point needs to be made that reaper's onslaught is not a _power_ trait, it is a _shroud_ trait. Evidently the people in charge of designing this class envisioned some kind of spite / soul reaping / reaper build where you would aim to spend as much time as possible in shroud, but they forgot to make it do more dps overall then just camping greatsword dropping wells and spamming 2 off cooldown. The fact remains that on a power build, even if the middle grandmaster was a blank trait, you would still take it over reaper's onslaught. As it is, deathly chill is nearly worthless to power builds, but you still take it over reaper's onslaught because deathly chill is actually a tiny bit of free damage whereas reaper's onslaught offers absolutely nothing.


You see, what's awesome is that you totally prove my point but still want to change DC.


Like you clearly say is that you are disatisfied with _Reaper onslaught_ and you even go to the length to say that it isn't a power trait but a shroud trait that have little to no impact whether you take it or not. What's amusing is that you aknowledge there is an issue with the trait but your answer to this issue is to change a trait with which this trait compete.


So, again, the issue isn't DC but RO. Please stop trying to change DC and cutting down reaper's possibilities, instead try to change RO into a valuable trait that might impact reaper's gameplay and in our case, satisfy your desire for more power damage. Like I said previously, the root of all issues for this trait is the reaper shroud uptime which is ridiculously low and almost totally nullify the trait effectiveness. If the trait had a higher uptime it would end up being a very good power option, easily able to compete with DC.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:


> Even so, _gravedigger_ always felt as a design flaw, I have to admit that this skill still puzzle me after all those years. Why do anet introduced such a thing in the game and why, by all mean, did they put so much emphasys on it to the point of tying the greatsword trait to the skill? I'll never have the answer but it sure will trouble me as long as this skill will exist. A high damaging super slow skill that you can spam on foes that have under 50% of their HP. The pinacle of skill less and boring gameplay in PvE and little to no purpose in PvP/WvW. WTH did anet's dev had in their mind when they designed it?


that it must be slow but hit hard which is something i hope they drop from future necromancer designs.

E-specs introduce new ways to play the professions we love or so they say but we dont have a speedy killer necro yet that competes with other professions like mirage, Weaver, Holosmith, and spellbreaker. which can continuously chase something down or disengage to sustain.

We don't need another slow wind up variation and thats a fact. It would be nice to have something kinda quick


While im almost certain necros next weapon will be a sword or (which will give every profession in the game a sword option) im not to confident in anets ability to deliver such a weapon without it being too clunky. Most of the swords in the game are.

If its any thing other than a sword or by some random chance a pistol its likely going to mark the role of another slow ramp up e spec that suffers in a game where everything else ramps up near instantly and moves and cast 2x as fast.

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