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Need Different Female Body Types


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I've been playing this game since the beginning, and I am still completely irritated with my choice of human female body types. Honestly, what's with the freaking thigh gap? These women look deformed. And their idea of "small breasts" is just to squish flat the big ones. Plus, unless you're an extreme bodybuilder, you're not gonna get those weird cut abs with the hip bone thing.

Norn females are better, except their boobs are so high they're probably constricting their airways!

Please, create some new human female body types. Curvy women, women who look real, women whose thighs touch, women whose arms aren't sticks!

I get that gaming is a male-driven culture but y'all need to give the girl games some credit here. :)

![](https://dviw3bl0enbyw.cloudfront.net/uploads/forum_attachment/file/63597/Human_female_physique.png "")




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I agree that the body types are unrealistic, cause they are either "too" aesthetic or very skinny. But same goes for the male body types though. I don't understand why, when questioning things like this, focus are always put on women and how their bodies always are portrayed in a perfected way (in games, dolls, movies, etc) instead of in a natural/realistic way, however same goes for basically all male bodies portrayed in media, so why not focus on questioning the general idea of perfectionated bodies?


But I'm not gonna get to political. I think that more body types should be added, both male and female. But some people also want to play as "perfect" characters, so I'm also for keeping those body types. Btw, same goes for faces. In reality not a single face is a 100% symmetrical, but the guild wars 2 character faces are. Does this mean that they should add unsymmetrical faces just to make them more relatable?

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"Women who look real?" The majority of human body types available look realistic, if you want more freedom to customize your character that's okay but use the right words.


> @Paralux.6714 said:

> I agree that the body types are unrealistic, cause they are either "too" aesthetic or very skinny. But same goes for the male body types though. I don't understand why, when questioning things like this, focus are always put on women and how their bodies always are portrayed in a perfected way (in games, dolls, movies, etc) instead of in a natural/realistic way, however same goes for basically all male bodies portrayed in media, so why not focus on questioning the general idea of perfectionated bodies?


Actually this is the first MMO I've ever played that addresses male body types fairly, it's not often you get to pick a slender male character, same goes for movement.



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I mentioned only human females because that's what I was creating at the time. I'm a female in RL, and I know that the majority of women do NOT look like the figures in GW2. Try looking at the Real Beauty campaign by Dove or the Normal Breasts Gallery (007b).

Good point by ProvebersofHell about the athleticism. However, I still stand by my original points that the female body shapes are unrealistic, even for acrobats. Google functional strength, or look at the difference between "cut" bodybuilders and Olympic athletes.

Speaking of male shapes, OMG, the Norn men make me laugh! They are so beefy. And yeah, I love being able to make a slender male character, say, for a thief.


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> @Spiral.3724 said:

"Try looking at the Real Beauty campaign by Dove"

Except those are marketing tricks for sad women. They talk about real beauty but those models still engage in makeup tricks, hair stylists, perfect skins, great lighting, post production, etc. F@t (lol why does the forum censor f@t? bad anet bad) woman dont look at all like the real beauty campaign by Dove. They have stretches, marks and a lot of stuff considered bad. Dont fall for marketing tricks. You might think you are against "patriarchal beauty standards" or whatever the buzzword is but at the end of the day, if you engage in 99% of those standards and only stand up against being fat-skinny, then you are not really against those beauty standards. You are against having to drop cakes and burgers.


Finally, male characters have more unrealistic bodies since many of them would require to do bodybuilding. Even the slim ones. Not just being skinny as its the case for the female characters.


Regarding your suggestion,** I would love a bit more diversity too,** but the truth is that making them fatter would probably mean a different geometry for armors and its an effort ANET would never do because most players want to play as supermodels. Not as average Joe.

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> @"Angelica Dream.7103" said:

> Most other games have slides, and you build the bodies to your liking.


I suspect Arenanet decided against this since, as we should all be aware by now, there’s an abundance of puerile male (and possibly female) players who would exaggerate proportions to unrealistic degrees simply for the thrill of ogling.

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Actually for many years now, there is also a reasonable stigma associated with variety of body types in multi-player games.


Another reason for games to try and avoid the overweight category for either males or females (or by simply making "standardized bodies") is to prevent people for having yet another reason to harass one another. It's fully based on real life interaction. It is more likely for people to get bullied/picked on for being overweight than not. What if someone created an overweight character in order to immerse him/herself in the game (as in representation of that individual's actual physique), and then encounter number of people name-calling them or creating "nicknames" for them based on that feature. It wouldn't be right and probably would be a killer for their self-esteem, possible creating more alienated players/having larger number of players leave sooner. Having standardized models (aside from modelling/animation/etc. issues associated with increased number of models) is a way for companies to avoid these issues. It is also for some (not all) people who have to face these issues daily in real life, a way to distance themselves from being judged by these things in game if they happened to make a "mistake" of making their life-like representation there.


And no, we can't assume community would be acceptable of that as a whole either. We can see that behavior on the forums themselves, where there are a lot of individuals that choose to act like entitled judgmental aholes to others due to Internet's anonymity. I have seen people picked on because they can't commit as much time into game as others; because they don't enjoy all the game modes that other people do; because they have a personal injury that others used as an excuse to pick on them further; heck, I have seen people being picked on because someone didn't like the dye on their armor. Yes, there are kind and understanding people too, but quite frankly it often feels, like the vocal majority is not. Arrogance and ignorance seems to be far more prevalent than understanding is.


Just something to think about. Cheers.

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The vast majority of people want to play as attractive characters, either as their own gender or as the "digital waifu".


No one uses the old lady face or the dadbod guy body with the balding hair unless it's an RP character or as a joke.


Overweight people even prefer trim people in advertising when tested in studies. Everyone wants to be sold an ideal, not the reality they have to live with.


> @Spiral.3724 said:

> Please, create some new human female body types. Curvy women, women who look real, women whose thighs touch, women whose arms aren't sticks!


Plenty of women look like that. It's called being physically active.

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> @Fenom.9457 said:

> > @Panda.1967 said:

> > wish the body shapes for Sylvari were available on Human... it bugs me to no end that I can't have a nice petite shape with small breasts on my humans... and yet I can be practically flat chested and petite on my Sylvari....



> You can..


It's amazing how so many of the people complaining about body types simply haven't scrolled to the end of the list in game.

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> @"Substance E.4852" said:

> > @Fenom.9457 said:

> > > @Panda.1967 said:

> > > wish the body shapes for Sylvari were available on Human... it bugs me to no end that I can't have a nice petite shape with small breasts on my humans... and yet I can be practically flat chested and petite on my Sylvari....

> >

> >

> > You can..


> It's amazing how so many of the people complaining about body types simply haven't scrolled to the end of the list in game.


I have looked through the entire list, the shape I want does not exist for humans, but it does on sylvari, in abundance... and as the OP already explained... the "small breasts" options on humans are just squished flat versions of their usual big breasts. They are not petite, they are not sized or shaped properly, and they look bad. Sylvari on the other hand have proper variation in proportions and are shaped right. Wish they would have put as much effort into human female shapes as they did on Sylvari.

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Having overwheight characters would be unrealistic in this game. They are too physicaly active to become overwheight and ive never seen a fast food chain in the game.


I think OPs post is a bit bullying against thigh gaps and skinny/normal bodyshapes. She needs to change her view and accept that there is different body types than her own.


But i do agree that there should be more bodyshapes to choose from. I want one with smaller breast.

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