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Need Different Female Body Types


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It's never crossed my mind to look for options beyond what was offered. The character customization in GW2 is quite good, but it's not perfect. I can understand the point being made by OP, and I think it would be nice to have some options for athletically larger and proportionally more diverse bodies. It can't be a free-for-all for a number of reasons, but more options in this case would be an improvement.


Also, fathom... just wanted to test that word out. EDIT: Test successful

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I would love to see more athletic builds vs extreme curves for females. I have a more athletic build myself, and I do not see anything close. I avoid female humans for this reason. Norn females are not much better. And all of them except for the heftiest builds, have noodle arms in heavy armor. What's up with that?

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> @Spiral.3724 said:

>Plus, unless you're an extreme bodybuilder, you're not gonna get those weird cut abs with the hip bone thing.

I have them, but I'm just very skinny - and have a weird body type. That's probably why I play mostly male characters, the rest looks just too familiar ;)


ETA: I'd love to have the females some bigger calves, that's all I noticed what I would call 'wrong' - other than that: GW2 is really good when it comes to character customisation - I had really fun to create new characters. The body types aren't that important as the armor evens some of what's not 'perfect' out.

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You're in a vir> @Spiral.3724 said:

> I mentioned only human females because that's what I was creating at the time. I'm a female in RL, and I know that the majority of women do NOT look like the figures in GW2. Try looking at the Real Beauty campaign by Dove or the Normal Breasts Gallery (007b).

> Good point by ProvebersofHell about the athleticism. However, I still stand by my original points that the female body shapes are unrealistic, even for acrobats. Google functional strength, or look at the difference between "cut" bodybuilders and Olympic athletes.

> Speaking of male shapes, OMG, the Norn men make me laugh! They are so beefy. And yeah, I love being able to make a slender male character, say, for a thief.



"The majority of women" sounds a lot like generalization. Maybe the majority of women in your environment but most women aren't overweight, if you are suggesting this. Overweight is the result in the first world of malnutrition and general overconsumption of goods. About 90% of my friends aren't overweight, so what can I say? That those body types are okay?


That said, I would like to have more types and more slider options. And I want to create older looking charactes like Gandalf or an old Witch. Would e awesome. Most faces look ridiculously young, especially the men look like from the worst boy bands.

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It's fantasy, if someone wants to adventure as a rounder brother Tuck or a tough barmaid I say let them, no need to argue how athleticism forms the body.

It would be lot of work making sure all existing armour and costumes etc doesn't clip or expose the belly button, I don't think anything will happen there.

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> @CharterforGw.3149 said:

> I want a f.a.t sylvari, i mean there are big and f.a.t trees right?


> edit: seems kitten is allowed but f.a.t isn't. weird decision


Well yeah. Kittens are cute and cuddly and internet can tell you that by how obsessed it is about them. ;)


Anyway, personally, I have no problem with censoring out the word fxx, just because it alone is frequently used as an insult. There are perfectly fine alternatives that may not sound as offensive to others. You can thank our ignorant, judgmental parts of society for that.


Getting back on topic though:


Personally I agree with people saying that there is little niche for characters to have a reason to be overweight, as they are too active throughout their "lives," especially in this game that is so much focused on player skill rather than constant power creep in terms of levels and gear.


A genuine variety of body types would be nice too, because it does feel like Anet took a lazy solution to their models. It feels like every one of these models is in reality one, same model, that was simply stretched or flattened to imply different body type. Most of the difference in these types is really created by the textures that have some variety, not the models themselves. That later down the line, makes designing gear for models easier, because you don't have to be as wary of body type redesign as it should follow the parent model in most cases and adjust itself mostly accordingly. At least when I used to do 3D character designs, I would use shortcuts like that if I was pressed on time.



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> @Lancaeron.1524 said:

> I've noticed that the plus size Human Female models are flat-chested! Most plus sizes are actually quite busty.


It feels like they reserved that for Norn, given that aside from the height (them being just bigger humans), that's the only real feature distinguishing them from human females. It's a shame actually, but it feel like it.

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> @Panda.1967 said:

> > @"Substance E.4852" said:

> > > @Fenom.9457 said:

> > > > @Panda.1967 said:

> > > > wish the body shapes for Sylvari were available on Human... it bugs me to no end that I can't have a nice petite shape with small breasts on my humans... and yet I can be practically flat chested and petite on my Sylvari....

> > >

> > >

> > > You can..

> >

> > It's amazing how so many of the people complaining about body types simply haven't scrolled to the end of the list in game.


> I have looked through the entire list, the shape I want does not exist for humans, but it does on sylvari, in abundance... and as the OP already explained... the "small breasts" options on humans are just squished flat versions of their usual big breasts. They are not petite, they are not sized or shaped properly, and they look bad. Sylvari on the other hand have proper variation in proportions and are shaped right. Wish they would have put as much effort into human female shapes as they did on Sylvari.


This. I went with a large rack because the flat types are just normal sized women (if not a little on the bigger side) with a deflated chest.


There is no such thing as petite on humans.

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Quit trying to play as captain vanilla boring human and join us at Sylvari Central! We got thicchicks for days!


Edit: Serious though, I'll admit that the human choices are a bit pandering to basic dude nerds, but that's why we got other races!

-Sylvari for thicc thighs (also every other sensible body type)

-Norn for thicc torso

-Asura for thicc ears

-Charr for thicc fur

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  • 4 months later...

This game doesn't need fat player characters. Player characters spend their entire lives running around, swinging swords and carrying a dozen bags full of ore and everything else. Your human character should look fit, tone and strong.


Unless your character sits outside the bank and trading post in Divinity's reach, eating Chocolate cake for the luck and only opens bags... then, yea, that one can be fat. But the rest -- nah, they shouldn't be fat. Being fat isn't a good thing.


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More body types are always good, but I think it’s a bit incorrect to claim the body types already here aren’t “real”. A LOT of women across the country look like most of the body types presented, ranging from “I don’t really work out much” to “I do choreographed dances on the pull up bar”.


The kicker here is that our characters run EVERYWHERE. The likelihood of an overweight character is pretty darn slim unless the game implemented an asuran Segway or something. Cardio makes you smaller, and our characters all get a TON of cardio lol. So the “real” body types that OP wants would not really fit well as well as the post would lead everyone to believe.


It’s kind of hard to remain round when you run 5-10 miles DAILY.

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> @"Chickenooble.5014" said:

> This game doesn't need fat player characters. Player characters spend their entire lives running around, swinging swords and carrying a dozen bags full of ore and everything else. Your human character should look fit, tone and strong.


> Unless your character sits outside the bank and trading post in Divinity's reach, eating Chocolate cake for the luck and only opens bags... then, yea, that one can be fat. But the rest -- nah, they shouldn't be fat. Being fat isn't a good thing.



Norns can already be kinda fat. But I wouldn't mind an unrealistically fat character.

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  • 6 months later...

I would like to bounce on the subject, to speak about the fashion of Thigh Gap in certain young girls whose image for example of a character like mine below on the left can distort reality (corrected version for the example on the right).

![](https://i.imgur.com/5WEtbTU.jpg "")


Of course, it's a game, of course there's worse elsewhere, but that's not the point.


The question is, wouldn't it be possible especially for people who want to be human, to adjust this or to give personalization choices to enlarge or not the hips and in which case the space between the thighs?


It may or may not be considered useless, but there is nothing to prevent us from asking the question I think.

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