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Base Mesmer Needs a main hand power weapon.


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If you wanna play power mesmer you have only one option for mainhand power and that is sword.

Sure i can use greatsword as my other power weapon but the problem is you can never use pistol or offhand sword at the same time.

I love playing with dual swords but I'd also like to use my pistol as power sometimes too.

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Ditch the GS and run sword/sword-pistol? Then you can run both offhand sword and pistol at same time. Playstyle will be different without GS for sure however anything works in most content in this game.


You will not need a third sword, just leave the mainhand empty on one of the weapon swaps.

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While scepter looks like a condi weapon, it's actually a hybrid. The damage coefficient on Confusing Images is quite high (wiki says 3.6). But most people seem to hate scepter.


In terms of having the same weapon in the mainhand in both sets, I've been playing builds with scepter-scepter mainhand for a couple of years, and I actually prefer it. (These are all condi builds though)

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  • 3 weeks later...

i'd like it if the next xpac gave an elite that made greatsword behave like a melee weapon only traited in the new specialization tree. I think we will see that across a few classes, cause what else weapons can they give to warrior? lol. They're gonna have to make some weapons just behave like new ones in the new specs. That's my opinion. But i'd love greatsword as a melee weapon just for aethetics.


I also think a hammer would be cool. Idk how old you guys are, but used to be a game called The Legend of Dragoon for PS1. Was a turned based RPG. It was pretty cool, all the characters in your party had a signature weapon. One character was this really petite girl who used a Hammer. I always thought that was cool. I think a mesmer could swing hammer in an elegant way, and be way more unique than the way other classes use hammer.


So my vote is for Hammer if we get a new weapon. Or for greatsword if it could be made into a melee wep



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  • 4 months later...

> @"eldenbri.1059" said:

> While scepter looks like a condi weapon, it's actually a hybrid. The damage coefficient on Confusing Images is quite high (wiki says 3.6). But most people seem to hate scepter.


> In terms of having the same weapon in the mainhand in both sets, I've been playing builds with scepter-scepter mainhand for a couple of years, and I actually prefer it. (These are all condi builds though)


The 2 skill also does quite a bit of damage too if you block with it, and the clone generation of scepter is absolutely absurd so you have an endless stream for shatters.

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> @"Pyroatheist.9031" said:

> > @"eldenbri.1059" said:

> > While scepter looks like a condi weapon, it's actually a hybrid. The damage coefficient on Confusing Images is quite high (wiki says 3.6). But most people seem to hate scepter.


> 5.32 actually. 3.6 is from months ago, before the buff. Confusing images is an insanely strong power skill.


Yeah I always was confused by them doing that. I mean sceptre is clunky to use but the damage it can do is pretty insane especially when traited.

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Scepter has 2 extremely strong skills but the autoattack makes it a low tier weapon in PvE. The AA is trash tier so power scepter will not be viable if they don't change that up.

Even condi mirage using scepter tries to do as few aa chains as possible.



What I hate much more is that Sword in is less effective as power scepter in WvW.

If you compare Sword and Scepter directly you get:

1. Sword has high dmg, melee AA while Scepter has low dmg ranged AA with a Clone

2. Blurred Frenzy is immobile, medium melee DMG, 1s evade while Scepter has a block followed by a 1/2s evade which deals good damage and summons 2 clones. Also scepter counter has far less cd compared to blurred frenzy

3. Sword gets a clunky gap closer while scepter has an extremely powerful pressure/burst skill that has a condition damage share.


Sword in WvW atm is only good if you're mirage and have access to all those dazes.

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> @"viquing.8254" said:

> @"Me Games Ma.8426" :

> Mesmer sword is probably the most nerfed weapon in this game since the release.

> Even in PvP, if you are not using mirage for sword ambush mobility, there is no good reason to take sword.



Maybe not the most nerfed weapon but it is not in a good spot. The AA chain is fine and BF is just missing some damage or the cooldown could be reduced to compensate with the latest patches. But the main problem sword has is iLeap. It is probably one of the most outdated skills in the game. It deals 0 damage, and if you don't connect the Port immediately you'll miss out on the Immobilize. The mobility the skill provides is non existend compared to the spamable Mirage Thrust and the utility has been taken away since the skill can no longer swap if the clone is dead & the stunbreak was removed.

Anyways. I suppose that they will update sword at some point. Probably after a nerf to mirage thrust they see in which position sword mh is atm.

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> @"Me Games Ma.8426" said:

> > @"viquing.8254" said:

> > @"Me Games Ma.8426" :

> > Mesmer sword is probably the most nerfed weapon in this game since the release.

> > Even in PvP, if you are not using mirage for sword ambush mobility, there is no good reason to take sword.

> >


> Maybe not the most nerfed weapon but it is not in a good spot. The AA chain is fine and BF is just missing some damage or the cooldown could be reduced to compensate with the latest patches. But the main problem sword has is iLeap. It is probably one of the most outdated skills in the game. It deals 0 damage, and if you don't connect the Port immediately you'll miss out on the Immobilize. The mobility the skill provides is non existend compared to the spamable Mirage Thrust and the utility has been taken away since the skill can no longer swap if the clone is dead & the stunbreak was removed.

> Anyways. I suppose that they will update sword at some point. Probably after a nerf to mirage thrust they see in which position sword mh is atm.

Sword autos not really strong at all . They kept doing stuff with sword 3 which is damage increase only w/o boon which is never goign to happen,everyone poop boons 24/7

BF doesnt do damage at all and hit 8 times, means retal on 2-3 people will cost you more health than you do damage and sw3 ...imo its shouldnt be somehow buffed or idk. Its worthless skill if clone was insta destroyed because he have hp exactly for 1 auto attack...Thanks to crybabies ofc

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