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[S3E6] Human Gods and the M:tG Color Pie


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Well, yes, I'm still a bit behind in the story, sorry.


So, at Siren's Landing you see the "Original Five" Gods, i.e. Kormir hasn't yet ascended to take down Abaddon, who is still hidden, so humans only revere the other five.

That said, especially due to the Siren of Orr providing you with floating orbs around you, I can't help but notice a correlation between the Human Gods and the Magic: The Gathering color pie, especially since the original Guild Wars was often compaed to it, due to the skill system reminding of deckbuilding.

Dwayna = White, the color of protection and healing

Lyssa = Blue, the color of illusions and trickery

Grenth = Black, the color of death and decay

Balthazar = Red, the color of fire, rage and bloodlust

Melandru = Green, the color of nature and harmony


Is there anyone else that has made a similar connection? I couldn't find anything similar on the internet, at least on a quick Google search.

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the human gods were tyde to the original professions in gw1. (warrior, ranger, necro, monk and mesmer with ele as a mix between multiple gods)


also siren's landing was built when abbadon was still one of the six or he wouldn't have a reliquary in the middle (since it's the central one they couldn't remove it).

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The original professions/gods did hold similarities to the M:tG color system, yes. This more or less went away with Factions but it was notable back in the days of Prophecies.


EDIT: More specifically, there is a relation to the themes of the color, rather than the color themselves, what with Grenth/Necromancy being green, Monks/Dwayna being blue, and Lyssa/Mesmers being purple.

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