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Roller Beetle suggestion

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So right now when we boost, it instantly pushes us to max speed. It would be nice to be able to spend only half the endurance bar so we can control the boost we're having, because right now it's all or nothing and if I want to travel a medium distance I either go super slowly or land waaay behind my objective.

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An extension to the thought is to also allow the boost to use whatever endurance is accumulated, and not have to wait for 100% full. It just takes too long to wait for it to be enabled. As previous posters said, it would be much better to make Beetle behave similar to how raptor and skimmer work. The combination of having to wait so long to get a speed boost, and then not being able to control its duration are really off-putting for me. With these limitations, I currently can't see why would I even want to bother using the Beetle versus raptor + griffon? The incline/drift/air-tricks behavior is interesting, but I think very impractical for actually *playing* the game. In my opinion, of course. If I'm missing something about this, please, someone help me to understand what I've overlooked.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> i don't have the beetle _yet_ but i do like control, maybe a boost/brake system where you boost but the second time you hold your boost button you use your brakes.


Mount ability 2 slows you while you corner, and allows drifting. Holding 'S' or whatever you have bound to walk back, will slow the mount. Both will result in a full stop if wanted, or not controlled properly. Depends what you want to happen.

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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > i don't have the beetle _yet_ but i do like control, maybe a boost/brake system where you boost but the second time you hold your boost button you use your brakes.


> Mount ability 2 slows you while you corner, and allows drifting. Holding 'S' or whatever you have bound to walk back, will slow the mount.


i don't mean slow down, i mean full stop.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> I don't have the beetle yet; however, in my opinion not every mount should be good at all movement. If the distance is small or medium, then perhaps the beetle isn't the best option?


> /me shrugs


Like I said in the other thread on this subject, that's what I thought initially. But after playing around with it, the beetle has issues.


First, we already have a mount that is far more versatile over nearly any type of terrain AND has the ability to travel distances at speed: Griffon. Sure, it can only achieve top speed if you find a suitably elevated starting position, but it can still glide at two slower speeds if there isn't a massive cliff handy and it can traverse pretty much any terrain the other mounts can with the exception of the specialists (springer and skimmer), which aren't well adapted to travel.


Second, the beetle can't jump and so is ill-suited for traveling over anything other than flat ground. Think about it. This alone means that the beetle can never fully overlap any of the other mounts and especially not the way most of the maps are designed. Yet, unlike the springer and skimmer, suitable terrain for the beetle is rare and they have none of its other disadvantages such as...


Third, it takes about 10 seconds before you can use the beetle at all. Stop to harvest a node? Get dismounted because the beetle has no ability to avoid damage? 10 seconds every time.


Fourth, it loses speed rapidly on upward sloping terrain, but your endurance bar still takes 10 seconds to refill, meaning not only do you need open ground, you really need that open ground to be perfectly flat or on a downhill grade.


Fifth, its skills are useless. Breaking barriers is a gimmick that even ANet didn't put to use. I think I've seen only 3 or 4 of these beetle barriers. This is pure filler, not unlike the dreaded Itzel Poison lore that serves no purpose at all beyond gating a few points of interest. Big Air is sort of like the griffon dive - if the griffon dive did nothing useful. It is also a lot more difficult to use because you have to be moving at high speed AND find a cliff to jump off of...at which point all it does is give you a little extra endurance, which you really could have used BEFORE you gained speed, not so much after!


Put it all together and the beetle is not just niche, it's pretty much useless. Show me maps which have large open spaces, no cliffs or jumps, where only getting from point A to point B matters? Sounds a lot like the core maps...if we didn't have waypoints, right? And this kills me because the basic mechanics of the beetle: that sweet sweet zoom and drift are great fun! They just aren't in any way practical due to these design decisions, likely intended to prevent overlap, but ultimately in a very misguided and unnecessary fashion.


I hope they take up some of this feedback and address these issues. I'd really love to love the beetle and use it, but the current design makes it difficult to do so. Try it for yourself and form your own opinion.

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> Big Air is sort of like the griffon dive - if the griffon dive did nothing useful. It is also a lot more difficult to use because you have to be moving at high speed AND find a cliff to jump off of...at which point all it does is give you a little extra endurance, which you really could have used BEFORE you gained speed, not so much after!


I'd like to add that, should you remove the gimmick animation, the mechanic has absolutely no point.

* "Press this button if you'd like to regain endurance."


Of course I'd like to regain endurance... Having to press a button to do so would be interesting if there was a downside on doing it, but right now it's kind of useless as a game mechanic.



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That idea would also pretty neat


It also should start at full endurance and it regeneration maybe slightly abit more and dont tell me "But raptor/jackal useless !".... then you probably never tried to skip stuff in open world or didnt checked all maps in gw2 .... on some maps you cant use air tricks OR the beetle because of its fast movement speed , which is kinda good so you can use jackal/raptor , but also their engage skills are far more better.


Anyways getting off topic abit ...


I would love to see something like your suggestions :)

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