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How big is Planet Tyria?


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there is no data on this, due to the impossibility of scale, without creating a very bizarre map.


By the current scale of things, like ships, castles, walls that appear on the map, it is a tiny planet, smaller than France, perhaps the size of Belgium, for the sake of immersion, we pretend that things are "normal" and maybe it would be the size of the earth.



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You also have the architecture problem: "realistic" size houses make players feel incredibly cramped and uncomfortable, so everything is architected at, like, three story tall rooms compared to the size of players.


The layout of climates on the continent is also not really consistent with real world climate layouts, or "north" isn't working the same way it does on Earth, suggesting that while it may have been a consideration, scientific authenticity was not the sole guiding principal in world design.

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> @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> You also have the architecture problem: "realistic" size houses make players feel incredibly cramped and uncomfortable, so everything is architected at, like, three story tall rooms compared to the size of players.


> The layout of climates on the continent is also not really consistent with real world climate layouts, or "north" isn't working the same way it does on Earth, suggesting that while it may have been a consideration, scientific authenticity was not the sole guiding principal in world design.


Yeah but neither is Elder Dragons feeding on ley line magic in terms of real world thing. Best to chalk it up to fantasy world properties or you’ll drive yourself to the edge of insanity. That and hyper exaggerated art style.

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It may be akin to Earth in size. The ingame zones are not to scale, but like themepark "imitations" of what they really would look like, with the most relevant and gimmicky locations placed in there and little empty space in between. Actual travel time through a zone would translate to hours and days, not seconds/minutes. This means that Tyria certainly could be about as large as Earth. There are also some continents we have not visited yet.

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You can roughly get an idea of the size of the world by measuring how long it takes for your character to run from one end of a zone to the other and then do it again crossways.

You can assume that your character is as good as an olympic marathon runner and can manage 20 kmh.

Repeat this for all zones , but in general the size of MMO worlds is tiny .

Back in my WOW days, I and a few friends measured the size of the WOW world and its around the size of Rhode Island, so pretty small.


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When you kill mordremoth, you get a video that show you the ley line energy hit the egg back in Tarir. You see it flying above the jungle for a great distance, while in the game, it takes you 2 minutes to get from one point to another, meaning the planet is kinda big because the scale is iffy, but that is an issue that plagued every mmo, or even video games.

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Yes, video games are often not to scale. This is done for obvious reasons, but there is the title "Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall" for those wondering how a more realistically scaled world would play out.

> Excerpt Wikipedia:

> Bethesda claims that the scale of the game is the size of Great Britain:[2] around 229,848 square kilometers (88,745 square miles), though the actual size of the map is 161,600 km² (62,394 mi²). The game world features over 15,000 towns, cities, villages, and dungeons for the player's character to explore. According to Todd Howard, game director and executive producer for Bethesda, the game's sequel, The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, is 0.01% the size of Daggerfall, but some aspects of Daggerfall's terrain were randomly generated, like the wilderness and some building interiors. The explorable part of Morrowind, Vvardenfell, is 24 km² (9.3 mi²).[3][4]


> In Daggerfall, there are 750,000+ non-player characters (NPCs) for the player to interact with.


This workload would be impossible to manage without heavily relying on procedural generation. And what would be its own can of worms (bugs galore).

Even then, what would we gain from traveling for weeks through a largely procedural Diessa Plateau? We get the idea how the area is structured, adjust for scale in our mind and get a general idea of the world.


But that doesn't help to answer the OP's main question: Just how big is Tyria?

What is its radius, diameter, circumference, area?

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