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Palawa Ignacious Joko´s fate (Major Spoiler)

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So, after finishing this episode, I´m kinda disappointed.

Anet just killed a pretty good villain, a formidable foe who was interesting to listen to.


And now he´s dead, eaten alive by a dragon and I guess that´s it for him ? No chance of resurrection ?

It would be kinda sad if such opponent is finished off that easily, I mean, he was kinda like the second antagonist of PoF and now he´s gone and we are without actual threat anymore.

Actually, joko becoming a faction that you can chose to join in, would´ve been great due it adding a layer of depth to our character and his personality, by chosing the chaotic evil.

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You know what the saddest part is? Joko's end is actually an **improvement** on the side of a-net's story team.

Just recall how they handled real Lazarus...


On the side note - if anything, Joko is **lawful** evil.

He is a ruler, runs a structured society where everyone serves a certain purpose.

Even the undead which in any other part of Tyria would spell instant chaos, here are intelligent, organized and put to use coexisting with humans rather then killing left and right (as long as humans remember to Praise Joko!).

Even when he realeases the plague, he does so for the purpose of twarthing an uprising and while being sure that in death all will serve Joko (so it's not just for wantom slaughter, but a grisly, yet effective way of restoring his "order").

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Joko knew of Aurene. If he died that easily, he was blinded by arrogance, because surely he had plans for the absorption of magic. Just prior to this, he states that rumors about his immortality are understated, him being seen as an immortal god, so he's probably not dead dead, but did sacrifice a chunk of magic. They have plenty of options for bringing him back, but they'll probably just ignore it and continue forwards, considering this seems like a side story.

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> @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

> You know what the saddest part is? Joko's end is actually an **improvement** on the side of a-net's story team.

> Just recall how they handled real Lazarus...


And both ends are done by Team 3. Sooo..... yay for improvement?


But yes both ends are bad. Lazarus was handled horribly in an episode that made no sense and Jokos end is basically a lesson on "how not to use DEM".

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