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New Maps, Metas, Etc.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> > > But is it the player-base that decide (or should decide) how a game is developed? Usually when players get to decide how games are developed, it tends to end poorly because most players doesn't know/understand what they actually want. It is up to developers to get that strange hurdle to work.

> > >

> > > This goes back to ANet decides what is considered Solo, not players. I'm fairly sure that if you asked 100 players about their definition of what "solo" means, you'd get at least 101 different answers. After all "possible to solo at all" can also be read as "solo friendly".

> > >

> > > ---

> > >

> > > And yet, a lot of people enjoy HOT, they're meta's are some of the most active in the entire game. I do agree that going from OW Tyria -> HoT was a shock for most, mostly because the game never taught anyone to actually improve in OW Tyria.

> > >

> > > I think it is a good idea for ANet to develop content for all skill levels, though I admit it probably was a bad idea to basically make OW Tyria into easy mode, and then HOT into challenge mode. It would have been wiser to include both easy and hard content spread around in both, so everyone could find something they liked in each, and have something to strive for mastering.

> > >

> > > Specifically, if they did this from the start, and had some more challenging content on each map from the beginning, we wouldn't have had a problem with this now. People would have been used to it from the get-go, and wouldn't have batted an eye at having more challenging content in an expansion (as long as it also had enough easy content, which is another thing I think they got wrong).

> > >

> > > ---

> > >

> > > And yes, I agree that dungeons have become a joke by now. For good or bad, depending on perspective.

> > >

> > > Personally not against ANet for example change all story dungeon to solo variants, would try it and probably have fun with it. But can't really say I think it would be worth their time (especially when there is already a good way to beat dungeons easy, by grouping up). I mean technically they're a part of the story as well, just as much as Personal Story is.

> >

> > Id rather hot left intact and instead pace core gw2 better si as you lvl up and explore world gets mlre dangerous.


> Amd now woth hot being 3 years old and pof being harder than core but easier than hot i think they can go back to the hot style without much backlash.



Anet can’t do anything without backlash


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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:


> >


> Their biggest mistake was rejecting what worked in HoT along with what didn't. We wouldn't be having multiple discussions per week regarding event design and replay value in PoF if they had listened to what players were discussing since PoF was announced.


> HoT was and is polarizing. Love it or hate it. But that doesn't mean that it's ALL love or ALL hate. Many players recognized that having ONLY big meta maps with large group events was not appealing to many casual, solo players. Others recognized that a return to core-Tyria style events would produce the same boring gameplay that makes the core game unappealing.


> The answer is obvious and many of us asked for exactly this: Do both! Couldn't we have spared a couple of maps for chain events and big map metas to balance out these empty expanses of meaningless one-off events? And while Tangled Depths might have been a little extreme for the vast majority of players, did EVERY map in PoF have to be a flat plain with some cliffs on it?


I agree on the map layout and the events, but i was just referring to the difficulty of them specifically. I *love* the hots maps with the exception of TD, but i also *love* the POF maps with the exception of the Desolation and I wanna say istan, because of just how..bleh they are, they wasted a ton of space because of mounts to force people to use them and it shows in how empty the maps are. Both of those maps would have been great to throw a larger scale meta on, but the chose not to, and the metas they put on them are just not rewarding enough to warrant doing them everyday.

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