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Aetherblade Fractal - Bug with spinning laser consoles

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Hi all, sorry if this has been posted about before but I haven't been able to find much information regarding a bug my friends and I have run into in the Aetherblade fractal.

Basically we've found that at scale 46 the consoles to shut off the spinning lasers don't work no matter how many times we try, what order, how many people we use etc. This is completely blocking us from progressing any further through the fractal tiers and I was wondering if there was any information about this, or if anyone else has run into this issue? Thanks for your time.

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Haven't run into this problem so can't help you with that but


> This is completely blocking us from progressing any further through the fractal tiers


This is not true. If you can't progress through this fractal you will not be able to do 1 achievment only. Your fractal level will increase every time you do fractal of equal or higher level, you can reach next tier without this one.

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> @"Critical Lag.9075" said:

> Haven't run into this problem so can't help you with that but


> > This is completely blocking us from progressing any further through the fractal tiers


> This is not true. If you can't progress through this fractal you will not be able to do 1 achievment only. Your fractal level will increase every time you do fractal of equal or higher level, you can reach next tier without this one.


If your group's highest personal fractal level is 46, then ask _anyone_ to join your party to initiate a higher fractal for you. Once you enter the lobby, you can proceed with that fractal as long as one person in your party remains there. That allows you to increase your PFL to 47 and start working your way up.

(That's how I was able to get my team to do 100 first, and use that to level us all up to 100, ages ago when that was still Mai Trin.)

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Hey there, I posted this bug about 6 months back but haven;t heard anything since. If it's the same as what my group are experiencing only 3 consoles spawn where there are supposed too be 4. So the door to the next room unfortunately can't be opened as its waiting for a fourth button to be activated that doesn't exist. Benjamin Arnold.3457 hope that helps :)

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Thank you all for your replies and the workaround, super helpful!


> How many consoles did you see/interact with at this tier?


We also saw three consoles, as funbuket.1378 said. I hope this helps Benjamin Arnold.3457, thanks for your time.


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