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[Suggestion] Guild Whisper all Button.

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**The problem**

With the recent changed to how the game handles whispers it is no longer possible for a guild to whisper its members before and event or such without getting blocked to chat spamming.

And even before it was a real chore to go through the full guild lists whispering everyone.



**The Proposal**

So what I'm proposing is the ability for a certain rank in a guild to be able to send via the guild panel a whisper to all the currently online members.



**Why is it needed?**

Why is this needed? well mainly because we have to many guilds, its not a complaints and if anything I like that feature of GW2 but many players have 4 or 5 guilds they are in, often with active guild chat and messages or important announcements that guild leaders might want to get out there will be lost or just not seen.

This is especially true for guilds like one I'm part of that was formed and still is a guild for anyone to join and let them do content such as the TT worm in an organised group that there own guild might not be able to do. And we used to make a point of Whispering everyone online 30 min before and event.


But this would be useful for all guilds, small and big and alow people to interact more with the guilds they join. Its no fun finding out you missed out on a guild raid or hide and seek event just because you missed the guild chat message amongst all the other guild chat. Yes you can be on ts or such, but being on 4 of them at the same time is not really possible and no matter how well organised a guild calendar of events is organised we all need a quick poke now and then to remember the things we forgot.



**Could this be abused?**

As the changes that have brought about needing this proposal show and system of whispers can be abused and spammed, and so I can see the possibility of a Guild whisper also being abused in that way, however I think it is limited. For one it could be set so it can't be spammed and second if you re in a guild where you are getting annoyed with its leaders and officers for spaming you with whispers, you can leave and would automatically be removed from the list.



**In closeing**

I think this would be a good quality of life improvement for all guilds to have, reducing maybe a bit the chores of those running a guild and events for your guild, and just in genral for developing community and closer links with those you play with. Yes for much of this you could just go to LFG's but you join a guild for the people in it, and anything that makes it easyer for you to play with them if a good thing in my book.



Comments and and suggestion as always are welcome, but please keep it on topic.


p.s. I apologise for any spelling or grammar mistakes ahead of time as I'm sure there are many.



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Oh I totaly agree with the no spaming, certanly fo our guild we'd only use it given the events we run 4 times a week. as for useing guild chat that is the problem the likely hood of seeing something in guild chat like an event starting in 30 min notification, especily from one you are not representing atm is rather low.

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I'm confused about why any GL would be whispering everyone for a scheduled activity. People know about the timing, why not just use /guild to remind folks? Those who are actually interested will take responsibility to show up. Starting on time helps with that, too; I've only found it necessary to whisper when people have grown accustomed to late starts and want to be doing something instead of waiting for the tardy guildies.


I'm in favor of ANet making it easier to contact people that are confirmed friendly (guild members & mutual friends). But... ANet's pretty much doubled-down on the idea that changes to /chat or guilds aren't priorities for them. So if they only choose one thing to work on (in those categories), I'd rather it was something more substantive, without existing workarounds (social or technical or other). (For example, more missions or adding events that guilds can force-spawn, e.g. the Orrian temples.)

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I assume this is to contact people in the guild who choose not to represent your guild at the given time, and have turned off multi-guild chat (which is on by default). People who take such actions are actively choosing not to participate in guild activity at that time.


Communicating guild announcements is exactly what /guild chat is for; if they choose to ignore or block it, that's their right and their problem. Guild leaders have no right to pester them, nor the responsibility to make them pay attention.

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I agree with everyone else. If your guild events are in the Message of the Day and you've announced them in guild chat there's probably no benefit in whispering people as well. Anyone who has ignored the first two probably doesn't want to come, and whispering them won't change that.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> I agree with everyone else. If your guild events are in the Message of the Day and you've announced them in guild chat there's probably no benefit in whispering people as well. Anyone who has ignored the first two probably doesn't want to come, and whispering them won't change that.


From what our guild used to do we found it had quite an affect on people turning up. And can you honestly say you ever actualy read the guild message of the day? or even get to see it if there is a chat going on in guild? Its one of those things that your eyes just pass over like banner adds and tends to of moved off the chat screen by the time you load in.


I've gone down the route of a Guild whisper building on from a broken solution we used before steming from the problem of important posts just not being visible.


And sort of announcment tends to get lost in guild chat if only because it looks exacly like all the rest, you could be Trying to organise and event only for it to be lost within people talking about what they had for breakfast.


If you are not even representing the guild in question at he time its even worse with maybe 2 to 4 other guild chats all mixing in.



We all just tend to tune out guild chat when we are doing something else. But we rairly ignore whispers as the colour catches our eye. and for all the best intention in the world of joining in with events we are gameing, its far from uncommon to loose track of time.

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> @"Tvasan.8075" said:

> > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > I agree with everyone else. If your guild events are in the Message of the Day and you've announced them in guild chat there's probably no benefit in whispering people as well. Anyone who has ignored the first two probably doesn't want to come, and whispering them won't change that.


> From what our guild used to do we found it had quite an affect on people turning up. And can you honestly say you ever actualy read the guild message of the day? or even get to see it if there is a chat going on in guild? Its one of those things that your eyes just pass over like banner adds and tends to of moved off the chat screen by the time you load in.


> I've gone down the route of a Guild whisper building on from a broken solution we used before steming from the problem of important posts just not being visible.


> And sort of announcment tends to get lost in guild chat if only because it looks exacly like all the rest, you could be Trying to organise and event only for it to be lost within people talking about what they had for breakfast.


> If you are not even representing the guild in question at he time its even worse with maybe 2 to 4 other guild chats all mixing in.



> We all just tend to tune out guild chat when we are doing something else. But we rairly ignore whispers as the colour catches our eye. and for all the best intention in the world of joining in with events we are gameing, its far from uncommon to loose track of time.


My guild(primary one) uses discord for most chat, so when i login i see if the message of the day has changed each time cause they might be doing something. Guild chat is really only used by the players who dont want to have discord, which isnt many.

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> @"Tvasan.8075" said:

> > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > I agree with everyone else. If your guild events are in the Message of the Day and you've announced them in guild chat there's probably no benefit in whispering people as well. Anyone who has ignored the first two probably doesn't want to come, and whispering them won't change that.


> From what our guild used to do we found it had quite an affect on people turning up. And can you honestly say you ever actualy read the guild message of the day? or even get to see it if there is a chat going on in guild? Its one of those things that your eyes just pass over like banner adds and tends to of moved off the chat screen by the time you load in.


> I've gone down the route of a Guild whisper building on from a broken solution we used before steming from the problem of important posts just not being visible.


> And sort of announcment tends to get lost in guild chat if only because it looks exacly like all the rest, you could be Trying to organise and event only for it to be lost within people talking about what they had for breakfast.


> If you are not even representing the guild in question at he time its even worse with maybe 2 to 4 other guild chats all mixing in.



> We all just tend to tune out guild chat when we are doing something else. But we rairly ignore whispers as the colour catches our eye. and for all the best intention in the world of joining in with events we are gameing, its far from uncommon to loose track of time.


Maybe it helps that I tend to join relatively small guilds (my biggest has 215 members and about 50 core members who are online regularly) but I've never found it that difficult to follow guild chat. Sometimes I'll miss the beginning of a conversation and have to scroll back up to find out what it's about but that's not hard to do. Maybe if you're in a guild of 500 random people who each only actually know a few others so they're all having their own conversations in the same channel it could get confusing, but I tend to avoid those types of guilds after bad experiences in GW1.


I don't read all my guilds message of the day every day, but that's because they don't change it often since it's a schedule of events which is almost always the same. When they do it's pretty noticeable however. And if not there's always Discord notifications.

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