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Revenant weapons


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> @"Solzero.5380" said:

> Revenant weapons should get the same treatment the rev trident got. I love how the tridents skills effects change depending on the legend you have.


The post-HoT record of Revenant weapons is:


* A 5 skill short bow with no defensive or mobility tools, useless in content againts other players.

* The removal of the block in off hand sword.

* A 5 skill trident with no defensive or mobility tools, currently is usefull vs players due the high damage, but we known how this usually ends for Revs.


Be cautious with your wishes, chances are that if they do the same with the other weapons Rev will end being unusable in PvP/WvW, as currently happens with the Renegade.

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> @"Buran.3796" said:

> > @"Solzero.5380" said:

> > Revenant weapons should get the same treatment the rev trident got. I love how the tridents skills effects change depending on the legend you have.


> The post-HoT record of Revenant weapons is:


> * A 5 skill short bow with no defensive or mobility tools, useless in content againts other players.

> * The removal of the block in off hand sword.

> * A 5 skill trident with no defensive or mobility tools, currently is usefull vs players due the high damage, but we known how this usually ends for Revs.


> Be cautious with your wishes, chances are that if they do the same with the other weapons Rev will end being unusable in PvP/WvW, as currently happens with the Renegade.


Huh? I was just suggesting they add a condition or effect to the weapons depending on your equiped legend, like when you use a trident. When you use your trident, your skills change. If you are using mallyx your skills inflict torment and when using shiro, vulnerability and dwarf, weakness.

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> @"Solzero.5380" said:

> > @"Buran.3796" said:

> > > @"Solzero.5380" said:

> > > Revenant weapons should get the same treatment the rev trident got. I love how the tridents skills effects change depending on the legend you have.

> >

> > The post-HoT record of Revenant weapons is:

> >

> > * A 5 skill short bow with no defensive or mobility tools, useless in content againts other players.

> > * The removal of the block in off hand sword.

> > * A 5 skill trident with no defensive or mobility tools, currently is usefull vs players due the high damage, but we known how this usually ends for Revs.

> >

> > Be cautious with your wishes, chances are that if they do the same with the other weapons Rev will end being unusable in PvP/WvW, as currently happens with the Renegade.


> Huh? I was just suggesting they add a condition or effect to the weapons depending on your equiped legend, like when you use a trident. When you use your trident, your skills change. If you are using mallyx your skills inflict torment and when using shiro, vulnerability and dwarf, weakness.


The issue with that proposal to just tack on an extra condition doesn’t also consider the fact that the devs would potentially nerf existing damage somewhat to compensate for, say, an extra stack of torment here or there or more vulnerability access, etc.

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I think they actually could do it without nerfs.


Jalis: .5sec weakness

Mallyx: 2sec torment

Shiro: 3sec vulnerability

Ventari: .5sec cripple

Glint: 1sec burning

Kalla: 3sec bleeding


Add that to all weapon skills.


Now the real question is, Why should they do this? There are far better ways to improve revenant.

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I'm not a fan of the idea. It could create situations where the Legend you want to use conflicts with the weapon you're trying to use. It's fine for the Trident due to how little underwater combat there is and the fact that there are what .... three Legends you can use underwater?. The current setup doesn't FORCE you to pick a specific Legend in order to achieve a weapon effect. I prefer flexibility in mixing and matching my weapons with the Legends I want to use as opposed to having to use a Legend I don't like in order to gain an extra stack of Torment. And before it is brought up that this is similar to the Elementalist and their weapons it's worth noting that the Elementalist is able to pick whatever utility skills it wants. Revenant doesn't do that, therefore, you may get stuck with a set of utilities that you may feel are worthless in order to gain a specific condition.


It's a cool idea but I just see it as being more restrictive in a profession that folks already say is restrictive enough with no ability to pick different utilities.

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> @"Solzero.5380" said:

> Revenant weapons should get the same treatment the rev trident got. I love how the tridents skills effects change depending on the legend you have.


Let's real talk about how the Trident's mechanic is actually kinda stupid... While I do like the initial thought behind it of "having your legend change and interact with the weapon skills," in execution all it really accomplishes is making every skill exactly the same. So instead of having different weapon skills for different situations, you now have 5 skills that all only apply weakness, vulnerability, torment, etc... So, it's basically just figuring out which is the most energy efficient and prioritizing those one or two skills. (Yes one has a knockback or whatever, but essentially all the skills accomplish the same thing.


Juxtapose that to how sword is now... You can stack Vuln, root with immob, and soft cc with Slow and Chill--all from any legend. Or, like even mace/axe, you have access to Torment, Burn, Poison, Confusion, Chill, and Slow, once again from any stance.


If you do want a trident-similar effect on every weapon, why even bother reworking them...? They could just make an added bonus of being attuned to a legend that all of your attacks apply that legend's linked condi. Maybe they can make that a trait instead of Spirit Boon or Song of the Mists (or as an extra part of them--since they're both pretty underwhelming.)

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I agree with narcx. I would also think that going back and doing that now would have them reconsider the balance of our current weapon set as you really can't just start adding boons and conditions to a weapon and not reconsider how it affects their balance. It might be an interesting idea for an Elite spec with a one handed weapon, perhaps in the off hand. That would be more in line with the trident since they did that when they added a new weapon. Then the idea could be worked into the overall theme of the Legend and what they are attempting to do with the Elite spec in general.

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