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World Restructuring Update 1

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In other words, the businness department still hasn't figured out a model that will provide a new steady cash influx that will at least match the one from PvE farming base of players. As soon as they figure it out, Raymond and his team members will have to finish everything for... yesterday and the whole hype will start.


Treat Alliances as Tesla Model 3, which will be constantly delayed, until above conditions are met.


Thank you.

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> @"Raymond Lukes.6305" said:

> ## _Will you build hard-core and casual worlds?_

> No. The goal is to balance worlds by population. The matchmaker, at this time, is unconcerned with trying to match skill.


Is this something you might consider extending in the future?


I ask, because I'm a pretty casual WvW player, honestly, and I'm currently on a T1 world. Everyone else at that level is way more serious than I ever expect to be, so I'm a bit of both an easy target, and inclined to feel like a bit of a hinderance -- even if I play competently with the groups, I'm likely to make unwise decisions because I just don't have the same commitment they do.


From my perspective, the biggest hope is that I end up on a more "casual" sort of WvW environment. I'm not looking to suddenly be great, but I am hoping I might end up being less standard deviations from the usual effort put in by other players in the same grouping.


Even just using "number of hours played" as a proxy for how much WvW someone does, and so preferencing groups so they mostly have similar sorts of hours-per-week counts, would be a big improvement to my chances of getting WvW that I enjoy more, I think.


Either way, I'm looking forward to the new system - and not just because I'm too cheap to buy the gems and transfer to a less serious WvW world. :)

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"X T D.6458" said:

> *If an alliance has a cap of 500 players, will there be a cap to how many alliances can be in a world?

I talk a little about this in the post above but we're not sure what we want to do here. There are pros and cons to both methods and we're still weighing those options.

> *What will be the total world population cap?

World population caps will be a function of how many tiers we have. Ideally the population will be spread evenly between N teams.

> *How will transferring work since populations will be reshuffled every 2 months, the current system will need to be changed.

Transferring is detailed in the original post.

> *Do we still need to mark a guild/alliance to stay on the same world?

Yes, this hasn't changed.

> *Will there still be a cap to how many guilds can be in an alliances, if so what is it?

see above

> *Will there be changes to guilds to allow more flexibility for players? Increasing the number of guild slots so people can join a guild specifically for WvW and mark it for example.

We are looking into a variety of ways to help make the system launch smoothly. I don't have details on any of these things as we are still looking into the what things we are going to pursue.


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> @"Raymond Lukes.6305" said:

> # July 2018 Update


Thanks for the update! I'd humbly suggest working on the front-end for alliances and implementing them ahead of time before the matchmaking gets in place, so that it allows us to learn that system (and debug it) before it can impact the world-building. If that's at all possible.

Alliance chat might be paramount, so i'd personally like to see that implemented prior to the release of the system.


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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:


> I ask, because I'm a pretty casual WvW player, honestly, and I'm currently on a T1 world. Everyone else at that level is way more serious than I ever expect to be, so I'm a bit of both an easy target, and inclined to feel like a bit of a hinderance -- even if I play competently with the groups, I'm likely to make unwise decisions because I just don't have the same commitment they do.


Ideally you can find a guild that has a similar play style and approach to WvW that you do and join them. That way you have a group that plays like you'd like.

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> @"GDchiaScrub.3241" said:

> So. What happens to the RPer's and their server(s)?


> D:


Find PvE maps or custom PvP rooms to do the RP you do in WvW. Because, personally, RP should not be done in WvW due to the map cap of players.


There are only X number of spots for people to come into WvW. RP can happen on any map, anywhere. WvW can only happen on a specific map. And a large number of RP'ers on an active WvW player map is a hinderance for the world of those RP'ers. It means that the map gets overrun by enemies as the players who own the land can't get enough players onto the map to defend.


Which means I'm basically saying that RP concerns should be the very very very very very last thing ANet devs consider when designing this system. And things put in place for RP'ers should only happen if they wouldn't negatively impact WvW players or would benefit WvW players.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > @"Raymond Lukes.6305" said:

> > # July 2018 Update


> Thanks for the update! I'd humbly suggest working on the front-end for alliances and implementing them ahead of time before the matchmaking gets in place, so that it allows us to learn that system (and debug it) before it can impact the world-building. If that's at all possible.

> Alliance chat might be paramount, so i'd personally like to see that implemented prior to the release of the system.



We fully intend to give a significant lead time with the frontend in place and people able to setup WvW guilds and alliances before the matchmaker does it's thing for the first time.

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> @"Raymond Lukes.6305" said:

> > @"X T D.6458" said:

> > *If an alliance has a cap of 500 players, will there be a cap to how many alliances can be in a world?

> I talk a little about this in the post above but we're not sure what we want to do here. There are pros and cons to both methods and we're still weighing those options.

An alliance cap is simple enough to get around, you can just have the people you want join a Dummy guild to mark it before every reshuffling, and then go back to whatever guild you were with. A fixed server cap would make it less exclusionary but make it easier to allow stacking , so I do understand there is no real perfect solution here.

> > *What will be the total world population cap?

> World population caps will be a function of how many tiers we have. Ideally the population will be spread evenly between N teams.

If I am understanding this correctly, the population caps per servers will be dynamic rather than fixed? So if less people play will the caps be increased or decreased?

> > *How will transferring work since populations will be reshuffled every 2 months, the current system will need to be changed.

> Transferring is detailed in the original post.

Thanks, I'll go back and check it out.

> > *Do we still need to mark a guild/alliance to stay on the same world?

> Yes, this hasn't changed.

> > *Will there still be a cap to how many guilds can be in an alliances, if so what is it?

> see above

Maybe I am missing something, but I see the post referring to the size of guilds but not the number of guilds per alliance.

> > *Will there be changes to guilds to allow more flexibility for players? Increasing the number of guild slots so people can join a guild specifically for WvW and mark it for example.

> We are looking into a variety of ways to help make the system launch smoothly. I don't have details on any of these things as we are still looking into the what things we are going to pursue.


I would highly recommend adding an extra slot, or simply increasing the number of guild slots available. I believe there are people who will seek to create their own guilds specifically because of this restructuring and this will be greatly beneficial. As a side note, removing the 3 player req on guild missions would be a huge boost.


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So the alliance of guilds (which can each be up to 500 players) can be no bigger than 500 players across all of them?


Does anyone else see the hole in that logic?


This will be potentially devastating to many player communities that have formed across the past few years. I do not say this lightly. You are messing with something that affects a lot of people/friendships.


I sincerely hope you either reconsider or leave things as they are now.

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> @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

> > @"ImperialWL.7138" said:

> > > @"Rysdude.3824" said:

> > > > @"GDchiaScrub.3241" said:

> > > > So. What happens to the RPer's and their server(s)?

> > > >

> > > > D:

> > >

> > > Do people really RP in WvW?

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Judging from the amount of RP posts you see on a daily basis, way more than there should be (if you need a reminder go to red borderland).


> Why is that even a thing? It's a PvP mode... that's a way to get killed in your RP session.


Hell if I know, I mean I've not seen it on my server (vabbi) so this has come as a bit of a nasty surprise; or this guy is just a troll.

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> @"Blaeys.3102" said:

> So the alliance of guilds (which can each be up to 500 players) can be no bigger than 500 players across all of them?


> Does anyone else see the hole in that logic?


> This will be potentially devastating to many player communities that have formed across the past few years. I do not say this lightly. You are messing with something that affects a lot of people/friendships.


> I sincerely hope you either reconsider or leave things as they are now.


Yes, its been brought up many times. An alliance cap adds an additional player cap on a smaller lever, whereas a server cap works on a larger level. These caps are implemented to separate players intentionally. This system is guild centric and does not encourage community building, it is factional.

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> @"Blaeys.3102" said:

> So the alliance of guilds (which can each be up to 500 players) can be no bigger than 500 players across all of them?


> Does anyone else see the hole in that logic?


> This will be potentially devastating to many player communities that have formed across the past few years. I do not say this lightly. You are messing with something that affects a lot of people/friendships.


> I sincerely hope you either reconsider or leave things as they are now.


This has been discussed ad nauseum, form a community guild, I doubt there's any left in the game that would have more than 500 players.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"X T D.6458" said:

> > @"Raymond Lukes.6305" said:

> > > @"X T D.6458" said:

> > > *Do we still need to mark a guild/alliance to stay on the same world?

> > Yes, this hasn't changed.

> > > *Will there still be a cap to how many guilds can be in an alliances, if so what is it?

> > see above

> Maybe I am missing something, but I see the post referring to the size of guilds but not the number of guilds per alliance.


Sorry it's not really called out specifically but its here. Basically if we do some kind of round up method that will limit the number of guilds to what ever the 500 / Minimum guild size (so like if a 1 person guild is rounded up to 5 then there would be a limit of 100 guilds). If we don't round up guild limit would be 500 at one person per guild.

> ## _Minimum Guild Size_

> The original plan was to count a guild within the alliance at some rounded-up size rather than exact size when calculating how full an alliance was. The benefit of this method was it would give more autonomy to the individual guilds to control WvW members, i.e., recruit new members or if current guild members decide they want to start playing WvW.

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I am sorry, but there are a number of people that will likely be left behind with a system like this. In my guild's situation, a number of us are PVX players and only head into WvW once or twice a week. At the same time, the people we go into WvW with (many in our existing guild) are more hardcore, but still enjoy the time they spend with us on those nights. Under the system described, those people will have to make difficult decisions about who is in and who is out - and that will leave a lot of people out and unable to play with the friends they can/do under the current system.


This isn't a hypothetical scenario. It is one that many people I know (and probably many others) are in.


These limits, as described, make no sense and will force communities to fragment as harder core players have to decide between competitive gameplay and their more casual friends.


I know you can do better than this, Anet.

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> @"Andalus.9476" said:

> If you want to bring WvW back to life (as it was few years ago) there has to be leaderboard of guild/aliance. We have to have reason to put effort, play more and improve.


Agree with this 100%. Bring back tournaments for servers/worlds, and introduce REAL GvG in an instanced map with WvW balance (this or change guild hall balance to WvW/PvP) which is not limited by color or server. (15v15, flat terrain with no gimmicks or map mechanics). Add a leaderboard. The system is already in place with automated tournaments in PvP, expand to 15v15, monthly tournaments and so many guilds will come back it's not even funny.

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> @"Blaeys.3102" said:

> So the alliance of guilds (which can each be up to 500 players) can be no bigger than 500 players across all of them?


> Does anyone else see the hole in that logic?


> This will be potentially devastating to many player communities that have formed across the past few years. I do not say this lightly. You are messing with something that affects a lot of people/friendships.


> I sincerely hope you either reconsider or leave things as they are now.


many of them are already eroded ... linking system over years with no news and no change has killed them...


As i said, it's not really a issue of number of people in WvW on servers. the major isssue is to keeping player in!! and to keep them to play WvW we need content and big balance change.


As i remember WvW is a massive competitive PvP gamemode that mean we need challenge between servers and reward. (tournamement?!) and we need to **HAVE FUN ** in fight or roaming or just defending a tower etc... **WvW has lost its fun**


Create a challenge PvP gamemode , players will be back on it because there no other mmo that offer a massive pvp as GW2 does.



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> @"Raymond Lukes.6305" said:

> > @"X T D.6458" said:

> > > @"Raymond Lukes.6305" said:

> > > > @"X T D.6458" said:

> > > > *Do we still need to mark a guild/alliance to stay on the same world?

> > > Yes, this hasn't changed.

> > > > *Will there still be a cap to how many guilds can be in an alliances, if so what is it?

> > > see above

> > Maybe I am missing something, but I see the post referring to the size of guilds but not the number of guilds per alliance.


> Sorry it's not really called out specifically but its here. Basically if we do some kind of round up method that will limit the number of guilds to what ever the 500 / Minimum guild size (so like if a 1 person guild is rounded up to 5 then there would be a limit of 100 guilds). If we don't round up guild limit would be 500 at one person per guild.

> > ## _Minimum Guild Size_

> > The original plan was to count a guild within the alliance at some rounded-up size rather than exact size when calculating how full an alliance was. The benefit of this method was it would give more autonomy to the individual guilds to control WvW members, i.e., recruit new members or if current guild members decide they want to start playing WvW.


Ah I see now, thanks for clarifying. I remember in the original post that I read it was supposed to be a small number of guilds allowed per alliance. So basically the guild cap will still rely on the population cap of an alliance if I am understanding correctly, if a guild in an alliance has 499 members than the alliance only has room for 1 guild with 1 player in it.

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> @"Blaeys.3102" said:

> I am sorry, but there are a number of people that will likely be left behind with a system like this. In my guild's situation, a number of us are PVX players and only head into WvW once or twice a week. At the same time, the people we go into WvW with (many in our existing guild) are more hardcore, but still enjoy the time they spend with us on those nights. Under the system described, those people will have to make difficult decisions about who is in and who is out - and that will leave a lot of people out and unable to play with the friends they can/do under the current system.


> This isn't a hypothetical scenario. It is one that many people I know (and probably many others) are in.


> These limits, as described, make no sense and will force communities to fragment as harder core players have to decide between competitive gameplay and their more casual friends.


> I know you can do better than this, Anet.


This would actually make it easier for PvX guilds to play together. Currently PvX guilds can, and often do have members spread on many different worlds. With this system you can all mark the guild as your WvW guild and all be placed on the same server to play together. As I stated before, this system is guild centric.

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> @"X T D.6458" said:

> > @"Blaeys.3102" said:

> > I am sorry, but there are a number of people that will likely be left behind with a system like this. In my guild's situation, a number of us are PVX players and only head into WvW once or twice a week. At the same time, the people we go into WvW with (many in our existing guild) are more hardcore, but still enjoy the time they spend with us on those nights. Under the system described, those people will have to make difficult decisions about who is in and who is out - and that will leave a lot of people out and unable to play with the friends they can/do under the current system.

> >

> > This isn't a hypothetical scenario. It is one that many people I know (and probably many others) are in.

> >

> > These limits, as described, make no sense and will force communities to fragment as harder core players have to decide between competitive gameplay and their more casual friends.

> >

> > I know you can do better than this, Anet.


> This would actually make it easier for PvX guilds to play together. Currently PvX guilds can, and often do have members spread on many different worlds. With this system you can all mark the guild as your WvW guild and all be placed on the same server to play together. As I stated before, this system is guild centric.


As i remember , PvX guild as you describe didnt have a great impact on WvW as mid-range WvW Guild. All i fear is that anet would get more people in instead of fidelize them with great combat system and new content. It's all about quantity and quality. a PvX player doesnt get involved as a WvW player in WvW so he would have not the same impact => eotm inc

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> @"GDchiaScrub.3241" said:

> So. What happens to the RPer's and their server(s)?


> D:


I would like to elaborate this to:


What happens to the current servers and their ability to prioritize players to certain PvE map instances.


Especially considering most player replies seem to have a total lack of understanding on the subject.

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