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Are you tired of conquest?


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It's been almost 6 years and just conquest. New maps? Conquest...I don't want to compare this game to its predecessor but the original Guild Wars had other pvp modes and they were very fun and enjoyable, be it competitive or not. Here we just see conquest all the time. I'm aware that devs did try to add other "modes" (deathmatch and stronghold) but due to some issues they were removed from unranked and ranked map poll, the latter being "optional" in unranked), but today I read that Episode 3 AMA and looks like there's **ANOTHER** conquest map on its way :s Seriously why not make Spirit Watch a different mode map? Keep the orb and remove the capture points or keep the points, remove the capture factor and the capture orb and deliver it the main win condition, a lot like capture the flag. Why not?

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They did try to make stronghold a thing (ad seems are still slightly trying)...

And there was a TDM map (was it before ranked/unranked system? can't remember.)


The issue is, with conquest you have options. You can fight people and kill them to take a node, you can just push them around and try to cap it or you can just run and try to do something else. It gives more roles to play with (bunker, decap, roamer, etc)


With many other systems it would get very out of hand.

- Catch the flag favors heavily classes with more mobility. Even if you loose mobility when you have the flag, you can still use all your ports to get back to the flag faster, etc.

- TDM favors the guard-necro... I mean bunker-dps duo too much, as you have no other option to win other than just kill them. There is no rotation to try to outplay them... Besides the issues with classes that can stealth/reset fights forever...


The other issue is splitting up an already low population between more queues and modes...



Id love to see some more pvp game modes, but it's not something easy to get it right and they showed (with TDM and stronghold) that they still have a lot of work to do to get it.

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The real solution is to make a very in-depth pvp mode that is both moba-like and battle royale-like. Plop down with your team of 3 on a designated spot on a very large map full of monsters to kill, levels to gain, and loot to acquire along with 10 other teams of 3 that if you kill you can take their loot and experience. Last team standing wins!


It has all the amazing facets of World pvp in mmos melded into a 30-45 minute game mode. Progression that is so core to the rpg experience and what makes games like mobas and battle royales so popular is in every match in the form of acquiring gear and levels and modifying your build as you progress. The classic and fun aspect of ganking the enemy while they are fighting pve monsters to level up is present. There is depth to strategy in that you can make team compositions based on being strong early game, late game, or have a specific power spike timing. Does your composition aim to farm Monsters and avoid enemy teams as much as it can or is it confrontational and meant to snowball power off of killing other teams early? Maybe there are risky strategies like splitting up early to maximize experience and loot gain but become very vulnerable to ganks.


It's like the perfect mmorpg game mode and no ones bothered to make it yet. I think it'd unite WvWers and Spvpers into one awesome game mode too.


I mean realistically a game like this would be best made from the ground up but an already made mmo is a great groundwork for such a game I would think.

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It was 2014 when I complained about conquest and this game insisting on only one pvp mode. Nothing has changed. Nothing will change.

In Anet's eyes PvP = conquest and can't be anything else. So no need to argue about it, they don't care.


Oh yeah, and there is Stronghold, it's the biggest failure in all games that has a pvp mode. Never forget.

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I am fairly tired of the circle-based ranked games. I feel like a skillful team deathmatch with some defensive structures (a base almost like stronghold, but without the PvE requirements) would be an awesome introduction to the game. It'd just require a different version of ranked/unranked.


I voted other opinions because this poll, like so many others, forces an opinion down your throat a bit.

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> @"Phantaram.4816" said:

> The real solution is to make a very in-depth pvp mode that is both moba-like and battle royale-like. Plop down with your team of 3 on a designated spot on a very large map full of monsters to kill, levels to gain, and loot to acquire along with 10 other teams of 3 that if you kill you can take their loot and experience. Last team standing wins!


> It has all the amazing facets of World pvp in mmos melded into a 30-45 minute game mode. Progression that is so core to the rpg experience and what makes games like mobas and battle royales so popular is in every match in the form of acquiring gear and levels and modifying your build as you progress. The classic and fun aspect of ganking the enemy while they are fighting pve monsters to level up is present. There is depth to strategy in that you can make team compositions based on being strong early game, late game, or have a specific power spike timing. Does your composition aim to farm Monsters and avoid enemy teams as much as it can or is it confrontational and meant to snowball power off of killing other teams early? Maybe there are risky strategies like splitting up early to maximize experience and loot gain but become very vulnerable to ganks.


> It's like the perfect mmorpg game mode and no ones bothered to make it yet. I think it'd unite WvWers and Spvpers into one awesome game mode too.


> I mean realistically a game like this would be best made from the ground up but an already made mmo is a great groundwork for such a game I would think.


I agree although I wouldn't put Battle Royale elements on Guild Wars 2 sPvP.


> @"Ziggityzog.7389" said:

> Circlequest was a fun idea on paper but it can't even hold a spark of a flame to GW1 and it's awesome pvp. We weren't required to dance on 3 little circles on giant maps.


That's what I love about Guild Wars 1


> @"Blackdagger.9670" said:

> It was 2014 when I complained about conquest and this game insisting on only one pvp mode. Nothing has changed. Nothing will change.

> In Anet's eyes PvP = conquest and can't be anything else. So no need to argue about it, they don't care.


> Oh yeah, and there is Stronghold, it's the biggest failure in all games that has a pvp mode. Never forget.


This looks like the case, which makes me sad because Guild Wars 2 pvp could be as good as Guild Wars' 1

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> @"Phantaram.4816" said:

> The real solution is to make a very in-depth pvp mode that is both moba-like and battle royale-like. Plop down with your team of 3 on a designated spot on a very large map full of monsters to kill, levels to gain, and loot to acquire along with 10 other teams of 3 that if you kill you can take their loot and experience. Last team standing wins!


> It has all the amazing facets of World pvp in mmos melded into a 30-45 minute game mode. Progression that is so core to the rpg experience and what makes games like mobas and battle royales so popular is in every match in the form of acquiring gear and levels and modifying your build as you progress. The classic and fun aspect of ganking the enemy while they are fighting pve monsters to level up is present. There is depth to strategy in that you can make team compositions based on being strong early game, late game, or have a specific power spike timing. Does your composition aim to farm Monsters and avoid enemy teams as much as it can or is it confrontational and meant to snowball power off of killing other teams early? Maybe there are risky strategies like splitting up early to maximize experience and loot gain but become very vulnerable to ganks.


> It's like the perfect mmorpg game mode and no ones bothered to make it yet. I think it'd unite WvWers and Spvpers into one awesome game mode too.


> I mean realistically a game like this would be best made from the ground up but an already made mmo is a great groundwork for such a game I would think.


I like the concept but the game’s level scaling has to change for this to work. A level 80 is going to 1shot any level 75~ or below build.


Other than that I’ll add I voted No because I think its not necessary for rank/ATs.

It might be if you’re talking about unranked / hotjoins.

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I voted Yes, but it doesn't really mean that Im fed up with conquest. I think there is room for something new though. I think my main issue with conquest is that it renders a lot of possible builds/traitlines/utilities useless. There is also too much AoE in this game for such small capture nodes. And the irrelevance of a Guild in Guild Wars 2 in PvP is something bothering me as well.


I actually agree with Phantarams post. Conceptually, the best PvP game I played was Knight Online. There, you had large maps based on a certain level range, for example Map A was for lvl 0-30, Map B for 30-50, etc. These maps were filled with valuable monsters that could be killed, but were hard to kill. However, when an enemy party of the opposite race was comming in, it was risky to pursue killing the monster. The most valuable monsters had a long spawn time, so most often you were looking to kill enemies of the opposite race, and force them to retreat in their base.


A good thing about this system is the equal importance of several classes, the influence of the party system, the guild system and the leaderboard. Each class had a specific valuable role: warrior(tanking and heavy dmg), assassin (stealth, spike dmg, party utility), mage (teleporting party members, AoE dmg) and priest (group healing, group buffing, and enemy debuffing). However, a party with 3 mages could work, a party with 5 assassins could work or even a party with 4 priests. There wasnt really a ''meta'' so to say. When your party made a kill, the whole party was equally rewarded with points. The more points you individually have, the higher you're placed on the leader board, leading to a certain symbol next to your name (comparable to our current gold, plat, etc. badges). You could also donate those earned points to the Guild that you're in. The more points your Guild had, the more influence it had on several things, and the cooler the stuff was the Guild could get (for example capes with the Guild logo on it).


Next to this regular PvP, a certain event popped up twice a day. This event put randomly formed teams of 8 against each other. The team with the most kills at the end won the matchup and gained nice loot. Another weekly event was the War, in which both races conquered each other on one map, accessible to all levels. The winning race could invade the enemy homelands. Ofcourse this all is far fetched for GW2, but it shows that a true PvP game can have much more to it than just this conquest. People might say: ''but we also have WvW'', but I don't find this comparable.



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CTF? Naaah your will sede thieves porting half map with flag. If you dont allow teleporting with flag then you will render useless some classe.


TDM? It was called courtyard and it was highly unbalanced. Maybe a for fun mode but nothing more and nothing less than a hotjoin.


Please stop the meme of battle royale. It's a game mode that gets stale overtime and it's not really suited for an mmo. Could be added as a small temporary evwnt bit nothing more. In mmo people want to study their build, synergies etc etc, not hoping to get the rigjt item that will male their class work.(Southsun survival anyone???)


The main problem of gw2 is that the rock paper scissor system influences the game a lot. If you have paper winning against a scissor can be almost impossible if scissor knows how to cut a little bit.


Some classe are basically useful only in niche roles. Take thief, he is a +1 only class, other roles dont suit him. Tale necro: outside of a teamfight he will just be ganked and kited cover and cover when his support is not close.

New game mode for fun? Yeah sure little events are fun. New game mode to implement queue? They nave to be really carefully studi ed

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I'm not against it, but the chances that the balance works for other modes are very slim, given the amount of ressources Anet dedicated to PvP. So it would probably end up like Courtyard. New gamemodes would be allright for Unranked, but most likely won't worked in Ranked or even ATs.

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If you think anet has the resources or abilities to balance another PvP mode on top of conquest and WvW (neither of which are very rigorously balanced) then you're naive and / or mistaken.


You'll never get a healthy non-conquest PvP mode in this game. Sorry!

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> @"Phantaram.4816" said:

> The real solution is to make a very in-depth pvp mode that is both moba-like and battle royale-like. Plop down with your team of 3 on a designated spot on a very large map full of monsters to kill, levels to gain, and loot to acquire along with 10 other teams of 3 that if you kill you can take their loot and experience. Last team standing wins!


> It has all the amazing facets of World pvp in mmos melded into a 30-45 minute game mode. Progression that is so core to the rpg experience and what makes games like mobas and battle royales so popular is in every match in the form of acquiring gear and levels and modifying your build as you progress. The classic and fun aspect of ganking the enemy while they are fighting pve monsters to level up is present. There is depth to strategy in that you can make team compositions based on being strong early game, late game, or have a specific power spike timing. Does your composition aim to farm Monsters and avoid enemy teams as much as it can or is it confrontational and meant to snowball power off of killing other teams early? Maybe there are risky strategies like splitting up early to maximize experience and loot gain but become very vulnerable to ganks.


> It's like the perfect mmorpg game mode and no ones bothered to make it yet. I think it'd unite WvWers and Spvpers into one awesome game mode too.


> I mean realistically a game like this would be best made from the ground up but an already made mmo is a great groundwork for such a game I would think.


Hell yes to this.


And to the OP Poll - yes I'm sick of conquest.

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Not tired of conquest, clearly one of the best pvp gamemodes where you need not only knowledge about your class and about matchups but also some brain for rotations. But i'm tired of carrying noobs too lazy to get good every match. Still i would like to have more gamemodes for some variety. That hopefully would bring also some pvp player back, otherwise we have the same problem as with separated team and solo q: not enough player to split them over different gamemodes. On the other side we could place other game modes in the same q and make a request before match start like we have for the maps atm.

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Just bring to me GvG and I'll be happy, the game has small scale engagements with Conquest and large scale ones with WvW, but lacks the medium scale, and GvG would be perfect for 10v10.


However the developers have shown no interest in it, I can partially understand the reluctance because you'd have to create a separate leaderboard, which would itself be divided between the best guilds and the best players, you'd also have to find a way to make 10 men pre-made coexist with soloQ teams, alongside smaller pre-made, and obviously 10v10 would require more time to find the right players, and I don't know if the sPvP community is big enough to support both Conquest and GvG, obviously Stronghold should be removed.


Moreover after the failure that was Stronghold, even though it failed in my opinion because it was never really supported, as none of the original issues have been fixed and the mode never was made very visible, the devs are probably more reluctant than ever.


However I'm pretty sure another game mode, or a completely reworked Stronghold, is what sPvP needs to be revitalized.


That being said sPvP also needs a feature that's been missing for far too long, which is **Build Template**, why, because it allows you to save and swap build quickly so you can adapt to your team needs, I still somewhat enjoy Conquest, but sometimes you're just grouped with a team that has no synergy whatsoever with your build, and this is beyond frustrating, and let's be honest changing your build manually in just tedious, alongside that we also need an option to check what kind of build our teammates play, and now we'd have a much more enjoyable soloQ experience, has team composition would actually be something that you'd want to care about, and not a random mess, because it'd be supported by those two quality of life features.


edit: typo

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> @"Phantaram.4816" said:

> The real solution is to make a very in-depth pvp mode that is both moba-like and battle royale-like. Plop down with your team of 3 on a designated spot on a very large map full of monsters to kill, levels to gain, and loot to acquire along with 10 other teams of 3 that if you kill you can take their loot and experience. Last team standing wins!


> It has all the amazing facets of World pvp in mmos melded into a 30-45 minute game mode. Progression that is so core to the rpg experience and what makes games like mobas and battle royales so popular is in every match in the form of acquiring gear and levels and modifying your build as you progress. The classic and fun aspect of ganking the enemy while they are fighting pve monsters to level up is present. There is depth to strategy in that you can make team compositions based on being strong early game, late game, or have a specific power spike timing. Does your composition aim to farm Monsters and avoid enemy teams as much as it can or is it confrontational and meant to snowball power off of killing other teams early? Maybe there are risky strategies like splitting up early to maximize experience and loot gain but become very vulnerable to ganks.


> It's like the perfect mmorpg game mode and no ones bothered to make it yet. I think it'd unite WvWers and Spvpers into one awesome game mode too.


> I mean realistically a game like this would be best made from the ground up but an already made mmo is a great groundwork for such a game I would think.


Make southsun survival into its own queue and leaderbord pvp!!

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