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Thank you PvErs

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Wow, so I only really play pvp and do pve for living story and I am used to people randomly throwing out absolute bs on pvp lobby and generally not helping the newer players (though some do try to help), however the compulsion to troll newbs is stronk I guess >.> <.< anyway I was doing the achievements for the roller beetle and I kid you not EVERYONE was super helpful, any questions were answered simply and clearly no random troll replies, heck there was even a small group of people staying on silverwaste helping people find the queen beetle and showing the newly arrived people to the area and advicing on when the beetle would respawn (the "newly" arrived people mostly had pvp titles, so an interest in pve seems nice), my first time around the map was bugged so I changed. Anyway all in all thank you very much to the most helpful community (the PvErs) I have a newfound respect for you guys, maybe its the way anet designed the loot system and definitely because people are genuinely helpful I and hopefully many pvp exclusive players can start to develop an interest in pve.


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Asterix, yes, most people in PvE are really nice guys and gals. I've noticed the toxicity in PvP, it's one of the reasons I am no longer playing PvP (the other one is the awful team balance and how you get 50/50 thrown in matches with mates of much lower skill for some reason).

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I've just started doing a little pvp and I notice the difference immediately. In an unranked game where people are just playing for fun or to figure out a new toon/build you get these rage flaming guys who seem to think it's the big leagues and actually matters. On top of that they are totally unhelpful, offering insults rather than advice. The best is when they do nothing but bitch and even talk to the other team telling them its the other players who suck, only to find at the end that he's got the worst stats and done the least to help win.

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I stopped playing PvP because I got sick of some random dude from some random country whispering me random insults in broken english when I killed them.


PvE comm. is a whole new world, because there isn't really anything you can do to troll/piss off PvE people, so everyone is mega nice. The only thing I can think of is caffeinated skritt: Some dude spawned it when clearly everyone was saving it for people who were on the way to the monster in order to kill him (it's a rare? spawn, so people always help others out and save it/say in chat that it is available).

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That is exactly the reason I never latched on to PvP. I have done well enough there on my occasional forays, but the very nature of the beast makes people competitive. That tends to translate into trolling and smart-mouthed chat etc., which I prefer to do without during my relaxation time online.


WvW is a little better, but there IS toxicity in PvE - mostly on the "higher" end content (Raids and Dungeons) - where the seriousness factor goes up and people get bent out of shape when every little detail isn't "perfect" to their standards. I've even seen people scream at a World Boss event if everyone doesn't stack exactly where they want, or if they lie around waiting for resurrection instead of using at a Waypoint, etc.


So the PvE world is not immune either. But yes, you DO tend to see people getting along better where cooperation is encouraged (PvE) than where they are being actively pitted against each other (PvP). Imagine that! (There's a Sociology/Psychology paper here for you college students).

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> @"Knuckle Joe.7408" said:

> I stopped playing PvP because I got sick of some random dude from some random country whispering me random insults in broken english when I killed them.


> PvE comm. is a whole new world, because there isn't really anything you can do to troll/kitten off PvE people, so everyone is mega nice. The only thing I can think of is caffeinated skritt: Some dude spawned it when clearly everyone was saving it for people who were on the way to the monster in order to kill him (it's a rare? spawn, so people always help others out and save it/say in chat that it is available).


This is why i stopped playing pvp after gw 1 already ;-) the ragequiters flaming their teammates and dissapear at the slightest score setback (and manytimes matches would still be won :-) ), the other team that couln't handle loss. I handled it for years, but cant be inspired anymore, may also be that im 12 years older now, online/lan shooters also dont interest me anymore.

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PvP communities are the most toxics of all video game it's like trash talk is an excuse to throw any insults and nothing is off limits. So if you are PvEing and find the urge to trash talk your opponents by all means go ahead, the AI foes won't get offended one bit. PvErs work together to achieve greatness, PvPers for the most part work for themselves to achieve mediocrity, hum you'd think I'm a PvPer with this kind of talk.

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To be fair instanced pve or certain meta events can have more toxicity/elitism than pvp. Though I feel pvp has only got worse over time and I lack the tolerance level to handle it anymore (as well as being bored of conquest).


Open world is the nicest place of course.

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The only PVE where I have seen true toxicity is high level fractals and raids. Many people will joke, or give a troll answer, but quickly give the person the correct answer. I had to help a few friends with the beetle achievements that are basically wvw players, and they were surprised at how fun the events were, even the world bosses. The joking and funny banter while waiting for a world boss is usually a good time. Honestly the majority of PVE events are fun because everyone there is just hanging out having a good time, doing something they enjoy.

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> @"asterix.9614" said:

> ...

>**maybe its the way anet designed the loot system**


> :D


It's definitely one of the better communities. And I think you're right in talking about the loot system and the way the PvE world has been set up: To play _with_ other players (e.g. shared experience, nodes, rewards etc) rather than playing _against_ them (e.g. fighting for mobs, loot-tagging, stealing resource nodes). It makes a big difference in helping shape the community.


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After going through the ESO forums for a few minutes, I really thought the title was sarcastic, focused on something that was nerfed because of PvE. I am constantly thrown off by this community's positivity. Glad to hear you had a good experience.

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> @"asterix.9614" said:

Thank you for the kind words. I won't deny there are times when map chat gets salty but 95% of the time, people in PVE are really helpful, kind and don't mind killing the same beetle 4 times if it helps someone get that achieve. :)



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