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WvW Population - ALL EU Server just OPEN


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NA usually has a better summer than EU. Seems like WSR and vabbi bandwagon making it pretty unfun in EU. NA is not immune to this bandwagon stuff as well. This is why you can't let players balance anything. All fighters will join fighters and have nothing to fight. All casuals will get together and have a .4 kdr while winning in ppt. Alliances prob won't be any better. Instead of alliances they should balance with guilds by moving the guilds around individually.

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> @"Threather.9354" said:

> EU T1 is just at terrible state atm. Whiteside Ridge gets SM t3 during daytime and sits there and doesn't reset Gandara bl before primetime even tho they have the numbers + quality to do so resulting in them not getting fights because the map you would want to fight at is Gandara BL because all 3 servers could gather there some decent quality players.


> Anyways I agree that FSP is on pretty bad state atm, might be result of WSR- Vabbi - WSR- Vabbi- WSR- Vabbi matchup chain. Just can't gather numbers when 1 server sits in SM with 60 man blob without ever changing maps or trying to even reset T3 stuff. Hard to say if it will revive once the matchups change.



> Vabbi could just go T1 with WSR and leave other 4 tiers alone. Surely they can reset the T3 keeps and towers on eb and climb to T1 easily, they're just afraid to go inside enemy EB keep and wipe a few times and actually learn how to take keeps because :cold_sweat: KDR might drop. Like if you have the numbers, at least try to take the enemy T3 keep with like 15 golems, takes like 2 minutes to try to do something challenging instead of qq about lack of ppt and wsr hiding in t1 :astonished:


So what do you want me to do, exactly? I play on vabbi and do /anything/ and FSP rolls over and dies, repeatedly. So spoon, kint and I all get our alts on FSP. I actually spend time and effort getting fb fully geared on my alt + tag so I can lead these monkaS just to have something to do. And every time i've lead FSP; at some point I've managed 50+ players and queue. In fact, most primes I saw queue's on 4 maps. And each of those 50+ player zergs had less than 25 players trying; generally less than 10. FSP gets ONE map with maybe 30-40 people who can organise, out of 4 queue'd maps, and even those that try to organise have not that much motivation to improve or tryhard to win fights.


But clearly it's our fault. Sorry, if I could get WSR matchup I would have. And by all means "hey etheri, take holiday for a week so you can tag 24/7 in order to bully FSP into submission". FSP had WAY more coverage than us. I'm not saying vabbi doesn't have players; I am saying vabbi doesn't enjoy chasing FSP or elona who both queue 4 maps almost every prime yet won't bring a SINGLE group interested in fights; regardless of size. And no; I was not only blobbing. You say vabbi is scared of losing and this is true. I say everyone else is too; and even more so. The moment they lose; regardless of circumstances, they play full avoidant and run. Howmany times did FSP tag down and change BL to PPT somewhere else and 50vs20 some clowns? I counted 5 during reset alone. The "fight" attitude on vabbi is still just a few comms and players; not the general pugs who just want to leech but at least are willing to improve their gameplay to some extent.


"Just take a T3 keep against fsp fully sieging it with 70 defenders while at the same time defending 2 other maps to magically PPT to T1". Yeah howmany guildgolems you think i've been using to PPT? A few stacks? Unless they give it up without fighting back to some extent, it still takes hours. Once we lose our garri or EB keep due to lack of coverage; I can't even get the supply required. I went for EB keep. I went for garri. I got it a few times in the few of the mu's; but truthfully FSP garri is a pain. I can tag when I come home from work, spend 3-4 hours fighting on FSP hbl resetting some structures; but no I cannot flip the entire map and even if I did we'd STILL lose PPT at the end of the week. And who has to do this? The few TT comms that tag public and can gather a blob remotely capable of flipping something?


So by all means riba, tell me what "vabbi" should do about it. We send some players to FSP ? Can't even lead and organise to get stuff done because out of hundreds of players; they frankly plain refuse. And I have spoon and kint carrying my ass; who are frankly both worth at least 10 fsp pugs.

If we take enough of our core to do raids on our own, we'll still have a zoneblob following and you'll cry that we stack FSP. Other groups still won't fight us more than they do now; we'll just carry FSP the same way KILL used to. I did closed raids with 10-15 players and faced... 3 FSP guilds on garri that were PPT'ing together and not one of them would fight us on our own. Cute bois. I ended up fighting valcross his guild as none of the FSP ones would.


Even national guilds on vabbi / wsr ... Lays is on break. Killu on JS right now. Valcross his ACTIVE french guild on FSP is the only guild that actually fought us on even terms repeatedly.


I'm sorry what do you want me to do. I am on FSP with my alt and the issue is NOT vabbi or wsr. The issue is having thousands of players yet 90% of them refuse to try and play. FSP was a stacked server and now they're crying about how other servers are stacked as the pugs bullied away the guilds; same as with piken, sfr and deso before them. Hundreds of millions of entitled pugs expecting to be winners yet ruining gameplay and communities both.


"Active national guilds" Lays is on break; killu is on a french server. Valcross his ACTIVE guild is / was on FSP. Which national guilds are on vabbi right now? Oh wait none.


> This is why all servers are open, The 2 strongest servers didn't have high base population and others are just bored of fighting them because only thing they care about is winning, meaning it is just better to stay in lower tiers or not play at all when you face them.


I'm sorry but we could not outppt either elona or SFR. When servers like gandara, fsp or elona + link "didn't play" they still had more active player by a long shot. Nobody wants to lose. Not the vabbi clowns, but also definitely not the other servers. If I lose fights, I will try to organise, turn it around and win. As soon as fsp loses 2 fights, even most of their bigger comms, they dodge to other BLs and attempt to karma train.


So let me make things clear. Vabbi and WSR have a SMALL CORE which is interested in fighting hardcore; which WILL attempt to fight and improve even while losing. At this point, NO other international servers have this. Almost all of them will either stop fighting or lose a massive amount of players. This is NOT healthy and their attitude prevents them both from improving and from fighting. And this is the problem in the game.


Trash tier players pretending they're winners not willing to lose / improve / challenge themselves... Said while saying "you should come attack T3 fsp garri". Come vabbi, tag up and take T3 fsp garri during prime. I'd like to see you try; and I will definitely follow.


"Vabbi doesn't dare lose" yet... I did closed raids and wiped for hours to the same groups only because we were fighting 15v30. And the truth is, if its 30v30 we one push them twice and they leave. Same for loves who literally had to do closed raid on reset against 70 man piken blob on desert just to not kill the game in under 20 minutes. Funny how piken will kill you 70v30 for hours but the moment you're 50v70 and beat them they're gone within 3 wipes.


Players don't want to "fight". They want to win, feel like winners and believe they're somehow, for some fucking reason "amazing" at the game despite how delusional this is. The amount of players willing to actually improve and "fight" for the sake of fighting on vabbi and WSR is low. But on servers like FSP and gankdara? It's 100 times lower.


FSP was a stacked fight-oriented server for 2-3 years. Everyone who went there until ~a month ago is a bandwaggoner who plain didn't improve and the ones who remain are just leeches with nobody left to leech from, crying that they're no longer getting carried. Funny part is if it would give me nice "fights" I would happily tag on servers like gankdara or FSP; but the truth is it doesn't. It just gets me frustrated with how entitled the pugs on these servers are.

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> @"Dirdyy.1648" said:

> Since yesterday ALL EU-WvW Server are open. I can t remember that for more than 3 years.


> Is it because it s summer in EU? Or more likely that wvw playtime is heavily reduced because from several reasons?


> I can only speak for myself, but as a hardcore wvw-player since day 1, i don t play the last 2 month because @ T4/T5 u get 90% the same opponent who ppt like hell.

> No fights, no variety, no fun.


> Perhaps it s time to close one tier in eu like they did in na.


What else do you expect in a 6 year old MMORPG (that isn't WOW in 2010), where a core part of the gamemode (the combat) that was reason many players even played WvW has got worse with powercreep each expansion, where the fundamental design of it as an RvR mode is bad and balance is basically an afterthought behind PvP & PvE raids.


Most veteran WvW players have either left the game completely or barely play, so all you have left are whatever new players that come into WvW which is nowhere near enough to replace those who have left (plus are much more casual) and then you have a small number of veteran players left, most of whom are basically addicted to the game and are still beating a dead horse about "fights" despite the fact it is clear to anyone vaguely awake that WvW is dead in that respect and has been for some time. Most matchups are so bad people would have taken the week off when the game was in a better state, and even the ironically termed "best" matchup would not of even be considered average back then.


The playerbase will continue to decline, that is the way of MMORPGs (especially PvP), their new system whenever it comes, seems like it may be able to handle that decline better than the current system.


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> @"Threather.9354" said:

> > @"Garrus.7403" said:

> > Show us mighty riba how to take eb keeps wiht tinyurl ribabuilds.


> I did, back when I was on Vabbi :astonished: Blobs can actually go for T3 stuff. I played WvW normally even there, the atmosphere was just too little, how do you say, fake?


> QQ about enemy using dragon banners and them ruining the fights, next day same people use dragon banners to ruin fights. QQ about enemy holding chokes, next day same people suggest holding chokes. It is just annoying how server can be so openly negative about everything enemy does while doing same things.


> atm I can get 30 random pugs (20 of them below rank 50) on primetime vs Kill closed raid (30+ players) and WSR open tag (50+ish bandavagon people) in T1. I really can't do much. I basically can go to durios or desert BL and try to find some Gandara to fight. If I had the same tools as on Vabbi, I would do some more ambitious things. If WSR would reset gandara bl with their numbers, I would have some more options to build a bigger blob to fight them. When your option are desert map and 1 tower on eb, they don't look too great. Can't even defend because WSR doesn't attack anything upgraded.


Tbh Riba I did not see or maybe I dont remember you taking an eb keep from any server when you where on vabbi. Maybe from JS or some other national server but certainly not from a decent server.

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> @"zinkz.7045" said:

> > @"Dirdyy.1648" said:

> > Since yesterday ALL EU-WvW Server are open. I can t remember that for more than 3 years.

> >

> > Is it because it s summer in EU? Or more likely that wvw playtime is heavily reduced because from several reasons?

> >

> > I can only speak for myself, but as a hardcore wvw-player since day 1, i don t play the last 2 month because @ T4/T5 u get 90% the same opponent who ppt like hell.

> > No fights, no variety, no fun.

> >

> > Perhaps it s time to close one tier in eu like they did in na.


> What else do you expect in a 6 year old MMORPG (that isn't WOW in 2010), where a core part of the gamemode (the combat) that was reason many players even played WvW has got worse with powercreep each expansion, where the fundamental design of it as an RvR mode is bad and balance is basically an afterthought behind PvP & PvE raids.


> Most veteran WvW players have either left the game completely or barely play, so all you have left are whatever new players that come into WvW which is nowhere near enough to replace those who have left (plus are much more casual) and then you have a small number of veteran players left, most of whom are basically addicted to the game and are still beating a dead horse about "fights" despite the fact it is clear to anyone vaguely awake that WvW is dead in that respect and has been for some time. Most matchups are so bad people would have taken the week off when the game was in a better state, and even the ironically termed "best" matchup would not of even be considered average back then.


> The playerbase will continue to decline, that is the way of MMORPGs (especially PvP), their new system whenever it comes, seems like it may be able to handle that decline better than the current system.



I agree with the decline; except I don't see better more enjoyable games around. I do play quite a lot of different aspects of gw2; and play a lot less; but still. I imagine even most dedicated fans would leave if there was any good alternative. That said, I also think many would enjoy the style of play if it was properly managed, which unfortunately will never happen.


Sure matchups now are terrible compared to the past; but despite that I don't see alternatives for mmo style PvP, especially at larger scales. (But even at small scale).

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> @"Etheri.5406" said:

> As soon as fsp loses 2 fights, even most of their bigger comms, they dodge to other BLs and attempt to karma train.


Funny, thats what we on FSP experience with every other server we fight. If they win they come back because "fights", one loss and a third of them vanish, a second loss and the border is dead.


Servers are more alike than you think.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Etheri.5406" said:

> > As soon as fsp loses 2 fights, even most of their bigger comms, they dodge to other BLs and attempt to karma train.


> Funny, thats what we on FSP experience with every other server we fight. If they win they come back because "fights", one loss and a third of them vanish, a second loss and the border is dead.


> Servers are more alike than you think.


We can set up openfield fights any day between 7 and 10 pm CET or during the weekends if you want to fight. Will not quit.


If you have the names of any commanders who'd be interested, feel free to name or pm those too.


Your "main blob" on reset tagged down and swapped maps every hour or so. An impressive feat considering how long it takes to get into other maps.

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> @"Etheri.5406" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"Etheri.5406" said:

> > > As soon as fsp loses 2 fights, even most of their bigger comms, they dodge to other BLs and attempt to karma train.

> >

> > Funny, thats what we on FSP experience with every other server we fight. If they win they come back because "fights", one loss and a third of them vanish, a second loss and the border is dead.

> >

> > Servers are more alike than you think.


> We can set up openfield fights any day between 7 and 10 pm CET or during the weekends if you want to fight. Will not quit.


> If you have the names of any commanders who'd be interested, feel free to name or pm those too.


> Your "main blob" on reset tagged down and swapped maps every hour or so. An impressive feat considering how long it takes to get into other maps.


Yeah I assume you lost horribly every fight and was dissapointed to see the tough opposition go when you wanted to keep fighting against all odds? Otherwise case and point. Servers are the same. I dont even think EB was queued on reset.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Etheri.5406" said:

> > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > > @"Etheri.5406" said:

> > > > As soon as fsp loses 2 fights, even most of their bigger comms, they dodge to other BLs and attempt to karma train.

> > >

> > > Funny, thats what we on FSP experience with every other server we fight. If they win they come back because "fights", one loss and a third of them vanish, a second loss and the border is dead.

> > >

> > > Servers are more alike than you think.

> >

> > We can set up openfield fights any day between 7 and 10 pm CET or during the weekends if you want to fight. Will not quit.

> >

> > If you have the names of any commanders who'd be interested, feel free to name or pm those too.

> >

> > Your "main blob" on reset tagged down and swapped maps every hour or so. An impressive feat considering how long it takes to get into other maps.


> Yeah I assume you lost horribly every fight and was dissapointed to see the tough opposition go when you wanted to keep fighting against all odds? Otherwise case and point. Servers are the same. I dont even think EB was queued on reset.


EB was queue'd on reset. First 50+ man queue for red; that quickly moved to EB, once vabbi got there they left within 15 minutes.

All 4 maps were queue'd relatively soon after reset; altho no huge queues outside of 2 maps.


I know because I was playing on my FSP account; and stuck in queue.


There is another matchup in a week. If my server is all the same and running away too much; feel free to pm me to set up even fights. Preferably let me know in advance but i'll try do what I can if you just have a bored strong blob sitting around. I very happily organise fights to promote action.


I'll safely assume that without monty and zudo, fsp will be basically a worse version of gankdara. Perhaps an occasional KALE lead.

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> @"Etheri.5406" said:

> I'll safely assume that without monty and zudo, fsp will be basically a worse version of gankdara.


With or without makes no difference. It was monty that rq reset.


As for myself I was on DBL where we fought gandara for an hour and wiped them several times, traded blows. Not sure we even saw WSR, I cant remember them. How vabbi could have gotten there is beyond me since they're not in the matchup.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Etheri.5406" said:

> > I'll safely assume that without monty and zudo, fsp will be basically a worse version of gankdara.


> With or without makes no difference. It was monty that rq reset.


> As for myself I was on DBL where we fought gandara for an hour and wiped them several times, traded blows. Not sure we even saw WSR, I cant remember them. How vabbi could have gotten there is beyond me since they're not in the matchup.


He was talking about last week.

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> @"Garrus.7403" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"Etheri.5406" said:

> > > I'll safely assume that without monty and zudo, fsp will be basically a worse version of gankdara.

> >

> > With or without makes no difference. It was monty that rq reset.

> >

> > As for myself I was on DBL where we fought gandara for an hour and wiped them several times, traded blows. Not sure we even saw WSR, I cant remember them. How vabbi could have gotten there is beyond me since they're not in the matchup.


> He was talking about last week.

The reset last week is this weeks matchup. The one before? Lol who even cares about older matchups... Too many days ago. The only thing I remember was pissing off gods, roflstomping a lays rev that couldnt touch me and laughing at most of baruch.


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The relink for Gandara sucks at the moment. A lot of regular players are on holiday and we get an influx of players who are actually scared to fight the opponent. I've never seen such a poor response rate to callouts to fighting or intercepting enemy groups, but I actually see comments "let the camp flip, we'll take it back" and people more interested in going to fight the Ice Wurm veteran than invaders.

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> @"Traveller.7496" said:

> The relink for Gandara sucks at the moment. A lot of regular players are on holiday and we get an influx of players who are actually scared to fight the opponent. I've never seen such a poor response rate to callouts to fighting or intercepting enemy groups, but I actually see comments "let the camp flip, we'll take it back" and people more interested in going to fight the Ice Wurm veteran than invaders.


They just had a link with vabbi, so they are probably thinking fuck this shit.

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> @"Traveller.7496" said:

> The relink for Gandara sucks at the moment. A lot of regular players are on holiday and we get an influx of players who are actually scared to fight the opponent. I've never seen such a poor response rate to callouts to fighting or intercepting enemy groups, but I actually see comments "let the camp flip, we'll take it back" and people more interested in going to fight the Ice Wurm veteran than invaders.


Well, look at the bright side - at least they can defend towers. FSP was outmanned primetime on gandara bl, 7ish people standing by the SW tower not going outside cannon range to fight a couple fsp. Didnt care about the camps though, you're right about that. Not even north camp.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> Well, look at the bright side - at least they can defend towers. FSP was outmanned primetime on gandara bl, 7ish people standing by the SW tower not going outside cannon range to fight a couple fsp. Didnt care about the camps though, you're right about that. Not even north camp.


I guess I shouldn't generalize a whole server but I have definitely noticed a change in behavior over the last week. Although I have to admit what you are describing isn't a new phenomenon, we've always had people who are happier on the wall than fighting enemies who come knocking.

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> @"zinkz.7045" said:

> > @"Dirdyy.1648" said:

> > Since yesterday ALL EU-WvW Server are open. I can t remember that for more than 3 years.

> >

> > Is it because it s summer in EU? Or more likely that wvw playtime is heavily reduced because from several reasons?

> >

> > I can only speak for myself, but as a hardcore wvw-player since day 1, i don t play the last 2 month because @ T4/T5 u get 90% the same opponent who ppt like hell.

> > No fights, no variety, no fun.

> >

> > Perhaps it s time to close one tier in eu like they did in na.


> What else do you expect in a 6 year old MMORPG (that isn't WOW in 2010), where a core part of the gamemode (the combat) that was reason many players even played WvW has got worse with powercreep each expansion, where the fundamental design of it as an RvR mode is bad and balance is basically an afterthought behind PvP & PvE raids.


> Most veteran WvW players have either left the game completely or barely play, so all you have left are whatever new players that come into WvW which is nowhere near enough to replace those who have left (plus are much more casual) and then you have a small number of veteran players left, most of whom are basically addicted to the game and are still beating a dead horse about "fights" despite the fact it is clear to anyone vaguely awake that WvW is dead in that respect and has been for some time. Most matchups are so bad people would have taken the week off when the game was in a better state, and even the ironically termed "best" matchup would not of even be considered average back then.


> The playerbase will continue to decline, that is the way of MMORPGs (especially PvP), their new system whenever it comes, seems like it may be able to handle that decline better than the current system.



yea im playing since release (started to wvw maybe a year later) and am doing that just because there is no other game that can compete with the fluid fighting of gw2, i tried other mmos but they all feel clunky as kitten, all those ppl telling me that black desert has a fluid gameplay have never played gw2, feels so clunky man

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> @"Etheri.5406" said:

> "Just take a T3 keep against fsp fully sieging it with 70 defenders while at the same time defending 2 other maps to magically PPT to T1". Yeah howmany guildgolems you think i've been using to PPT? A few stacks? Unless they give it up without fighting back to some extent, it still takes hours. Once we lose our garri or EB keep due to lack of coverage; I can't even get the supply required. I went for EB keep. I went for garri. I got it a few times in the few of the mu's; but truthfully FSP garri is a pain. I can tag when I come home from work, spend 3-4 hours fighting on FSP hbl resetting some structures; but no I cannot flip the entire map and even if I did we'd STILL lose PPT at the end of the week. And who has to do this? The few TT comms that tag public and can gather a blob remotely capable of flipping something?


Well its more about when you have a blob during off prime and enemy doesn't have numbers. Like for example Vabbi had a 60-man blob ~8 hours ago (noon finnish time when people are normally not awake yet), FSP had 30 people. What happened is FSP commander tagged off and so did vabbi retreat to SM to afk. Doesn't help that BB logs in 12 hours later than other servers so you don't have anything to do during those 12 hours than fight this massive vabbi blob.


> So by all means riba, tell me what "vabbi" should do about it. We send some players to FSP ? Can't even lead and organise to get stuff done because out of hundreds of players; they frankly plain refuse. And I have spoon and kint carrying my kitten; who are frankly both worth at least 10 fsp pugs.

> If we take enough of our core to do raids on our own, we'll still have a zoneblob following and you'll cry that we stack FSP. Other groups still won't fight us more than they do now; we'll just carry FSP the same way KILL used to. I did closed raids with 10-15 players and faced... 3 FSP guilds on garri that were PPT'ing together and not one of them would fight us on our own. Cute bois. I ended up fighting valcross his guild as none of the FSP ones would.


I never said to leave server, I suggested that you would actually play the game when you have a commander, not just rotate commanders on eb off-prime to farm enemies. Go T1 if you have numbers during daytime to do so. Its that simple., You cant be on an empty linked server with stacked blob that can hop borders anytime while having fights. WSR and Gandara get blob around same time as Vabbi.


> "Active national guilds" Lays is on break; killu is on a french server. Valcross his ACTIVE guild is / was on FSP. Which national guilds are on vabbi right now? Oh wait none.


As I said, they went these guilds and/or their members went to these servers to die. Including LAYS. i can see why you misunderstood this part.


> I'm sorry but we could not outppt either elona or SFR. When servers like gandara, fsp or elona + link "didn't play" they still had more active player by a long shot. Nobody wants to lose. Not the vabbi clowns, but also definitely not the other servers. If I lose fights, I will try to organise, turn it around and win. As soon as fsp loses 2 fights, even most of their bigger comms, they dodge to other BLs and attempt to karma train.


Fsp has no big comms atm, there was Bez until he left, thats it, rest are casual. Kiki doesn't use foods and leads on necro, Conzor obviously plays for fun as you know from vabbi. I wonder which servers all the popular commanders from piken/deso/fsp are at (examples; Ins, Symphex, Bez, Dubbeh, Oni, damn you even had Tiru until week ago) ;) I wonder if those commanders occassionally log back to the game, see a superior challenge of fighting enemy blob, most likely not.


> So let me make things clear. Vabbi and WSR have a SMALL CORE which is interested in fighting hardcore; which WILL attempt to fight and improve even while losing. At this point, NO other international servers have this. Almost all of them will either stop fighting or lose a massive amount of players. This is NOT healthy and their attitude prevents them both from improving and from fighting. And this is the problem in the game.


They fight when they have a chance, as I said as soon as vabbi gets a 60 man group, theres no reason to fight them, the fights are just over too fast and no fun. Theres 12 servers on EU FSP is willing to group to fight. Then theres the bandvagoner servers. Also fighting guild groups, your "closed tags" with pugs, closed or open, was never exactly fun for the commander, 4 years ago or today.


> Trash tier players pretending they're winners not willing to lose / improve / challenge themselves... Said while saying "you should come attack T3 fsp garri". Come vabbi, tag up and take T3 fsp garri during prime. I'd like to see you try; and I will definitely follow.


Eh, I was on Vabbi, I wasn't talking about primetime, theres always groups to farm on primetime as long as you do things on off-hours like cap keeps with the numbers you have online sitting in SM, surprisingly if you hit T1, theres more players online during daytime. Sure you will have more queues, but thats a price you have to pay for alive WvW. You cant have 1 stacked map and no stacked map. WvW works in a way that you have weak maps and stronger maps, this way both servers can win fights on 1 map.


> "Vabbi doesn't dare lose" yet... I did closed raids and wiped for hours to the same groups only because we were fighting 15v30. And the truth is, if its 30v30 we one push them twice and they leave. Same for loves who literally had to do closed raid on reset against 70 man piken blob on desert just to not kill the game in under 20 minutes. Funny how piken will kill you 70v30 for hours but the moment you're 50v70 and beat them they're gone within 3 wipes.


Thats fine, who knew 15 man organised group would have fun fighting 30 randoms whereas the commander of the 30 people will be triggered af, so naturally he tags down. Maybe play during daytime, cater the ppt pugs and balance servers that way. You will have to sacrifice your eb to casuals like normal server.


> Players don't want to "fight". They want to win, feel like winners and believe they're somehow, for some kitten reason "amazing" at the game despite how delusional this is. The amount of players willing to actually improve and "fight" for the sake of fighting on vabbi and WSR is low. But on servers like FSP and gankdara? It's 100 times lower.


There's players willing to fight on FSP. But to fight and to improve fighting enemies this requires: 1) competent commander that explains things(lets say FSP learnt from stence and fabz, did they learn anything about the game from them? Like just last week I was listening to ephoraz tell his strat of running in circles with melee until he dies, like 2012 strats still work.) 2) Decent fights, unfortunately against vabbi the fights are not even close after vabbi reaches certain numbers. 3) Decent equipment, party, some classes require proper melee first to work etc. Unfortunately there are things that hinder you as a player. If theres no commander that explains the pugs that they need to first bring guardians, then revs/scourges/spellbreakers and after that bring staff eles, chronos and other stuff that isnt as important, ofc they wont do it.


> FSP was a stacked fight-oriented server for 2-3 years. Everyone who went there until ~a month ago is a bandwaggoner who plain didn't improve and the ones who remain are just leeches with nobody left to leech from, crying that they're no longer getting carried. Funny part is if it would give me nice "fights" I would happily tag on servers like gankdara or FSP; but the truth is it doesn't. It just gets me frustrated with how entitled the pugs on these servers are.


This might be true. But welcome to Pug WvW, thats how it already was years ago. 1 decent Ele can win a fight. You can't expect everyone to have high enough FPS and reaction time (considering its game full of 40 year olds) to be Vabbi level player. Do you think people following people like Oni and Ins were good? Did they have fun? Did they improve slowly? Answers to these 3 questions might help you find a solution why Vabbi must go T1 and dominate enemies until they get massive bandvagoners to match their commanders if they have numbers.


The servers balance themselves around commanders as long as the server isn't matchmaking manipulating to get rid of pugs like Vabbi and WSR are. It might not be you, but Vabbi definitely has commanders that would like to tag up more but they're afraid of being called "ppt commanders" cuz the general atmosphere on the server.


_Sorry, I really didn't think id get a proper answer to what I wrote, I usually don't check for replies cuz its usually trolls like the other guy_

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> @"Threather.9354" said:

> This might be true. But welcome to Pug WvW, thats how it already was years ago. 1 decent Ele can win a fight.


Which, incidently, is what the "fight guilds" have argued that they want for years. Uncapped AoE, smaller groups wiping larger. Then when we basicly have that with the insane power creep over the years so that larger zergs roflstomp smaller zergs, people just go "lol you cant fight you only wipe instantly, we want fights" at the enemies instead.


Trying to fight the vabbi blob this evening that 100% focus FSP and seemingly ignore Baruch has been completely pointless. All meta builds, all meta classes, all stacked raiders. Got to hand it to them for bringing optimised zergs but that's how easy it is when you got a large player pool to choose from.


But on the upside they're beelining for T1, enjoy! Well, until some guilds leave, everyone get salty, some more commanders leave, people bandwagon to another server and people wonder if Vabbi is dead.


Business as usual.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Threather.9354" said:

> > This might be true. But welcome to Pug WvW, thats how it already was years ago. 1 decent Ele can win a fight.


> Which, incidently, is what the "fight guilds" have argued that they want for years. Uncapped AoE, smaller groups wiping larger. Then when we basicly have that with the insane power creep over the years so that larger zergs roflstomp smaller zergs, people just go "lol you cant fight you only wipe instantly, we want fights" at the enemies instead.


Nah AoE caps are fine. Melee is stronger in this meta anyways, ele just does sick things against open tag groups that don't have much sustain and damage reduction. Maybe they could do some tweaking things around it like adding things more debuffs for casters so they can combo groups better. For Example Lava font could increase all damage taken by the enemy by 10% for 3 seconds.


Like Ele might deal twice as much damage in some fights as for example revenants even against organised groups but on the other hand it is pretty easy to shut ele damage down with chill marks/CoRs etc, also it doesnt provide really anything else than more damage compared to revenant that also buffs allies, gives superspeed, AoE stunbreaks, provides dwarf elite, makes sure no1 dies on first bomb by having passive dwarf elite.


Imagine if they removed AoE caps, this would just buff clouding style of play and players would never play on commander, it would be just magcloud all over :confounded: And guilds would never go open tag and just farm pugs that would just go to sleep cuz 1-shot killing WvW even further.


>But on the upside they're beelining for T1, enjoy! Well, until some guilds leave, everyone get salty, some more commanders leave, people bandwagon to another server and people wonder if Vabbi is dead.


Funnily, I dont think Vabbi has any real guilds active atm cuz they managed to kill WvW guild raiding by baiting all active players interested in joining guilds to stack on these bandvagoner servers. Imagine if semi-hardcore guilds like Badsmash, INC and DayZ wanted to reform, good luck currently with getting those players away from Vabbi or even recruiting new members with all active german/french ex-GvG players being away from their national servers :astonished: Anyways, its all about balancing servers, so good players leaving vabbi would balance it a bit. I think it is mostly about them welcoming bad players on the server.

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