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GW 2 Devs/Playerbase Twitter Discussion

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> @"Mike O Brien.4613" said:

> Recently two of our employees failed to uphold our standards of communicating with players. Their attacks on the community were unacceptable. As a result, they’re no longer with the company.


> I want to be clear that the statements they made do not reflect the views of ArenaNet at all. As a company we always strive to have a collaborative relationship with the Guild Wars community. We value your input. We make this game for you.


> Mo


I've been following what happened since it started, and Jessica Price being fired is completely fine and warranted, inspiring true respect for the company considering the timeframe, after all the comments not just on Deroir and Inks, but Jebro and saying she's glad that TotalBiscuit died.


Peter Fries on the other hand? Maybe his instinct to protect was misplaced, but I don't think he went remotely close to where she went to offend the community.


Were it up to me, which it clearly isn't and I probably do not have the whole picture, Peter Fries didn't deserve being fired if he was fired, while on Price it was entirely justified.

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I will be closely watching the aftermath of this decision MO.


If ANet decides to turn their company into a more totalitarian way to accommodate the new rising spirit in the world I will be leaving this game as well.


By aftermath, I mean you just created a new precedent on how to get a dev fired so start expecting major provocations by trolls towards your devs that are active on twitter. And trust me they will abuse it.

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> I dont believe Peter deserved to be fired because e tried to defend his co-worker. He didn't call names or anything and he engaged in discussion rather than going in a blocking spree.


> I suggest that his case is revisited.


No, did you read his tweet?

He did the exact same thing as JP and in that, you have to treat them equally. One does not build up "treat your customers poorly credits" over the tenure of employment.


You can't pick one over the other especially when sexism is an acquisition.

ANET choose the correct choice.

Let it stand.

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To be honest I find it quite disheartening that Arenanet bends to the will of the sexist mob that has been attacking one of their devs over multiple subreddits and threads. Even if Anet disagrees with their handling of the original incident on twitter, letting people go who have done such wonderful work and have been attacked so viciously was unnecesarry. I've always seen Arenanet as a company that values diversity and actively works against the misogynist culture that is present in much of gaming and software development, since your game as well as your staff have always expressed this commitment. That's why I would have expected Anet to take a more nuanced stance on this issue.

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While I'm not happy with the offending comment, I think some of the effects of this incident will be undesirable. Primarily, I appreciate that a dev was communicating openly about their thoughts regarding certain design decisions. I certainly didn't agree with her thoughts, but I appreciated hearing them. I'm afraid that the heavy punishment for this specific tweet might lead other devs to feel that the conversation itself is too risky to engage in. I really don't want that. Aside from that, I liked that a dev's opinion on a certain celebrity was at least a little similar to my own(in direction, not magnitude). Glossing over problematic elements of people doesn't make them cease to exist.

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> @"notebene.3190" said:

> While I can't argue with the general principle of getting fired for not behaving professionally when you are dealing with customers, even in a capacity where you aren't strictly on the clock, I can't help but feel in this one instance, you gave a victory to a mob of people who weaponized this very small thing, that was ultimately between a few people, to their own agenda.


> I'm not particularly sad jobs were lost, I do not know them. I'm sad at the hyperbolic crowd cheering, and all the thumbs up. I feel there was a lot more lost than a couple jobs today.


The bit about the mob is my big concern here too. Some of the reactions that I saw reeked to me of, uh, that thing which involved gamers and ostensibly a gate. I don't know precisely what else was said or done, and I've no way of knowing what goes on backstage so to speak. I only know that, looking at who's cheering the loudest, and who was complaining the hardest, gives me pause. And reason to worry, too; I don't wanna see mob mentality aiming at other devs in future, and I feel there's a maybe-significant risk of that sort of ... person or group, feeling that this course of action on ANet's part was a vindication of their beliefs and actions rather than a reflection only of the suitability or unsuitability of the employees or their behaviours on and off the clock.

Again, I don't know much else, I'm just looking around and having some doubts.

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> @"Nabuko Darayon.9645" said:

> I will be closely watching the aftermath of this decision MO.


> If ANet decides to turn their company into a more totalitarian way to accommodate the new rising spirit in the world I will be leaving this game as well.


> By aftermath, I mean you just created a new precedent on how to get a dev fired so start expecting major provocations by trolls towards your devs that are active on twitter. And trust me they will abuse it.



I’m pretty sure they know how to tell the difference. And honestly, that kind of personality that she exhibited probably found it’s way into the office and other coworkers as well.


Either way, there doesn’t seem to be much of a point in keeping this thread open, or having 20 on the same subject anymore.


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> @"Rayala.6138" said:

> Your decision to cave to a harassment campaign fueled by alt-right gamers has ruined any trust I once had in your company. I will be encouraging anyone I know who is part of a minority group to avoid your game moving forwards, as you've decided you'd rather pander to the worst the gaming community has to offer. Your lack of support for a woman in your company who was being attacked is saddening.


We need to stop protecting horrible people just because they happen to be women. She was abusive and doesn't deserve anyones support.

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Disappointing. As a practical matter it was likely the only option from a business perspective.


But, I’m sad to see a woman in game development brought down by cries of misandry and reverse-racism. It’s not a good look to wear. It’s another Gamer-gate.

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Thank you for the quick and appropriate response regarding those in the wrong who were involved in this matter.


I'm sure that a personal apology from ArenaNet to the content creators involved is also something that is being/was done in private as I feel would also be appropriate.

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> @"lkilian.1854" said:

> I understand JPrice getting fired. She was just disrespectful. But Peter Fries? Really?


Yeah I think he should have just been reminded about being an idiot on social media. Her on the other hand, I don't relish anyone losing their job but I won't lose any sleep over someone getting canned when they have that much hatred in their heart.

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I never posted in the forums but I just wanted to say: thanks, and thanks for being in the side of the community. We feared you lost our backs, but it's wonderful to know you still got them. Please keep it that way, and with open feedback for both sides of this game (devs and players). See you around!

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> @"saerni.2584" said:

> Disappointing. As a practical matter it was likely the only option from a business perspective.


> But, I’m sad to see a woman in game development brought down by cries of misandry and reverse-racism. It’s not a good look to wear. It’s another Gamer-gate.


She got brought down for a pattern of behavior stretching back to the dawn of Twitter and dancing on the grave of a dead cancer victim


[Atari Teenage Riot voice] NO REMORSE

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> @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

> I can't help wondering how this will affect the release schedule of future LS chapters for this season.


JP was an editor and was only with ANet for a year from what I gather. She wasn't involved with the meat of things. Partners and content creators that have been with GW2 for years are far more significant.

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> @"Rayala.6138" said:

> Your decision to cave to a harassment campaign fueled by alt-right gamers has ruined any trust I once had in your company. I will be encouraging anyone I know who is part of a minority group to avoid your game moving forwards, as you've decided you'd rather pander to the worst the gaming community has to offer. Your lack of support for a woman in your company who was being attacked is saddening.


What alt-right gamers? Two polite and respected content creators were insulted and flammed by a GW2 dev on twitter. Do you consider that to be correct behaviour from a company?

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I find this whole thing a bit sad. GW2 got some really bad press, people lost their jobs, and in my opinion the GW2 community as a whole got tarnished to some degree during this entire event. I don't think the results are anything to be celebrated no matter what side of the issue you may be on. Was the end result fair? Apparently Anet management felt so and they know more than I do about how to deal with such issues so I have no comment on that. I hope the devs and the community can now move forward and continue to build on the good. That is the last I'll say on the topic.

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@"Velho.7123" said:

> Peter Fries on the other hand? Maybe his instinct to protect was misplaced, but I don't think he went remotely close to where she went to offend the community.


I agree on that. He just sided with an appreciated colleague and didn't actually attack the community or anyone personally. I'm sad that he was fired too, as he was not close to the unacceptable statements Jessica made. And also because it may hurt my favourite game, let's be honest. As narrative lead for a long time, he'll probably go away with important story plans that will never be implemented as well as some knowledge of untold details about existing story.


Even JP being fired leaves a mixed feeling. Of course what she did was unacceptable, and her twitter showed an history of irrational and overreactions and sexism. And today she triggered very bad PR for the game, reaching far out of our community. So obviously something had to happen and I guess firing her was the most obvious choice. On the other hand, it all started with her post in the AMA which I liked a lot, was good communication, gave good and understandable reasons for how things are (the Commander's personality) and imho shows she was skillful for her job ... a job as part of a narrative team that produced great stuff since she was here imho.


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