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I need some serious help about the legendary crafting

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Hello everybody! Thank you all in advance for reading my post and helping me. So, lately I have made up my mind and started crafting The Juggernaut and went to Hobbs to buy the first book. It was easy because all I had to do was ponder the statues around Tyria. I completed it and received the spirit of Colossal and the recipe. After that (this is the part I get stupid) I found out that The Colossus is around 100g on TP. So I bought it for 102 gold. But now I dont know how to integrate my Colossus with my recipe. Am I supposed to that? Because even though I have The Colossus now I cannot buy the second book from Hobbs. And yes I have the mastery unlocked. Do I even need the books to craft a legendary or can I do it without the books? Waiting for your answers impatiently ^^

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The Colossus is your end result of the precursor crafting. If you bought, then you have eliminated the need to craft it.


It's then on to the legendary crafting which is an entirely different thing and nothing to do with Hobbs, who only deals with making the precursor. Unforunately you need to dive outside of game for the legendary crafting recipe, but here is the full recipe using the Colossus



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You do not need the other books. That process is just to craft the precursor weapon, which is what you've bought.


Unfortunately there's very little guidance in-game for how to finish a 'generation 1' legendary (even if you went through all the collections it would just end with you getting the precursor and then you'd be on your own. That's actually by design, they were originally a mystery and players had to work together to figure out how to craft one. Now it's a bit redundant because the information is widely available outside of the game, but I guess Anet thought it was working well enough without them needing to add a system in-game to show what to do.


The easiest way to find out what you need is probably to go to the Wiki and look at the Full Material list: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Juggernaut

That shows you everything you'll need for the collection and there's links to the individual items pages for more information on what it is and how it's obtained.


I recommend you **don't** work on just one thing at a time because that can get boring quickly, and it's probably slower than doing bits of everything. Look through the whole list and work out what's likely to take you longer to do (the Gift of Exploration - which requires world completion - and the Gift of Battle - which requires 8+ hours in WvW are likely candidates) and start on those first. There's also a lot of stuff which can be farmed or bought with gold so it's a good idea to think about how much you want to spend, and what you would prefer to farm (or if you'd rather farm gold and buy it all). You have to spend at least 100g - for the Icy Runestones because there's no other way to get them.

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The reason why it is a cheaper precursor is the cost of actually crafting the legendary. I crafted the Jugg for my Rev (I love it btw) but the Silver Doubloons are insanely difficult to get from drops in game; and they are insanely priced on the TP (just under 1 gold each) so if you were to buy them, it would be close to 250 alone. It is a huge deterrent for ppl who don't want to park a character at a level 21-31 JP and open the chest daily in hopes that they get one Silver Doubloon.


The most challenging or frustrating part of crafting my first legendary (other than the Doubloons) was the Mystic Clovers and the Gift of Fortune. Just seemed to take forever! and I had zero luck in the forge getting clovers. I flushed over 150 Mystic Coins and came out with 10 clovers.


Good luck on your Journey!

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> @"Hemhemty.2481" said:

> Hello everybody! Thank you all in advance for reading my post and helping me. So, lately I have made up my mind and started crafting The Juggernaut and went to Hobbs to buy the first book. It was easy because all I had to do was ponder the statues around Tyria. I completed it and received the spirit of Colossal and the recipe. After that (this is the part I get stupid) I found out that The Colossus is around 100g on TP. So I bought it for 102 gold. But now I dont know how to integrate my Colossus with my recipe. Am I supposed to that? Because even though I have The Colossus now I cannot buy the second book from Hobbs. And yes I have the mastery unlocked. Do I even need the books to craft a legendary or can I do it without the books? Waiting for your answers impatiently ^^


You bought the end product you were trying to craft. You crafted the first iteration of The Colossus, The Experimental Hammer. This would have unlocked collection 2, The Perfected Hammer. Once you had completed that, and crafted the Perfected Hammer, you would unlock collection 3, The Colossus, the final collection to make the Precursor.







However, now that you have bought the final product anyway, you can either

- Sell it back in the TP, and correctly finish the Precursor crafting, or

- Skip/scrap your Precursor crafting, and use the one you bought.



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> @"Zushada.6108" said:

> The reason why it is a cheaper precursor is the cost of actually crafting the legendary. I crafted the Jugg for my Rev (I love it btw) but the Silver Doubloons are insanely difficult to get from drops in game; and they are insanely priced on the TP (just under 1 gold each) so if you were to buy them, it would be close to 250 alone. It is a huge deterrent for ppl who don't want to park a character at a level 21-31 JP and open the chest daily in hopes that they get one Silver Doubloon.


> The most challenging or frustrating part of crafting my first legendary (other than the Doubloons) was the Mystic Clovers and the Gift of Fortune. Just seemed to take forever! and I had zero luck in the forge getting clovers. I flushed over 150 Mystic Coins and came out with 10 clovers.


> Good luck on your Journey!


Yes I had to buy the silver doubloons. I thought the books that Hobbs were selling were the steps of the legendary. I didnt know it was just for the pre. Btw I am also crafting for my revenant and I started crafting after I gathered almost all the materials like gof and goe. I would like to ask you if you sold your first legendary. Because I see people doing and funding their next legendary wth that money. Does it make sense considerng the karma or VM you spent on obsidian shards? Btw I craft it with a great enthusiasm and I will have like 10-20 gold left when I finish it today or tomorrow. And I wont have the money for the tp for a while. What do you think about this dilemma of mine?

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> @"Hemhemty.2481" said:

> > @"Zushada.6108" said:

> > The reason why it is a cheaper precursor is the cost of actually crafting the legendary. I crafted the Jugg for my Rev (I love it btw) but the Silver Doubloons are insanely difficult to get from drops in game; and they are insanely priced on the TP (just under 1 gold each) so if you were to buy them, it would be close to 250 alone. It is a huge deterrent for ppl who don't want to park a character at a level 21-31 JP and open the chest daily in hopes that they get one Silver Doubloon.

> >

> > The most challenging or frustrating part of crafting my first legendary (other than the Doubloons) was the Mystic Clovers and the Gift of Fortune. Just seemed to take forever! and I had zero luck in the forge getting clovers. I flushed over 150 Mystic Coins and came out with 10 clovers.

> >

> > Good luck on your Journey!


> Yes I had to buy the silver doubloons. I thought the books that Hobbs were selling were the steps of the legendary. I didnt know it was just for the pre. Btw I am also crafting for my revenant and I started crafting after I gathered almost all the materials like gof and goe. I would like to ask you if you sold your first legendary. Because I see people doing and funding their next legendary wth that money. Does it make sense considerng the karma or VM you spent on obsidian shards? Btw I craft it with a great enthusiasm and I will have like 10-20 gold left when I finish it today or tomorrow. And I wont have the money for the tp for a while. What do you think about this dilemma of mine?


The reason you sell a legendary is because time is the major factor. If you are ok with doing world completetion and factor that into the price, you can make money selling legendaries.

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From what I've read you typically make about 300g profit from selling a legendary (compared to the cost of the materials used to make it) - that's mainly because of the time required for the Gift of Exploration, Gift of Battle and other things which can't be traded. Sites like GW2 Efficiency can tell you exactly how much profit you can make on each one.


So you can craft a legendary, sell it and then put the money towards making one you want, but it's a very round-about way of doing things, and generally I think it's only worth doing if you plan in advance so you make a popular legendary first which will get you more profit because of the demand for it. If you're already making the one you want then it's probably better to just make it and use it rather than selling one and making another to use.


I've done both, although for slightly unusual reasons. I made The Dreamer years ago before precursor crafting was an option so I had to buy it. Then I made The Bifrost and really enjoyed crafting the precursor, so I decided I wanted to do the collection for The Dreamer. But selling the precursor would actually lose me money and I have no use for a second unicorn bow, so I made the legendary and sold it. I enjoyed making it and seeing 1,980g on my account was a really nice feeling (even if it only lasted 30 minutes, before I'd spent most of it on mount skins, a commander tag and mini pets), but I don't think I'll be doing it again any time soon. Making a legendary always takes up most of my play time, so I end up putting all my other goals on hold. As a result I need long breaks between them, and I have a mental list of other legendaries I want for my characters (Nevermore is next up I think).


Also I found waiting for it to sell very stressful. I'm not a rich player by any means - before this the most gold I'd ever had was 800g and that was when I bought the first precursor, normally I have less than 100g (and on several occasions less than 1g). I had to save up and sell materials to afford the listing fee so most of the available gold/tradable items I had was tied up in this thing and if it didn't sell that was really going to hurt. Then I got undercut the evening after I listed it, but luckily both sold over night (or they took theirs down and mine sold).


But also I suspect if I'd spent all the time it took to make the legendary doing other things to make gold - like playing the various meta events - I'd actually have made more profit. But I don't know for sure, and I like doing map completion and enjoyed making the legendary, and like I said I wanted to do the precursor collection. So for me it was a good choice, but I think if you just look at gold per hour it's not the best choice.

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