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60,000 damage from 1 ability, is that normal?


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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Madisonlee.9641" said:

> > and the VAST majority of posted numbers are around the 30k normal range


> Dat moment when an attack hitting for 30k is just a boring old normal attack.


Normal range of SB traited only to hit with that ....... because you have to sacrfice all your defense to try this kind of build, build that in a normal competitive enviroment would be focused and dead in 1 sec.


Use your SBs and try to land wordly impact , because you normally hit with it 1 out 5 o 7 times.

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The problem with this thread is that it invites bad players who got destroyed by any ranger build to come in an vent.


On the flipside, it is pointing out an obvious game breaking bug in some form of scaling that needs to be fixed, I think it's obvious this is the case but this thread's original intention was to figure out why somebody was able to 60k somebody from a ranger ability, and it has for the most part derailed into "Soulbeast needs to be nerfed into the ground" and "ranger has everything, it needs to be nerfed". **A scaling issue with skills is a bug and not equal to a flat out nerf, it just needs to be fixed.**


This thread is not to vent your in-ability to handle all ranger builds in PvP. It is to identify the sheer cause of the bug for the PvP dev team (OMEGALUL) to fix it.


For this reason, this thread will simply get Soulbeast beyond nerfed past a simple bug fix and it will be removed from any position it even has, especially since Holosmith still outperforms it in almost every way as a roaming skirmisher.


This is why you can't take the forum community seriously when discussing balance. This thread is a prime example of why it never works.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> @"EnderzShadow.2506" The reason why you can't use GS3 to leap through is because the actual "leap" doesn't happen until the ranger runs for quite some distance first. So in other words, you cannot cast the GS3 while in the smokefield and benefit the leap finisher unless you are aiming at a wall to stop the run animation from taking you out of the smoke field entirely.



Um...am I crazy or is this..simply not true? I just tested and no matter where I initiate the leap from I get the full stealth from the combo (tested initiating in middle of field, also tested leaping fully through it from one side to another, and lastly tested on the very edge of it going out)


If this is not how it functions for you, I suspect this to be a ping issue; I have 250+ ping and I'm discovering every day just how many things work differently for me than others with sub 100 ping. An example is people with sub 100 ping can steal+vault-in-place and land a vault from 1200 range, whereas for me I will port to the enemy but my vault 100% will not land damage.


> @"ZhouX.8742" said:

> On the flipside, it is pointing out an obvious game breaking bug in some form of scaling that needs to be fixed, I think it's obvious this is the case but this thread's original intention was to figure out why somebody was able to 60k somebody from a ranger ability, and it has for the most part derailed into "Soulbeast needs to be nerfed into the ground" and "ranger has everything, it needs to be nerfed". **A scaling issue with skills is a bug and not equal to a flat out nerf, it just needs to be fixed.**



I think it's pretty much been solved, I am convinced it was a 50% damage modifier interrupt triggered by WI+BM trait (The WI consumes the buff and the rupt applies before WI hits, so it's magic if you're lucky)


This combined with other common modifiers and Colosseum buffs would get you 60K probably. Once in forever, literally lol. I know OP says the buffs hadn't spawned yet so I'm not sure; maybe there's a bug with the map?


Or also again could be wonky logs. It could be a thousand things, however the key point is we *do not have* a multitude of people posting SS or videos of 60K Wordly Impacts; to my knowledge only 1-2 people? Mostly has been shots in 30k range, so I think it's just a fluke.



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> @"Madisonlee.9641" said:

> > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > @"EnderzShadow.2506" The reason why you can't use GS3 to leap through is because the actual "leap" doesn't happen until the ranger runs for quite some distance first. So in other words, you cannot cast the GS3 while in the smokefield and benefit the leap finisher unless you are aiming at a wall to stop the run animation from taking you out of the smoke field entirely.

> >


> Um...am I crazy or is this..simply not true? I just tested and no matter where I initiate the leap from I get the full stealth from the combo (tested initiating in middle of field, also tested leaping fully through it from one side to another, and lastly tested on the very edge of it going out)


> If this is not how it functions for you, I suspect this to be a ping issue; I have 250+ ping and I'm discovering every day just how many things work differently for me than others with sub 100 ping. An example is people with sub 100 ping can steal+vault-in-place and land a vault from 1200 range, whereas for me I will port to the enemy but my vault 100% will not land damage.


> > @"ZhouX.8742" said:

> > On the flipside, it is pointing out an obvious game breaking bug in some form of scaling that needs to be fixed, I think it's obvious this is the case but this thread's original intention was to figure out why somebody was able to 60k somebody from a ranger ability, and it has for the most part derailed into "Soulbeast needs to be nerfed into the ground" and "ranger has everything, it needs to be nerfed". **A scaling issue with skills is a bug and not equal to a flat out nerf, it just needs to be fixed.**

> >


> I think it's pretty much been solved, I am convinced it was a 50% damage modifier interrupt triggered by WI+BM trait (The WI consumes the buff and the rupt applies before WI hits, so it's magic if you're lucky)


> This combined with other common modifiers and Colosseum buffs would get you 60K probably. Once in forever, literally lol. I know OP says the buffs hadn't spawned yet so I'm not sure; maybe there's a bug with the map?


> Or also again could be wonky logs. It could be a thousand things, however the key point is we *do not have* a multitude of people posting SS or videos of 60K Wordly Impacts; to my knowledge only 1-2 people? Mostly has been shots in 30k range, so I think it's just a fluke.




Dunno man, I could post scrap clips of myself trying to use GS#3 through smokefields unsuccessfully with 70-80 ping, but I'd rather not bother with it. It just wasn't working for me unless the leap itself makes the jump within the radius of the smokefield. As you can see, it is no lie that I went in-game and did elongated testing to figure this out.

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Haha well this is a first for a *benefit* of high ping!


In other news, I just somehow hit 40k WI on the thief NPC when my usual on it is around 25k (with 50% attack of opportunity, and full other buffs)


I can't replicate this and it's annoying me lol; maybe there IS some bugged thing going on...


edit: WOahhhh nelly, I think I found it lol; I did not know you could have both 25% and 50% attacks of opportunity on at the same time...


edit again: still won't get me that 40k..weird.

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> @"ZhouX.8742" said:

> The problem with this thread is that it invites bad players who got destroyed by any ranger build to come in an vent.


> On the flipside, it is pointing out an obvious game breaking bug in some form of scaling that needs to be fixed, I think it's obvious this is the case but this thread's original intention was to figure out why somebody was able to 60k somebody from a ranger ability, and it has for the most part derailed into "Soulbeast needs to be nerfed into the ground" and "ranger has everything, it needs to be nerfed". **A scaling issue with skills is a bug and not equal to a flat out nerf, it just needs to be fixed.**


> This thread is not to vent your in-ability to handle all ranger builds in PvP. It is to identify the sheer cause of the bug for the PvP dev team (OMEGALUL) to fix it.


> For this reason, this thread will simply get Soulbeast beyond nerfed past a simple bug fix and it will be removed from any position it even has, especially since Holosmith still outperforms it in almost every way as a roaming skirmisher.


> This is why you can't take the forum community seriously when discussing balance. This thread is a prime example of why it never works.


who the fuck said it was a game breaking bug? Just stop right there. Huge assumption on your part. Nothing buggy about it.


The stars align and someone gets one shot. Good.


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> @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > @"ChartFish.1308" said:

> > I think I've figured out most of his traits and utilities.

> >

> > He is using WHaO, signet of the hunt, quickening zephyr, sic 'em, strength of the pack.

> > GS dagger/ dagger or warhorn (not sure)

> > MMS 3 ? 2 (possibly using signet trait)

> > BM 3 2 1

> > SB 1 ? 3

> >

> > Smokescale / Siamoth


> I can't blame you for not reading every reply on a 6 page thread, but this was answered near the end of page 5 By @"Ryan.9387"



> MM 322

> BM x2x

> SB 123


> GS (enhancement/x) / dagger warhorn(x/x)

> Berserker scholar

> Siamoth smokescale


> Heal as one, signet of the hunt, signet of the wild, sicem, optional elite.


> To stealth long cast gs3 into a wall with smokescale f2, follow up with dagger leap, wh5, dagger leap. Precasting siamoth f2 if you can to pick up and use on the approach.


> After a burst you can unmerge out of smokescale, then f2 (for field) into pet swap (blast) into the original combo. This gives you very very long stealth if you can be in combat.


> To stack might use heal as one before merging with your smokescale. That'll give 22 might or 25 if you rng plasma.


> To burst, buff to 25 might, use maul in open air (to get moment of clarity), then worldly impact or maul (choice). Use sicem and hunt right before the attack lands.


> I've landed 35k today using this. You could get way more damage attacking a target with 25 vuln while having Coliseum sword and kill buffs.


> You can't get more damage than this without outside help (ex if someone crippled target you could use the sigil for 5% more damage).


> Have fun playing around with this. Just note you have no condi clear, no stun break, and berserker amulet. For extra fun get a thief friend to stealth you in voice chat.


Good explanation right here. Regardless of how bad or poor the build looks on paper, it is not ok for someone to be able to OHKO in a competitive game and especially not like this. Before someone brings up DJ as a counterargument, DJ cannot be used while in stealth, has a very loud and obvious sound effect and you will KNOW the DE is targeting you well-before DJ lands giving you time to plan and counterplay. On the other hand with WI, Enderz just described a method of oneshotting with WI out of stealth without even entering combat before-hand.

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> @"Arcaedus.7290" said:

> > @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > > @"ChartFish.1308" said:

> > > I think I've figured out most of his traits and utilities.

> > >

> > > He is using WHaO, signet of the hunt, quickening zephyr, sic 'em, strength of the pack.

> > > GS dagger/ dagger or warhorn (not sure)

> > > MMS 3 ? 2 (possibly using signet trait)

> > > BM 3 2 1

> > > SB 1 ? 3

> > >

> > > Smokescale / Siamoth

> >

> > I can't blame you for not reading every reply on a 6 page thread, but this was answered near the end of page 5 By @"Ryan.9387"

> >

> >

> > MM 322

> > BM x2x

> > SB 123

> >

> > GS (enhancement/x) / dagger warhorn(x/x)

> > Berserker scholar

> > Siamoth smokescale

> >

> > Heal as one, signet of the hunt, signet of the wild, sicem, optional elite.

> >

> > To stealth long cast gs3 into a wall with smokescale f2, follow up with dagger leap, wh5, dagger leap. Precasting siamoth f2 if you can to pick up and use on the approach.

> >

> > After a burst you can unmerge out of smokescale, then f2 (for field) into pet swap (blast) into the original combo. This gives you very very long stealth if you can be in combat.

> >

> > To stack might use heal as one before merging with your smokescale. That'll give 22 might or 25 if you rng plasma.

> >

> > To burst, buff to 25 might, use maul in open air (to get moment of clarity), then worldly impact or maul (choice). Use sicem and hunt right before the attack lands.

> >

> > I've landed 35k today using this. You could get way more damage attacking a target with 25 vuln while having Coliseum sword and kill buffs.

> >

> > You can't get more damage than this without outside help (ex if someone crippled target you could use the sigil for 5% more damage).

> >

> > Have fun playing around with this. Just note you have no condi clear, no stun break, and berserker amulet. For extra fun get a thief friend to stealth you in voice chat.


> Good explanation right here. Regardless of how bad or poor the build looks on paper, it is not ok for someone to be able to OHKO in a competitive game and especially not like this. Before someone brings up DJ as a counterargument, DJ cannot be used while in stealth, has a very loud and obvious sound effect and you will KNOW the DE is targeting you well-before DJ lands giving you time to plan and counterplay. On the other hand with WI, Enderz just described a method of oneshotting with WI out of stealth without even entering combat before-hand.


Ryan.9387 answered this.

I just re-posted what he wrote.


And personally, I don't care.

I don't trust the devs enough to not ruin the class while trying to fix something that is RARE and exceedingly difficult to pull off.


And now you want to throw your 2cents in too. Good for you. Now go and try it yourself. Go play a match with that spec and get back to us.

Tell me how many times you've seen anyone use this in a match while you're at it.

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I fought Harsh Master once in a ranked match.


What happened:


1. I stood on point and saw him run away and stealth. I thought he was moving to another point. Right after I stepped off the point I got knocked down and hit by Worldly Impact which 100-0'd me. I thought, "Damn I should've expected that. He did well but I'll get him next time."

2. I was 1v1ing someone on mid. Saw HM coming and stealth. Readied myself. I ended up dodging the knockdown and WI but got hit by a maul which did enough damage to kill me because I was lower from the 1v1. I could've won the 1v2 but I messed up and recognized that.

3. I killed him the rest of the match with no issue.


Once you know what his build does, you shouldn't die unless you mess up. Outside of the kd, wi, maul, hilt bash, maul... he doesn't really have any survivability or huge burst.


First, I learned what he does. Second, I messed up. Third (and everything after), he wasn't an issue.

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If i mained a thief, i would hate the current soulbeast. You steal on a soulbeast, he dodges, melds+sic+QZ during dodge and one shots the thief with WI as soon as the dodge ends... If that wasn't enough, point blank shot with some rapid fire will finish the job almost instantly.

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> I fought Harsh Master once in a ranked match.


> What happened:


> 1. I stood on point and saw him run away and stealth. I thought he was moving to another point. Right after I stepped off the point I got knocked down and hit by Worldly Impact which 100-0'd me. I thought, "kitten I should've expected that. He did well but I'll get him next time."

> 2. I was 1v1ing someone on mid. Saw HM coming and stealth. Readied myself. I ended up dodging the knockdown and WI but got hit by a maul which did enough damage to kill me because I was lower from the 1v1. I could've won the 1v2 but I messed up and recognized that.

> 3. I killed him the rest of the match with no issue.


> Once you know what his build does, you shouldn't die unless you mess up. Outside of the kd, wi, maul, hilt bash, maul... he doesn't really have any survivability or huge burst.


> First, I learned what he does. Second, I messed up. Third (and everything after), he wasn't an issue.


So that's fine to you? Why did they nerf the 100nades one shot that we used to have back in 2013 or whenever it was? Because it one shots, which is not good for any kind of pvp. If that HM guys is smart, he will stealth out of field of view, and good luck dodging when you don't even know the person is anywhere near you. One shot from stealth (or out of stealth) is complete BS, and the fact that we still have em six years after launch should tell you how these devs care about balancing pvp. But hey! Poison Volley got nerfed on the OP af ranger's Shortbow, so everything is fine.

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> I fought Harsh Master once in a ranked match.

> First, I learned what he does. Second, I messed up. Third (and everything after), he wasn't an issue.




lol the build is extremely easy to understand and counter. Now, I get it, if you're busy in a team fight or he stealths out of your field of view and surprise one shots you, it is annoying. But you do realize a power mesmer has been able to do this since like, forever? Thief can build to do it too, and Harsh Master in fact has been doing it for years on core ranger before Soul Beast even was released (with maul). And it literally only takes the awareness of one person on your team to know what he's up to and to just sneeze on him for him to be be insta dead as fast as he insta kills you.


You need to realize he sacrifices EVERYTHING to be able to do that damage; he likely doesn't even have a single stun break since he's using QZ offensively.


So unless you can find this mystery bugged modifier that's causing the damage to skyrocket, l2p, because the spec is a gimmick meme and deserves a place in the game for people to actually have fun. Countless other builds are 100x more useful in a game than this meme you get killed by and rage about



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> @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> If i mained a thief, i would hate the current soulbeast. You steal on a soulbeast, he dodges, melds+sic+QZ during dodge and one shots the thief with WI as soon as the dodge ends... If that wasn't enough, point blank shot with some rapid fire will finish the job almost instantly.


that is exactly my issue, even if I manage to counteract soulbeast, the pet itself deals enough damage to put me on defensive where i should disengage.




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> @"Velimere.7685" said:

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/QRFPWBU.jpg "")

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/0qWRj5N.jpg "")

> Are these numbers normal? The Soulbeast in my game on the enemy team was mowing down everyone and winning 1v3s.


Yes, in fact they could be way higher. A cheese glass cannon lb ranger can get 3.5-4k rapid fire hits and 7-8k longbow 1s.


Done right you can get high 30ks for rapid fire while also taking the (completely balanced lol) unlockable/unreflectable soulbeast trait.

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oh man, SB have almost the same damage now that before the "buff" (5%), dunno why people is crying now about this, i created a thread more than 1 month ago about a ranger hitting people for 15k with LB AA, if 1 of your team focus the ranger he will die in 1 sec because he is sacrificing all to have that numbers, ofc if your whole team sit at point and let the ranger pew pew you, you will die, or not, sometimes your team is so bad that you can do 600k damage with a ranger and lost the match because you have 4 lemmings playing with you, plus the game have a big number of skills able to block/reflect ranged attacks.




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> @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > I fought Harsh Master once in a ranked match.

> >

> > What happened:

> >

> > 1. I stood on point and saw him run away and stealth. I thought he was moving to another point. Right after I stepped off the point I got knocked down and hit by Worldly Impact which 100-0'd me. I thought, "kitten I should've expected that. He did well but I'll get him next time."

> > 2. I was 1v1ing someone on mid. Saw HM coming and stealth. Readied myself. I ended up dodging the knockdown and WI but got hit by a maul which did enough damage to kill me because I was lower from the 1v1. I could've won the 1v2 but I messed up and recognized that.

> > 3. I killed him the rest of the match with no issue.

> >

> > Once you know what his build does, you shouldn't die unless you mess up. Outside of the kd, wi, maul, hilt bash, maul... he doesn't really have any survivability or huge burst.

> >

> > First, I learned what he does. Second, I messed up. Third (and everything after), he wasn't an issue.


> So that's fine to you? Why did they nerf the 100nades one shot that we used to have back in 2013 or whenever it was? Because it one shots, which is not good for any kind of pvp. If that HM guys is smart, he will stealth out of field of view, and good luck dodging when you don't even know the person is anywhere near you. One shot from stealth (or out of stealth) is complete BS, and the fact that we still have em six years after launch should tell you how these devs care about balancing pvp. But hey! Poison Volley got nerfed on the OP af ranger's Shortbow, so everything is fine.


Yeah its fine. There's no difference between a 20k shatter combo from stealth and a 60k worldly impact. In terms of damage, you're still going to be downed.


In fact, if you keep moving, he will be forced to use a knockdown first because you can't hit WI on a moving target. The knockdown might do a lot of damage because of the modifiers but it won't nearly be enough to one shot you. Breaking the cc and dodging WI and the maul that follows nullifies the whole combo.


Also, a shatter meaner bursting from stealth is actually harder to avoid than a massive worldly impact. Not only does the entire combo cast nearly instantly, its also very hard to react to, can be hit on a moving target, and the mesmer still has more survivability than every other build that can reach similar damage numbers.

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> @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > @"Arcaedus.7290" said:

> > > @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > > > @"ChartFish.1308" said:

> > > > I think I've figured out most of his traits and utilities.

> > > >

> > > > He is using WHaO, signet of the hunt, quickening zephyr, sic 'em, strength of the pack.

> > > > GS dagger/ dagger or warhorn (not sure)

> > > > MMS 3 ? 2 (possibly using signet trait)

> > > > BM 3 2 1

> > > > SB 1 ? 3

> > > >

> > > > Smokescale / Siamoth

> > >

> > > I can't blame you for not reading every reply on a 6 page thread, but this was answered near the end of page 5 By @"Ryan.9387"

> > >

> > >

> > > MM 322

> > > BM x2x

> > > SB 123

> > >

> > > GS (enhancement/x) / dagger warhorn(x/x)

> > > Berserker scholar

> > > Siamoth smokescale

> > >

> > > Heal as one, signet of the hunt, signet of the wild, sicem, optional elite.

> > >

> > > To stealth long cast gs3 into a wall with smokescale f2, follow up with dagger leap, wh5, dagger leap. Precasting siamoth f2 if you can to pick up and use on the approach.

> > >

> > > After a burst you can unmerge out of smokescale, then f2 (for field) into pet swap (blast) into the original combo. This gives you very very long stealth if you can be in combat.

> > >

> > > To stack might use heal as one before merging with your smokescale. That'll give 22 might or 25 if you rng plasma.

> > >

> > > To burst, buff to 25 might, use maul in open air (to get moment of clarity), then worldly impact or maul (choice). Use sicem and hunt right before the attack lands.

> > >

> > > I've landed 35k today using this. You could get way more damage attacking a target with 25 vuln while having Coliseum sword and kill buffs.

> > >

> > > You can't get more damage than this without outside help (ex if someone crippled target you could use the sigil for 5% more damage).

> > >

> > > Have fun playing around with this. Just note you have no condi clear, no stun break, and berserker amulet. For extra fun get a thief friend to stealth you in voice chat.

> >

> > Good explanation right here. Regardless of how bad or poor the build looks on paper, it is not ok for someone to be able to OHKO in a competitive game and especially not like this. Before someone brings up DJ as a counterargument, DJ cannot be used while in stealth, has a very loud and obvious sound effect and you will KNOW the DE is targeting you well-before DJ lands giving you time to plan and counterplay. On the other hand with WI, Enderz just described a method of oneshotting with WI out of stealth without even entering combat before-hand.


> Ryan.9387 answered this.

> I just re-posted what he wrote.


> And personally, I don't care.

> I don't trust the devs enough to not ruin the class while trying to fix something that is RARE and exceedingly difficult to pull off.


> And now you want to throw your 2cents in too. Good for you. Now go and try it yourself. Go play a match with that spec and get back to us.

> Tell me how many times you've seen anyone use this in a match while you're at it.


I normally suggest fixes rather than just complaining. Didn't do that here since this is a slippery slope. If they choose to nerf a utility or other trait, it can ruin a variety of builds. If they nerf WI enough, it may not do significant damage outside of a cheese 1-shot glass build. Regardless, the issue should be addressed since the damage is not ok regardless of the build, like I said. Just because it's rare, doesn't mean the magnitude of the problem can be ignored.

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> @"Arcaedus.7290" said:

> > @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > > @"Arcaedus.7290" said:

> > > > @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > > > > @"ChartFish.1308" said:

> > > > > I think I've figured out most of his traits and utilities.

> > > > >

> > > > > He is using WHaO, signet of the hunt, quickening zephyr, sic 'em, strength of the pack.

> > > > > GS dagger/ dagger or warhorn (not sure)

> > > > > MMS 3 ? 2 (possibly using signet trait)

> > > > > BM 3 2 1

> > > > > SB 1 ? 3

> > > > >

> > > > > Smokescale / Siamoth

> > > >

> > > > I can't blame you for not reading every reply on a 6 page thread, but this was answered near the end of page 5 By @"Ryan.9387"

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > MM 322

> > > > BM x2x

> > > > SB 123

> > > >

> > > > GS (enhancement/x) / dagger warhorn(x/x)

> > > > Berserker scholar

> > > > Siamoth smokescale

> > > >

> > > > Heal as one, signet of the hunt, signet of the wild, sicem, optional elite.

> > > >

> > > > To stealth long cast gs3 into a wall with smokescale f2, follow up with dagger leap, wh5, dagger leap. Precasting siamoth f2 if you can to pick up and use on the approach.

> > > >

> > > > After a burst you can unmerge out of smokescale, then f2 (for field) into pet swap (blast) into the original combo. This gives you very very long stealth if you can be in combat.

> > > >

> > > > To stack might use heal as one before merging with your smokescale. That'll give 22 might or 25 if you rng plasma.

> > > >

> > > > To burst, buff to 25 might, use maul in open air (to get moment of clarity), then worldly impact or maul (choice). Use sicem and hunt right before the attack lands.

> > > >

> > > > I've landed 35k today using this. You could get way more damage attacking a target with 25 vuln while having Coliseum sword and kill buffs.

> > > >

> > > > You can't get more damage than this without outside help (ex if someone crippled target you could use the sigil for 5% more damage).

> > > >

> > > > Have fun playing around with this. Just note you have no condi clear, no stun break, and berserker amulet. For extra fun get a thief friend to stealth you in voice chat.

> > >

> > > Good explanation right here. Regardless of how bad or poor the build looks on paper, it is not ok for someone to be able to OHKO in a competitive game and especially not like this. Before someone brings up DJ as a counterargument, DJ cannot be used while in stealth, has a very loud and obvious sound effect and you will KNOW the DE is targeting you well-before DJ lands giving you time to plan and counterplay. On the other hand with WI, Enderz just described a method of oneshotting with WI out of stealth without even entering combat before-hand.

> >

> > Ryan.9387 answered this.

> > I just re-posted what he wrote.

> >

> > And personally, I don't care.

> > I don't trust the devs enough to not ruin the class while trying to fix something that is RARE and exceedingly difficult to pull off.

> >

> > And now you want to throw your 2cents in too. Good for you. Now go and try it yourself. Go play a match with that spec and get back to us.

> > Tell me how many times you've seen anyone use this in a match while you're at it.


> I normally suggest fixes rather than just complaining. Didn't do that here since this is a slippery slope. If they choose to nerf a utility or other trait, it can ruin a variety of builds. If they nerf WI enough, it may not do significant damage outside of a cheese 1-shot glass build. Regardless, the issue should be addressed since the damage is not ok regardless of the build, like I said. Just because it's rare, doesn't mean the magnitude of the problem can be ignored.


So, they should nerf any skill able to hit for 15k+ , and when you are buffed we have really big number of skills able to do that.

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > I fought Harsh Master once in a ranked match.

> > >

> > > What happened:

> > >

> > > 1. I stood on point and saw him run away and stealth. I thought he was moving to another point. Right after I stepped off the point I got knocked down and hit by Worldly Impact which 100-0'd me. I thought, "kitten I should've expected that. He did well but I'll get him next time."

> > > 2. I was 1v1ing someone on mid. Saw HM coming and stealth. Readied myself. I ended up dodging the knockdown and WI but got hit by a maul which did enough damage to kill me because I was lower from the 1v1. I could've won the 1v2 but I messed up and recognized that.

> > > 3. I killed him the rest of the match with no issue.

> > >

> > > Once you know what his build does, you shouldn't die unless you mess up. Outside of the kd, wi, maul, hilt bash, maul... he doesn't really have any survivability or huge burst.

> > >

> > > First, I learned what he does. Second, I messed up. Third (and everything after), he wasn't an issue.

> >

> > So that's fine to you? Why did they nerf the 100nades one shot that we used to have back in 2013 or whenever it was? Because it one shots, which is not good for any kind of pvp. If that HM guys is smart, he will stealth out of field of view, and good luck dodging when you don't even know the person is anywhere near you. One shot from stealth (or out of stealth) is complete BS, and the fact that we still have em six years after launch should tell you how these devs care about balancing pvp. But hey! Poison Volley got nerfed on the OP af ranger's Shortbow, so everything is fine.


> Yeah its fine. There's no difference between a 20k shatter combo from stealth and a 60k worldly impact. In terms of damage, you're still going to be downed.


> In fact, if you keep moving, he will be forced to use a knockdown first because you can't hit WI on a moving target. The knockdown might do a lot of damage because of the modifiers but it won't nearly be enough to one shot you. Breaking the cc and dodging WI and the maul that follows nullifies the whole combo.


> Also, a shatter meaner bursting from stealth is actually harder to avoid than a massive worldly impact. Not only does the entire combo cast nearly instantly, its also very hard to react to, can be hit on a moving target, and the mesmer still has more survivability than every other build that can reach similar damage numbers.


The one shot shatter is not much of a thing in spvp anymore. Still a thing in wvw but rarely in spvp. You have a much higher chance of getting one shotted by a thief than any kind of mes build.

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> @"urdriel.8496" said:


> So, they should nerf any skill able to hit for 15k+ , and when you are buffed we have really big number of skills able to do that.


Absolutely. Like I said, one hit kills (OHKOs) are unhealthy for competitive games. There are exceptions or ways to include them so that they're very conditional and effectively not OHKOs (like Death's Judgement) but a OHKO out of stealth without entering combat first, attached to an aoe and that can be done completely solo is not acceptable.


The nature of this game is that someone with minimum (11k) health and no armor who takes a hit from a full glass build using a single strong spike is definitely going to get 1-shot, that's just unavoidable. However if we're talking about your average player rolling around with 16-17k+hp, with a well put-together build, they should not be able to get 1-shot no matter what.

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EVERY class has the ability to deal the type of damage that Soulbeast is dealing if it runs a glass cannon DPS component, outside of the freakish 60k strikes that are listed in this thread, which are a complete anomaly and players need shouldn't be proposing that these numbers are normal.


Even given the above statement, I'll say that Soulbeast should receive these alterations ASAP:

* Worldy Impact should have its cast time reverted back to 1s. It doesn't need a damage nerf because WI isn't the heart of the problem here.

* Sic'Em should be reduced to 20% to 30% enhancement while merged. 40% is too much. Still not the heart of the problem though.

* The heart of the problem is Marksmanship with the traits "Moment of Clarity" & "Remorseless", and then Greatsword Maul being able to stack "Attack of Opportunity" buff with MoC and Remorseless. When all of these add together, that is +100% damage modifier. <- That is the heart of the problem. Without those damage modifiers, Worldy Impact is just a Gravedigger. Moment of clarity should be nerfed from +50% to +25%. Remorseless should be nerfed from +25% to +15%. Attack of Opportunity should be nerfed from +25% to +15% and be made so that the buff doesn't activate unless the Ranger hits a target. "This would mean one shot builds cannot prime it while stealthed."


The above changes would be adequate nerfs to calm down the one shot builds, but allow other Soulbeast specs to remain relatively unchanged.




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