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60,000 damage from 1 ability, is that normal?


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> @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > @"jcbroe.4329" said:

> > No, it is not normal, yes it is a fringe and extreme circumstance, and no, I don't know exactly how to reproduce a number that high.

> >

> > As far as the rest of the thread goes, I'm not sure what the debate is about. No, a healthy game balance would not see the existence of 1 shot style builds, at least not without having multitudes of counterplay, first and foremost being that it shouldn't be a single hit if the ability to do so does exist.

> >

> > At the same time, I understand why people are skeptical and defensive about ANets balancing. They don't exactly nail the target here, and when it isn't an underwhelming shave, it's a nerf in triplicate that hits the skills, traits, and cooldowns of everything all in one. And then they continue nerfing everything on top of the initial over-nerf on top of it.


> Lets **normalize** this number and say he hits for 12k AOE. Do you consider this being okay for a skill with 1sec casting time and 25sec CD?


Depends on what your playing, if you're a bunker and he hits you for 12k (saying the player isn't using gimmicky 1 shot build) then you might need to look at your toughness and if you have good uptime on protection, using amulet which has no toughness is going to put you in tough spot when comes to fighting burst build. I play lots of Berserker Soulbeast, and landing 12k isn't easy in the thick of it, only time I land it is if I land my cc. I run full berserker meaning they can 1 shot me as well, a good example is if I'm running Berserker and burst guard teleports to me he will instakill me if he crits with no time to react, is that ok? Rapid fire is easier to land than Worldly Impact. The build you require to land monster numbers with Worldly Impact is one trick pony, even then I'm dumbfounded on how that guy landed a freaking 60k crit I've tried and I can't even get close.


Edit* Also I would like to add if your not cc'ed and your moving, you can get out of range before it lands. The animation outside of stealth is very noticeable, 1 dodge and your good. If they are cloaked so what, Mesmers have been 1 shotting people from release with their stealth build with 0 tels. They 100-0 every single time with 0 chance of a reaction.

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> @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > @"jcbroe.4329" said:

> > No, it is not normal, yes it is a fringe and extreme circumstance, and no, I don't know exactly how to reproduce a number that high.

> >

> > As far as the rest of the thread goes, I'm not sure what the debate is about. No, a healthy game balance would not see the existence of 1 shot style builds, at least not without having multitudes of counterplay, first and foremost being that it shouldn't be a single hit if the ability to do so does exist.

> >

> > At the same time, I understand why people are skeptical and defensive about ANets balancing. They don't exactly nail the target here, and when it isn't an underwhelming shave, it's a nerf in triplicate that hits the skills, traits, and cooldowns of everything all in one. And then they continue nerfing everything on top of the initial over-nerf on top of it.


> Lets **normalize** this number and say he hits for 12k AOE. Do you consider this being okay for a skill with 1sec casting time and 25sec CD?


I don't find it fun taking half/over half my health in less than a second from an ability. Main ones that come to mind are dead eye's with pistol/pistol or rifle along with power mirage doing insane amounts of damage from stealth. If you dodge the opener, they can easily reset with all their mobility and just do it again. Plus not every mesmer will wait until 3 seconds to do their burst, some will wait until you waste your dodge trying to dodge that and just kill you after instantly almost.


I made this post to try and show if there was a bug. I don't know the build, nor did he tell us the build he was using. He just said it was a known build and not a bug.

I hope it's a bug, I mean if not, then I hope it gets nerfed in a way that won't hurt soul beast, because 30,000ish-60,000ish damage from 1 ability is not okay



He's doing this in ranked and winning matches because of this, so that's totally not okay I think. Like I said before, my entire team was complaining about him 1shotting everyone in the first screen shot. We were pretty ahead, but then he started to just 1 shot us and he won them the game.

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> @"Mbelch.9028" said:

> > @"ceces.9368" said:

> > This ranger kept killing everyone on our team with 1 ability, he kept saying it's a known build and not a bug. I said i'd report him anyways and send in a ticket with screen shot logs. Here's my death log when I ran into him a few times

> >

> > 32,000 from the first hit: https://i.imgur.com/ShnZ2Rv.png

> >

> > A few matches later, nearly 60,000: https://i.imgur.com/fWpGWGz.png

> > Combat log: https://i.imgur.com/z60XEm3.png


> I don't know why people are having a hard time answering your question. No, it's not normal to get hit 60k by any skill. I doubt they were hacking, though. Would love a response from the ANET team on this one, as I'm sure it's not intended for any skill to even get to 30k.


> While the folks here are right about the build being gimmicky, the question you asked is valid.


No skill should hit that high in a sPvP environment.. That's the sort of numbers you expect from a fully upgraded WxP player against a tower lord with 25 vuln while he has 25 might.


These sort of numbers should not exist in PvP at all, even if it had a 5s cast time and a 10 minute cooldown, it's extremely unhealthy for the game especially if a decent player is using it against newer players...


I'm sure Anet will touch up on this at some stage.



> @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > @"Volrath.1473" said:


> >

> > ... just thought i'd drop this here, no reason.


> yeah, and people used to complain about back stab...a single target skill and are defending a skill that does AoE damage and can hit up to 60K damage under the right setup...


I wish they removed the CD from missing Backstab... I already had a hard time landing backstab due to Australian internet but now? geesh lol

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> @"BikeIsGone.8675" said:

> if you scroll through the pvp section you can usually find a couple of threads about this ....so yes, id say its a well known build.


> It basically stacks a bunch of dmg modifiers and gambles for a crit. If it hits (and crits) 30k + numbers (if you dont have toughness/protection) are very well achievable.

> But knowing Anet and their habit of missing bugs (hello spellbreaker FC getting the same dmg modifier applied twice), this might as well not be intended....I honestly cant tell at this point.


> On another note....can people please stop pretending to get hit by this "from stealth"?




I've been hit by this from stealth. Being able to do this much damage in one attack, or even in a series of attacks that all strike at the same moment, just shouldn't be possible. Getting one shotted really shouldn't even be a thing in MMOrpg pvp. In a shooter, getting one shot from a close range shot gun or headshot from a sniper makes sense. But in this game, it doesn't matter the amount of setup necessary, or conditions, one shots just shot NOT be possible from a single player. Of course, it's not just rangers. GS power mesmers, hammer guardians, fresh air eles, and even thieves can one shot with a lucky backstab (which has happened to me recently in the FFA arena). I know some will argue and say it's fair, for the health of the pvp gamemode, it just shouldn't exist. Anet has been really trying with balance this year, and i respect the effort, but they need to try harder.

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Queue ~~The Rock Gazelle~~ **Worldly Impact** hotfix. I would like to know, how is it that this is the first time this is mentioned?

I find it rather odd that there have been no mentions of these astronomical numbers that would make a Shatter Mesmer and Rifle Deadeye jealous. Could it be that the Devs broke it in one of the more recent patches somehow?


@"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" Can we please get a comment on the subject, please?

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> @"Arlette.9684" said:


Because 99% of soulbeasts will only hit 7k-10k even if they are running a high damage build. This number should only be attainable in pVe, and even there it's a stretch to reach over 30k without being in the aerodome and stacking buffs like banners, spirits, glyphs and food. Not to mention the lack of sigils like bloodlust of force.


Browse through the plethora of soulbeast wvw roaming videos and you'll still see wordly impacts for only 10k even if they pull off a successfull wombo combo.


If no one recreates this then i cant help but feel like something's fishy. 57k in spvp..? It should be impossible given the limitations.

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> @"ChartFish.1308" said:

> > @"Arlette.9684" said:


> Because 99% of soulbeasts will only hit 7k-10k even if they are running a high damage build. This number should only be attainable in pVe, and even there it's a stretch to reach over 30k without being in the aerodome and stacking buffs like banners, spirits, glyphs and food. Not to mention the lack of sigils like bloodlust of force.


> Browse through the plethora of soulbeast wvw roaming videos and you'll still see wordly impacts for only 10k even if they pull off a successfull wombo combo.


> If no one recreates this then i cant help but feel like something's fishy. 57k in spvp..? It should be impossible given the limitations.


I have watch videos of Gladomer in twitch , and one time with this kind of troll build he was doing loldamage (20k maul, 37k wordly ).


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I don't pvp so I can't so comment on arena type buffs.

I run with 3400 power in wvw and, without sic'em, WI usually hit for 12-16k on targets if I crit and they are also full glass.

That's with a 66% chance to crit and 230% crit damage.

Those screenshot numbers seem high, unless arenas seriously give you 3-4x multipliers, and solo, a soulbeast can't stack 10 seconds of stealth.


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> @"Ubi.4136" said:

> I don't pvp so I can't so comment on arena type buffs.

> I run with 3400 power in wvw and, without sic'em, WI usually hit for 12-16k on targets if I crit and they are also full glass.

> That's with a 66% chance to crit and 230% crit damage.

> Those screenshot numbers seem high, unless arenas seriously give you 3-4x multipliers, and solo, a soulbeast can't stack 10 seconds of stealth.

> /shrug


seems you need more offensive traits and better food , you can reach almost 300% crit damage and near 4k power, glass cannon but if he hit you , you are dead xDD 15k LB AA,20k maul, 40k Wordly,

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> @"urdriel.8496" said:

> > @"Ubi.4136" said:

> > I don't pvp so I can't so comment on arena type buffs.

> > I run with 3400 power in wvw and, without sic'em, WI usually hit for 12-16k on targets if I crit and they are also full glass.

> > That's with a 66% chance to crit and 230% crit damage.

> > Those screenshot numbers seem high, unless arenas seriously give you 3-4x multipliers, and solo, a soulbeast can't stack 10 seconds of stealth.

> > /shrug


> seems you need more offensive traits and better food , you can reach almost 300% crit damage and near 4k power, glass cannon but if he hit you , you are dead xDD 15k LB AA,20k maul, 40k Wordly,


Yeah, my autos top out at 6k, and I rarely use food when I roam, feels like a crutch (already using one crutch in playing ranger).

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Well like I said, I just want to make sure it gets looked at. Currently that guy who did this is in the top 50 in ranked. I'm pretty sure he knows it's some form of bug abuse or something because hitting 60,000 is not okay. He didn't even say how he did it, all he said was it's a commonly known build in map chat. If he's winning rating like this and won't get punished, it seems a bit unfair.


If it's not a bug, then it should get nerfed, but not in a way that it will hurt soul beast like I said before. No ability should even hit 30,000+



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> @"ChartFish.1308" said:

> > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > It is not normal, it should not happen, but it is possible without any kind of cheating. Which makes it only a problem to be solved that will hopefully be addressed eventually.


> But *how* . The maul i can believe, but even in the most recent power sb benchmark video anarii only manages 45k WI at highest. That's with PvE buffs on demand. How could you fairly manage 57k in sPvP, where everything is weaker in general and no food buffs?


> I just want to see someone recreate this.


The last thing we need is more people around who knows which combinations of traits and upgrades causes that. All we need is them not working anymore. So anyone who figures out suck things needs to stop, report it, and not use them.


Unfortunately, that never happens. They always exploit them.

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I often see people say 1s cast time is huge... it's basically an ele aa :/ ... I wish churning earth could do 120 k damage with its 2s channel... (and thank whoever it got reduced from 3.25s).

To answer the question, any single skill capable of oneshotting isn't healthy. Even if it takes some setup. If it's a rapid succession of hard hitting skills I don't mind as long as it's executed without macros.

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60k bug or not, anything hitting over 20k in literally one hit and can be done from stealth without warning should obviously be removed from pvp. None of the classic "one shot" builds (shatter mes, signet backstab thief, power deadeye, pre-nerf fa ele) actually kill someone in one hit. It's usually multiple hits with various different skills and often requires a cc to pull off, with the exception of backstab thief, but that requires attacking someone from behind in melee and the best it can do is only 9k~15k depending on target's armor/protection. Not even pre rework deadeye's death judgement is as bad as this soulbeast cheese because there's a big sound alarm whenever dj is used, even when stealthed.

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> @"MyPuppy.8970" said:

> I often see people say 1s cast time is huge... it's basically an ele aa :/ ... I wish churning earth could do 120 k damage with its 2s channel... (and thank whoever it got reduced from 3.25s).

> To answer the question, any single skill capable of oneshotting isn't healthy. Even if it takes some setup. If it's a rapid succession of hard hitting skills I don't mind as long as it's executed without macros.


No classes & i mean all of the existing classes that have broken damage either from power or condi build should never burst that much damage in a single round.

Also same goes to tankiness, heals & regen. It should not be over the top as well. Does 2 factors has & are breaking the game.

Plain & simple.

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> @"MyPuppy.8970" said:

> I often see people say 1s cast time is huge... it's basically an ele aa :/ ... I wish churning earth could do 120 k damage with its 2s channel... (and thank whoever it got reduced from 3.25s).

> To answer the question, any single skill capable of oneshotting isn't healthy. Even if it takes some setup. If it's a rapid succession of hard hitting skills I don't mind as long as it's executed without macros.


so, Anet should nerf almost every used skill xDD

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The simplest fix would be to change Maul so that instead of triggering Moment of Clarity regardless of whether or not it hits something, you only get Moment of Clarity when Maul connects. That would prevent at least a part of the stealth-modifer stacking without the setup being obvious (a ranger running in to Maul you/someone in full glass without stealth is suicide as is).

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