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Is the old expansion dead

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Hi, I haven't played the game since 2015, and I don't have any of the expansions.

The recent publicity it got kinda made me want to play it again, so I've been wandering whether to get HOT or not. So usually with mmos when a new expansion comes out, all players move to the new content and the old one becomes a barren wasteland. I am pretty sure this has happened here also, but since this GW is a bit different with no new max level/gear tiers I am hoping that maybe it is not entirely the case.. So my question is: is there a big amount of group content I won't be able to do just because there are no other people doing it?


I read on the forums that a major part of HOT is getting skills which allow you to unlock the map, which is a concept I really like, but I am not sure if it will be worth it if I'll miss out on other major things.

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Heart of Thorns maps are very centered around map-wide meta events and all of them are still popular so you won't have to worry about being in a ghost town. HoT is still played a lot mostly due to Path of Fire's maps being somewhat disappointing in regards to replayable content.

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IMO there is no reason to pass on byuing HoT. The elite specs are still viable in both PvP and PvE and some masteries like Gliding and Spectral Aid are worth getting.

The expansion and LWS3 also have a decent amount of story content, some unique skins, fun open world events and adventures, more AP and some profitable ways to get gold.

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It's definitely not dead. I was just in Auric Basin and there were people doing the meta-event (which is the big, group content). And that's on a Monday morning (EU servers so it was 9-11am for most people).


The way GW2 works old content doesn't become obsolete when new stuff comes along. Some people choose to play PoF first, but it would still be worthwhile for them to do HoT as well because the masteries and Hero Points are still relevant, there's some stat combinations which can only come from HoT content and of course all the items and skins can still be used. Oh and achievement points if you're interested in that.


But also HoT and PoF are very different. HoT is very much focused on group content. You don't necessarily need to be in an organised squad or party (and you definitely don't need to schedule time with your guild to make progress) but you'll need other players around for a lot of it, especially the meta-events each map has which need to be progressed to gain access to new areas of the map and new rewards and achievements. Whereas PoF is much more focused on single players. There's a few event chains but very few need big groups and the maps are much more open and accessible. Some people find that much better, some find it boring, and some like having a choice. So people will go all over the game to find the content and rewards they want.


One thing which will help a lot (and not just for HoT) is remembering to use the Looking For Group Tool. Unlike in a lot of games it's not just for dungeons, it can be used for anything and is used regularly for open-world content. If you want to do meta-events the best way to go about it is to head to the map and then use the LFG tool to find an organised map, join the squad or party and then right-click the leader and pick 'Join in [map name]' to get to their copy of the map.

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As a player that owns HoT I can tell you for certain the maps are not barren, they are still alive with a good amount of players, I guarantee you will find groups for all of the metas.

HoT actually got fixed with the years so its much more enjoyable now than before(as ive heard). while playing the expac you unlock the glider which allows you to travel the maps with more ease and some more masteries that are used to utilize the maps more efficiently.

you will also get new elite specs which imo are the best part of the expac, cuz the core specs are kinda abandoned now, and are needed if you are going to participate in raids(HoT exclusive) and fractals.

overall a good addition if you want to invest your time more seriously in gw2.


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After 80, once you level in an expansion you will start to get levels different to core Tyria.

Mastery Levels 1 to 200(guessing it has reached 200+ now?)

Which are more aimed at character content that you progress in. It often levels your level bar but also adds things like gliding, mounts etc.

There are no stat boosts for masteries.

There is no reason to feel left behind, no matter what expansion you join.

People still frequent the HoT and PoF maps, but as easier that PoF is, HoT seems to attract the more meta fans.


Personally I kinda dislike HoT in comparrison, especially story length. I reccomend trying both. They are different enough to form a love/hate relationship...

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> @"trixantea.1230" said:

> IMO there is no reason to pass on byuing HoT. The elite specs are still viable in both PvP and PvE and some masteries like Gliding and Spectral Aid are worth getting.

> The expansion and LWS3 also have a decent amount of story content, some unique skins, fun open world events and adventures, more AP and some profitable ways to get gold.


Yes, gliding is a *must*, almost every other mastery in HOT itself is only useful within the expansion. Hopefully we have seen the last of expansion-only masteries though and they were just getting used to the system.


Yay that you listed spectral aid! I did not include it before as it is a LS thing but it and gliding have to be my faves masteries from the pre-POF days. It is my top downed skill, and once or twice when I had low health I WANTED something to kill me just so I could trigger it and rally with less enemies around me.

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No new level cap means level 80 maps are still populated. I just finished getting my second revenant to 80, and Orr had a lot of people doing metas, so I could only imagine places like silverwastes is still populated. I know the meta in dragon stand gets tons of people at peak hours.

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When HoT first came out, I found the maps very confusing, and I wasn't in love with the plot either, so after I finished the story I took a long break from the game. I came back fairly recently and gave HoT content another shake, and I have to say it gets a lot better as you become more familiar with the layout and the meta structure of each map. Some advice I would give:

* Don't go in thinking you can freely explore anywhere you want on your own, like in core Tyria. Some things are accessible, or easier to get to, depending on timing or what masteries you've unlocked.

* Check some of the event timer websites to see when the "meta" phases of certain maps are happening.

* Don't be shy about calling out in Map chat if you need help fighting a champion enemy for a Hero Point. People who have done it already still get rewarded for helping out, and you may be surprised how many people also need it but were afraid to ask.

* If you don't have one already, consider leveling a Sylvari character. When I came back, I made one, did the Personal Story up until you join the Pact, and ran that character through the Hot story. I gotta say, it was a pretty interesting experience. Sylvari are a fascinating race with a unique perspective. Their story involves certain things that become prominent in later missions, which you don't get as human, etc. And playing through HoT, there are several small but interesting changes in how NPCs talk to you, and how your character reacts, that are unique if you play a Sylvari. It made me feel more connected with the expansion and the plight of the other Sylvari characters, and this character is definitely my new main.

* Open up that Group Finder. Whether you want to join a squad for map meta events, or to jump onto a carry train for all the Hero Points on a map, this is a great resource.

* If you can, play the Living Story chapters! They're fun, they flesh out the circumstances for what's going on between expansions, they give great rewards, they unlock new maps. Try to play them in order. Do not skip Living Story Season 3 under any circumstances. The story is awesome, and the maps that come with it are super rad.

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If I were to go PoF vs HoT, I'd probably go for PoF literally just for the mounts alone (and personally I think the story has more polish to it). Outside of that, HoT probably has better rewards and repeatable content. One of the more important things is the elite specs, which really depends on the classes you play. For instance, HoT has Daredevil for Thief which is melee oriented, while in PoF the Deadeye is a ranged spec.


But really, do it for the rewards. It's all 'bout da loot.

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I have purchased both expansions in March, so my opinion is based solely on what I've seen in the last three months


- HoT: offers maps that are very challenging to explore, Tangled Depths is really difficult to navigate even with the masteries, but rewarding in terms of horizontal progression

The meta-events on all of the HoT maps are always crowded, many people taking part and contributing, they need co-operation between all lanes to be successful


- PoF: the mounts are a superb addition to the game, believe it. Fifth mount quest has been challenging but super fun

The maps are much simpler to explore, look good, but don't really have content / events that is worth replaying many times

As I had read in advance, I experienced the same: sadly, you have no reason to go back to Desert maps once you have unlocked all you need to


I'll also provide commander perspective: it has been much easier learning how to lead AB Tarir meta (HoT) because I played it successfully many times, than getting up a stable 10+ squad to make a bounty run in Crystal Desert


TLDR: Many more people (re)play the big events in Hot maps than PoF maps


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