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Coming Tomorrow 7/10/18 – Balance Patch

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> @"aswedishtiger.7320" said:

> Finally quitting Black Desert and returning here where devs actually care and talk to their community is such a fresh breath of air. I was choking on so much poison with that game


> You guys have no idea how good you have it


Mh, but to be honest, this is just a rare case. PvP gets some attention here and there about bugs and stuck games, but for example, the Deadeye rework was a one-post and no other tought, no other explanation, the reasons for that (apart from the opening post) or something on it why and how. Two responses on the bugs or something by Robert Gee. That's it.


The users, however, created **1,082 responses** and gathered **over 62,000 views** and about 2 months of total silence by aNet. That's not great, it's the real opposite.

RIOT in their early state was far, far superior to that. Just check the devtracker, too. It's either joke threads with banter or bug reports that are aknowledged.


The forum chat is too selected in my opinion, but fair enough, if you wish to count that in...


If I check the Bless updates (yes, I also enjoy the few working breadcrumps of that game!), they have more attention on their more frequent developer letters than arenaNet in the last couple of months.


EDIT: Maybe they need good PR now after the "We don't ask for your feedback" debacle on Twitter [Mr. O'Brien: "We make the game for you, we care"] and they post 2 more posts a week for a while until it stals again.



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> @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> We wanted to give everyone a heads up that we’ve got a balance patch releasing tomorrow.


> Since the last update targeted underwater balance and the deadeye in particular, we’ve been listening to your feedback and are addressing some of the issues raised about each of those. There has also been a broad effort to target outliers traits and abilities on each profession.


> We look forward to seeing you in game!



Do PvP/PvE splits factor heavily in this particular balance patch?

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> @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> As to the "What is changing tomorrow?" and "Is XYZ being fixed/changed/nerfed/buffed?" you'll have to wait less than 24 hours now to see! :)


Careful with claims like that, you know what happened during the last big patch. No need to go tempting fate.

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> @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> > @"iGamerLegndi.7062" said:

> > Meanwhile waiting to finish legendary collection but Xera is gone :(


> After checking with the Raids and Fractals team - they've got a fix queued up for Xera that will go out tomorrow.


I heard the Keep Construct has some issues as well, something about the ghosts from the statues spawning way more frequently than usual. Can we get our hopes up?

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> @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> We wanted to give everyone a heads up that we’ve got a balance patch releasing tomorrow.


> Since the last update targeted underwater balance and the deadeye in particular, we’ve been listening to your feedback and are addressing some of the issues raised about each of those. There has also been a broad effort to target outliers traits and abilities on each profession.


> We look forward to seeing you in game!


Thank you for using the word since correctly!


Also, looking forward to Epi-nerf because, you know, lots of players hate on it.

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