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Please dont give Wizards Tower to the raid team

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Personally i think it would benefit being a raid. Ask yourself this question. Do you want it to feel epic and have that great sense of accomplishment, like we did with the dhumm fight. Or do you want it to feel more like meh, like the lazurus fight. If not a raid a fractal would feel better. LS isnt really repeated content so i feel it would be a waste putting it there.

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> @"Magnus Godrik.5841" said:

> Personally i think it would benefit being a raid. Ask yourself this question. Do you want it to feel epic and have that great sense of accomplishment, like we did with the dhumm fight. Or do you want it to feel more like meh, like the lazurus fight. If not a raid a fractal would feel better. LS isnt really repeated content so i feel it would be a waste putting it there.


Therer is some a lot of room for competent designer between dhuum cm and lazarus fight to make it feel just right in terms of flavour and difficulty without making it premium content for a handful of tryhards.


Also, in terms of epicness and flavour, I see 0 reason why anything locked inside the tower should be anywhere close to fighting a god in hall of bling.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > > > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > > > > > very few people like raiding in gw2. Most people quit other mmo's to come to gw2 BECAUSE they are sick of raiding. I wish they would stop raid content. I feel it was a mistake.

> > > > According to ANet, GW2raids are more popular than they expected, there's more participation than typical in similar games, and they continue to be popular.

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Looking how raid team doesn't exist anymore and was merged with fractals and how often raids are released, I think Anet regrets this decision aswell.

> > > >

> > > > The raid & fractal teams already worked closely together. The fact that they got combined doesn't tell us anything about ANet's priorities. Only that someone in management thought it was more efficient.

> > > >

> > > > Regardless, there's no reason to think that ANet is going to open up the Wizard's Tower any time soon. And if they did, there's no particular reason to think they'd limit it to raids or fractals.

> > >

> > > You bring up statements from early 2016 from an employee that it no longer at Anet. I don't think they have much relevancy now. If raids were in a good shape, raid team would be getting bigger and content released faster. Just look at mount skins, good reception, easy money, fast releases. Compared on the scale obviously, cause nobody sane would expect new raid every 2 weeks.

> >

> > This is demonstrably false. The raid team has quite literally gone on record stating that by staying smaller in scope it allows them to operate more efficiently than if they had a bigger team. Also there's a vast difference between the artist that make skins and gameplay designer. It's like comparing a minnow to a whale.


> How can you state I'm being wrong when even Anet proved their statements about efficiency are false? If what they said was even remotely true we wouldn't have almost a year gap between wings. They started big, realised it's not possible to keep up the pace with limited resources and there is no option for more resources cause raids don't pay for themselves. Therefore we have team merging and slower releases.


They had 2 years worth of internal development (Pre HoT) to get w1-3 ready to ship, outside of that we have w4 and now HoC. So we're right there still going with the same release schedule.


So yes, you're wrong. It's not surprising however, you tend to bash on raids whenever you can so it often skews your perspective.

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> @"Nemmar.8491" said:

> I do think you raise a valuable point.


> Raids are out of reach of many players. The way mmo's tend to solve this is to have a "Story mode" where you queue up with random players to experience the story. But the other difficulties are not only harder but have more abilities.


> I do wish Anet made a system of the sort because i honestly don't have time to raid, but i'd love to experience and see the raid instances.


Agree with every word.


The problem comes with developer resources. They don't even have the resources needed to get Living Story updates out the door complete and on time. Not only was chapter three late (by their own admission), but it was rushed and incomplete (again, by their own words).


No one has been a bigger advocate for story modes in raids than me these past few years, but I just don't see it happening with the resources they currently have. There are just more important parts of the game than raids (first and foremost - getting living story and new maps up to acceptable standards).


That said, it does mean the player skill and playstyle issues with raids will likely be the norm. That means they to avoid putting anything in raids that a. ties in with the rest of the game/story in even a tangential manner, and b. be very careful about putting anything in raids (skins, items, storylines) that would have mass appeal and create a have/have not culture in the game. Things like the Wizard's Tower (which players have been asking about since day one) have to be off limits when it comes to raids. Without the resources to expand raids to include a wider skill and playstyle range, they really don't have a choice.

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> @"Nemo.8759" said:

> I hope they put more attention into the open world rather than raids. :/

I agree It should be a living world map, OW has yet to see a map which is mostly focused on indoor areas and a gigantic castle would be the perfect place for it.

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> @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > > @"Palador.2170" said:

> > > > > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > > > With all honesty, the coolest thing they can do is a raid.

> > > > >

> > > > > No. Just ... no. They can do better than that, and it's past time that we expect better.

> > > >

> > > > Actually they can't. Nothing will feel even remotely as epic.

> > >

> > > I'd challenge the idea that something being "epic" means "10 man instance" but hey, might be a different understanding of what "epic" means.

> >

> > It's not about the number of players in the instance, it's about the challenge. That's the big problem with the story instances - we fight Balthazar, but the fight isn't really hard, a rando White Mantle zealot abusing bloodstone feels much more dangerous and because of that much more of an accomplishment when defeated. And it should be clear that they will never do anything remotely as challenging as a raid boss outside of a raid, except maybe in fractal CMs. So if you want a cool story - sure, it can be wherever. Probably best in the personal story, as the other instances tend to be paced shorter. But if you want an epic fight, nothing will come close to a raid boss, sorry.


> So yeah, a difference in understand of what it means to be epic, then.


> You think that it's the challenge, getting 9 other people to learn the latest dance around a boss.


> For me, it's about a heroic and grand tale, the Balthazar fight was epic because of the context, you're fighting a god that threatened to destroy the entire world, fighting an impossible battle against an impossible foe. The sheer desperation of the fight made it feel epic.


> For me, it wouldn't have been any more epic if he had a hundred times the hit points and you needed 9 other people and the aoe was deadlier and Balthazar had more phases. That's not adding more to the sense that you're involved in anything epic. There's nothing particularly epic about Frank needing to go to the bathroom after the next attempt.


Absolutely Loved the way you nailed it. Raiding doesn't make you a "better" player. You are not showing off you skill. You are showing off how much IRL Time you spent in this game nothing else. It is basically a different kind of grinding. Like there are grinding which are "time locked" Raiding is "Social locked", It is easy and rewarding for people who have the most nerdy friends. It is also punishing for the majority of people who have no time or energy for creating long term relationships in a MMO.

Raiding is not challenging. It is a test on patience and demand for your time. It is like a jumping puzzle in which failures of party members affect your outcome. Terribly Toxic and doesnt fit into the philosophy of GW2.

If you somehow finish a raid you dont feel "epic" you feel "relieved". Like a terrible JP.

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I'd really love the wizards tower to be a dungeon-like instance.


Making it open world with hundreds of players running around would probably destroy its atmosphere.

Making it a raid would exclude a huge part of the community from experiencing its lore. which would be kind of sad, considering the mystery that evolved around it.

Making it a fractal would be critical since most fractals are rather too short to really tell any lore (and the longer fractals are not that popular amongst the players i know), meaning the lore would have to be cut down to its very core.


Making it a dungeon would give the chance to split it up to several paths (story + 1 or 2 paths), providing short instances but also giving enough room to tell the lore.

I know its official Anet stopped working on dungeons. But i always understood it as "we won't fix any bugs or tune mechanics in existing dungeons". That doesn't mean they can't give us new dungeons, does it?

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