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Selling Legendary for another one?

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Hey fellow mates <3


Since I got a "bit" lucky and had me drop "The Hunter" in a Fractal I decided to build myself "The Predator". After some time now with farming mats, doing dungeons, fracs, etc for gold an mats I actually played the Holosmith I wanted to use Predator on less and less and started to play my Power Chrono like 95% of the time Im playing (like the playstyle more) and I really love the look of The Shining Blade paired with the Anomaly. So I began to question myself more and more if I should finish "the Predator" and sell it, since Id gain quite the amount of Gold I need to build Shining Blade and Anomaly. The thinking behind this is that even tough the Predator looks really cool "rifle" is meta but you dont really gain that much of it when playing holo since ur mostly swapping between ur kits and the Photon Phorge, so wouldnt I be a shame to have this legendary just to like "rarely" use it?


So what Id like to have u guys opinions on is if i should sell Predator and build Shining Blade instead or if I should keep the Rifle?


Thanks a lot :))

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You could definitely do that. If you think you'll use The Shining Blade more than The Predator, I say make that one (sword has a lot more uses on multiple classes than rifle). However, keep in mind that you'll still have to get a lot of gold/mats to make The Shining Blade. I'd use GW2efficiency's crafting guides to compare the cost of crafting The Shining Blade to what you'd get for selling The Predator on the TP. From there, you can decide if it's worth it to you.

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I had a similar thing, where I got the precursor for Flameseeker Prophecies, but wasn't really using a shield anywhere. I build the legendary, sold it, and bought permanent merchant and bank access. Much more useful for me.


So I too recommend going with what you'll use.

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That's a perfectly reasonable plan.


Just remember that you could have some other build or elite spec come along and no longer have a use for a sword either. But since it's impossible to predict, you have to base your wants and needs on the here and now, and it sounds like the Shining Blade is a better match. It's hard to justify keeping something that you'll rarely or never use. Unless you reeeeealy love the looks of it and you have time and gold to burn.


And either way, they both look amazing, so no matter what you decide its win win.

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> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> The Hunter isn't a bad skin either. It's not a Legendary with all the extras, but The Predator has the worst footfalls of any Legendary so far.


The Predator might not have great footfalls but the [fire aura](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:The_Predator_aura.jpg) surrounding the char is top notch.

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> @"BlackLotus.2438" said:

> Since I got a "bit" lucky and had me drop "The Hunter" in a Fractal I decided to build myself "The Predator". After some time now with farming mats, doing dungeons, fracs, etc for gold an mats I actually played the Holosmith I wanted to use Predator on less and less and started to play my Power Chrono like 95% of the time Im playing (like the playstyle more) and I really love the look of The Shining Blade paired with the Anomaly. So I began to question myself more and more if I should finish "the Predator" and sell it


It's what I did, since I came to the conclusion that (a) I rarely ever use rifles, and (b) it didn't really fit the only two characters where a rifle would make sense (one is an Asura engineer, and that thing is way to long and looks ridiculous on him, the other one a female Charr thief on whom other skins look much better).


> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> The footfalls on Rodgort and **Howler** are pretty weak, in my opinion, anyway.


Agreed, and what a shame it is.

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Disclaimer, have both. If I had to do an either or question would go at this way:


* How many classes could potentially use it?

* How many do I have of those?

* Which weapon do I like better?

* Is there a playtime difference between the classes that use those weapons?

* How often do I change the builds on the toons that could use those weapon?

* What's my cost of swapping ascended on the builds that use that weapon?

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Legendaries are extremely expensive and time consuming to make. I strongly encourage people not to bind them _unless_ they really, really are going to enjoy them. Life's too short.


As the philosopher Stephen Sills wrote (more or less):

> You can be with the legendary you love; no reason to love the one you're with, just because you made it first.

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