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Done with GW2, good bye for awhile.


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Long time thief main here, just gonna come out and say that these latest rounds of nerfs to thief and particular condition thief were the last straw for me. This in combination with all the new teleport path restrictions basically made thief a lot more boring to play in wvw. So, I am pretty much done with this game. Never really had fun on anything class like I did on thief, so just re rolling a new class is not an option for me. Anet really did done fuck up this time.

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> @"Tinnel.4369" said:

> I missed it before, but if you're done what happens in awhile?


This shit is cyclical, trust me. People will cry harder about too many dead eyes in all gamemodes, then they will nerf that to the ground and compensate by reestablishing condi core/DD dps close to what it was. It will take some time, but it will happen.

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> @"Xtinct.7031" said:

> > @"Tinnel.4369" said:

> > I missed it before, but if you're done what happens in awhile?


> This kitten is cyclical, trust me. People will cry harder about too many dead eyes in all gamemodes, then they will nerf that to the ground and compensate by reestablishing condi core/DD dps close to what it was. It will take some time, but it will happen.


i am not sure about the core/DD part.

but especially as many thief mains refuse to play deadeye, deadeye keeps getting buffs. i dont think they will nerf DE soon and till they are nerfing it we probably getting a new xpac, with a new spec they can compensate us with.

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> as many thief mains refuse to play deadeye, deadeye keeps getting buffs

"deadeye" as a whole doesn't get buffs, mainly rifle does. But they still don't seem to understand why many people don't want to use rifle so they're just throwing out random buffs / nerfs in the hope to make rifle more attractive and the fact that they want to push you to play DE a certain way instead of offering build diversity is not helping either.

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> @"Tails.9372" said:

> > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > as many thief mains refuse to play deadeye, deadeye keeps getting buffs

> "deadeye" as a whole doesn't get buffs, mainly rifle does. But they still don't seem to understand why many people don't want to use rifle so they're just throwing out random buffs / nerfs in the hope to make rifle more attractive and the fact that they want to push you to play DE a certain way instead of offering build diversity is not helping either.


ofc deadeye as a whole gets buffs.

i know your salty about the p/p changes yet that is more of an issue for non DE users of this set, they granted stealth access with the patch to every set. so every set can utilitze to some extend malicious seven and the insane ini regen of it. imagine p/p with m7, the stealth on stolen skills and without a change to ini .. thats really nonstop spamm :)

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I am getting Revenant flashbacks, even though I love Thief and find absolutely no sense in this stream of continuous nerfs that nobody asked for (except condi), the more of them we get the more I'm enjoying how challenging it is, at least we won't get bored too fast.... Still pointless nerfs.

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> imagine p/p with m7, the stealth on stolen skills and without a change to ini .. thats really nonstop spamm :)

And that would be a bad thing because? You're already getting most of these boons from Deadeye's Mark and a lack of access to stealth wasn't an issue to begin with, you're also giving up on the mobility daredevil provides so I would expect some improvements in other areas in return. Unload is basically just a glorified auto attack anyways which isn't even that strong compared to some of the other stuff and also limits your use of utility in addition to the lack of burst other classes get from using their "real" attacks, yet somehow "unload spam" is considered to be a "problem" while other more effective things with less counterplay which are just as "easy to execute" are considered to be a-okay.

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> @"Xtinct.7031" said:

> Long time thief main here, just gonna come out and say that these latest rounds of nerfs to thief and particular condition thief were the last straw for me. This in combination with all the new teleport path restrictions basically made thief a lot more boring to play in wvw. So, I am pretty much done with this game. Never really had fun on anything class like I did on thief, so just re rolling a new class is not an option for me. Anet really did done kitten up this time.


Thief is currently the top class in all game modes by an unapproachable amount and that isn't enough for you?



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> @"Tails.9372" said:

> > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > imagine p/p with m7, the stealth on stolen skills and without a change to ini .. thats really nonstop spamm :)

> And that would be a bad thing because? You're already getting most of these boons from Deadeye's Mark and a lack of access to stealth wasn't an issue to begin with, you're also giving up on the mobility daredevil provides so I would expect some improvements in other areas in return. Unload is basically just a glorified auto attack anyways which isn't even that strong compared to some of the other stuff and also limits your use of utility in addition to the lack of burst other classes get from useing their "real" attacks, yet somehow "unload spam" is considert to be a "problem" while other more effective things with less counterplay which are just as "easy to execute" are considered to be a-okay.


my point is, the ini was nerfed but with now being able to utilize m7, you wont feel this nerf as much in most fights as a deadeye. what it does is it takes BQoBK from you and turns it more into constant pressure from sustained burst. but in return you get defensive m7 boons. and yes i do think this is overall better, because people youd kill in your initial hits still will die without quickness but with the defesive boons you might not drop instant to counterpressure.



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> @"Xae.7204" said:

> > @"Xtinct.7031" said:

> > Long time thief main here, just gonna come out and say that these latest rounds of nerfs to thief and particular condition thief were the last straw for me. This in combination with all the new teleport path restrictions basically made thief a lot more boring to play in wvw. So, I am pretty much done with this game. Never really had fun on anything class like I did on thief, so just re rolling a new class is not an option for me. Anet really did done kitten up this time.


> Thief is currently the top class in all game modes by an unapproachable amount and that isn't enough for you?





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> @"Xae.7204" said:

> > @"Xtinct.7031" said:

> > Long time thief main here, just gonna come out and say that these latest rounds of nerfs to thief and particular condition thief were the last straw for me. This in combination with all the new teleport path restrictions basically made thief a lot more boring to play in wvw. So, I am pretty much done with this game. Never really had fun on anything class like I did on thief, so just re rolling a new class is not an option for me. Anet really did done kitten up this time.


> Thief is currently the top class in all game modes by an unapproachable amount and that isn't enough for you?




Explain how that is? People may get excited about the 39k on the golem or what ever but that's pve which is such a simple game mode it's hardly even worth mentioning.

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Thief is at best a +1 class in competition, good at scouting and above average at decapping. The mobility has been added to enough classes now that the thief isn't the only class that can fly around a map. It is average to below-average in duels. Useless in zergs and small scale group fights. In PvE very select builds could make the top 10 DPS and with the recent changes I doubt they can even crack the top 10. In raids and such, it is effectively useless as it has so few ways to buff others.


Basically over the years they have gutted the class. Most of what made it special ANet has either removed or pushed over to other classes. To me the class has been a nerf fest since they switched to forced full trait lines and the removal of Ricochet.

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> my point is, the ini was nerfed but with now being able to utilize m7, you wont feel this nerf as much in most fights as a deadeye.

Only vs. other players, you seem to forget that these changes also affect WvW. The mobs blocking the camps don't have enough HP to trigger M7 but you have to beat up to 7 of them which makes the grind extremely tedious now.


> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> what it does is it takes BQoBK from you and turns it more into constant pressure from sustained burst. but in return you get defensive m7 boons. and yes i do think this is overall better, because people youd kill in your initial hits still will die without quickness but with the defesive boons you might not drop instant to counterpressure.

But I'm not talking about BQoBK vs. M7 here, core / daredevil and burst oriented deadeye builds still have to suffer for no reason to prevent a build which already forfeits both mobility and burst for sustainability from being "to sustainable" which wouldn't even matter for reasons stated above.

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> @"Tails.9372" said:

> > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > my point is, the ini was nerfed but with now being able to utilize m7, you wont feel this nerf as much in most fights as a deadeye.

> Only vs. other players, you seem to forget that these changes also affect WvW. The mobs blocking the camps don't have enough HP to trigger M7 but you have to beat up to 7 of them which makes the grind extremely tedious now.


yeah thats why i rarely fight them on rifle, but just mark + backstab wich nearly onehits them. for most lords if i want to kill them faster i dont just press weapon swap i even change traits and gear. because what is optimal for PvE might not be optimal for PvP.

> > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > what it does is it takes BQoBK from you and turns it more into constant pressure from sustained burst. but in return you get defensive m7 boons. and yes i do think this is overall better, because people youd kill in your initial hits still will die without quickness but with the defesive boons you might not drop instant to counterpressure.

> But I'm not talking about BOoK vs. M7 here, core / daredevil and burst oriented deadeye builds still have to suffer for no reason to prevent a build which forfeits both mobility and burst for sustainability from being "to sustainable" which wouldn't even matter for reasons stated above.

guess it was too high damage for sustained damage. you can avoid bursts but sustained damage you can either not do anything against as it is higher then your sustained healing or it is lower and you just dont care. building around sustained damage is just stupid for PvP and as conditions are by design sustained damage many people dislike them, yet the successful condi builds are the ones able to burst with condis as the ones with high sustained condi damage has to be nerfed below sustained healing/cleanses.

when 2 people with burst builds face each other the fight can be endless if they can both avoid the bursts, yet if one or both have higher sustained damage then his opponent has sustained healing, then the fight will be over after a definite time. the time may change depending on how flawless each executes his rotation but it wont feel like a good pvp fight because if you lose you dont feel like you have done something wrong. we would like to know what we can improve if we lose and not just loose because.

i am aware about counters to p/p build the above is just a general statement as to why a build around sustained damage cannot perform too good in PvP encounters.

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@"Aurelius.6829" Since When were D/D core thieves a problem last I checked as I am a D/D core thief we have not been a damn problem let alone the nerfs hurt the builds quite a bit but those who do play D/D have a hard time countering a kite class that can easily burst 14k if you can't land that you got some issues to work out not with the class but with yourself and all I gotta say to the ppl who do play D/D try to rework your traits and play defensively and wait for the right time to go offensive and blow their brains in. My point is D/D core hasn't been a thing since the A/A nerfs the community behind it completely died, except those who choose to play it still to this day as it is said we love it cause it's got the true thief feel to it and the fights up in their face. And no I don't hate DE I feel like it was a welcome change for thief to have the option to run a sniper where you could compete with rangers and pin snipe commanders. Scummy yeah but fun hell yes eventually gets boring and tiring and ill choose D/D I've played it for 2 coming up on 3 years now. I was disappointed to see the DA nerfs and if people have a hard time dealing with thief lets put it right here it has generally below 20k HP and gets hit like a truck by any ability and people can't stand it when they can't remotely dodge their burst and counter the thief you have stun breaks passives and much more for this exact reason get wise and actually think about what can counter a thief oh you guessed it CC and condis wonder were that idea came from there all damage and no survivability that's my point on the matter ppl need to stop complaining when they get ganked by a thief cause it's not the thief's fault in fact hes doing hell of a good job because the day's of it doing 1v1 are over with melee and it's roaming abilities aren't as recognized anymore I think it was the dev's & the players to complain and that's where the state of the thief stands we had enough players complaining to nerf us to this point and this is pointed at thief players don't go complaining just roll with the meta retrait and hope your build works it's a trial and error thing. Anyways hopefully D/D and core and other e specs and other melee classes of thief sees a change I've gotten close to leaving myself because of this meta encouraging CONDI and CC non stop to where a player is stuck trying to clear it the fastest to even remotely win it's retarded that and the one-shots you can say well a thief can one-shot yeah we can but it's stupidly easy to avoid it's just your reaction time or just run a passive if you have it happen a lot people don't be scared to retrait either that's also the issue. GL

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i could see if our wepons gave us more stealthing capability i would not mind the mentality of thief is a +1 but they keep making changes that for the most part are just us geting nerfed to a point that the ones that want to play this are going to leave becosue that class gets almost no love from the devs just a big nerf almost every month. if they want to make thief a +1 they will need to make a lot of changes to thief and that like a full rework so in whole i think anet is in a bad spot for thief mentaly.

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> @"Tails.9372" said:

> Only vs. other players, you seem to forget that these changes also affect WvW. The mobs blocking the camps don't have enough HP to trigger M7 but you have to beat up to 7 of them which makes the grind extremely tedious now.


I run something similar to MUDse these days, I tend to mark, spotter's shot then hit three round burst twice when taking camps. Three round burst will two hit the majority of the guards (some like the zealots are tougher so I just trb spam for them), so given my 100% crit chance that lowers initial damage enough to trigger M7 reliably before the guard dies and I restealth, and I've cleared T3 camps with mercenaries doing this with little problems (even having ini to use sniper's cover to block projectiles each time). If I'm still struggling I swap out crit strikes for trickery for the ini on mark, and still kill them no problem. Honestly having too much damage is a good problem to have in WvW lol


> But I'm not talking about BQoBK vs. M7 here, core / daredevil and burst oriented deadeye builds still have to suffer for no reason to prevent a build which already forfeits both mobility and burst for sustainability from being "to sustainable" which wouldn't even matter for reasons stated above.


Things are always going to be balanced around the outliers in damage, if that makes sense. I think that's why they made deadeye sneak attacks entirely separate skills so they can be balanced without affecting core skills. Unfortunately there's no way to do that for unload unless you change all weapon skills based on what elite spec is equipped. While that sounds like an ideal solution it also pretty much triples the amount of work the devs have to do, and that's not even counting PvE/WvW/PvP skill splits.


The best solution I can give for P/P builds currently would be to build around stealth in some way, as the sneak attack on pistol mainhand hits surprisingly hard on power still. Not ideal, but reverting the change would overpower P/P on deadeye with the new stealth access from the stolen skill.

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