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Bug Abusing for End Game Achievements "Demons Demise" & "Voice in the Void"

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With the recent Flame Trap and Deadeye bugs granting extreme DPS, people have been abusing these bugs to complete raid challenge motes granting them high tier achievements and prestige that others, like myself have worked hard towards getting. Titles such as voice in the void and demons demise.

Will there be any repercussions for just outright abusing bugs to gain these rewards or will they just get a slap on the wrist and be told not to do it again, basically giving a big middle finger to the people who actually did work hard for the achievement?

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I very much hope that the unfairly gained titles and rewards get removed from those accounts, otherwise it is a huge slap in the face of all those who did acquire them through hard work. Same applies to skipping fractal CM bosses. You are losing all credibility if you don't do this!

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I agree using the dead eye bug should have titles revoked. I tested dead eye myself and was able to break 150k without a rapid fire clicker. However, flame trap, i'm not so sure. I don't think it was so strong as to be game breaking, at least at dhuum cm. Soul beast was only benching 43k with that bug. We have had times where ele is near that on large hit box, so its not like they were doing dps that is straight impossible without a bug. Shoot, often meta builds are 20% above non meta builds such as necro, well 43K is less than 20% above the non-bugged meta builds like condi mirage last patch. That dps is good, but not so high that you can just ignore everything like dead eye bug could have.


Based on the times where ele has been above 40k, it was still worth it to run 2 chronos, a druid, and a bs. Well you also need a kiter for dhuum, so that leaves you with only 5 spots to fill with condi soul beasts. And your still left with how to strip boons from dhuum (ranger has no boon strip). I guess you could run a spell breaker bs to drop bubble, but its good to have redundancy on your boon strip just in case. So then your other option is to have a chrono bring disenchanter, in which case your alacrity will be even worse than it already is (its going to be bad for at least 1 soul beast as 1 chrono will be doing greens for sure), or replace a soul beast with something like a condi rev or a spell breaker?


Considering epi bouncing was in game 1 week ago, I don't think a group that used condi soul beasts should have the titled removed. My group has been running dhuum cm for the past couple months, we have tried epi strat and non-epi strat. Monday we tried with epi strat, today we tried with holosmiths and dead eyes (this was after tonights patch). Given the choice between trying to get a group to kill dhuum cm with 4 or 5 bugged soul beasts, vs 5 epi bounce necros, I think I would probably take the necro group. A built in condi clense and built in boon strip along with life force generation just makes necro such a good pick for dhuum if it could just have competitive dps.


But at the end of the day, what was killing my dhuum cm group tonight? or over the course of the last few months? I can tell you, a single wipe was low dps (of course that low dps was due to 3 mechanical deaths), all the others were mechanics. I really don't think flame trap is all that much of an advantage in the grand scheme of the fight.

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Save your time. They won't be revoked.

"Voice in the Void" and "Leave No Heros Behind" were already worthless when you could exploit Dhuum CM while he was still sitting on the throne and Arkk had no anomaly for several days.

In the end it's just a game and your achievement is a pixel one. If you really feel to get your "hard work" rewarded go achieve something in rl. Try to cure cancer, help orphans, fight against poverty... ;)

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> @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> Save your time. They won't be revoked.

> "Voice in the Void" and "Leave No Heros Behind" were already worthless when you could exploit Dhuum CM while he was still sitting on the throne and Arkk had no anomaly for several days.

> In the end it's just a game and your achievement is a pixel one. If you really feel to get your "hard work" rewarded go achieve something in rl. Try to cure cancer, help orphans, fight against poverty... ;)


> @"Raizel.8175" said:

> You can also just buy these titles. "Hard work" indeed.



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Why do you even care if someone exploited to get an achievement in a game with no real life consequences?


I mean the only thing that comes out is that there are really sad people that abuse non intended exploits in a game where they should be playing for fun.

Very smart, must feel really good

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> @"Jaffa.1845" said:

> With the recent Flame Trap and Deadeye bugs granting extreme DPS, people have been abusing these bugs to complete raid challenge motes granting them high tier achievements and prestige that others, like myself have worked hard towards getting. Titles such as voice in the void and demons demise.

> Will there be any repercussions for just outright abusing bugs to gain these rewards or will they just get a slap on the wrist and be told not to do it again, basically giving a big middle finger to the people who actually did work hard for the achievement?


Anet doesn't care. People exploited in the past, they did nothing. Didn't even revoke their titles.

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> @"Cynn.1659" said:

> > @"Jaffa.1845" said:

> > With the recent Flame Trap and Deadeye bugs granting extreme DPS, people have been abusing these bugs to complete raid challenge motes granting them high tier achievements and prestige that others, like myself have worked hard towards getting. Titles such as voice in the void and demons demise.

> > Will there be any repercussions for just outright abusing bugs to gain these rewards or will they just get a slap on the wrist and be told not to do it again, basically giving a big middle finger to the people who actually did work hard for the achievement?


> Anet doesn't care. People exploited in the past, they did nothing. Didn't even revoke their titles.


Please, get your facts straight. They added a title when you could cheese Deimos out. Silent Savior was the intentional title, then they added Demon's Demise after the fix.

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As always Anet will do nothing because they have no respect for their own content and just look at the upcoming shiny (taken from the last AMA)


> @"Raizel.8175" said:

> You can also just buy these titles. "Hard work" indeed.

I dont think buying is a problem

1) the sellers must lowman it so someone else put legitimately in the effort to do the encounter plus some more because lowman

2) the buyer must get the gold somehow, 1k+ for dhuum cm is a lot of gold for the majority of players


It is in no way comparable to exploiting

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > Only very very few people did this anyway, I don't think it made the title any less "valuable"


> Well... roughly 3 times as many as those who did it legitimately. So I'd say it made it about 4 times less valuable.

Nah, not all of these 1% got theirs "legitimately" either.

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If they revoke the title due to bugs in virtue of people cheating it, what do we say about people who buy the title? (I mean, I doubt the sellers are not selling at all, the LFG is up there all day long) I'm not saying this is doesn't feel unfair, it does, but yet, there's nothing much to be done about it, there is always a way to be "cheap" even with Legendary Armor if you so wanted the skins.

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> @"maxwelgm.4315" said:

> If they revoke the title due to bugs in virtue of people cheating it, what do we say about people who buy the title? (I mean, I doubt the sellers are not selling at all, the LFG is up there all day long) I'm not saying this is doesn't feel unfair, it does, but yet, there's nothing much to be done about it, there is always a way to be "cheap" even with Legendary Armor if you so wanted the skins.


To be fair, buying the title at least costs something. Be it in-game effort or real money turned to gold. Cheesing by exploiting a bug someone else found costs nothing, so I'd say it's the worse offense and it is kind of justified to be revoked. Not that I expect ANet to do that.

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"maxwelgm.4315" said:

> > If they revoke the title due to bugs in virtue of people cheating it, what do we say about people who buy the title? (I mean, I doubt the sellers are not selling at all, the LFG is up there all day long) I'm not saying this is doesn't feel unfair, it does, but yet, there's nothing much to be done about it, there is always a way to be "cheap" even with Legendary Armor if you so wanted the skins.


> To be fair, buying the title at least costs something. Be it in-game effort or real money turned to gold. Cheesing by exploiting a bug someone else found costs nothing, so I'd say it's the worse offense and it is kind of justified to be revoked. Not that I expect ANet to do that.


I think he is pointing out that if you just do a pure role back, there are legit groups, including those who bought it during that time?

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> @"Imperadordf.2687" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > With instance selling being allowed, none of them had any worth to begin with.


> They had.

> They had about 1.5-2K gold worth.


You can still sell them, probably for less if potential customers exploited them. Still, instance selling is not officially supported, so your loss is not economical problem for anet to solve.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Imperadordf.2687" said:

> > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > With instance selling being allowed, none of them had any worth to begin with.

> >

> > They had.

> > They had about 1.5-2K gold worth.


> You can still sell them, probably for less if potential customers exploited them. Still, instance selling is not officially supported, so your loss is not economical problem for anet to solve.


In my opinion it can be solved by revoking those titles from people who exploited the bug, but I don't wanna get into a pointless discussion.

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> @"Imperadordf.2687" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > @"Imperadordf.2687" said:

> > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > With instance selling being allowed, none of them had any worth to begin with.

> > >

> > > They had.

> > > They had about 1.5-2K gold worth.

> >

> > You can still sell them, probably for less if potential customers exploited them. Still, instance selling is not officially supported, so your loss is not economical problem for anet to solve.


> In my opinion it can be solved by revoking those titles from people who exploited the bug, but I don't wanna get into a pointless discussion.


But this bug doesn't cause any harm to the game, therefore it's very unlikely they gonna do anything about it. It's their fault afterall.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Imperadordf.2687" said:

> > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > @"Imperadordf.2687" said:

> > > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > > With instance selling being allowed, none of them had any worth to begin with.

> > > >

> > > > They had.

> > > > They had about 1.5-2K gold worth.

> > >

> > > You can still sell them, probably for less if potential customers exploited them. Still, instance selling is not officially supported, so your loss is not economical problem for anet to solve.

> >

> > In my opinion it can be solved by revoking those titles from people who exploited the bug, but I don't wanna get into a pointless discussion.


> But this bug doesn't cause any harm to the game, therefore it's very unlikely they gonna do anything about it. It's their fault afterall.


Back in the day, they banned / suspended users for exploiting these kinda bugs. But alot has changed in 5 years I guess. (Although some of those may have been more economical of impact, but still)

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> @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > @"Imperadordf.2687" said:

> > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > > @"Imperadordf.2687" said:

> > > > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > > > With instance selling being allowed, none of them had any worth to begin with.

> > > > >

> > > > > They had.

> > > > > They had about 1.5-2K gold worth.

> > > >

> > > > You can still sell them, probably for less if potential customers exploited them. Still, instance selling is not officially supported, so your loss is not economical problem for anet to solve.

> > >

> > > In my opinion it can be solved by revoking those titles from people who exploited the bug, but I don't wanna get into a pointless discussion.

> >

> > But this bug doesn't cause any harm to the game, therefore it's very unlikely they gonna do anything about it. It's their fault afterall.


> Back in the day, they banned / suspended users for exploiting these kinda bugs. But alot has changed in 5 years I guess. (Although some of those may have been more economical of impact, but still)


I think it is almost impossible to get permanently banned in this game nowadays. You would have to do something like payment fraud, real life threats or multiple instance of cheating / real money trade. Possibly some economic affecting exploits like duping items might also qualify, but those happen rarely.

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