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FTTs kinda pointless?

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So I just finished the achievements...


Wouldn't it have been sweet if we were rewarded a permanent turret at the end? :) (With a cooldown level in usage time, of course.)


The way it is now, you need to buy them from the NPC for spare parts, shards and volatile magic. No one will want to grind those merely for a non-reusable turret. :s


Also, the ones we can deploy after finishing the achievements are not automatically at level 4, right? That's also one more reason to forget about their existence, if you always need to hunt for spare parts merely to make them a level 4 turret. :/

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> @"Ubi.4136" said:

> I can't imagine they are going to have them be used outside the current map either. Otherwise, it kind of defeats the whole purpose of engineer turrets (and how horribly implemented they are at the moment).


Not really. The real limiting factor for these is the upkeep. They are at a spot now that's numerically not worth the deployment outside of a select few (Shield is stupidly good).


The only reason i can see them limiting them to Kourna is they don't want to open up older events to near afk farms like we see in maps like Istan where the most prominent classes are minion based/turret based already (Necro/Engi).


Additionally, these just don't compete against engineer turrets because they lack decently functioning AI and will often prioritize things they cannot feasibly hit as far as offensive turrets go. This is before taking into account their low damage output that is fixed.

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> @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > @"Ubi.4136" said:

> > I can't imagine they are going to have them be used outside the current map either. Otherwise, it kind of defeats the whole purpose of engineer turrets (and how horribly implemented they are at the moment).


> Not really. The real limiting factor for these is the upkeep. They are at a spot now that's numerically not worth the deployment outside of a select few (Shield is stupidly good).


> The only reason i can see them limiting them to Kourna is they don't want to open up older events to near afk farms like we see in maps like Istan where the most prominent classes are minion based/turret based already (Necro/Engi).


> Additionally, these just don't compete against engineer turrets because they lack decently functioning AI and will often prioritize things they cannot feasibly hit as far as offensive turrets go. This is before taking into account their low damage output that is fixed.


Their natural degen should take care of the AFK part. They also have restricted population density. You can't have too many in one area.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> Wouldn't it have been sweet if we were rewarded a permanent turret at the end? :) (With a cooldown level in usage time, of course.)

QFT also, their usage shouldn't require spare parts (and they shouldn't kill themselves either).



> @"Edgy McEdgelord.4790" said:

> You forgot that they can only be used in Kourna. Should at least be usable on every OW map, as another thread regarding this topic already stated way more eloquently than I could ever hope to reproduce.

Not only that, i don't see any harm in making them available for the entirety of the PvE content. The only places where their usage should be prohibited are the PvP based areas for obvious reasons.

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> @"Ardid.7203" said:

> I was thinking on doing the FTTS achievements just to get the Jerkin. Is it recommendable, or is it better to do other achievements for this?


It's hard to decide if this or the banner achievements are worse but at least the banner achievements gives you two back item skins. On the other hand getting enough shards for the back items will probably get you close to enough spare parts for this as well.

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> @"Vavume.8065" said:

> Why did they even bother putting so much work into creating those turrets when they will never see the light of day, other than to get the AP.


For future implementations and testing. If the system works they can build something else based on that.

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> @"artemis.6781" said:

> In the AMA, they were made exclusively for that map. However, they have been discussing allowing them on other maps. But no time table as of yet.

That alone is not going to change anything though. Nobody is going to farm spare parts just to use a gimmick. That's why nobody bothers with the Sunspear Paragon Support and the Cannon in a Box (well that and their ridiculously long cooldown).

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> @"Tails.9372" said:

> > @"artemis.6781" said:

> > In the AMA, they were made exclusively for that map. However, they have been discussing allowing them on other maps. But no time table as of yet.

> That alone is not going to change anything though. Nobody is going to farm spare parts just to use a gimmick. That's why nobody bothers with the Sunspear Paragon Support and the Cannon in a Box (well that and their ridiculously long cooldown).


This has a much higher potential for being useful than either those. I don't think it has any cooldown either.

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > @"Tails.9372" said:

> > > @"artemis.6781" said:

> > > In the AMA, they were made exclusively for that map. However, they have been discussing allowing them on other maps. But no time table as of yet.

> > That alone is not going to change anything though. Nobody is going to farm spare parts just to use a gimmick. That's why nobody bothers with the Sunspear Paragon Support and the Cannon in a Box (well that and their ridiculously long cooldown).


> This has a much higher potential for being useful than either those. I don't think it has any cooldown either.

True but nothing of this is really useful if you put it up vs more challenging content like a fractal boss with a room cleaning AoE attack. I can only see it being useful in these low level OW events were you have to prevent the skritt from stealing something. Otherwise you mostly want them as meatshilds in which case stationary summons are not really that usefull.

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> @"Tails.9372" said:

> > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > > @"Tails.9372" said:

> > > > @"artemis.6781" said:

> > > > In the AMA, they were made exclusively for that map. However, they have been discussing allowing them on other maps. But no time table as of yet.

> > > That alone is not going to change anything though. Nobody is going to farm spare parts just to use a gimmick. That's why nobody bothers with the Sunspear Paragon Support and the Cannon in a Box (well that and their ridiculously long cooldown).

> >

> > This has a much higher potential for being useful than either those. I don't think it has any cooldown either.

> True but nothing of this is really useful if you put it up vs more challenging content like a fractal boss with a room cleaning AoE attack. I can only see it being useful in these low level OW events were you have to prevent the skritt from stealing something. Otherwise you mostly want them as meatshilds in which case stationary summons are not really that usefull.


I mean, they'll never open them up to anything other than open world so there's no issue.

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> @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > @"Tails.9372" said:

> > > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > > > @"Tails.9372" said:

> > > > > @"artemis.6781" said:

> > > > > In the AMA, they were made exclusively for that map. However, they have been discussing allowing them on other maps. But no time table as of yet.

> > > > That alone is not going to change anything though. Nobody is going to farm spare parts just to use a gimmick. That's why nobody bothers with the Sunspear Paragon Support and the Cannon in a Box (well that and their ridiculously long cooldown).

> > >

> > > This has a much higher potential for being useful than either those. I don't think it has any cooldown either.

> > True but nothing of this is really useful if you put it up vs more challenging content like a fractal boss with a room cleaning AoE attack. I can only see it being useful in these low level OW events were you have to prevent the skritt from stealing something. Otherwise you mostly want them as meatshilds in which case stationary summons are not really that usefull.


> I mean, they'll never open them up to anything other than open world so there's no issue.

That actually would be an issue because there no point in any restrictions other than PvP.

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> @"Tails.9372" said:

> That actually would be an issue because there no point in any restrictions other than PvP.


Not really. Raids already have several items including pretty much every bundle disabled so that "unforeseen abuse" cannot happen. Fractals and by extension dungeons really should have the same list but too many people are used to cheesing those with karma related items like pet whistles, spark powder and spy kits.

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We should carry them on any map, the concept himself/turrets is great, that's something you can customize a minomum after all. At the end of the collection+ upgrading, they should offer an infinite deployment kit and a title. So the two main improvments would be for me, the ability to use them anywhere and for future implementation, if in a squad, each player will drop a turret with a different color to distinguish who put what.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"Vavume.8065" said:

> > Why did they even bother putting so much work into creating those turrets when they will never see the light of day, other than to get the AP.


> For future implementations and testing. If the system works they can build something else based on that.


You mean like they did with guild halls? yeah right...

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> @"Vavume.8065" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > @"Vavume.8065" said:

> > > Why did they even bother putting so much work into creating those turrets when they will never see the light of day, other than to get the AP.

> >

> > For future implementations and testing. If the system works they can build something else based on that.


> You mean like they did with guild halls? yeah right...


Absolutely unrelated.


With stuff like these turrets though you never know where that code might come in handy later. Maybe the system gets continued (unlikely) or the mechanic will get used at some point, maybe during an instance or challenge. Maybe it was just a side project of one of the devs to "test" the limits. All valid reasons.

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