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"I'd Really Like this..." - New Gifting Strangers


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After finally giving gw2 a chance (my acct was 2.3k days old with 2 hours played... lol), Ive fallen in love with it. Having a ton of a fun post 80 on my warrior. As a fairly new level 80, Im not sure I have any specific requests for items, but anything is appreciated that youd think would benefit a new player. My friend suggested some permanent gathering tools that give magic, but the gem price was ridiculous and I dont expect anyone to fork out that kinda coin for a stranger, but I'd gladly take anything reasonable that you think a newish player would appreciate.


Mainly though I could use advice. Ive stumbled upon the Istan farm meta, and I love the fast paced grind, but it seems im outpaced playing my warrior, even when trying to tag with a longbow. Any advice? I do have a lvl 80 boost saved from when I bought the expansion, is it worth creating a new character for the farm meta to feed my main character?

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Hi, I joined the game two months ago, I invested some of my savings on the expansions, I thought It included the Living world seasons, but apparently it does not, I managed to get the S2 now that it's on sale, but I'm a bit broke right now, so** I would really like to have Season 3 of living story **. Thanks in advance

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> @"Recon.8754" said:

> After finally giving gw2 a chance (my acct was 2.3k days old with 2 hours played... lol), Ive fallen in love with it. Having a ton of a fun post 80 on my warrior. As a fairly new level 80, Im not sure I have any specific requests for items, but anything is appreciated that youd think would benefit a new player. My friend suggested some permanent gathering tools that give magic, but the gem price was ridiculous and I dont expect anyone to fork out that kinda coin for a stranger, but I'd gladly take anything reasonable that you think a newish player would appreciate.


> Mainly though I could use advice. Ive stumbled upon the Istan farm meta, and I love the fast paced grind, but it seems im outpaced playing my warrior, even when trying to tag with a longbow. Any advice? I do have a lvl 80 boost saved from when I bought the expansion, is it worth creating a new character for the farm meta to feed my main character?


Sorry for quoting myself, but I noticed I was supposed to say my server, which is NA, but for some reason I wasnt allowed to edit it again, I musta messed something up. But its NA

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I recently made a guild with friends and it’s growing bigger and bigger, there aren’t many “events” in my new guild so out of inspiration from what one of my old guilds used to do was home loot, where guildies were offered to loot a members home instance of nodes, I want to start doing it as well. I’ve started working on my home instance, and getting nodes through achievements, but then I’ve started to realize that nodes are pretty expensive... I’m sure many people don’t wish to give something that valuable away, but if anyone could help me with my home instance that’d be great :D


My only request is any home node to help me begin hosting home loots for my guild! :D





[Fear] Prophets of Oblivion

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Can I ask how to determine that a gem store 'gift' was delivered successfully? Twice now I've sent people pretty extravagant gem store gifts and gotten zero acknowledgement. How do I know they received the items? I don't want to ask directly because it comes off as fishing for thanks. I just want to confirm delivery. Is there a way to do that?

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> @"Biff.5312" said:

> Can I ask how to determine that a gem store 'gift' was delivered successfully? Twice now I've sent people pretty extravagant gem store gifts and gotten zero acknowledgement. How do I know they received the items? I don't want to ask directly because it comes off as fishing for thanks. I just want to confirm delivery. Is there a way to do that?


My husband, who sits right next to me while we game, sent me the bubble glider as a gift the other night. I ignore most mails until I'm ready to see them so I dismissed the alert and kept on hunting. Late last night he finally asked if I liked the bubble glider....so, guess there is no way for the sender to confirm their gift was received or not.

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> @"Lady Vanithy.6495" said:

> > @"Biff.5312" said:

> > Can I ask how to determine that a gem store 'gift' was delivered successfully? Twice now I've sent people pretty extravagant gem store gifts and gotten zero acknowledgement. How do I know they received the items? I don't want to ask directly because it comes off as fishing for thanks. I just want to confirm delivery. Is there a way to do that?


> My husband, who sits right next to me while we game, sent me the bubble glider as a gift the other night. I ignore most mails until I'm ready to see them so I dismissed the alert and kept on hunting. Late last night he finally asked if I liked the bubble glider....so, guess there is no way for the sender to confirm their gift was received or not.


Hmm - I wonder though - when you did take it did he maybe get an alert of some kind saying delivery was accepted? I agree it's easy to not notice some mail you got, and quite possible they aren't yet aware of the packages.

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> @"Biff.5312" said:

> > @"Lady Vanithy.6495" said:

> > > @"Biff.5312" said:

> > > Can I ask how to determine that a gem store 'gift' was delivered successfully? Twice now I've sent people pretty extravagant gem store gifts and gotten zero acknowledgement. How do I know they received the items? I don't want to ask directly because it comes off as fishing for thanks. I just want to confirm delivery. Is there a way to do that?

> >

> > My husband, who sits right next to me while we game, sent me the bubble glider as a gift the other night. I ignore most mails until I'm ready to see them so I dismissed the alert and kept on hunting. Late last night he finally asked if I liked the bubble glider....so, guess there is no way for the sender to confirm their gift was received or not.


> Hmm - I wonder though - when you did take it did he maybe get an alert of some kind saying delivery was accepted? I agree it's easy to not notice some mail you got, and quite possible they aren't yet aware of the packages.


No. He received no confirmation.

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Hi there everyone !

I am a new player here and enjoying the game so far ! I took a liking to the Asuras, and i would like to customize my main character more, I saw that there are kits that allow you to customize your face with an exclusive one and your hair with new styles and colors.

I would be forever grateful if i could get access to one of those total makeover kit to pretty up my engineer !

Thank you in advance !


EDIT : Wish fullfilled ! Thank you very much to the kind soul who sent the makeover kit to me :) My asura looks all pretty

I also apologize about the fact i couldn't edit my post earlier, hopefully, no duplicates were sent. Thank you again :)

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So, finally back to GW2 after mustering out for the final time. Realized there is so, so much to catch up on (which is fantastic). Not really wanting gem-store items or anything like that, those I can (and have) purchased myself, however if anyone has any unwanted Dreamthistle or Cavalier skins (engi and thief mains) I would be most appreciative. With that said, if anyone does send something I can personally guarantee at least two facts about raccoons, wombats or coffee will make it way towards you as thanks.


Update: Thank you muchly for the skins :)

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Something I'd really like is an additional character slot: I've always wanted one of each class.. But I can hardly afford to spend any money on any game at this point in time (or the coming future) due to real life matters that takes priority :(


I don't expect anyone to get me this, but I would be very very grateful if it happened and promise to pay it forward once I am able to :)


I play on a EU server.

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**----------------------------REMINDER PLEASE READ BEFORE MAKING YOUR REQUEST----------------------------**


**Please try to have enough posts to reach at least the two star rating for your forum account before posting a request.** The reason for this is that forum accounts with a 1 star rating can not edit posts. Therefore if you receive your gift you will not be able to update your post to show your request has been fulfilled. **It is important to edit your post if you have been given a gift so that other kind strangers don't send you duplicates**


I'm a little rusty on this but I believe **you need to have at least 5 posts** and at least 7 days since the first time you logged in to the forum to receive the 2 star rating. If you have less than 5 forum posts and need a few more an idea would be to check out the community creations forum and compliment any things there you like or if you see a question posted by someone you can answer that is another idea. **It doesn't take much to reach 2 stars which again enables you to edit posts.** So please make an effort to do so.


Also as a gentle reminder, **only one request per person ever**. So please think carefully before making your request. Also please do not edit your request once made to ask for something else. Example, if you didn't get what you asked for that doesn't mean you can keep changing your post to ask for something else until you get something. **Do edit your request** when it has been granted or to update if you receive part of the request (for example if you asked for a number of crafting materials).


-Thanks JT

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Hello everyone :) So I enjoy playing guild wars 2 an love seeing an getting cats minis/ cats in home in the game an when the new WvW mount pop up. I was in love with it. As of today I saw that the gem store have just added the lovely Warclaw Frontline Mount Pack. That I really want, but as of right now all my money goes to the lovely student loans an bills T.T an little by little trying make gold but some time I just don't have time T.T I know it is abit pricey, but hope some one can help out. I'm in the NA servers an when times comes I will pay it forward an make someone day :)


Thank you for reading


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So I have a bit of a strange history with GW2. I played about a year after release after seeing Angry Joe's review of 10/10 for the game. I bought the base game and got 800 gems along with a couple other bonuses I don't remember. The laptop I had at the time was TERRIBLE. Lowest settings lowest resolution gave me a solid 20fps at most. Was not fun, but I still somehow managed to put in 30 hours into the game leveling a necro to level 60 or so and a couple other super low level characters. Since the fps was trash about 90% of my playtime was exploring (because exploring a 720p game with the lowest settings on a 200$ laptop was awesome) and I honestly loved it. I loved the music, adored the art style, fell in love with the Sylvari, and generally enjoyed the game.

Then I made an oopsie.

I stopped playing the game because the laptop I was playing on wasn't mine and I had lost access to it. A year past and I ended up getting a laptop from school. After convincing the very friendly IT guy there to download it for me on a one-time basis I installed the game, logged in and boom, can't log in.

So I have around 4 different emails. 3 of them are used for whatever random uses I wish and one serious one that I use for school/job related things. Now aside from my important email all my other emails have the same password or a variation of the password (an example would be hotdog999 and the variation would be 999hotdog) in order to save my brain on having to remember several massive and complicated passwords as I do value my security.

It seems, however, that when making GW2 back in the day I didn't use that password, rather I had used a password generator in order to get a long complicated password as to protect my 60$ investment.

So basically I didn't know the password and I couldn't log in. 50 (60?) dollars down the drain.

I picked up the game about two years ago. Leveled my ranger to 80 as a free to play and got 50% map completion (on a decent computer this time,) stopped playing again until I got the expansion a year ago. Stopped playing AGAIN because of some life situations that left me with no internet and the past 4 months I've been putting time into this game like crazy. Currently sitting at almost 400 hours, 280 of which are on my ranger.

Now aside from everything; the music, the art, the story, more than anything I've always wanted Twilight. Yes, the weapon that half the population has. Yes, the one that every GS user uses. That's it, just Twilight.

I remember watching a Twilight crafting video back in the day from a channel Dontain on youtube. His commentary was funny, his struggle was real, and seeing him finally craft it after what seemed like an Eternity (pun intended) was just as satisfying to me as it was to him.

So for the past 2 months I've grinded and grinded. I'm mostly a PvE person but oh BOY have I tried to put in the hours, but oh BOY was I dumb. Farming SW without sending the bags to a low level alt, not using agony infusions when doing fractals, a bunch of bad BAD mistakes. But I've finally been making some headway. I've got the first collection done, I've been crafting everything and I'm currently sitting at the Experimental Nightsword Hilt, 1/10 Elonian Leather Squares, and 6/15 Deldrimor Steel Ingots to finish off the blade and I'll be done with that (what I am assuming) chunk of making it.

All I'm asking for is any help. I don't care if it's 10 copper or a repair canister or freaking Eternity (which I would then sell to buy TWO Twilights because TWO is better than ONE) but any help would be much, much appreciated by me; a poor, dumb player who thought it was a good idea to sell agony infusions instead of equipping them and wondering why I kept dying at fractals.

God bless

(NA player)

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due to always gambling away my gold for mount skins I never use (damn you, springer skins) I'd like to ask for **any Mount Adoption License** to still my thirst. One day I may get a raptor skin. This is all I ever wanted.


I'm on EU btw. If you buy me one I will love you for eternity.

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I’m just a bad ranger player who plays a lot of pvp. After a lot of grinding in the past two seasons I got together everything I need for the Ascension, but I’m having trouble getting T6 mats for the gift of fortune. If anyone can send me assorted T6 mats that would be great X-)


EDIT: The mats are Vials of Powerful Blood, Pile of Crystalline Dust, Powerful Venom Sac, Elaborate Totem, Armored Scale, Ancient Bone, Vicious Claw and Vicious Fang.


sitting at around 50 of each, except for vicious fangs I have like 100 of those.

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> @"Doto.6357" said:

> Hey

> I’m just a bad ranger player who plays a lot of pvp. After a lot of grinding in the past two seasons I got together everything I need for the Ascension, but I’m having trouble getting T6 mats for the gift of fortune. If anyone can send me assorted T6 mats that would be great X-)


Have you used all your laurels on t6 material bags?

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Doto.6357" said:

> > Hey

> > I’m just a bad ranger player who plays a lot of pvp. After a lot of grinding in the past two seasons I got together everything I need for the Ascension, but I’m having trouble getting T6 mats for the gift of fortune. If anyone can send me assorted T6 mats that would be great X-)


> Have you used all your laurels on t6 material bags?


Yea! I ended up with around fifty of each of the six different tier six mats I need

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