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"I'd Really Like this..." - New Gifting Strangers


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I am working on getting the Griffin unlocked, but I have 60 gold approximately to my name.


Any small coin toss my way would be extremely helpful...so:

* Gold, I have 60/250 across my account.


Thank you in advance, and thank you even if not.


I am a returning player and trying to get myself situated. I have quite a bit of crafting material and I am very, very happy to donate to others.

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**Edit: Already got all the mystic coin i need, and thank to Linken that told that i can buy 2 Clover a day from blue golem on FoTM.**

**Updated the mats i get also.**

**2nd Edit: people are amazing! pile of crystalline dust request fullfilled! only leather left! Thank you so much!!!**

**Last edit: Thank to all the people that contribute to my journey! I got all the mats! and now i just have to craft it!!!!! Thank you guys! U are amazing!!!!!**


> @"Ves.8236" said:

> Well... Hi guys!


> I see that GW2 community is most of the time polite, nice and helpfull. Because of that I wanted to ask you great people for something diffrent than items - could you spend a moment of your precious time and write something nice to me? Even something short. Im curently in a process of healing from depression, and I could really use some words of courage and inspiration :smile:


> Peace!


> P.S. Hope im not breaking any rules? :open_mouth:


> Edit:

> This... is... just amaizing! You people are such lovely caring souls! This community is just a precious gem, and im so greatfull for all the love you shared with me :) I will respond to all of you, just give me some time :) This is all so emotional, and great, and cheerfull, and I feel like im not alone here anymore. Thank you all for that <3


> Edit 2:

> It warms my heart that you are still writing to me, and im so greatfull for all support im getting from you all <3 Im going to print all the sweet words I got and hang it on the wall to remind me that you care <3




Well you are right man! this community is awesone! people here are amazing an very freindly!

About your hard moment I want to share my story with you and the others!

I was a Tennis promise 4 years ago, i played some ATP Tournament( the most important ), i made my way into the ATP ranking, I was so happy but then i lost 2 of my left hand fingers! I felt so bad cause in the moment i had the accident i instantly knew that my career end.

I got an hard and long moment of depression and i wasnt able to get out of my house! I close the doors to all of my friends and family!

I never felt that sensation never....it was so hard...i think my life was end! but NO! NEVER!

After more than 1 year I start over, I go out, i learn to live with my 3 fingers, I go out with friends and family and i felt better!

Now I m a Tennis Teacher, i play Tennis, i go work , i play GW2 ( I help myself with a mouse ) ( Dont judge me ), and the most important think I M SO HAPPY to live this LIFE!

It s beautiful and u will heal completely from your depression!!!

IF u need to talk, just whisp in game! I m glad to help someone who have a bad moment!!!!

Cheers mate!


I m on EU servers..

Now guys I m making a legendary weapon!

The Flameseeker Prophecies.

I already have the precursor, i already make the gift of metal, i buy the Icy Runestone, I already have the Gift of Mastery but I need a lot of gold and mats then i dont have for The Gift of Fortune and The Gift of History.

I know this is a lot and i dont expect that people gift me all of that mats and gold but i will farm myself to get all of that! if any of you would to participate tought my journey i ll love to have some of this mats.

I ll put the mats i already farm myself and i will update the post!

~~Pile of Crystalline Dust 190/ 350 needed~~

~~Hardened Leather Section500 / 750 needed~~

~~Mystic Coins 208/249 needed for Clover ( i dont know if i need this ) Gw2 efficiency say that for 77 clover i need 249 of this.~~


For the t6 mats i will farm myself cause i think that this mats i m asking for are too expensive and i dont want to be an a**hole!


Ty and have a nice day all!


Edit: Already got all the mystic coin i need, and thank to Linken that told that i can buy 2 Clover a day from blue golem on FoTM.

Updated the mats i get also.

2nd Edit: people are amazing! pile of crystalline dust request fullfilled! only leather left! Thank you so much!!!

**Last edit: Thank to all the people that contribute to my journey! I got all the mats! and now i just have to craft it!!!!! Thank you guys! U are amazing!!!!! **

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EDIT: THANK YOU so so much to the person who sent me a glyph today! I now have the glyph and don't have to switch between tools all the time <3 you are an amazing person! I no longer need this, thanks to a kind stranger. They didn't mention whether it was ok to mention their name so I won't to respect their privacy.


TLDR version of request: leather gathering glyph.



If anyone has gotten an extra leather gathering glyph as a drop from a black lion chest and doesn't want it, I would love it if you would consider giving it to me. It's already what I picked for my "free" glyph, but swapping it out between harvesting things isn't fun when enemy mobs are around, so it would be nice to have two leather glyphs for less swapping. I know it is kind of an expensive thing to ask for at over 200 g right now so I completely understand if no one can spare one. I am just glad this thread exists for players to help other players :). It's like a giant secret santa!

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I hope this knowledge is useful to you, but you actually don't need a +17 infusion for lvl 40 fractals. Instead, you could use two +9 infusions for a total AR of 18 and those are much more obtainable. There is information on the wiki on how to open up more infusion slots on rings and back pieces through attuning and something else (I forget the name). Hope that helps! Feel free to add me in game if you need any fractal help btw.


> @"Sidetrack.2563" said:

> hi, umm so im not really sure how I should go about asking this. umm I only want one thing a 17+ agony infusion, I don't know if anyone will read this but I just wanted to ask. (P.S. its for my fractals, so I can do level 40 tier Fractals) thank you to anyone who reads this, i'm in N/A server.



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I remember that long ago I was searching trought medium armor skins in bank's wardrobe and found **Striders Medium Armor Skin**. Found out it can only be bought by gems in BLTC. And when it came in I had really little gold. Farmed a week and sold bunch of materials I had to only reach about 150 gold. I need about 80 more gold so i can exchange it for 800 gems. You can gift me directly item from BLTC and i will mail you gold I have at that time. Also i will return the rest of the loan when i get enough gold i am just afraid the item will leave BLTC before I farm enough gold.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey! Don't know if this is still going on, but this is really awesome! I've been working on trying to craft Twilight, I just finished completing world exploration two months ago and now I'm working on the first volume/tier(?) of Twilight.


But looking on the wiki the amount of materials I need is crazy and really expensive unfortunately :(. I don't want to get "too too" crazy since I know this is already a lot to ask for, but I do need tier 6 materials/ectoplasm and mystic coins for clovers when the time comes!


My current mats:

**EDIT number 1 updated my current mats, thank you JT!**


Vials of Powerful Blood (6/250)

Ancient Bones (9/250)

Vicious Claws (21/250)

Piles of Crystalline Dust (12/250)

Vicious Fangs (25/250)

Armored Scales (29/250)

Elaborate Totem (30/250)

Powerful Venom Sac (34/250)

Mystic Coins (28/250)

Globs of Ectoplasm (15/250)


If I happen to reach 250 on any material and I receive more from kind folk, I will return them back as seeing I only need 250, having anymore is excessive!




North America



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  • 2 weeks later...

Ahai fellow players,

I'm currently crafting Nevermore, but i'm running short on the last two materials and it's a bit frustrating.

I need:

45/45 Mystic Coins

0/0 Amalgamated Gemstones

These are incredibly expensive (and/or time consuming) as you probably already know. I know I can farm them given enough time, but I would appreciate every little support in crafting I can get.

Thanks for reading and have a great day! =)


# Edit: I'm done! Finished it! Feels good... B)

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Hello my fellow GW2ers!


A month or so ago, I ran across a thread that began as a way to help people get that little bit of crafting material, little bit of gold, little bit of items or little bit of gems to help them accomplish something they need to do in game. Are you ALLLLMOST at 250 gold but not quite, to unlock the Griffin mount? Are you ALLLLMOST at the total items you need to craft that one item?


The thread was a way to pay it forward and help our fellow Guild Wars 2 friends. I am starting another thread as a way to keep paying it forward, as I received generous and kind help from total strangers on the game. I have unlocked the Griffin mount and am soaring around Tyria!! :D It's only right to keep that good will going, sooooo, without further ado:


**Tell us what you want and why!**


Please be reasonable and fair in your requests. We all want 1000 gold dropped into our accounts and every mount skin unlocked, of course, but let's let the kindness be shared.


I want to help out people because I was helped out, myself!

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This is a great idea! Sadly I can't think of anything I really need at the moment; I've halted my ascended tailoring at the minute while I get on with other things and I'm not needing for money or mats... I guess what I could use most would be BLC keys but as they cost real money, nah - don't think it's right to ask for them.


Still, happy to pitch in and pay forward if someone needs something I have.

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There is already the same thread over in the Players Helping Players sub-forum which you even referenced in your OP.



More than likely this will be merged with it as it is an identical topic to that one which is 7 pages long on this forum and its predecessor on the old forums had reached17 pages.




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> @"Lostyx.6035" said:

> Ahai fellow players,

> I'm currently crafting Nevermore, but i'm running short on the last two materials and it's a bit frustrating.

> I need:

> 20/200 Mystic Coins

> 0/100 Amalgamated Gemstones

> These are incredibly expensive (and/or time consuming) as you probably already know. I know I can farm them given enough time, but I would appreciate every little support in crafting I can get.

> Thanks for reading and have a great day! =)


Are you still looking for MCs? I'm not doing any legendary crafting so I can spare some, maybe around 20 or so.

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Hello everyone,

I was currently looking to get the Shrine Guardian Jackal Skin, although unfortunately for me, I won't really have the ability to acquire it on my own for a long time. If anyone is feeling generous or is in a position to help me acquire it, it would be very appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to read and I wish you all a wonderful day!


**I am happy to announce that a wonderful person helped me get what I wanted for a long time. A thousand thanks to you, kind knight!** <3

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I just want a Tempest staff because farming 200 mystic coins and another 200 amalgamated gemstones on top of the other mats for Nevermore is just unrealistic for me at this point.


Sucks, because I kinda want Astralaria as well, and that's similarly expensive as hell.


Anyone know if the Tempest collection is making a return any time soon?

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> @"chrisjfinlay.5614" said:

> > @"Lostyx.6035" said:

> > Ahai fellow players,

> > I'm currently crafting Nevermore, but i'm running short on the last two materials and it's a bit frustrating.

> > I need:

> > 20/200 Mystic Coins

> > 0/100 Amalgamated Gemstones

> > These are incredibly expensive (and/or time consuming) as you probably already know. I know I can farm them given enough time, but I would appreciate every little support in crafting I can get.

> > Thanks for reading and have a great day! =)


> Are you still looking for MCs? I'm not doing any legendary crafting so I can spare some, maybe around 20 or so.


Yeah. I am still farming for those! Though i don't need as many any more. All in all i still need 50 mystic coins. So your help would be very appreciated! ;)


Also i should really update my wish list for the current numbers...


Edit: updated my wish list!

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> @"Lostyx.6035" said:

> > @"chrisjfinlay.5614" said:

> > > @"Lostyx.6035" said:

> > > Ahai fellow players,

> > > I'm currently crafting Nevermore, but i'm running short on the last two materials and it's a bit frustrating.

> > > I need:

> > > 20/200 Mystic Coins

> > > 0/100 Amalgamated Gemstones

> > > These are incredibly expensive (and/or time consuming) as you probably already know. I know I can farm them given enough time, but I would appreciate every little support in crafting I can get.

> > > Thanks for reading and have a great day! =)

> >

> > Are you still looking for MCs? I'm not doing any legendary crafting so I can spare some, maybe around 20 or so.


> Yeah. I am still farming for those! Though i don't need as many any more. All in all i still need 50 mystic coins. So your help would be very appreciated! ;)


> Also i should really update my wish list for the current numbers...


> Edit: updated my wish list!


Either you've just received some, or I messed up and someone else did :D let me know if you get them!

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> @"chrisjfinlay.5614" said:

> > @"Lostyx.6035" said:

> > > @"chrisjfinlay.5614" said:

> > > > @"Lostyx.6035" said:

> > > > Ahai fellow players,

> > > > I'm currently crafting Nevermore, but i'm running short on the last two materials and it's a bit frustrating.

> > > > I need:

> > > > 20/200 Mystic Coins

> > > > 0/100 Amalgamated Gemstones

> > > > These are incredibly expensive (and/or time consuming) as you probably already know. I know I can farm them given enough time, but I would appreciate every little support in crafting I can get.

> > > > Thanks for reading and have a great day! =)

> > >

> > > Are you still looking for MCs? I'm not doing any legendary crafting so I can spare some, maybe around 20 or so.

> >

> > Yeah. I am still farming for those! Though i don't need as many any more. All in all i still need 50 mystic coins. So your help would be very appreciated! ;)

> >

> > Also i should really update my wish list for the current numbers...

> >

> > Edit: updated my wish list!


> Either you've just received some, or I messed up and someone else did :D let me know if you get them!


Because of technical difficulties i can't look it up in game right now. However i will let you know as soon as i can!^^

Oh and thank you very much ;)


Edit: If those 25 mystic coins were from you then yes i got them! Thank you very much! ;)

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I like to think I’m a humble sort of person, I don’t want or ask for much. But I’m trying to level my Tailoring past 425 so I can start crafting Ascended gear for my Mesmer and the Gossamer Patches are a pain. If anyone has any spare T6 leather lying around that they don’t need, I would be eternally grateful. Even if it’s only a couple of sections, it all helps!


Edit 3: Thanks to the three kind souls who sent the gossamer patches, bolts of damask and gold for my quest. They will be used wisely and I will pay forward in this thread where I can!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Halluuuu everyone ^^,

First off...uhm....im not a good "writer" so....i'll just say what I...well...think........I think (Really bad....)

I am searching for a bit of help....with the Shrine Fox Skin, wich is in the Gem-Store right now.....

I looked at it and it was love at first sight...xD Im trying to get it from the Black lion chests....but its not working somehow....( Haha...me and my luck...), so a friend told me to look for a bit of help here......wich...i am just doing......jep.......so......i hope someone is reading that...( xD ) and is maybe even helping me with getting it....Joah.....

I hope...you all have a good day...and.....joah....




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