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"I'd Really Like this..." - New Gifting Strangers


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> @"Cobrakon.3108" said:

> I have a hefty request. I would like the "Bench of the Final Judge". I don't expect anyone to just gift me it. But if you could give me a deal on it, I would greatly appreciate it. I do RP events for the community and am planning to do more types and this would be a wonderful addition. Cheers!


Bench of the Final Judge is an _account bound_ Item and therefore can not be gifted in any way.

Sorry :/

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> @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > @"Cobrakon.3108" said:

> > I have a hefty request. I would like the "Bench of the Final Judge". I don't expect anyone to just gift me it. But if you could give me a deal on it, I would greatly appreciate it. I do RP events for the community and am planning to do more types and this would be a wonderful addition. Cheers!


> Bench of the Final Judge is an _account bound_ Item and therefore can not be gifted in any way.

> Sorry :/


There are two versions and one is not account bound.

If you type in "bench" and search for items not currently available in the TP it should pop up. I believe the unbound one you can trade and is a drop from a raid boss.

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> @"Cobrakon.3108" said:

> > @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > > @"Cobrakon.3108" said:

> > > I have a hefty request. I would like the "Bench of the Final Judge". I don't expect anyone to just gift me it. But if you could give me a deal on it, I would greatly appreciate it. I do RP events for the community and am planning to do more types and this would be a wonderful addition. Cheers!

> >

> > Bench of the Final Judge is an _account bound_ Item and therefore can not be gifted in any way.

> > Sorry :/


> There are two versions and one is not account bound.

> If you type in "bench" and search for items not currently available in the TP it should pop up. I believe the unbound one you can trade and is a drop from a raid boss.


I found only the Bench of the Final judge which is account-bound and Shrouded Bench of the Final Judge which is _Ascended_ so it can't be sold nor mailed either. Is there third version?

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> @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > @"Cobrakon.3108" said:

> > > @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > > > @"Cobrakon.3108" said:

> > > > I have a hefty request. I would like the "Bench of the Final Judge". I don't expect anyone to just gift me it. But if you could give me a deal on it, I would greatly appreciate it. I do RP events for the community and am planning to do more types and this would be a wonderful addition. Cheers!

> > >

> > > Bench of the Final Judge is an _account bound_ Item and therefore can not be gifted in any way.

> > > Sorry :/

> >

> > There are two versions and one is not account bound.

> > If you type in "bench" and search for items not currently available in the TP it should pop up. I believe the unbound one you can trade and is a drop from a raid boss.


> I found only the Bench of the Final judge which is account-bound and Shrouded Bench of the Final Judge which is _Ascended_ so it can't be sold nor mailed either. Is there third version?


Its on the TP. If you simply put "bench" in the search function and then remove the little "show only available" box by clicking the x button. You also have to realize the the one sold on the TP is in a container... and the container is not account bound. Let me see if i have time to print screen it showing that its in the TP.

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> @"MrMojoRisin.7364" said:

> Bank space!!


> @"Jinn Galen.2468" said:

> I would be eternally grateful to anyone who would give me an extra bank tab. Still saving up money for PoF and in-game gold is getting eaten by crafting ascended armors.


> Server: NA


Bank tabs are account upgrades and therefore not giftable. Players can only gift you gold to go towards the bank space.

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Hey Guys, I am in the process of leveling up my personal guild which has been a very slow, expensive project which has now left me broke. I am very pleased to say I have made it to level 45 nearly all by myself funding it with a few friends to help with guild missions to get the favour for upgrades. I am now needing to upgrade the mine which will need 15 Superior Runes of Holding. If anyone can help me with this (or any other items for the guild) I would greatly appreciate it as this is quite a difficult project to fund solo. Also, if anyone would like an invite to the guild just give me a shout. I have set the permissions for all guild items to be open for all members to use at any time, scribing crafting, decorating, wvw claiming and tactics, upgrades, missions, inviting members, guild portal, etc.


Thanks for any help you can give.

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So many EU Players!! I keep trying to help and it's saying Player Unavailable :( ((Update: Found someone to gift to!))


I would love a set of aetherblade light armor when its back in the shop, if anyone would be so kind. <3

I know it isn't there now, but I keep missing it every time it's up...

NA :)

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**Edit: Achieved the goal!**


40/300 Thank you for the donation so much! ^^




My only desire is to be able to play through living word season 2.

I managed to buy living world 3 episodes a while ago, but I really would like to know what exactly happened in the second one.

I still needs like ~~300g~~ 260g to have it.


I would appreciate any help!




Server: EU




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I have one wish and that is for the Berseker's Mordrem Warbow to use as a skin for my Longbow, the trading post has it listed for 60g which is out of my price range ^^;

I've grown to love the Ranger longbow and when I saw that on the trading post my eyes lit up as that is the perfect bow to fit my armor set. <3




[EDIT:]I'm on the NA server, if anyone takes this request may I just say thank you in advance!

[EDIT #2] Longbow was received, thank you! =)

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Well, I am really low level so I don't know anything about what gear I want. So I guess I just want the following.


1. People to chat with or hang out with while I am questing or just standing around. I am on the Gate of Madness server.


I love cats, anime, and most videogames. So if you have those interests maybe we could talk. I just feel lonely when playing....

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> @"Lynxila.7948" said:

>Edit: 40/300 Thank you for the donation so much! ^^

> > Hi!

> > My only desire is to be able to play through living word season 2.

> > I managed to buy living world 3 episodes a while ago, but I really would like to know what exactly happened in the second one.

> > I still needs like ~~300g~~ 260g to have it.

> >

> > I would appreciate any help!

> >

> > Lynxila.7948

> >

> > Server: EU





> @"StinVec.3621" said:

> # Note to all prospective desire posters:

> As noted in the [Forum FAQ](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/386/faq-about-using-the-forums/p1 "Forum FAQ") thread, Recruit rank has a 4 hour window to edit comments - Member rank has no edit window limitation.

> * Making a desire post as "Recruit" forum rank and then making an additional post to state receipt of assistance is not the correct way to participate in this thread.

> * Potential gifters who read through the thread will see your original desire post as still being there stating you desire the item(s) and they would not know it was fulfilled (partially or fully) unless they read further on through the thread and find your new post stating so.


> * Failing to ensure you are Member rank on the forums __**prior**__ to making your desire post may limit any assistance with the item(s) you may receive. As potential gifters know you will be unable to update your post to state receipt of assistance, they may be unlikely to provide assistance they otherwise may have.


> ---


> To be absolutely clear on this request of desire posters:

> * Please achieve at least "Member" rank on the forums if you wish to participate in this thread.


> **Comment in 5 different threads total on the forums to attain the "Member" forum rank (2 star rank) which removes your comment edit time limitation.You will then be able to edit your original desire post via the gear icon in the top-right of your post if/when you receive any assistance.**


> Thank you.



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> @"Belgarion.2678" said:

> I would love a Copper fed salvage o matic or A pack of unlimited gathering tools for convenience sakes,

> I'm always finding myself running out of both so would really appreciate either :)


> Thxs in advance if someone is so kind.





> @"StinVec.3621" said:

> # Note to all prospective desire posters:

> As noted in the [Forum FAQ](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/386/faq-about-using-the-forums/p1 "Forum FAQ") thread, Recruit rank has a 4 hour window to edit comments - Member rank has no edit window limitation.

> * Making a desire post as "Recruit" forum rank essentially forces you to have to make an additional post to state receipt of assistance if more than 4 hours has passed since your post was made - this is not the correct way to participate in this thread.

> * Potential gifters who read through the thread will see your original desire post as still being there stating you desire the item(s) and they would not know it was fulfilled (partially or fully) unless they read further on through the thread and find your new post stating so.


> * Failing to ensure you are Member rank on the forums __**prior**__ to making your desire post may limit any assistance with the item(s) you may receive. As potential gifters know you will be unable to update your post to state receipt of assistance, they may be unlikely to provide assistance they otherwise may have.


> ---


> To be absolutely clear on this request of desire posters:

> * Please achieve at least "Member" rank on the forums if you wish to participate in this thread.


> **Comment in 5 different threads total on the forums to attain the "Member" forum rank (2 star rank) which removes your comment edit time limitation.You will then be able to edit your original desire post via the gear icon in the top-right of your post if/when you receive any assistance.**


> Thank you.



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Hello everyone, i am in the process of gearing up my toon with ascended through wvw and need to craft quite a bit of Grandmaster's armorsmith marks which is honestly very costly especially when i need 20 of them for a set, i would appreciate and be eternally graceful any help through assisstance of the following items :/ Thank you very much for your time, hope you have a great day and 2018


15 Square of Vabbian Silk

15 Blended Leather Sheet




Damn receiving help already... you guys are too kind

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Hi guys, i just came back to the game after about 2 years break. Im having problems in farming gold and i cant afford gems to buy Living Stories. i heared i can farm gold well and ascended trinkets on maps that u unlock from LS(+awsome fking story right :>)but its cost is way too much for me ^^. Trying to gear my reventant aswell, cuz im sick of getting kicked from t2+ fractactals before we even start only becouse im daredevil :/. if theres someone who could help in any way, i would be very graceful.

thanks for reading my qq, have a nice day guys and i wish u best



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