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"I'd Really Like this..." - New Gifting Strangers


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Hi everyone.

I'd like to craft Azureflame for my ranger. I almost have enough mats to do it but I still need 76 charged lodestones and 250 cured hardened leather, so if anyone could help me out with anything at all I would be truly grateful.


I will update as I get mats.

have fun everyone, may the odds be forever in your favour. :)

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I have only one dream through which all my other dreams can be accomplished.


This game is a beautiful, wonderful, and entertaining game, yet I have found it lacking in one area. In every other MMO I have played, it was fairly easy to find a guild of like-minded individuals and form bonds and friendships that have lasted years. Yet for some reason I have found this task to be incredibly difficult in GW2. It's not for lack of those guilds being out there, but more that the type of guild I am looking for doesn't often spend their time advertising to potential new recruits in map chat.


That said, I would love to join a guild that is focused on building a community and enjoying this game together. I enjoy the social aspect of guilds, forming friendships, and the mutual contribution towards each other's success. Whether that be simply sharing knowledge or actually making the effort to help each other with goals. My personality is fairly laid back and casual, and I enjoy being around other people who don't lose their minds over the little things, or think that failing at something is the worst thing the world. After all, failure is a part of the journey to success.


I enjoy helping people out with 'questing', world exploration, dungeons, fractals, raids, story content, achievements, and general progression (like working towards legendaries for example).


As for my goals... Short term, I'm working on getting enough Tyrian mastery points to unlock the final mastery tier, and then moving into HoT masteries.


Long term goals, I'm hoping to find people to team up with to work towards legendary armor and trinkets/backpiece.


Thanks! See you in game.

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Hi, i'd really like if someone were to help me get the Griffon mount from the PoF expansion. I'ts been a while since I've wanted to get a griffon but could not bring myself to start or commit the grind. If someone were to help me through this task i would be oh so very grateful.


Desire: Griffon Mount


Server: NA

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Hi everyone, I am currently trying to give new weapons to my Mirage; I just finished the Anomaly, and I would like to obtain the Abyssal Scepter.

Unfortunately I have no money/mats left, so while I'm working on it I would be really grateful if some generous Tyrians could help a poor soul, lost in the Mists!


Current materials:

_Mystic coins_: 10 / 100

_Ancient wood planks_: 100 / 750

_Ectos_: 120 / 250


EU Server


Thank you <3


**EDIT:** I received some mats this morning from one person and edited my current materials, thanks for being so kind and helpful!

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> @"drakonling.1035" said:

> Hey everyone. I want to craft Howler because it was the only legendary that really called to me (a year ago).

> If anyone has 150 cured hardened leather squares that would help me out a lot :)

> Also if anyone has any piles of crystalline dust (230) or vicious fangs (400) that would also help but the leather is what kills me.


> I'm on the NA server.


> Thanks for reading and have a great day!


Wowow! Thank-you to the person who sent me 50 piles of crystalline dust and vicious fangs! I'm so stoked : D


(Can't edit my post :/ so sorry)

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Hello Everyone!

I m so happy to see that post like this exist!

You guys make my day!

I m kinda new to the game, and I recently complete my full set of ascended armor and weapon for my character and I m so happy!

I m part of a small guild, we are a small community ( 12 players ) that move to another game together and we are all noob, we want to make our way into raid, I m the only one with some experience but I don't have the commander tag! My wallet is broken after crafting the ascended gear and I m here to asking some help to buy it.

I m on EU server and right now I m sitting on


50/300 gold needed.

I will update the post since I m farming to get some gold.

If someone want to help me through this journey, any hepl is appreciate!

Thank you all!

Have a nice day!

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Good afternoon all!

I purchased the game way back at release after being an avid GW1 player (Top 20 GvG at one point!) and unfortunately could never get into the game. Recently returned and bought both expansions in the sale, having an amazing time playing now.


Currently trying to get my Huntsman/Leatherworker up from about 75 crafting all the way to 500 so I can start crafting my ascended gear (Bought the recipes thanks to a whole stack of Laurels I had). So if anyone is feeling generous with any materials/gold they don't need I'd be really grateful! Would love to be able to start smashing some higher Fractals as Druid.


If anyone happens to be in a nice, semi-casual EU guild on Desolation, that'd be sweet too.



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Good evening all, just stumbled upon this thread!


Long time Wow player that isn't going back this time. I started GW2 a few years back but got sucked back into Wow and never came back, best I managed was a level 41 engineer. Well here I am, ready to give it a proper go this time around so i've invested in the 2 expansions and I'm gonna get started tonight.


I guess the gift I would like most is something that other players might think i'll find useful getting back into the game, in the short or long term or will keep me interested in the game for a while.



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Hello everyone!

I have been running around on the default mounts ever since PoF came out now, and I have no mount skins at all. So my biggest desire would definitely be the Awakened Mounts pack from the gemstore (I do realize this is a huge request, any sort of mount skin would be tremendously appreciated! <3)

Hope everyone has a great day/evening, wherever you may be! =)

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i am struggling quite a long time now getting a legendary wep. To be specific - Nevermore. I already have built the Raven staff, have Gift of Nevermore, Gift of insights, Gift of Maguuma. I am currently missing some really expensive mats for Mystic Tribute and for completing Gift of Maguuma Mastery which count up to 1000g. Now i know this is a lot to ask, but i would really appreciate ANY help because my time for the game is really limited and i am enjoying it to the last bit. Here is the list of mats i would be really glad if someone could help me out with:


**250/250x Amalgamated Gemstone** (0 received)

**400/400x Glob of Ectoplasm** (400 received) THANK YOU SO MUCH!

**250/250x Mystic Coin** (0 received)

200/200x Vicious Claw (10 received)

200/200x Armored Scale (10 recevied)

200/200x Ancient Bone (10 received)

200/200x Vicious Fang (10 received)

200/200x Vial of Powerful Blood (10 received)

200/200x Powerful Venom Sac (10 received)

200/200x Elaborate Totem (10 received)

200/200x Pile of Crystalline Dust (10 received)


Playing on EU - Piken Square


I know this is way too much to ask for and i am not expecting super generous gifts, but if someone could contribute to my journey for Nevermore i would be really really glad as i gave up many times already. Thanks to anyone who will be willing to help me out in advance!



So i farmed a bit and completed Gift of Maguuma Mastery, gambled up all laurels and farmed some T6 mats. Got one donation so far from a kind man which is really apreciated! :) The journey is comming to the end and i am really looking forward for my future Nevermore!! :)



Currently missing only mystic coins and my journey for Nevermore is done! :) So excited!



So my journey has ended! I am now a proud owner of Nevermore! :) This helped me alot achieving my first legendary wep!



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I honestly didn't think I would ever use this post, but here I go. Lost my job and home ~a year ago and haven't been able to find a job since. Not 100% sure if this works but I would like to request Living World 3. I'm missing LW2 as well and would generally have preferred to play in chronological order but from what I've seen LW3 has a lot of important farming maps so that seems a bit more important, yes? I can worry about story continuity later :P I hit 80 for the first time yesterday, this game is about all that's keeping me sane sometimes thanks to the fact it has no sub fee.


Anyway, thank you if you can help, assuming LW is even something that can even be gifted? Since the front page says to mention it, LW3 is 640 gems (see edit).


[edit for partial fulfillment] Since they responded in the thread it shouldn't matter, would like to thank Neph.2163 for LW2. Almost in tears typing this, I have no words, seriously. I can't even think of anything else to say that wouldn't just sound like I was gushing at you, so just thank you. So much.


[edit for gold suggestion from alaskasnowgirl.6047] Since LW3 may not be giftable, it was suggested I slightly alter the request if needed. 640 gems is currently ~167g.


[edit] I was given the gold for LW3, so that finishes up my requests. Same person as well. I really, really can't thank them enough, them or this forum for having a thread like this. I look even more forward to spending ungodly amounts of time in-game. Thank you again so much <3


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Hello Lovely Peoples!


I am a new player of only 1 month and a few weeks and after I got my first character on 80, felt lost and recently started a new character who wears heavy armor, which I love so much, from playstyle to Looks! However I had lots of trouble finding some nice Skins for her and the only one I really fell in love with was unavailable. But NOW it is back... aaaand I cant afford it. Neither have I any ingame Gold nor can I spare some Money so here I am now.


My Desire: Brahams Heavy Armor Skin

Server: EU


I know it is quite an expensive wish, but I can assure you, I'd really treasure it and love it to bits.

Even a Little Money would totally help me out. If I were to get the Outfit before I got enough Gold, I will sent the Money back to whoever sent it to me!


0/203 Gold


Toodles, love and hugs


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New player here who just started the game 2 weeks ago. Last night I hit level 80 and completed the story mode and my friends are telling me that I can't do anything like PoF and HoT since I need exotic gear to survive the stuff.

So I'm asking for gold to purchase the necessary exotics for some sort of Necromancer build since they haven't said which one I should do (either a greatsword reaper or minion mastery?) So any amount of gold sent to me is appreciated since I have no idea how much I need to get the gear that I need.

I am on NA servers and currently have 25g from completing the story. Thanks a lot for any support sent my way.

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> @"Lazytophat.4382" said:

> New player here who just started the game 2 weeks ago. Last night I hit level 80 and completed the story mode and my friends are telling me that I can't do anything like PoF and HoT since I need exotic gear to survive the stuff.

> So I'm asking for gold to purchase the necessary exotics for some sort of Necromancer build since they haven't said which one I should do (either a greatsword reaper or minion mastery?) So any amount of gold sent to me is appreciated since I have no idea how much I need to get the gear that I need.

> I am on NA servers and currently have 25g from completing the story. Thanks a lot for any support sent my way.


Cathedral of Silence can get you a full set of Berzerker Armor for a Power (using GS or Staff as Primary weapon...also Zerker stat too.) MM for Karma from Keeper Jonez Deadrun...only gold you will have to spend would be for Alternate Runes, as I would replace the Grenth Runes with something else. There are several option for runes, so I will leave that to you and your friends to discuss and make the wise choice.


For open world this works really well: https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Reaper_-_Power_Minion_Master

I use different runes and also only use exotic weapons and armor. I also use the Blood Magic variant instead of Spite. But experiment, and set it up the way you like. This is just a good place to start to tweak it to your liking, or to determine that its not for you.


Either way, you can't really go wrong with Karma Armor...Hope that helps save you some gold. :)

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> @"Thorfinnr Sleggja.1209" said:

> > @"Lazytophat.4382" said:

> > New player here who just started the game 2 weeks ago. Last night I hit level 80 and completed the story mode and my friends are telling me that I can't do anything like PoF and HoT since I need exotic gear to survive the stuff.

> > So I'm asking for gold to purchase the necessary exotics for some sort of Necromancer build since they haven't said which one I should do (either a greatsword reaper or minion mastery?) So any amount of gold sent to me is appreciated since I have no idea how much I need to get the gear that I need.

> > I am on NA servers and currently have 25g from completing the story. Thanks a lot for any support sent my way.


> Cathedral of Silence can get you a full set of Berzerker Armor for a Power (using GS or Staff as Primary weapon...also Zerker stat too.) MM for Karma from Keeper Jonez Deadrun...only gold you will have to spend would be for Alternate Runes, as I would replace the Grenth Runes with something else. There are several option for runes, so I will leave that to you and your friends to discuss and make the wise choice.


> For open world this works really well: https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Reaper_-_Power_Minion_Master

> I use different runes and also only use exotic weapons and armor. I also use the Blood Magic variant instead of Spite. But experiment, and set it up the way you like. This is just a good place to start to tweak it to your liking, or to determine that its not for you.


> Either way, you can't really go wrong with Karma Armor...Hope that helps save you some gold. :)


thanks for the ideas, so just constantly farm in cathedral of silence in orrn?

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> @"sutasafaia.4872" said:

> I honestly didn't think I would ever use this post, but here I go. Lost my job and home ~a year ago and haven't been able to find a job since. Not 100% sure if this works but I would like to request Living World 3. I'm missing LW2 as well and would generally have preferred to play in chronological order but from what I've seen LW3 has a lot of important farming maps so that seems a bit more important, yes? I can worry about story continuity later :P I hit 80 for the first time yesterday, this game is about all that's keeping me sane sometimes thanks to the fact it has no sub fee.


> Anyway, thank you if you can help, assuming LW is even something that can even be gifted? Since the front page says to mention it, LW3 is 640 gems.


I am not sure that it is something that can be gifted. I don't even see LWS3 in the store since I have it unlocked, so I assume it can't. Maybe doing the calculation for gold > gems and then asking for the gold would work instead, since you can buy gems with gold! Hope that helps!

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> @"Lazytophat.4382" said:

> > @"Thorfinnr Sleggja.1209" said:

> > > @"Lazytophat.4382" said:

> > > New player here who just started the game 2 weeks ago. Last night I hit level 80 and completed the story mode and my friends are telling me that I can't do anything like PoF and HoT since I need exotic gear to survive the stuff.

> > > So I'm asking for gold to purchase the necessary exotics for some sort of Necromancer build since they haven't said which one I should do (either a greatsword reaper or minion mastery?) So any amount of gold sent to me is appreciated since I have no idea how much I need to get the gear that I need.

> > > I am on NA servers and currently have 25g from completing the story. Thanks a lot for any support sent my way.

> >

> > Cathedral of Silence can get you a full set of Berzerker Armor for a Power (using GS or Staff as Primary weapon...also Zerker stat too.) MM for Karma from Keeper Jonez Deadrun...only gold you will have to spend would be for Alternate Runes, as I would replace the Grenth Runes with something else. There are several option for runes, so I will leave that to you and your friends to discuss and make the wise choice.

> >

> > For open world this works really well: https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Reaper_-_Power_Minion_Master

> > I use different runes and also only use exotic weapons and armor. I also use the Blood Magic variant instead of Spite. But experiment, and set it up the way you like. This is just a good place to start to tweak it to your liking, or to determine that its not for you.

> >

> > Either way, you can't really go wrong with Karma Armor...Hope that helps save you some gold. :)


> thanks for the ideas, so just constantly farm in cathedral of silence in orrn?


I sent a message in game as well about this, but I'd be happy to craft exotic gear for you and to help if you need any other advice, since I'm sure as a newer player you might have other questions!

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> @"alaskasnowgirl.6047" said:

> > @"Lazytophat.4382" said:

> > > @"Thorfinnr Sleggja.1209" said:

> > > > @"Lazytophat.4382" said:

> > > > New player here who just started the game 2 weeks ago. Last night I hit level 80 and completed the story mode and my friends are telling me that I can't do anything like PoF and HoT since I need exotic gear to survive the stuff.

> > > > So I'm asking for gold to purchase the necessary exotics for some sort of Necromancer build since they haven't said which one I should do (either a greatsword reaper or minion mastery?) So any amount of gold sent to me is appreciated since I have no idea how much I need to get the gear that I need.

> > > > I am on NA servers and currently have 25g from completing the story. Thanks a lot for any support sent my way.

> > >

> > > Cathedral of Silence can get you a full set of Berzerker Armor for a Power (using GS or Staff as Primary weapon...also Zerker stat too.) MM for Karma from Keeper Jonez Deadrun...only gold you will have to spend would be for Alternate Runes, as I would replace the Grenth Runes with something else. There are several option for runes, so I will leave that to you and your friends to discuss and make the wise choice.

> > >

> > > For open world this works really well: https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Reaper_-_Power_Minion_Master

> > > I use different runes and also only use exotic weapons and armor. I also use the Blood Magic variant instead of Spite. But experiment, and set it up the way you like. This is just a good place to start to tweak it to your liking, or to determine that its not for you.

> > >

> > > Either way, you can't really go wrong with Karma Armor...Hope that helps save you some gold. :)

> >

> > thanks for the ideas, so just constantly farm in cathedral of silence in orrn?


> I sent a message in game as well about this, but I'd be happy to craft exotic gear for you and to help if you need any other advice, since I'm sure as a newer player you might have other questions!


thanks I appreciate the assistance, my friends who got me into the game are kinda trolls and just said to grind till I can do something

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>sutasafaia.4872 Member ✭✭

>July 8, 2018


>I honestly didn't think I would ever use this post, but here I go. Lost my job and home ~a year ago and haven't been able to find a job since. Not 100% sure if this works but >I would like to request Living World 3. I'm missing LW2 as well and would generally have preferred to play in chronological order but from what I've seen LW3 has a lot of >important farming maps so that seems a bit more important, yes? I can worry about story continuity later :P I hit 80 for the first time yesterday, this game is about all that's >keeping me sane sometimes thanks to the fact it has no sub fee.


>Anyway, thank you if you can help, assuming LW is even something that can even be gifted? Since the front page says to mention it, LW3 is 640 gems.


Taken care of.

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> @"MalinkaLuna.1073" said:

> Hello Lovely Peoples!


> I am a new player of only 1 month and a few weeks and after I got my first character on 80, felt lost and recently started a new character who wears heavy armor, which I love so much, from playstyle to Looks! However I had lots of trouble finding some nice Skins for her and the only one I really fell in love with was unavailable. But NOW it is back... aaaand I cant afford it. Neither have I any ingame Gold nor can I spare some Money so here I am now.


> My Desire: Brahams Heavy Armor Skin

> Server: EU


> I know it is quite an expensive wish, but I can assure you, I'd really treasure it and love it to bits.

> Even a Little Money would totally help me out. If I were to get the Outfit before I got enough Gold, I will sent the Money back to whoever sent it to me!


> 0/203 Gold


> Toodles, love and hugs

> Luna



I cant edit my post.


My lovely lovely guild leader gifted me the Outfit last night ♥ Im sooo happy, my character Looks SO GOOD in that Armor!

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> @"alaskasnowgirl.6047" said:

> > thanks for the ideas, so just constantly farm in cathedral of silence in orrn?


> I sent a message in game as well about this, but I'd be happy to craft exotic gear for you and to help if you need any other advice, since I'm sure as a newer player you might have other questions!


Just to clarify, my apologies for not making sure I was more clear for the benefit of new player. :)


No need to "farm" per se...but as you gain Karma you could spend it at the Cathedral of Silence with Keeper Jonez Deadrun, to get Berzerker Armor. So, I guess you could say you could "farm" Karma...but if you have gone all the way through and beaten Zhaitan...I'd bet you probably have plenty for a full set of armor from this NPC Karma Vendor.


Absolutely take "alaskasnowgirl.6047" up on the help with this and other things...feel free to also message me if you catch me online...but life is keeping me pretty busy at the moment, so it might be tough to catch me.



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