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"I'd Really Like this..." - New Gifting Strangers


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Hi everyone, I'm a chrono mesmer and I've been working on Bolt since before legendary crafting came out. I have a 4 month old at home so I don't get to get on as much as I'd like, but I love the game. I have most of the items I need, but I'm only on Tier 1 crafting of the precursor Zap, and I don't have enough time to do all the collection tasks. I'm not asking for Bolt, but if anyone would be able to help me get Zap, I'd be forever grateful!!!

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> @"Yuini.8951" said:

> Hello, Guild Wars 2 kind community! Here I am writing to you shamelessly asking for help...


You already made a request a in March of this year that was partially fulfilled.




[Please follow the thread rule](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/5065/id-really-like-this-new-gifting-strangers/p1 "Please follow the thread rule")s, only one request per person. I suggest editing your most recent post in this thread to remove your requests since it is a violation of the thread rules.


For everyone reading: Please don't try to take advantage of the kindness of others. This has been an awesome part of the forums for several years where people have helped others. So please don't abuse it.



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Thanks! I didn't properly read the rules. Sorry for the trouble!



_Remove Self-fulfilled Desires

I also request that if you acquire your desired item on your own that you remove your request here by deleting your post or editing it to state that you acquired it on your own. - admit to violate this one, I should have removed this beforehand (I apologize for this one)


Do Not Make Duplicate **Requests**

I would also appreciate it if you would please refrain from making _**multiple posts for the same item(s) or ‘bumping’ your desired item(s)**_. Gifters will browse the thread and choose whose request for a desired item they may fulfill. I imagine duplicates or ‘bumps’ would only serve to make your desire less likely to be fulfilled._


It did not say you can't request again for a completely different stuffs. I didn't bump the desired items from my post last March 2018, but I actually was requesting help for the materials needed to craft the Bifrost this time. So I'm complete confused if I really did violate the rules?


Completely different timeline and reasons. In fact, I did received some help (I got 30g - March 2018) from a stranger and that helped a lot and I don't think I've ever abused this service before. The only reason I posted again here is because I have the impression that GW2 has a really awesome community and honestly, I was desperate. Between real life and gaming, there's not enough time to do everything.


I edited both post in response to your quotation and I didn't save it believing I did the wrong thing but when I looked at the post of the OP, there wasn't any prohibition and I don't think I abused it.


_For everyone reading: Please don't try to take advantage of the kindness of others. This has been an awesome part of the forums for several years where people have helped others. So please don't abuse it._


To be fair, I don't think I'd have a chance to get help with this quotation anyway.

Oh well, I tried. I guess, thanks anyways. :)

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> @"Yuini.8951" said:

> @"JustTrogdor.7892"


> Thanks! I didn't properly read the rules. Sorry for the trouble!


> Edit:

> _Remove Self-fulfilled Desires

> I also request that if you acquire your desired item on your own that you remove your request here by deleting your post or editing it to state that you acquired it on your own. - admit to violate this one, I should have removed this beforehand (I apologize for this one)


> Do Not Make Duplicate **Requests**

> I would also appreciate it if you would please refrain from making _**multiple posts for the same item(s) or ‘bumping’ your desired item(s)**_. Gifters will browse the thread and choose whose request for a desired item they may fulfill. I imagine duplicates or ‘bumps’ would only serve to make your desire less likely to be fulfilled._


> It did not say you can't request again for a completely different stuffs. I didn't bump the desired items from my post last March 2018, but I actually was requesting help for the materials needed to craft the Bifrost this time. So I'm complete confused if I really did violate the rules?


> Completely different timeline and reasons. In fact, I did received some help (I got 30g - March 2018) from a stranger and that helped a lot and I don't think I've ever abused this service before. The only reason I posted again here is because I have the impression that GW2 has a really awesome community and honestly, I was desperate. Between real life and gaming, there's not enough time to do everything.


> I edited both post in response to your quotation and I didn't save it believing I did the wrong thing but when I looked at the post of the OP, there wasn't any prohibition and I don't think I abused it.


> _For everyone reading: Please don't try to take advantage of the kindness of others. This has been an awesome part of the forums for several years where people have helped others. So please don't abuse it._


> To be fair, I don't think I'd have a chance to get help with this quotation anyway.

> Oh well, I tried. I guess, thanks anyways. :)


That post was always chaotic as I believed there was much to be said while trying to preserve all of the Original as I was remaking it for the new Forums from StinVecs original post.

But even though my additions to the Original Post may truly be chaotic a little, it is still there, written in bold letters, just for everyone in the Future of this thread: **There is only ONE request per player**


This, of course, is no big deal, mistakes happen all the time. I am sure a little help can spring from all places and this thread is definitely not the only way, let alone the end of the road.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

Those mentioning the limit of **one request per player** are correct. That's **one** request ever. This means:

* You may not change your post to ask for new things.

* You may not make a new post to ask for something else, or more of the same.

* You should not "bump" your request by posting in the thread to point people to your request.

* The only change you should make to your post is to mark that you've received the item or items and to thank those who gave it/them (when possible -- some donations are anonymous).


We love this thread, and it does a world of good, but we do want it to be "one per person" so that the maximum number of players possible can benefit from the generosity of our very kind community!

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# Request fulfilled.


This is a great idea! I have noticed that in game there are these kind strangers who give ppl stuff they them selfs dont need. That sayed here goes my desires!

1. Black dye

2. White, celestial or permafrost dye


Want to thank for advance if someone finds it in their hearts to donate these! <3

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> @"Hurrikaani.7206" said:

> This is a great idea! I have noticed that in game there are these kind strangers who give ppl stuff they them selfs dont need. That sayed here goes my desires!

> 1. Black dye

> 2. White, celestial or permafrost dye


> Want to thank for advance if someone finds it in their hearts to donate these! <3


Thank you stranger :) my desires fulfilled!

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I've been poking around this thread trying to get up the nerve to make my own request. It heartens me to see so many people in the giving spirit, as well as those who receive graciously. Hats off to both the creator of this thread, and those who have kept it alive! I hope I've followed the rules correctly, so here goes nothing! Due to financial struggles IRL, it's difficult for me to treat myself to things in the gemstore (and I can't seem to get the hang of money-making in-game, perhaps what I really need is crash course in that! lol). As such, my request is from the gemstore, since I love cosmetic things and of course, Fashion Wars!


+ Scaled Dragon Wings/Backpack - This beauty made my jaw drop when I previewed it, the wings move so fluidly, and I'm obsessed with wings! And dragons for that matter! For a cheaper option:

+ **EDIT:** OHMYGOODNESSOHMYGOODNESS! I just saw the new Mount Skin pack and there's a SNOW LEOPARD GRYPHON MOUNT!!!!! Snow leopards are my favorite animals EVER, and it's soooo gorgeous! So instead of requesting the Desert Racer License, I'm changing it to the **Distant Lands Mount Adoption License** in the hopes of getting that amazingly gorgeous snow leopard gryphon!!!! I can't believe it, it's like Anet packaged a Christmas present for me inside the mount skins, SQUEE!


I've been looking through the thread for ways for me to give back as well. Since gemstore items aren't really an option for me, I can however, offer my experience and knowledge in-game. I know this isn't an answer to any particular request, but I'm always happy to help with exploration (I can help with portals too), events, tips/advice, or just whatever help you need in-game, within reason. In particular, I know the open world very well and love to explore/map complete. I'm always happy to help, so don't hesitate to poke me in-game! :)


***Edited to change my request. This isn't an additional/duplicate request, I just changed my mind due to something amazing in the new update!!

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> @"Beth Feywind.5396" said:

> Hey, decided to jump on this bandwagon. There's a bunch of stuff I desire, but the main thing is more glider skins and/or enough gems to get one of the mount skin packs. It's not much, but..... *shrug*

> Blackgate, NA server


I think it would be helpful to specify certain gliders or mount skins you're looking for. Perhaps list several that are on the top of your list? That way those who are looking to gift will know what specifically to send, otherwise they might send something that you already have. For mount skins, are there certain skin sets (Desert Racer, Istan Isles, Distant Lands, etc) you like in particular? Then gifting one of the random mount licenses would be an option to give you one you don't have. Cheers! :)

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> @"voodoo.7412" said:

> Hi every one thx for creating this topic

> well i need help with t6 mats to craft my legendary back need to craft gift of might and gift of magic im trying to farm but taking me a bit longer

> so its 250 of each at the moment this what i got:

> 42 Vials of Powerful Blood

> 36 Powerful Venom Sacs

> 28 Elaborate Totems

> 217 Piles of Crystalline Dust

> 27 Vicious Fangs

> 31 Armored Scales

> 25 Vicious Claws

> 22  Ancient Bones

> any help is really appreciated and thank you


done with mine by farming all t6 and using laurels and help from guild members i did not get any help from strangers but thx any way

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Hey, all. I'm a returning player who last played all the way back in 2012. I never got very far, and I'm excited to see all there is to see.


I know I want to be a Charr warrior - a dignified and noble one, more of a captain and commander than a berserker or barbarian. I also want to have a charr that leans more toward a lion-like appearance, but it's very hard to make one of those in regular character creation, since the default faces trend more toward a hyena-ish or generally monstrous appearance.


However, there's an incredible lion face available with a Total Makeover kit, but being new I don't have any gems or any gold to buy gems with.


I don't know if this is a crazy request, but I would be incredibly appreciative if someone could send me one of those kits so I can be the charr I know I was born to be.


Thanks for reading!

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> @"Treadstone.2564" said:

> Hey, all. I'm a returning player who last played all the way back in 2012. I never got very far, and I'm excited to see all there is to see.


> I know I want to be a Charr warrior - a dignified and noble one, more of a captain and commander than a berserker or barbarian. I also want to have a charr that leans more toward a lion-like appearance, but it's very hard to make one of those in regular character creation, since the default faces trend more toward a hyena-ish or generally monstrous appearance.


> However, there's an incredible lion face available with a Total Makeover kit, but being new I don't have any gems or any gold to buy gems with.


> I don't know if this is a crazy request, but I would be incredibly appreciative if someone could send me one of those kits so I can be the charr I know I was born to be.


> Thanks for reading!


I know this is a small offer, but if you need help finding armor/gear to complete your character's look, I love the fashion/cosmetic side of GW2 and am very familiar with all the armor/weapons. I often help people find just the right pieces to get that look they're going for. I wish I could send you a makeover kit, but alas I'm short on funds. However, please feel free to poke me in-game if you need help with the fashion stuff! :)

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**OMG I got it from thewaterguy.479!! Thank you so much!**


~~Well, I'l farming gold for the Dragon Horns in Gemstore, but since I'm studying I don't have lot of time to play and with my trainee payment I can't acquire gems atm.

I'm farming SW every single minute I can xD


Farming 160gold for the gems, actually got 16/160.


Thank you!~~


EDIT: NA Server!

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> @"thewaterguy.4796" said:

> Trying to fulfill @hauteclaire.4327's request but it will take a bit of fiddling with actually meeting them in-game but you can safely consider that request fulfilled!


Thank you so much thewaterguy!

I had a lot of work lately so I just log-in for a few minutes a day!

Hope the best things happen to you!

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I'm currently working on the ascended gear of my healing tempest... but unfortunately i just dont have enough gold/materials for it and it would took years for me to farm this since i'm very busy with working and school stuff and i still need to lvl up the profession for it:(

Any donations would be great <3 (materials or gold for lvl up the profession)


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> @"cyradil.7309" said:

> Hello!

> I'm currently working on the ascended gear of my healing tempest... but unfortunately i just dont have enough gold/materials for it and it would took years for me to farm this since i'm very busy with working and school stuff and i still need to lvl up the profession for it:(

> Any donations would be great <3 (materials or gold for lvl up the profession)



Sorry for being rude but you needed ascended why? If your so busy that you cant get the money to craft or play the content that drop boxes/items (raids/fractals) I cant see why you would need it over exotics since by your lack of time you probabely dont play said conent that need the ascended anyway.

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