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"I'd Really Like this..." - New Gifting Strangers


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Hey, honestly, there's something I really, really want, and it's probably too expensive, but I always wished to have the Shrouded Bench of the Final Judge, I just think the chair looks so pretty and that it would look great with my Reaper, and I'm really tired of my normal chair! I would be really, really happy and grateful if someone actually gave it to me!

Another thing I also want, and that is less expensive, is 2 20 slot bags, would be much appreciated!

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  • 4 months later...

Desire: Mystic Tribute(For Aurora Craft)

What I need to fulfill it: MANY MYSTIC COINS

Server: EU


I'm about to finish the collection for aurora, but I will be stuck with crafting it as I'm missing MANY of the mystic coins(and they are kinda hard to get).

I would really appreciate if someone could assist me with my goal. :)

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I want that someone create in proper English petition and many people sign to this petition to have item that unlock some random achievement in raid block, and add this in repetable pvp/wvw track.

> @"Outernet.2610" said:

> I would like 750 mystic coins so I can have enough to buy a Dhuum CM run. I have been trying for a year now to find a group capable to do this achievement and I have not found one yet and it's to the point I just want it done.

I found way for us do it more better.

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> @"Poolboy The Glorious.6091" said:

> Desire:

> 250x Mystic Coin

> and Materials for 2x Gift of Condensed Magic,2x Gift of Condensed Might

> Working on my first legendary"Exordium",already finished Gift of Maguuma Mastery,Exitare and 80% of Gift of Exordium already is done too only need to farm that gift of battle.



> Thank you!!!

> Poolboy The Glorious.6091



As a long-time follower of this thread, I humbly suggest you edit your post to include something like this:


"Gift of Magic

10 / 250 Vial of Powerful Blood

12 / 250 Powerful Venom Sac

1 / 250 Elaborate Totem

3 / 250 Pile of Crystalline Dust


Gift of Might

7 / 250 Vicious Fang

22 / 250 Armored Scale

19 / 250 Vicious Claw

4 / 250 Ancient Bone"


That way people know what you actually need and don't send you mats you no longer need. Giving running updates lets people who can help follow your progress. B)


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Nightfury skin would be great!


Been playing this since release off and on and just haven't ever played during halloween since the very first one. Been trying to get the gold together for it though.



Actually I think I can just make this once I have the following:


250x Glacial Lodestone

250x Vial of Linseed Oil

250x Mystic Coin

250x Cured Hardened Leather Square

100x Onyx Lodestone

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Hey all, greetings from Japan!

Long time GW1 player (Proud holder of "Ascendant" title!) here. I'm back at the game after a long hiatus of 6 years. I had to quit the game for personal reasons back then, and always wanted to come back. About a month ago I bought the expansion, got myself few hundred gems for shared/bank/bag/character slots, and I'm enjoying the heck out of my Necro right now. There is so much to do! Reaper is great fun and to go with the whole class fantasy, I have foolishly decided to create a [[Twilight]](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Twilight).


[screenshot proof with GW2 Toolkit showing current date and item progress.](https://i.imgur.com/1kwtx0I.png)


I'm accepting any help in any shape of form. I'm on **North America** server, and username is same as my forum username (Angelissa.8409).


## Dusk

313/633 gold

+5 gold ★Thank you Anonymous!

+20 gold ★Thank you Anonymous!

I was told that buying it outright is cheaper than crafting, but I welcome any tips and tricks!


## 1x Gift of Twilight

┣ 0/100 Icy Runestone

┣ 0/1 Gift of Metal

┃ ┣ 107/500 Orichalcum Ore

┃ ┣ 338/250 Mithril Ore

┃ ┣ 20/1000 Platinum Ore

┣ 0/1 Gift of Darkness

┃ ┣ 68/100 Onyx Lodestone

┃ ┣ 1/1 Gift of Ascalon ✔

┃ ┣ 500/500 Orichalcum Ore ✔ ★+500 Thank you Anonymous!★

┃ ┣ 250/250 Cured Hardened Leather Square ✔

┣ 1/1 Superior Sigil of Blood ✔


## 1x Gift of Mastery

┣ 0/1 Gift of Battle

┣ 69/250 Obsidian Shard

┣ 1/1 Gift of Exploration ✔

┣ 1/1 Bloodstone Shard ✔


## 1x Gift of Fortune

┣ 19/77 Mystic Clover

┃ ┣ ~61/174 Mystic Coin

┃ ┣ ~9/174 Ecto

┃ ┣ ~0/174 Obsidian Shard

┃ ┣ ~200/1044 Philosopher's Stone

┣ 250/250 Ecto ✔

┣ Gift of Might

┃ ┣ 29/250 Vicious Fang

┃ ┣ 37/250 Armored Scale

┃ ┣ 33/250 Vicious Claw

┃ ┣ 32/250 Ancient Bone

┣ Gift of Magic

┃ ┣ 28/250 Vial of Powerful Blood

┃ ┣ 25/250 Powerful Venom Sac

┃ ┣ 30/250 Elaborate Totem

┃ ┣ 23/250 Pile of Crystalline Dust


Updated: 13th of March Friday, 11:50 JST.


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I want to make a different kind of "wish".

I don't like people wishing for the usual stuff like legendary crafting components, which can be farmed easily by just playing the game. This seems just lazy.


What I would like to have are Black Lion Keys.


After playing for a while now and being the horter that I am, I finally got a full stack of Black Lion Chests in my bank, which I can't really use.

Of course I do the weekly story run for that one key and I already did 100% map completion on four different chars, plus several other single maps.

That allowed my to open some of those chests, but you don't get nowhere near as many keys as chests.

So I thought I ask here for "help". If some kind soul would like to donate one or more keys to me.


Obviously you can't trade them directly, but I could buy them in the gemstore.

One key costs about 46 Gold. Five for 167 Gold and twenty-five for 778 Gold.


My thoughts were to make this fun for the both of us. Instead of just giving away something I will post my results here (uncommon and higher), so you can see what "your" key got me.

Let's pray to the rng gods :)

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Working on my first legendary"Exordium",already finished Gift of Maguuma Mastery,Exitare and Gift of Exordium already is done too.



14 /250x Mystic Coin

1x Mystic Tribute

-2xGift of Condensed Magic

2x Gift of Blood

12/200x Vial of Powerful Blood

7/500x Vial of Potent Blood

0/100x Vial of Thick Blood

3/100x Vial of Blood

2x Gift of Venom

14 /200x Powerful Venom Sac

18/500x Potent Venom Sac

0/100x Full Venom Sac

15/100x Venom Sac

2x Gift of Totems

9 /200x Elaborate Totem

18/500x Intricate Totem

2/100x Engraved Totem

10/100x Totem

2x Gift of Dust

1/ 200x Pile of Crystalline Dust

6/500x Pile of Incandescent Dust

1/100x Pile of Luminous Dust

1/100x Pile of Radiant Dust

2x Gift of Condensed Might

2x Gift of Claws

2 / 200x Vicious Claw

14 / 500x Large Claw

1/ 100x Sharp Claw

3/ 100x Claw

2x Gift of Scales

0 / 200x Armored Scale

6/ 500x Large Scale

0/100x Smooth Scale

19/100x Scale

2x Gift of Bones

26 /200x Ancient Bone

13/ 500x Large Bone

2/100x Heavy Bone

0 /100x Bone

2x Gift of Fangs

0 /200x Vicious Fang

20 / 500x Large Fang

1/ 100x Sharp Fang

6 / 100x Fang

Thank you!!

Poolboy The Glorious.6091


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> @"Poolboy The Glorious.6091" said:


> Working on my first legendary"Exordium",already finished Gift of Maguuma Mastery,Exitare and Gift of Exordium already is done too.already got most of all crafting materials for Mystic Tribute.

> Desire:

> 16/250x Mystic Coins

> Thank you!!

> Poolboy The Glorious.6091


Please Edit your original post instead of making new ones. Your new post _(this one)_ is contradicting the old _(original)_ one and as such might create a bit of confusion if not unwanted action.

This serves especially as a reminder to future posts; _Please, make only one post and edit it accordingly however as a sidenote **do not** edit it to change your wish_

Thank you!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello!! I've recently just started this game during quarantine, i'm a total newbie but having a blast so far :3 I saw some other players that had some really gorgeous hair and faces, and learned that it came from the total makeover kits. Its a huge dream to get one of my own so I can make my little plant just as pretty ♥ MMO fashion is one of my favorite chill pastimes, so being able to spice up my hair and colors sounds amazing.

Desire: Total Makeover Kit

Server: NA

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  • 3 months later...

So I can ask for... anything? Well I'm working on my first legendary (The shining blade!) But I can't afford 250 mystic coins... I've already got 30, so Ionly need 220... (Only haha) I also need around 100 amalgamated gemstones. I'm slowly working on both of these myself, so no one has to send me ALL of these expensive mats, every little bit helps. That said, it would be amazing if some rich person out there is willing to help. ? I'm on EU servers.. (Not sure if I actually needed to put that here but there it is)

Edit: Wow, thank you so much!!! I have everything I need now and am about to show off my shiny new legendary!!!

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  • 1 month later...

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