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Downed state rework suggestion

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_So the situation right now is that when you kill something, you are instantly revived. This is nice on paper, but this makes for that particular situation where you're against a pack of mobs, you get downed, then you kill one, revive, and you instantly get downed again. This wouldn't be a very big problem if it wasn't for the downed penalty. The above event often happens several times in a row, sometimes resulting in 2 or 3 downed penalties, or even death, without having any chance to take advantage of the revives we got from killing ennemies. Effectively, each time you killed something, it only served to gain an additional stack of downed penalty, leading you towards death._


I suggest to rework the system in a more smooth, less frustrating, dare I say more realistic way. This is of course not the only way to go, but the idea would be to remove downed penalty stacks entirely, while also changing the way we regain health while downed. Right now, we are completely revived when we kill something. What if that heal was drastically reduced, to only heal us for a portion of our downed health (33%?)?


What would this change?

* We wouldn't have that weird situation of being downed multiple times in a row, stacking downed penalties until death. On the other side, we wouldn't just have to finish a nearby low health mob to be instantly, completely revived (which I think is a good thing). We would need to actually finish the thing that is attacking us.

* In a 1v1 situation, killing the mob would heal us for a portion of our health, giving us enough health to hold on while our healing skill is refreshing. Effectively, this wouldn't change a lot of things, as in the end we're still fully revived. It would just take a few more seconds, in turn making being downed a situation we don't want to be in (which I think is also a good thing).

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I don't see an advantage here. If the existing opportunity was just a tease and it was impossible to come back anyway, I might agree with you. But most times it's all I need. I'm not sure how not getting a chance to revive at all would improve this. It denies you any opportunity to escape rather than fighting and killing at least 3 of an overwhelming group (which i doubt would ever happen).

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I've been in the exampled situation many times and yes it's utterly infuriating lol


I've always maintained that we need some kind of short downed immunity after we rally by killing a foe.. some kind of invulnerability period that will give us a few short seconds to get out of the mob and recover/escape.


In my mind the best way to do that would be down protection rather than the typical invulnerability status which makes us immune to damage entirely.

Down protection instead preventing our HP dropping below 1 for a short period which is less game breaking and more punishing if the player fails to recover in the alloted time.


That said there is also the elephant in the room regarding downed skills..

For many years players have complained about certain skills being OP such as the Rangers pet revive while others like the Warrior's downed set being to put it bluntly.. utterly useless XD


I main Rangers and Necromancers and can definitely agree that the downed skills for those classes are insanely good.. I've had moments on my Minion Master where I've been able to literally outheal a mob of enemies attacking me and survive in downed state for almost a solid 30+ seconds purely because of the overwhelming amount of lifesteal I get.. even when downed they struggle to kill me.

It seems very unfair that compared to that kind of insane survival ability.. other classes like Warrior really get shafted on the downed skills and might as well not even have more than a basic attack..

Hammer toss is pretty much useless on anything with a break bar which is what you're most likely to be downed on anyway

And Vengeance is completely useless unless you've traited for 100% rally chance on a kill.. specially since there are a fair amount of enemies in the game that you can't rally on at all even if you've got the 100% chance trait you can still get screwed over and do nothing but wait for your inevitable insta death.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> I've always maintained that we need some kind of short downed immunity after we rally by killing a foe.. some kind of invulnerability period that will give us a few short seconds to get out of the mob and recover/escape.


This feature is already in the game.


> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> Vengeance is completely useless unless you've traited for 100% rally chance on a kill.. specially since there are a fair amount of enemies in the game that you can't rally on at all even if you've got the 100% chance trait you can still get screwed over and do nothing but wait for your inevitable insta death.


Vengeance allows you to revive a couple other downed players before you die, or simply do as much damage as you can *for your party* before you die. Warrior's spirit is actually that of a leader.

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> @"Airdive.2613" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > I've always maintained that we need some kind of short downed immunity after we rally by killing a foe.. some kind of invulnerability period that will give us a few short seconds to get out of the mob and recover/escape.


> This feature is already in the game.


Yes but it lasts for what? 1/4 of a second? It's clearly not enough. We barely have time to cast a single ability...

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> @"Airdive.2613" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > I've always maintained that we need some kind of short downed immunity after we rally by killing a foe.. some kind of invulnerability period that will give us a few short seconds to get out of the mob and recover/escape.


> This feature is already in the game.


> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > Vengeance is completely useless unless you've traited for 100% rally chance on a kill.. specially since there are a fair amount of enemies in the game that you can't rally on at all even if you've got the 100% chance trait you can still get screwed over and do nothing but wait for your inevitable insta death.


> Vengeance allows you to revive a couple other downed players before you die, or simply do as much damage as you can *for your party* before you die. Warrior's spirit is actually that of a leader.


No, no it's not.

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> @"ROMANG.1903" said:

> > @"Airdive.2613" said:

> > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > I've always maintained that we need some kind of short downed immunity after we rally by killing a foe.. some kind of invulnerability period that will give us a few short seconds to get out of the mob and recover/escape.

> >

> > This feature is already in the game.


> Yes but it lasts for what? 1/4 of a second? It's clearly not enough. We barely have time to cast a single ability...


The wiki states it's a (whole) second, though I haven't tested it.

There's just enough time to be able to dodge roll your way away from danger and heal yourself, we don't need even more handholding.

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I like (untraited) Vengance xD It's the most fun downed mechanic, an epic last stand befitting the death of a Warrior. Hell, I would even go so far as to say it's romantic.


On topic, I find I only really have this floor bouncing issue while playing Elementalist (which, in all honesty, the traited Lava Font would *probably* res me in mob-dense situations anyway because of my signet of agony). Personally, I'd rather risk the death penalty than get stuck in downed state all day long.

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