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Power Reaper Benchmarks - Pros & Cons Of Power Reaper

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> @"Eramonster.2718" said:

> > @"Nephalem.8921" said:

> > > @"Grogba.6204" said:

> > > Siax? phased before he can shoot the splitting poison field that you usually have to kite outside, depending on instabilities you might even be able to ignore the CC phase and just burst him to the next split between 66% and 33%.

> >

> > That doesn't depend on instabilities though. You only see the breakbar appear when the dps kitten up hard. You kind of have to skip it for a clean kill anyways or you can't insta cc in last phase.

> >


> The safe zone(inside the hitbox), without social awkwardness and toxic trail.


You dont have to use that when he doesn't even use his ability because he phases before that. Thats what i meant. You shouldn't see the charge attack during 2nd phase or you can add up to 20s to kill time at least.

If he meant ignoring the cc bar 1st phase. Why would you not take the 50% modifier? Thats what skyrockets dps to crazy levels and lets you phase in seconds in the first place.

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Tl;dr non-metabuilds must be played better and drawing out more of max. potential to reach results equivalent to metabuild, good metaplayers out-dps best non-metaplayers though average player with braindead non-metabuild most likely does more damage than with piano-metabuild. And some math examples.


A good reaper can do better dps than average player of a popular metabuild. Reapering just requires more skill to reach the same and top reapers can't reach the same boss dps as good players on metabuilds. And same applies to every sub-optimal build. And also, there's some sub-optimal builds that are way easier to play than some metabuilds (for ex. meta-rifleholo vs Kitty's kitless sword-holo) and thus do better dps at same practise effort if practising 30 mins-1 hour at golem. Ofc once you've reached the full dps potential on easy non-metabuild, you could still keep practising and reach higher dps on better metabuild.


Anyway, if someone wants to play a non-metabuild, that person should practise it enough to compete with average metadps'ers (at least fighting for 2nd/3rd best boss dps in squad) or they'll most likely be deadweight. Reaching solid 20k dps at golem is good enough to start doing easier raid bosses while carrying your own weight. Kitty would advice at least 24-25k golem dps for pugging heavier dps check bosses. 24-25k are quite reachable on many non-metabuilds in full ascended if you learn to play them well enough. Even scrapper with kits should be able to reach it since Kitty's done over 23k on kitless hammer scrapper.


And, guess Kitty could provide some math about relations between builds.

A good, 95th percentile metabuild player can do about 30k dps on golem (if build's max. potential is about 33k). A player who pulls about equally much of build's max potential might do 25,5k on some non-metabuild. In such case, non-metabuild does 15% lower dps than metabuild, or metabuild does 17,6% higher dps than said metabuild. But considering that there's sometimes a huge gap between metabuild 50th percentile and 95th percentile, the 95th percentile non-metaplayer might still out-dps the 50th percentile metaplayer by a decent margin, especially in real raid scenario.

Then, let's take another reverse real example: before July's balance patch, staff weeber small hitbox benchmark was about 36k and power d/d deadeye was 31.8k if Kitty doesn't horribly misremember (and can't check since they don't have public benchmarks archive). The weeber was about 13.2% stronger than deadeye/deadeye was 11.6% weaker than weaver. Kitty went to test them at golem and in about 30 mins, she did 28.5k with signets pure 511 deadeye(braindead) rotation. Before testing power staff weaver, Kitty had actually practised a couple hours on previous weeks, raided quite a bit on (usually in 50th-70th percentile on it) and about 1 hour of practise again before testing and she did...26.4k.

So, she did 7.4% less on weeber than deadeye/8% more on deadeye than weeber. And in this case, Kitty had put in some decent effort in learning weeber while almost none at deadeye. In terms of potential, Kitty did 89.6% of deadeye's full potential and about 74% of staff weaver's. Though ofc weaver and condiengi are extremes. Btw, Kitty did 27.1k on power d/d deadeye spamming Mark, Shadow Flare and auto-attack (in other words, by auto-attacking). ~700 more than as failing tryharding weeber.

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> @"Nephalem.8921" said:

> > @"Eramonster.2718" said:

> > > @"Nephalem.8921" said:

> > > > @"Grogba.6204" said:

> > > > Siax? phased before he can shoot the splitting poison field that you usually have to kite outside, depending on instabilities you might even be able to ignore the CC phase and just burst him to the next split between 66% and 33%.

> > >

> > > That doesn't depend on instabilities though. You only see the breakbar appear when the dps kitten up hard. You kind of have to skip it for a clean kill anyways or you can't insta cc in last phase.

> > >

> >

> > The safe zone(inside the hitbox), without social awkwardness and toxic trail.


> You dont have to use that when he doesn't even use his ability because he phases before that. Thats what i meant. You shouldn't see the charge attack during 2nd phase or you can add up to 20s to kill time at least.

> If he meant ignoring the cc bar 1st phase. Why would you not take the 50% modifier? Thats what skyrockets dps to crazy levels and lets you phase in seconds in the first place.


:confounded: I'm confused here, Ensolyss or Siax? Thought Grogba.6204 was trying to squeeze in another few seconds of dps by holding the CC's after the 4 Echos.


Haven't played my necro ever since I shelved the class months ago. So I'm just "judging" reaper based on those I personally encountered in **non-meta** PuG groups for Fractals. Overall, they are decent; viable but nothing particularly noteworthy cept their survival as I have yet seen any first to fall dead no matter how bad the group is :lol:. Damage wise, can be decent. To be fair, any low dps will drag the combat longer and it's not restricted to Reaper. Depending on what the player is trying to achieve, Reaper gives me the impression of a safe bet to complete the run.



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> @"Eramonster.2718" said:

> > @"Nephalem.8921" said:

> > > @"Eramonster.2718" said:

> > > > @"Nephalem.8921" said:

> > > > > @"Grogba.6204" said:

> > > > > Siax? phased before he can shoot the splitting poison field that you usually have to kite outside, depending on instabilities you might even be able to ignore the CC phase and just burst him to the next split between 66% and 33%.

> > > >

> > > > That doesn't depend on instabilities though. You only see the breakbar appear when the dps kitten up hard. You kind of have to skip it for a clean kill anyways or you can't insta cc in last phase.

> > > >

> > >

> > > The safe zone(inside the hitbox), without social awkwardness and toxic trail.

> >

> > You dont have to use that when he doesn't even use his ability because he phases before that. Thats what i meant. You shouldn't see the charge attack during 2nd phase or you can add up to 20s to kill time at least.

> > If he meant ignoring the cc bar 1st phase. Why would you not take the 50% modifier? Thats what skyrockets dps to crazy levels and lets you phase in seconds in the first place.


> :confounded: I'm confused here, Ensolyss or Siax? Thought Grogba.6204 was trying to squeeze in another few seconds of dps by holding the CC's after the 4 Echos.


Yes Siax. And yes after 4 echoes. If you have high dps you phase him to 33% before he starts his channel and he will instantly use it during last phase. Means if you cc him instantly there he dies in like 5sec.

Thats how you achieve sub 60sec times on that boss. Its not even that hard tbh. Record is something sub 50.


Thats also possible with a power necro actually. Saw a log of a quite fast kill with a power necro. Burst on necro is ok. The sustained damage is just really really bad. While its easier to survive longer fights on necro he also deals terrible damage during that kind of fights. Just keep the phases short and power reaper is "ok". But as soon as fights become long enough for actual rotations to kick in the reaper design flaws will be noticeable.

Even if dps would be 32k. Having gravedigger as new auto attack is not a good design!



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> @"Nephalem.8921" said:

> That doesn't depend on instabilities though. You only see the breakbar appear when the dps kitten up hard. You kind of have to skip it for a clean kill anyways or you can insta cc in last phase.


This is correct but certain instabilities (No Pain no Gain, Toxic Trail, Social Awkwardness, Flux Bomb or Last Laugh) can impact that part in various ways. I am not playing in a full static so it is almost expected at this point that two or three players trigger SA on one another (for example) and thus losing out on Scholar uptime. Same for the 66% - 33% phase where you can potentially stack under Siax and ignore the breakbar altogether. Try the same with SA and TT and you can watch five HP bars decrease in seconds.



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> @"Grogba.6204" said:

> > @"Nephalem.8921" said:

> > That doesn't depend on instabilities though. You only see the breakbar appear when the dps kitten up hard. You kind of have to skip it for a clean kill anyways or you can insta cc in last phase.


> This is correct but certain instabilities (No Pain no Gain, Toxic Trail, Social Awkwardness, Flux Bomb or Last Laugh) can impact that part in various ways. I am not playing in a full static so it is almost expected at this point that two or three players trigger SA on one another (for example) and thus losing out on Scholar uptime. Same for the 66% - 33% phase where you can potentially stack under Siax and ignore the breakbar altogether. Try the same with SA and TT and you can watch five HP bars decrease in seconds.




What i meant is that you shouldn't ignore the breakbar during the 66 - 33% phase. You have to phase him before it appears or he wont start the last phase with it. Breakbar is a 50% damage modifier. Ignoring them is never a good idea. Only delaying them sometimes if you want to skip phases for certain bosses. Siax phases can't be skipped though. He becomes invuln instantly when he reaches the thresholds.


Never ever ignore the free 50% dmg on bosses please. Thats the main reason why pugs are so tedious sometimes. Nobody uses cc ever there.

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> @"Nephalem.8921" said:

> > @"Grogba.6204" said:

> > > @"Nephalem.8921" said:

> > > That doesn't depend on instabilities though. You only see the breakbar appear when the dps kitten up hard. You kind of have to skip it for a clean kill anyways or you can insta cc in last phase.

> >

> > This is correct but certain instabilities (No Pain no Gain, Toxic Trail, Social Awkwardness, Flux Bomb or Last Laugh) can impact that part in various ways. I am not playing in a full static so it is almost expected at this point that two or three players trigger SA on one another (for example) and thus losing out on Scholar uptime. Same for the 66% - 33% phase where you can potentially stack under Siax and ignore the breakbar altogether. Try the same with SA and TT and you can watch five HP bars decrease in seconds.

> >

> >


> What i meant is that you shouldn't ignore the breakbar during the 66 - 33% phase. You have to phase him before it appears or he wont start the last phase with it. Breakbar is a 50% damage modifier. Ignoring them is never a good idea. Only delaying them sometimes if you want to skip phases for certain bosses. Siax phases can't be skipped though. He becomes invuln instantly when he reaches the thresholds.


> Never ever ignore the free 50% dmg on bosses please. Thats the main reason why pugs are so tedious sometimes. Nobody uses cc ever there.


Oh I am not ignoring it but a group with Warr ,3 DPS and a Chrono *could* potentially damage through the second phase without triggering the breakbar. Not sure how easy that is nowadays but before the Nerfs to Weaver that was certainly possible.

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> @"Grogba.6204" said:

> > @"Nephalem.8921" said:

> > > @"Grogba.6204" said:

> > > > @"Nephalem.8921" said:

> > > > That doesn't depend on instabilities though. You only see the breakbar appear when the dps kitten up hard. You kind of have to skip it for a clean kill anyways or you can insta cc in last phase.

> > >

> > > This is correct but certain instabilities (No Pain no Gain, Toxic Trail, Social Awkwardness, Flux Bomb or Last Laugh) can impact that part in various ways. I am not playing in a full static so it is almost expected at this point that two or three players trigger SA on one another (for example) and thus losing out on Scholar uptime. Same for the 66% - 33% phase where you can potentially stack under Siax and ignore the breakbar altogether. Try the same with SA and TT and you can watch five HP bars decrease in seconds.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > What i meant is that you shouldn't ignore the breakbar during the 66 - 33% phase. You have to phase him before it appears or he wont start the last phase with it. Breakbar is a 50% damage modifier. Ignoring them is never a good idea. Only delaying them sometimes if you want to skip phases for certain bosses. Siax phases can't be skipped though. He becomes invuln instantly when he reaches the thresholds.

> >

> > Never ever ignore the free 50% dmg on bosses please. Thats the main reason why pugs are so tedious sometimes. Nobody uses cc ever there.


> Oh I am not ignoring it but a group with Warr ,3 DPS and a Chrono *could* potentially damage through the second phase without triggering the breakbar. Not sure how easy that is nowadays but before the Nerfs to Weaver that was certainly possible.


Its super easy and always was. Even happens with pugs often when in 3 dps groups.

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