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I am absolutely baffled that the Emergency Relink Thread was closed as a "matchup thread" (which it wasn't remotely), and yet this one lives on. It's like some threads are closed as soon as they even mention servers or transfers at all, while others that create arguments about specific matchups (like this one) are allowed to fester on. I have absolutely no idea what constitutes a "matchup thread" anymore.

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> @"Chaba.5410" said:

> > @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

> > Keep recording ok, if you see a FA-flipping-smc-and-ignores-homebl pattern then update me, alright?


> Just happens in T1 matches against BG and SoS ;)


Now, hod took back homebl keep and bg took back smc, hod still got t3 sos bay.

I don't see the pattern of homebl ignored.


Not sure why people like to talk about pattern, is silly. This isn't math with identity logical data. This is human driven with emotion. Quite obvious that we not the kind of server that just tank.

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> @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

> This is human driven with emotion.


That's why you keep trying to call out a single server when I indicated and provided some evidence of a pattern that happens to *any server that doesn't have the population and coverage* to deal with both BG and SoS constantly hitting redbl? As I wrote earlier, HoD+SoR+DR link should have enough and for the most part it does. BG and SoS still hit redbl garri and took it last night. ;)


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> @"Chaba.5410" said:

> > @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

> > This is human driven with emotion.


> That's why you keep trying to call out a single server when I indicated and provided some evidence of a pattern that happens to *any server that doesn't have the population and coverage* to deal with both BG and SoS constantly hitting redbl? As I wrote earlier, HoD+SoR+DR link should have enough and for the most part it does. BG and SoS still hit redbl garri and took it last night. ;)



Lol? All you did is continuing denying that your sea is bigger and stacked, despite that is tanking and playing like mag. Then conveniently change the direction of the topic to something irrelevant, then selectively quoting things out of context to make irrelevant arguments. That's fallacy.

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> @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

> Now, hod took back homebl keep and bg took back smc, hod still got t3 sos bay.

> I don't see the pattern of homebl ignored.


> Not sure why people like to talk about pattern, is silly. This isn't math with identity logical data. This is human driven with emotion. Quite obvious that we not the kind of server that just tank.


I hope Chaba can discern another common pattern about HOD sea. [Time] doesn't even WvW.

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> @"BlueMelody.6398" said:

> I am absolutely baffled that the Emergency Relink Thread was closed as a "matchup thread" (which it wasn't remotely), and yet this one lives on. It's like some threads are closed as soon as they even mention servers or transfers at all, while others that create arguments about specific matchups (like this one) are allowed to fester on. I have absolutely no idea what constitutes a "matchup thread" anymore.


I'd postulate that the mod is thoroughly fed up with BG and JQ's constant petitions for special dispensation when they lose.

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hope anet will set pop like this:


players reset home every 2 months.


anet opens up 3 worlds.


worlds are open based on timezone. so unless it is your timezone, you dont get prior it y if que


until all worlds are capped, no other worlds open.


so we can have like 1 tier only or as many as 6 depending on the situation



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I try to help Chaba I make link thread My server not winning Cheating or Anet fault. I good player on good server. I talk about fight when I lose match (and also after fake throw match) I always outnumbered and better fight server. If I lose it because Im outnumbered or server is or some other bull shit excuse. Excuse is like ostial oriface, we all got one at birth. I want to go to the big ktrain, my mom says I can use her credit card if step dad not know. Is it BG against Hod? SoR says it them at that they not get transfers from JQ. I think SoR is same trolls from 4 weeks ago. Maybe JQ just hug them and let their server implode? I doubt they would ever do this more than once. BG had always out manipulated JQ and beat their asses. Please make JQ leave SoR and HoD and let SoR do what it has always done and let HoD be. Let the trolls be trolls and let them be sucking hind tit for another year.

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Last weeks reset SoR had all maps queued with 272 waiting in queue.

This weeks reset, even with PvE events, SoR had all maps queued with 184 waiting.


It's just an obnoxious volume of players. The dev's even opened SoR again this week.

We really could use some new dev's that'll bring in a fresh perspective on WvW.

The modes going to implode with this level of inequality week after week.

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> @"Chaba.5410" said:

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/pBm9wgf.jpg "")

> That looks familiar.... Almost as if Desert BL for the red team in a PPT-heavy environment isn't an advantage...


> Gratz on being the new Blackgate with the OG BG helping you along!


The problem is, Red BL is hard to keep under control because of how many people avoid it. HoD /SoR is so fat, they enter the boredom phase. Also both HoD/SoR and BG have guilds known to accept Red BL for what it is, and have no problems dedicating time to it. Whereas on Kaineng thats simply not the case. In every match up red BL becomes extremely important simply because it's avoided and either becomes a PPT soak as home map, or some quick assault PvD place that gives you minutes as a window to attack.


Timezones nonNA of servers that are well populated tend to have multiple forces which makes it easier to defend maps like Red BL. Obviously the higher you climb the higher the population. HoD and it's combination destroy the threshold.


A huge reason as to why it's hard to make ground in Tier 1 is because you're red coming up. Depending on who is first and second even, the task could seem daunting. For instance BG/SoS/ + one other. So Yeah, its normal to see this happening. Kaineng is no different than FA in that coming in to Tier 1 against the biggest fattest servers being red will be a up hill battle.


I can't say HoD needs any help from and *OG BGers* they are simply fat enough on their own.

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> @"DeWolfe.2174" said:

> Last weeks reset SoR had all maps queued with 272 waiting in queue.

> This weeks reset, even with PvE events, SoR had all maps queued with 184 waiting.


> It's just an obnoxious volume of players. The dev's even opened SoR again this week.

> We really could use some new dev's that'll bring in a fresh perspective on WvW.

> The modes going to implode with this level of inequality week after week.


Need some new devs? that really insulting and not needed as they are busting their asses for this game man. They aren't perfect but they are truly showing that they are indeed trying. Perhaps if you feel so down and out you should just quit the game and take a breather. It's completely obvious they've identified the issue and is working to solve the issue. Servers opening and closing work off a threshold that's largely watched over and automated with a formula. Its well known that the formula doesn't allow for balance as expected simply because mass player movement can happen after a relink. This is the very same scenario that has created the combination of servers between

Kaineng and SoR. ArenaNet has told us about alliances, which by their standard would prohibit this type of movement in the first place.


ArenaNet is trying to fix the system itself and not this specific problem caused by the broken system. This specific problem will settle itself in the next 5 weeks and in the mean time ArenaNet should just keep progressing as they are, in efforts of fixing the system.

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> @"DeWolfe.2174" said:

> > @"MaLeVoLenT.8129" said:

> > It's completely obvious they've identified the issue

> > ArenaNet is trying to fix the system


> What would be identified as the specific "issue" as you described?

> Outside of deleting worlds from World versus World that is.


Wich basicly is rebrand on servers for alliances, and more free jumping from alliance to alliance.

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Bandwagoning in mass is stopped in alliances. It would now only happen after the 2month period within the formation period. Transfers while a season is going on is greatly restricted. So for instance what you experience now is people restacking after a re evaluation. With Alliances you can't do that.

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